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started shaving around 14 and by 16 was too hairy for my own good. i heard hair genes for men come from your mums side so you’re better off looking at the men on that side of the family


Yeah, my uncles have beards and they’re pretty hairy too. I just hope my facial hair comes out soon.


I wouldn't worry about it my man. My shit was patchy as hell throughout highschool while most of my friends had full beards. Mine only came into itself after i graduated. Seems to be like wine. Only gets better with age.


That’s good to know


My dad was able to grow a full thick bushy beard.  My brother can't at all.  I started having a full beard my freshman year of school.  However,  I'm going bald and my brother is not.  Sometimes it's nice sometimes it's not. 


My guy youre 14 years old. If you’re gonna have a full beard it’s not gonna be right now dude. Just have some patience and you’ll get there


Woah I never heard the moms side thing but that’s so true. My hair and beard are much more like my mom’s dad than anyone on my dad’s side.


I've heard to look at your grandfather on your mom's side in order to predict your probability of hair loss. It held true for me.


I'm sure it's helpful, but it's really an incredibly complex set of genetic combinations from too many variables to pin it on one person.


I agree with this. My dad's dad was half Cherokee and I never saw him with a beard. My dad could never grow a good beard, it always came in patchy. On the other hand my mom's dad and brothers all had full thick beards. My brother and I have always had great beards.


I was 18 when I started shaving and 19 when I grew a goatee. Went full beard about 7 years ago and I'm 43 years old. You just have to give your beard time and be patient.


Yours became spectacular!


43 -7 = 36 years old when he went full beard. You're welcome.


25 lol


I started to grow mine the day my father passed away on 2nd of December 2018 (27 years old when he passed away, 32 now). It kind of felt like was either a rite of passage to become a man or to grow it and hold my grief there. He never had a beard. I haven’t been clean shaven since though.


I like this a lot for some reason. Feels like a sort of tribute to your father. 🙏


2016. I was working with a fella who was tired of shaving and decided to let his grow, I thought fuck it why not and did same. Haven't shaved since then. It's 1/3 down my chest but I have a massive problem with shedding and it hasn't really lenghtened in 2-3 years


Bro he was asking what age it came in not what year bahaha


April 8th, 2016. 7:13pm. We were just sitting down to dinner. A real inconvenience too, it was sloppy Joe night. And just… BOOM. Beard.


Started shaving at 15. Never really let it grow out until I was 22


When I stopped shaving


I had a scraggly beard at 14. By 20 I had a full beard but the hair on my head started falling out 🤷🏻‍♂️


This sounds so familiar.


Are you me? I have a beard that grows like weeds and the hair growth of a mouldy egg 😂




Starting coming in around 15 y/o couldn't grow a full beard til mid 20's though.


My dad could grow a full, thick beard in just a couple weeks. It takes me a few months. Never tried until a couple years ago because it grows so slowly.


I didn’t grow a full thick beard until I was about 23. The rest of my body has hardly any hair which is strange. I’ve met women with more body hair than me lol


Later 20s when all the gaps started filling in


My beard didn’t fully grow in until I was 22. I had a Stache and goatee before that. Genetics are unpredictable. My father has a patchy beard. My younger brother can’t grow one at all. Mine isn’t patchy at all


I never really got my beard until a few years ago and then one day we just clicked and have been best buddies since:




At age 18 it was pretty bushy from trying to grow it out as long as I can, pushing chin hair up to my nose. Got tired of looking homeless though and got rid of it


25-26 to get a full bear with no patches.


Turning 26 in two months. I always grew patchy. In December I started working out and eating healthy. Haven’t shaved since then and I have the fullest beard I’ve ever had. Don’t know if it just waited that long to come through or if my lifestyle change has something to do with it.


Junior year of college. No Shave November 2008. Grew an awesome beard and never looked back.


I could of had a beard in high school but I kept shaving, then I did the abe Lincoln beard when I was 18 ish (which if we’re being truthful I did not have the facial structure for). Then around 19 I did the full beard experience.


