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Be careful with falls! I fell once and knocked out half of my front tooth which cost me $850 to fix.


I always feel a bit woozy from Seroquel when I get up in the middle of the night. Within the first few months of taking it I I fainted. It was the middle of the night and I was standing in my living room waiting for the microwave to be done. I have low blood pressure and I didn't feel that kind of wooziness. I felt the sedation from Seroquel and that's it. I just dropped, like you. I hit my head and tailbone pretty good. It's a side effect. It may or may not happen again. I've definitely learned to be very careful when getting up in the middle of the night. I never contacted my doc about it. I survived it mostly unscathed. Edit : When I say I have low blood pressure I'm talking about 70/40 something. Really low. I have never passed out from low blood pressure. Seroquel is a different animal. You totally can pass out w/it all by itself.


I'm sorry to hear about your fall. It's possible your blood pressure got even lower from the Seroquel, which could have made you faint. Every night, after my Seroquel fully kicks in, my blood pressure gets lower than it ever used to (I take readings). Most people only have postural (orthostatic) hypotension with Seroquel, but some, like me, have regular old hypotension (until I wake up in the morning).


I know exactly the feeling you’re talking about. I just consider it to be normal and when I can feel it coming on I immediately get to bed. I didn’t think it was something to be concerned about hahaha maybe I’m just kinda dumb. Edit: You should stabilize and not get that feeling so severe after a week or two, that’s how it was for me. I still get drowsy but I’m normally an insomniac so it’s worth it to me


I take it right before I fall asleep otherwise the leg cramps kick in and keep me up. I have slowly increased my dose from 25mg to now 125mg in about 4 months. Guess I will be waking my partner up to keep watch when I have to pee in the middle of the night 😂.


Increasing electrolytes really helped my nighttime dizziness. I added salt, potassium, calcium and magnesium tablets twice a day. Also, drinking pickle juice. It also helped with the nighttime leg cramps.


Thank you! I have liquid IV powder I put in my water, but I can definitely up the amount.


How many mg of daily sodium (aside from the other electrolytes) would you say you need to ingest to prevent this symptom?


So this was a long time ago and I have since learned I had an iodine deficiency (super rare in the USA but some genetic thing probably because so do my sister and grandmother) and after supplementing with iodine I don’t get leg cramps anymore.


Oh, ok. Do you get night time dizziness and/or low blood pressure (less than 90/60)?


Not anymore, but I did. Also horrible reflux and peripheral neuropathy but they went away with iodine.


Be careful with hypotension. Now that you know what can happen, take some precautions. Example: when you wake up and want to get out of bed, sit up for a minute or two then get out of bed. Let the body get used to moving again so your blood pressure can accommodate. As far as will it go away, it does for some patients but not all. Everyone and everyone’s body is different so meds will affect people differently. Just listen to your body and if it’s a continuous problem, then I would lower the dose for sure. (Pharmacist here)


Late response but I had the side effects where the heart rate increases after taking my dose 150mg xr for a few weeks, but it went away. Now I'm feeling kind sluggish in my 3rd week, less energized, and kinda depressed, like my blood pressure is lowered and I don't feel my heart beating as hard as usual. Any advice would be appreciated, I was going to contact my psych but since the increased heart rate side effects went away, I thought it wasn't an issue


Y’all are able to wake up in the middle of the night on seroquel??? I have trouble getting up after 10 hrs of sleep sometimes




Ohh I didn’t know this medication can affect blood pressure. This is interesting. In the night when I wake up for the toilet I am sooo unsteady on my feet and feel really lightheaded, it’s like I get to the toilet (to sit down) or back to my bed just in time. I thought it was just sleepiness but now I’m wondering if it’s my blood pressure…. Hope you’re ok OP


Thank you! I have been making sure to sit up for a couple of minutes before I actually stand up, it seems to help!


Every night, unless I'm really stressed, my blood pressure gets close to or dips into hypotension after my 500 mg of Seroquel kicks in. I would take a smaller dose (or none at all) if I didn't need it to get to sleep (and help with bipolar). Doc said my systolic BP should not fall below 80 and Diastolic should not fall below 50. I don't want it anywhere close to that. Many times, my Systolic BP has gotten into the mid 70s and my Diastolic into the mid to high 50s. Even if it's a bit higher than that, I can feel very unsteady on my feet. I worry that if I don't eat enough salty stuff to get it back up, it will get dangerously, possibly fatally low in my sleep. Then, when I wake up in the morning it ranges low-normal to high (I have hypertension) and I have to take blood pressure meds to keep it from getting too high during the day and evening. It's so crazy, most of the time I only take 3/4 of my blood pressure pill and eat a lot more sodium over the course of the day to have an iota of control over this nighttime hypotension. I consider it a curse that I ever had to get on this stuff.


Contact your doc for sure.


I don’t get blood pressure issues, however I get severe tachycardia. It’s no constant, it happens 2 or 3 times a day and my heart rate will spike to 140 bpm resting for like 10-20 minutes. When I first went on it I thought I was having a heart attack. My cardiologist said it wasn’t severe and said if the meds are working for me, it’s best to stay on them. They didn’t want to give me beta blockers to help the tachycardia because they would cause depression most likely.


I take a beta blocker in the mornings for anxiety, sometimes in the afternoon, but I think I will cut that one out until I hopefully adjust.


Are you on it multiple times a day or just at night ?


Just at night