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I think she picked up the phrases on TikTok or somewhere and figured she’d try to look cool by knowing the trendy new slang. It very much has the vibe of “how do you do fellow kids” and I don’t believe she has any clue that those phrases are AAVE.


Angela isn’t a native English speaker so that’s possibly her trying to assimilate to the US and not knowing implications of certain things like that. I forget that about her until she busts out with things like “teenage mutant ninya turtles” and then I’m like oh, right!


This is the correct answer. She picks up whatever she thinks comes across as "something native speakers are saying these days".


Swedes speak in American pop culture. Even in a conversation that is completely in Swedish. It’s jarring and distracting.


She was always trying to look cool by using certain phrases. "I am that bitch" was one of the more ridiculous ones. Her whole spiel is to just throw around "cool" phrases and make faces, that's what her new make up video in essence is. Lots of talking without really saying much.


Verbal filler...that's a good way to put it. I just don't have the attention span for most videos these days especially ones with a lot of talking but not really getting to the point, or not saying much like you said. I really don't have the patience for ones where the creator clearly doesn't seem prepared or is just winging it as they go. If it's a smaller creator I think they figure their fans don't care, they will watch whatever they put out, maybe or they might tire of it very quickly.


What bugs me most is the constant reminder that all the products are linked below. “Support the channel”. The whole idea of these videos is promotion of products. It’s advertising. The concept these influencers are trying to force on their viewers is : I am creating this amazing content, that you can watch for free (because your time and personal data YouTube collects is worthless ofc), so it is expected that you will pay me with affiliate link money I will earn, when you purchase the products I am talking about. Basically they want you to be grateful to them, because they are advertising to you, in an “entertaining” way. It’s just mind boggling to me how many people actually think this concept is justifiable.


Perfectly put. See I'm the type to do the opposite. Sure, clicking on their links is easier but since I know that's what they expect out of me I exit out then Google the product. The joke's on them because they're not playing me lol.


Yes...good point. Agree with what you are saying.


It do be SOUNDING RLLY UNNATURAL. I’ve seen she gets the syntax wrong sometimes. Even though AAVE isn’t standardised it has still developed sentence structure and grammar and sometimes she uses it incorrectly


People used to do that with the clap emoji, too, using it off-beat. They copy what they see online, but don't quite have it down.


It's not abnormal for ESL speakers to absorb what they hear. Mostly online. So they pick up AAVE thinking it's simply internet slang. Because they don't know the origins of the phrases. Angelica has been criticized in the past for saying "not my journey" a lot which I think most people here would associate with Manny MUA. She most likely picked it up watching his videos.  Look at the words gyatt and rizz, said by every white 10 year old on Fortnite. Gyatt isn't even the original phrase, it was just "god damn" and has been reduced to gyatt which is a reaction to a very attractive woman, usually with a big butt. So somehow it went from a reaction to a noun - a gyatt is a woman with a big ass - because white people co-opted the phrase and it's connotation.  Rizz has also been transformed by white people, it meant a charismatic man and now it's just a nonsense word that is even used to mean anti-charisma, lack of charm.  Basically she's online all the time and picks it up from the internet. This is common with people who are not from the US and learn their slang online. There are a lot of drag queens who has been called out for this, for sounding and acting like caricatures of black women.   


Housebound Gen X American here, *I* thought "not my journey" was just young people/internet slang too! I wouldn't have had the slightest idea that it was originally AAVE, my whole context for new language is being online.


I'm not sure if not my journey is AAVE, I was using it as an example of Angelica using phrases she's heard from others. 


I’ve noticed her saying that repeatedly too. I’ve just chalked it up to the fact that English is not her native language.


AAVE is not a result of speaking a different language...


But ESL can make it hard to know what the connotations of her use of the phrase is. She’s from a foreign country and may pick up on certain phrases she hears. Or maybe the syntax doesn’t sound off to her because again, it’s a language she’s still learning the ins and outs of. Just an angle to consider. EDIT: mistakenly wrote she lives in a foreign country when I meant to say she’s from a foreign country.


That's was my thought as a ESL speaker who has had that happen


She lives in Texas?


Yes. Sorry I meant to write from another country instead of lives in another country.


It’s also really interesting to me, I’m from Appalachia and people in other parts of the country sometimes mistake “Southern” in general for AAVE. There is definitely crossover, but they’re different. If you haven’t lived in this country, you’re not going to be able to understand nuances of every region easily.


Glad someone said it. Thank you for this!! I've noticed it and it bothers me cause she uses it excessively and sometimes incorrectly. But at the same time I get that she's from Sweden, living in Texas and probably inundated in American media. So this might be her absorbing things without quite getting the background or context. Slightly unrelated, she's also started excessively using the term "as of late". There's nothing wrong with the term. OP used it too. But hearing it like 5 times in one video annoys me for some reason.


I noticed it too. She has used it before, but this video was off the charts. Maybe she was just trying to be funny, or spiteful because someone commented about her saying it, so she did it a lot on purpose.Trolling I guess.At least we didn't get a patented " that's what she said ".


this and her upspeak has made her channel unbearable for me lately. she didn’t speak like that in the past, it’s gotten so bad over the past year or so. loved her videos but i can’t get through them anymore


Upspeak my mind immediately thinks of Eshani of totalmakeupjunkie — speaking which, I wonder what happened to Rani Cosmetics??