21 and it’s pretty thick now. It started coming in when I was 19




For me at 13-14 (Hormone problems)


I started needing to shave when I was 15, or 16. I actually decided to let my beard grow during COVID when I was 26 because we were wearing masks all the time, anyway. I’ve discovered that the best my genes can do is give me a short goatee. But I do like it. People say you just have to be patient, but idk bro. When I try to let the rest grow out it just genuinely looks like crap lmao


I started shaving when I was 13, when my grandfather gave me an electric razor because I already had a face full of hair. The more I shaved the hair on my face the thicker and more full it got. By 15 I had a goatee and mustache.


Started shaving around 16… not regularly tho. That wasn’t until like 19 or 20. Couldn’t grow a full beard til late 20s. Finally did it at 30. I’m 53 now and still have it and it’s about at manly as it gets.


I think hair is genetically determined by your maternal grandfather


I was maybe 30. Workplace wouldn't let me have sideburns. But the rules said nothing about beards


I had a full beard by 16 and by 19 I was losing hair on my head. Now at 24 I’m bald with a pretty good beard


7th grade bro


mine came in lightly in my late teens early 20’s and progressively grew thicker into my late 20’s, early 30’s


Goatee was high school/college, full beard was mid 30s. Now I go back and forth. My father was seasonal with his beard also.


Age 14


Chin strap and side burns 13. It didn’t fully connect until 17.


Started to shave in college, beard wasn’t full till late 30s


I think mine grew really thick in my late 20s. From my dads genes


Mine didn't really hit me until my late 20s and now I can't control it. It has overtaken my face


Came in at 15, full beard by 18, hair peaked at 22, slowly gaining patches at 27 😂


It doesn't matter what your dad had, I started shaving at 15 probably and it took till I was about 20 to start getting a full beard but it's still not thick, it's getting there though. One of my friends though cant grow it at all, only way I can tell is really if you have like even the smallest stubble or you can see where the hair is trying to grow, your beard will probably come in. And just be happy being you man, if not having a thick beard is your worry, I'm sure you'll be fine bro👏👍💪


I started shaving about once a week at age 13. By age 17 I had a full- coverage beard up to my cheekbones. I have a love-hate relationship with all the facial (and chest) hair I have. Right now I have only an English style mustache, which I wax, and long hair to my shoulder blades. No beard since the lockdown.


Not sure if genetics or not but my family is norwegian and all the males got their beards pretty early I was growing a decently even and full beard by the time I was 15.


I’m almost 30 and can’t grow a full beard only thing I can get is a little goatee and that doesn’t connect from my mustache to my chin it’s just mustache soul patch and chin that grown nice wish it would grow longer but it never does I don’t even trim it


My father cant grow one & I got mine like age 16 lol


Loved playing with my hair, which I started losing at 23. Now I play with my bushy red beard, currently at my diaphragm.


Pretty much as soon as I graduated from high school. It was bizarre that it was the summer immediately after graduation. My body just said “okay you’re a man now I guess.” I’ve had a full beard ever since.


Fucking 13. I have a fucking 4-tone Viking beard of the most awesome persuasion but got damn man it’s itchy as hell. You can have it.


19 nothing 20 could shave twice a day it varies


My facial hair really came in during high school. I loved the fact that as a junior I could grab my goatee with a fist and the bottom hairs would stick out of my hand. It also helped me skip school because I never once got asked if of my age. And it was always full never patchy. It’s a slow growing hair, but full and thick so I guess I’ll take the trade off.


Genes are very complicated. They can play off on each other. Body hair and eye color are examples. I’m pretty hairy my older brother isn’t. I’ve had a bushy moustache since age 16. He can only grow the saddest one. I have a hairy chest and he has none.


Started shaving around 16, had thin facial hair till 25 or so. Grew first beard around 30 sides were thin, I'm 40 now and sides have filled in pretty well. Both dad and uncle on dad's side had full beards around 25. Not sure about mom's side never seen any men with facial hair on moms side. Don't think they even knew if they could grow beards.


Fifteen. Looked like shit for 7 years. I should have kept shaving until 22.


Started shaving in 5th grade, was able to grow a full beard by 8th grade.


I started shaving probably around 13 or 14, and started growing out a little chinstrap/patch, (looking back, I have NO idea why I thought that looked cool, it was just a good-sized patch on my chin 😂) And when I was going through bootcamp/MOS training, i had to start shaving twice a day. I absolutely hated it. So I can't truly say, because when I got out and decided I didn't want to shave everyday anymore, it just sorta, *poofed,* and I had a full beard.


