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Look, Sargent, you’ll be the man behind me. When the green light comes on, if you could just tap me alright? The green light will be next to you sir. Just do it! That’s an order.


I was always curious about this scene. Was it just due to nerves?


I took it that he was colorblind and lied about it to get in the paratroopers. No idea if that’s correct.


That's a good theory. My original thought was that he'd have his eyes closed


Mine as well. Not so much nerves as fear of heights or a combination. Doesn't really matter as if you look into it there are an atrocious amount of errors concerning the characters. Dike was not incompetent and a coward. Blithe fought in Korea and died in '67 not '48. Sobel wasn't inept and jumped into Normandy. Still a great series. It got a lot of people interested and we're still talking about it 23 years later 😊


That’s always been my theory as well. He would have been disqualified because of it even tho he was capable of everything else.


Interesting take but he wouldn't need to see the correct color to note that the first light has gone off and the second bulb has come on. Fairly certain it was due to nerves.


Brilliant writing. Those of us who don’t know anything about him think it’s nerves. Those of us who do know he’s colorblind will recognize it’s nerves and colorblindedness.


You guys don't know anything about him either, don't be weird.






Most likely correct, I'm a paratrooper and thought the same when I watched it. Being colorblind is a disqualifier for Airborne School.


I was a paratrooper too. All night jumps...


😂 Same. Ear plugs helped too, cut down on the sensory overload.


Yep that was it. Being colorblind takes you out of the running for most of the combat arms career fields.


That’s what I thought, too.


The first training event I had when fast-roping from 60 feet I also needed the guy behind to tap. I am very afraid of heights but always worked through that phobia. The tap was just to get my mind and body moving. After training, I didn't need the que. But, it's mostly all mental.


“90 percent mental the other half is physical” -Random drill sergeant.


Probably just nerves. My first ever jump was solo freefall and I needed a tap from the JM to let go. It's weird to say it this way, but I really wanted to jump, I just didn't want to *fall.* Hanging outside the plane a lot of lizard brain was telling me not to let go. The tap reminded me I was jumping, not falling, and from there you just fall back on training and go.


Yep. The book mentioned something along the lines of if you froze up in the door frame and missed out on your jump you’d have one more chance to jump; if you failed to do so a second time you’d be kicked out of the Airborne. I’m sure that guy you’re referencing A) didn’t want to fail out of jump school (I mean you’re going against all of your human self preservation instincts jumping out of a plane) and B) when it came time to jump into a combat zone, he wouldn’t be able nor have time to hesitate and clog up the rest of the stick in that situation either with a little shove from behind.


I just assumed he had his eyes screwed shut. And needed the tap to lnow when to go.


Honestly I always just took it as "LTs be retarded as fuck sometimes". Cause they be in charge of dudes who have been in the army for years after like 6 months lmao


has a jump date been announced? The festival schedule notes there’s a concert in St. Mere-Eglise on the 4th led by the cast and potentially Damien Lewis at 2100.


Looks like there are two jump dates, June 3 and 8th, per the article. They'll be jumping from a C-47 used on D-Day as well!


Thank you! skimmed the article but must have missed that. Jetlag is kicking my ass. Should have some good content to share in the coming weeks. Curahee!


The D-Day Squadron has multiple veteran C-47s and converted DC-3s (Placid Lassie, That’s All Brother, Screaming Eagle, Ready 4 Duty, and Western Airlines) alongside a group called Aerolegends UK that has one C-47 (RAF Pegasus) in England prepping for the jumps this week. They’ll be making the Channel crossing this Sunday the 2nd along with various jumps and flypasts all week If you’re in England at all this weekend, I highly recommend visiting the IWM Duxford airfield Friday-Sunday Source: crew with squadron


It just dawned on me I now live an hour away from Taccoa. Idk if I can run 3 miles up, 3 miles down tho


After I visited it, my understanding was they didn't run the trail in the real world but marched it (sometimes double time). I could be wrong though!


Cool. Wish they had Damian Lewis and Ron Livingston though.


"Time to rewatch BoB. Who's with me? *We stand alone together.*


Would love to watch this live, maybe one day.


Now that's cool!