She tends to grab onto an Americanism and overuse it. She always has. Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I noticed this recently. Her last video she says all of these phrases over and over again, making it awkward.


I saw her go off on a couple of innocuous comments in ig. Kinda snarky. Then I worked with someone from her country and they said no one there would watch her as she had a rep as rude. I kinda lost interest in her after that.


She's not a native speaker y'all... I'm a non native too and the nightmare mix that my English it's... Laughable at times. My accent and idioms are all over the place. Sometimes I sound British, sometimes I sound Australian, it's wild. She's actively living in an English speaking country, being fed full native speaker content by the algorithm, she's gonna pick up stuff and not know how to use it or not understand the context. It makes me SO uncomfortable to see people in this post giving her shit for it and how does she dare not know attitude- this is the reason why people give up on learning a language deeper. Y'all need to understand, we're speaking your language, with a lot of effort behind us, and doing so with our own learned rules of grammar and idioms, + outside knowledge. It's one thing to kindly let someone know to look into it further, another to bash them and assume malice or "trying to look cool". It's icky y'all, I would be afraid to speak in public if I was to follow those comments for fucks sake


I didn’t get that take on it at all. Perhaps it’s a sore spot for you.




I mean, to be fair, my girlfriend is usamerican, and some of my friends too, and to be fair to them all, it's a complex issue that I can just briefly begin to grasp thanks to my (for now free) university education. They have been raised in a culture where you ARE the best as a country, no matter the cognitive dissonance. Other English speakers aren't like this (everyone has their issues) because of the cultural differences. Hell, I work as a fairer in a touristic area and even then only half of usamericans are self assured assholes, BUT that's still a lot. What I'm trying to say is, I wouldn't put them all in one bag, the same way I wouldn't want them to expect me to know their entire history. It goes both ways, y'know.


I usually avoid Reddit but got a notification for this post and had to comment! I unfollowed/unsubbed from AN months back when she used a much smaller content creators swatches and didn't credit the creator. When called out in the comments she buckled down saying that "she left the watermark on screen" but the worst part was, she was using this persons swatches to promote her own code. Not cool. She then proceeded to delete comments that made any mention of it and eventually DID credit the person in the caption. As for this recent vid... I actually watched it! I don't even know why, since I really don't enjoy her and find her so cringe. I too noticed the almost constant use of "I do be" "it do be" etc. CRINGE. I think what it really boils down to is that she's a vapid, privileged, sheltered, pompous human being with limited life experiences outside of being a "model" and traveling with her fellow privileged friends. She lacks depth of character and so tries super hard to come off as relatable.


Nailed it!


Her modeling isn't safe for work wink wink.if you really dig on other gossip forums it's there.


I just watched the video where this is very apparent and it’s quite jarring actually.


Thank you! I like her content but this has been bothering me for MONTHS. like please just stop it!


I mean, Im not an Angelica fan but I don’t think it’s fair to judge a non native english speaker for picking up a dialect that a lot of Americans use. It might be cringey but she doesn’t mean any harm by it and I think she should get a pass for this being her second language


This is a bit overwhelming to react to but wanted to share I appreciate everyone’s input and thoughts 😭


I have to imagine that people have asked about consistently saying IDEA as *I.D.* but overall, Sweden and other Scandinavian + Dutch regional countries have a reputation for the best ESL English speakers.


Which video? I unsubscribed a while ago and now I'm curious.


It's just internet speak. A lot of people adopt it, especially if you're not a native speaker and come in contact with English speakers only online. I see it in my ESL students a lot.


I stopped watching most of my old fave creators and went back this week to watch her review of the new Blend Bunny palette. Now I remember why I stopped. I can't put my finger on it but she has gotten so popular so fast with her brand and all the trips she goes on. It's just all a bit too much now and so cringe.


This is pretty typical of someone who's a non-native English speaker and spends a lot of time online, and you can't underestimate the influence that AAVE has had on how people talk on the Internet. She also lives in the American South (literally the birthplace of AAVE), so I imagine she must hear it in her day-to-day life a fair amount and picks up expressions.


Just want to share an interesting fact that this type of language is also used in Hiberno-English the English spoken in Ireland. It’s a direct translation from Irish into English. I know there’s a large Irish population in the uk so she could’ve picked it up from there?


Unpopular opinion, but to me this is a good example of cultural appropriation.


I agree


I’m with you! That’s what it has been feeling like to me


Do you mean her slang/incorrect grammar? I wonder if its geographical for her; something she picked up in Texas.


It's highly influenced by and influential to the dialects of the American South, so you could have a point. But more likely It's just the appropriation of black language and style that a lot of people on the internet are guilty of.


AAVE is not slang or 'incorrect grammar'


I just Googled AAVE, and even as an AA, I never heard of that until now. 😂


THIS! And I'd like to add, IF you're terminally online, most people would've seen conversations about this. Because some of y'all excusing her are the SAME people who will eviscerate an American creator for mispronouncing French words. Have the same energy.


Southern and aave in Texas don't intersect to much. That's mainly Virginia and Alabama.


Where did you pull this strange idea from?


I'm curious what you're basing this on--only these two states in particular. 12-13% of Texans are African American. No idea how many she interacts with on the regular, and can definitely see her attempts at AAVE as a way to appear like she's acclimating to the area. Attempt being the operative word.