Started shaving at 14-15 had a full beard at 17 . Let it grow but didn't look after it ... Shaved it ... Didn't let it grow until 22 . Closing in on 25 .. two years since the last shave .. but I get it cut by a barber and look after it.. it's awesome now


In 7th or 8th grade so I guess I was about 13-14.




For most folk it starts during, or shortly after puberty


I couldn't grow a full beard until I was 26.


When I was born


When I was born


I use to shave almost everyday until some time in my mid to late 20’s. Just kinda said “I wonder what I’d look like with a beard” and never went back. The deal sealer was my fiancé (now wife) loves it.


Mine was finally full enough to look good at 18. People thought I was in my mid to late 20s haha


There are so many factors here. I never saw my dad with more than two days growth, and that was when he died. My grandfather had a really thick beard, one of my uncles had a really thick beard, my beard didn’t grow in until I was 40. Genetics does play a strong role, but there are no guarantees. Best thing you can do is eat a healthy diet, make sure you stay hydrated, and a little exercise doesn’t hurt.


Grew it out on accident when I was 22 bc shaving was irritating my skin and two weeks later I had a full beard. I’m guessing I coulda grew it out a few years before that but I never tried.


Got my chin pubes at 15. By 17 I could do a solid Abe Lincoln. Stash came in last, and not super thick, around 19. I'd say I had my first, real, non-embarrassing attempt at a full beard by 20.


Started shaving every few day at 14, full beard by 16. I'm hairy as all hell though everywhere lol.


I'm only here because I love hearing men talking about manly things and their manhood! 😏 Ooooo! 🥴


16 I had a fairly decent beard but wasn't very full on my cheeks and dad always told me to shave where you want your beard to grow which I'm pretty sure is a myth and it was just genetics but it worked for me


Around 16/17-ish years? At least when I started shaving... for full grown beard around 20's and I've barely have fully shaven a few times.


I'm 38 and still just have a thick goatee and no cheek hair. Goatees are for magicians and villains, so I rock a solid stache. I'm not holding my breath for a thick beard any time soon.


Depends on your moms side of the family as well. My beard is pure white because of my moms side of the family but my beard thickness comes from my dads side. My dad always laughs about how white my beard is (it's full white...like Santa Claus white) while his is still about half brown. Also even then it depends. Neither of my younger brothers can grow what I'd consider a "good" beard. So it's not just genetics but also the individual person.


23, but i used minoxidil on my beard for 2+ years


Started getting facial hair at 17, but there were baldish spots on each side of my face for a while. My beard didn’t grow completely thick and full until I was around 26/27, now I can grow a beard many men would envy.


Once my beard started growing, I kept a long goatee. V I cut it down when I was about 23, but let it grow again into the V. At this point I would cut it down here and there. I was around 26 when I started to let it grow into the beard I'm known for now. I've cut it down a few times, regretted it every time lol. I haven't completely shaved it in about six years. I have trimmed and shaped it and had it at various lengths. I've pretty much had a beard from when I was 16. I'm 37 now.


Mine started coming in heavy in the past decade. Most of my teens and 20s was a patchy mess of a beard attempt.


Started growing sideburns by 16 and almost developed full beard by the age of 24 barring some patches near the chin


Started at 14 but maximum thickness and coverage definitely early twenties.


I started shaving off the scraggly Little bits that didn't amount to much around 17, I wasn't really able to get a full beard going until I turned 20


I was a baby face until about 30. I said fuck it and let it go, full red beard now




joke scale stocking slim skirt live unite far-flung voracious compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Couldn't grow a real thick beard till 30 I think. Or, I never tried to.


25. Started a no shave november with coworkers at bestbuy. I got a lot of compliments so I said eh let's keep it. I kept it short for a few years and then I wanted it longer so I grew it out and got a barber to make it look nice. Been that way since.


I couldn’t grow a decent full beard until my early twenties.


I hit an old gypsy woman with my car and with her dying breath she touched my face and whispered "beard."


I was around 17 when I could grow a full beard. Haven’t had a clean shaven face since.


Like mid twenties so 24-26


I had a goatee instead at that time but I'm pretty sure I could have done it by 17.


I don't remember when facial hair started but my Dad and I do not share facial hair genetics or any hair genetics for that matter. My Dad can grow a moustache but not a beard. I can though but it took me a while to get there. Some guys can grow a beard in high school, some not until their 30s. I couldn't grow a beard until I was in my upper 20s and didn't start really wearing facial hair until my 30s.


I started shaving around age 15-16, but wasn’t able to grow a full thick beard until around age 21


Started shaving when I noticed the incoming mustache looked awful at 15; stayed clean-shaved for jobs until my early/mid-thirties, but I had a beard-shadow by 18.


15 or 16 when I had a beard 🤔


Early 20s. Didn't start really growing until I was 24 due to military.


I suppose I really got it when I was just a protozoa


I was complete and full at 18yo.


Had a full beard at around 17-18 y/o


Still growing my beard at 23


I'm 27 and can only grow a goatee. No hair on any of my cheeks.


I had basically nothing until I was 19 and then by 20 had full beard. 


I was about 16 when I had my first patchy facial hair. I had a full beard and mustache by 18. That being said, everyone is different. Just be patient and take good care of your skin and it will come in in no time.


My beard hair wasn't very dark or full until about 19 or 20. When I was 20 I interrupted my studies at the University of Calgary and went to the Yukon territories to live for a year. I lived, "On the marge of Lake LeBarge, where I cremated Sam McGee") Up there they have an old tradition that all men grow beards in the Winter to become a "sourdough" You grow your beard as soon as the Yukon river freezes over. You shave it when the Yukon river is fully thawed (though many kept their beard, as I did).The women seemed to love it and it made me look a little older and more experienced when I started teaching at 23 years old. I kept that short full brown beard for decades until it started to turn to grey, then converted to a short goatie that I still keep today (all white now). I always shaved my neck. I tried being clean shaven once or twice but my wife was used to me with facial hair so she wanted it back.


I’m 42 and still can’t grow a thick full beard 🙄. Have had my testosterone levels checked and those are in the high normal range. A beard just isn’t in the cards for me I guess.


Started to grow serious thick beard hair at around 16. I didn’t like it because i looked 32 while in high school. At some point in my 20’s I accepting it and I haven’t seen my bare chin since


I didn’t even know I could grow one until I tried one time when I was 28. Up until that point it had been all patchy and gross so I kept shaving so I wouldn’t look disheveled and it’s not as patchy anymore but it’s not super full.


I started shaving at 14 and was able to grow a beard pretty well by 17 but it was probably 25 before all the patchy spots filled in


25-26 years old


Started at 14, a bit of fluff above my lip. At around 16-20 start to grow the sides and chins a bit but I only started to grow a full beard once I got with my partner before my 21st. The only thing I have trouble with growing between my stache and the rest of beard to look connected


I was struggling with wisps at 19 but around 21 I was finally able to grow full coverage on my face.


I didnt start growing one until I was 21. Before, always had a long goatee as I guess I thought I was either Jeff Bagwell or James Hetfield. Around 21 shaved everything off and just started letting it grow...went 11 years and then shaved it off for a job interview (in reality I fucked up trimming it). Got the job and have had one again for the past 9 years. Due to having curly hair, mine does not really get length (about 7 inches from face has been the max), but it is very thick.


Mustache at 14. Triangular shaped hair on my chin at 16. Hair on my cheeks(heh) around 20. Thick hair on my face that grows back a few hour after shavin at 24. If i let my facial hair grow for a month, its a nice beard, 5 months and im a mountain man. Ive yet to let it grow for longer than 5 months but i really want to.


I started shaving at 14 but I don’t have a full grown beard until 19-20 years old. I used to only shave my mustache and chin but when I started shaving my cheeks the hair became more prominent. Dont rush it and enjoy the journey. God bless.


On solving your lack of a beard, you should try putting peppermint and avocado oil on where you want your beard to be. You have to be consistent with it though. I have heard that the oils “awaken” dormant hair follicles.




Full beard came in at 30 and I’ve had it ever since. Same thing with chest hair 😂. Patience is key sometimes


I couldn’t grow for shit when I joined the Navy at 21. Just retired and rocking a full beard now at 45.




High school. This current one in 2008. Started growing at the day I was laid off. Was full in a few weeks.


I’m 33 and within the past two years have finally been able to grow a full, long beard. Idk if they actually work but there’s bears oils and lotions with growth supplements in them. Maybe something to check out.


I started growing a beard after I got carded for a bang energy drink.


First few hairs around 12 or so, needed regular shaving at about 14, not because it was thick but because it was spotty and looked like crap until it all started connecting about age 16-17. Had acne on my neck and upper lip like a sonuvagun because of it during those years too.


Mine didn't start growing in like a real man until I was almost 30


Around 25ish, and still developing nicer and nicer in my early 30s


You may or may not get your dads genes in that area basically. Everything about our DNA is a mix from both parents, so it’s always basically a wheel spin on how your genetic profile winds up.


Didn’t need to shave until ~18. Beard didn’t really come in and look good until -25.


They used to say you inherit your hair from your mom's side of the family. I have heard that isn't true. For example my dad had no chest hair but I have a lot. My brother doesn't have near as much hair on his chest. But they both have more hair on top of their head. I can grow a very full beard.


I didn't get solid coverage until like 30


I had a mustache at 14, freshman in high school Or thought I did Came back for sophomore year and a couple teachers remarked that I had grown a mustache over the summer. Nope I had it all last year. At 17 my mom baked my choir teacher a chocolate cake. He gave me a part in the school musical that required me to shave my beard and mustache. lol


Started minoxidil when I was 19, back in 2019. Decent enough beard by the end of 2022.


Mine didn’t totally fill in until I was 22 or 23 and continued to thicken up until I was about 25 or so. I have a very full, thick beard now.


By 16 I had a babyface with a full beard. Shaved it until I was 18, then just accepted reality.


I'm in my 30s and it's starting to look better but I still can't grow a mustache or soul patch hair, whatever is called. So basically Amish style lol


Never, I am 28 and have chin hair, mustache hair and a few hairs on my cheeks and that’s it


Late 20's early 30's. Late bloomer...


I get a lot more facial hair now in my 30’s than I ever did from like 15-29; it’s just all in the wrong places to make for a good looking beard lol. My moist ache doesn’t connect to my chin beard and my chin stuff is just meh looking.


Right after I ate my first slice of pie, it’s been growing with every slice ate since!




By 15 I’d say.


Well I’m 26 and have yet to grow a beard.


As a teenager it was fairly patchy. Just bad looking sideburns and a spot on my chin. Wasn't until maybe 21 or 22 it really filled in and became a nice beard.


Full beard came in 19/20ish


I was born with this


It really came in after I was prescribed testosterone lol 


I had to shave at 13, was clean shaven through 21 due to military obligations. 21-30, been rocking a beard.


I started shaving my face around 14 (mostly just long sideburns that went all the way down to my jawline). By 16 those sideburns started connecting to pretty thick chin hair but it wasn't quite a full beard yet. By 18-20 I had a full thick beard, but even at almost 40 I still find new hairs growing out and/or getting thicker, so don't ever give up hope.


I stopped shaving the day I graduated high school and, other than a 1 month period before I graduated vet school, I've had a beard since then. I don't remember shaving much in high school, and I don't remember how often I shaved to keep the beard away.


12 years old


I didn't grow a full beard until I was 24. Oddly enough it was after my wife got pregnant with our first.


Had patchy for years and not until I finally let it grow out mid 30s that it looked like a full beard


Your dad might not be your dad.


I was 12 1/2 at the Shriners Hospital. I was inpatient on/off for about 5 years.


I was able to grow a chinstrap when I was ending high school, which, upon reflection, looked absolutely terrible. It wasn't until my mid-to-late 20's that I could really grow a thick beard.


Started having to shave when I was 16ish, but it was patchy as Helmand pretty thin. Didn’t merit really grow out till I was 19, and it still looked way to thin. Now I’m 24 and I have flinging clean shaven. Here’s the thing about it tho. My hair still doesn’t grow in all that thick to start. I had to shave most of ist down to the skin the other month (fucked up major with the clippers) and confirmed my old theory held true. When I go clean shaven I need to give it some time to get thick before I let it grow. The only way I can do that is by using my clippers regularly to keep it short but Not clean shaven for at least a month before I can let it grow out with any significance. No guarantee itll work that way for you, but It couldn’t hurt to try it out


my father was very hairy with a very thick beard, however I had very little body hair and didn't start shaving until I was 18 my beard got thicker until I was about 30


Do you shave regularly? It usually grows back stronger when you start shaving.


As the 7th son of a 7th son, I was bequeathed my family's ancient hirsute legacy on my 13th name day. Though the burden was enormous, I rose to the challenge, and I have worn my progenitors' birthright with pride ever since. So, about 13 years old, then when I realized I couldn't grow a decent beard, I didn't try again until my early 20's.


Always disliked my facial hair because it's not real heavy. I've noticed that lots of guys with really shifty beards grow it out anyhow. I shave daily and so does my lady, just a bit lower.


I'm 39 and still not sure you can call what I can grow a beard. I just have sorta ok mutton chops, some semi bare spots that connect to my chin tuft, and typically shave my mustache. I shave out the bare spots between my chin tuft and muttons and my neck just to make me look slightly less homeless


I was always told I wouldn't be able to grow a beard, so I always shaved. I'm 46 years old. Last November, since I was laid off from work, I stopped shaving for no shave November. Turns out I can grow a beard. It's not super thick, but the coverage is fine. It's only been a few months, but I'm enjoying the experiment.




I was born with a full beard


27 and I'm still waiting


Started shaving my mustache early, was just turned 11. Had pretty much a full beard by 13 and looked fully grown by 15. I even drove and went to liquor stores and bought liquor at 15, and continued to do so without ever being carded until I was 21. Keep in mind your beard genetics come from both parents, not just your dad, so you may or may not have a beard similar to his but may be more similar to your mother's dad or any brothers she may have.




Within the last year or so. I’m turning 27 in a couple of weeks,


No men in my family have facial hair... except me, I can grow a modest beard about a 1-1.5in long. It may come it may not, but dont put too much emphasis on it.


I couldn’t grow facial hair well until I was like 17 or so. And even then I only grew like a chin strap because it was cooler 20 years ago lol. I couldn’t grow a proper full beard until about 21 or so.


After the Army


I don’t have a beard rn but a pretty strong goatee at 19. Can grow mean sideburns but shave them bc it doesn’t connect. Seems like everyone has the same story


You just can’t sweat it, man. It will come or it won’t. Most likely, it will. Just keep using a trimmer (not razor shaving) and it will do its itchy fucking thing. Don’t do any silly treatments. I’ve had a lot of crazy cosmetologist gf’s and they all say, to just like stimulate the areas you want to grow in. Like rubbing your face and shit.


I was able to grow a patchy goatee around the time I turned 19 or 20, but that was it. My dad has decent facial hair genetics, but for some reason I was not able to grow as much as him. Around age 29 I decided to use minoxidil on my face, and after about 6-7 months of use I was able to grow a full beard that I’ve kept since.


for a connected beard, i’d say 22. im 24 now and its full and dense


22 and it went from patchy, to duck dynasty


I couldn't grow a beard until around 26 or 27.


I tried around 22/23, and it just grew thick around my jawline and goatee area, and my then girlfriend didn't like how scruffy it felt, so I shaved. Sometime after that was over, in my mid twenties, I just stopped shaving for months. I looked in the mirror with it one day and thought, "This would look good if I cleaned it up, gelled it down, and did something about this disappearing hairline." So I shaved my head, did my research, learned to keep my own beard, tried some products, and it's been about seven years now, and I've kept it well.


I kept that manicured 5’clock shadow look for a long long time. Sometime in my mid-late 20’s it became an actual beard and it looked like it fit me. The funny thing is it wasn’t until my late 30s that I realized that after my wife finally mentioned how thin it looks to her from a down angle (do the math) and I pointed out to her that that is my own perspective on it. I don’t get to see its fullness the way she does. I just see a narrow jawline with a rather thin layer of hair acting like three kids in a trench coat attempting to cover it