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I'm confident... That I'm gonna get rejected


Anddd that's why you will


You really think so mate?


Bruv if your always negative bad things will happen


I mean if you think so....


As real as this is I can guarantee you 90% of the people here will not listen 💀


I know😭😭




..no way you possibly managed to do all 5 of those, also takes time




At the time? You needa be like that at all times not at the time




You should always be trying, even if there's no one then you should always be trying still, that's why I said don't be desperate, it also means you should be like that most times..


Regarding Number 3. Strong yesn't. There is someone who likes every single kind of body. You don't need to be super in shape to be considered attractive, you can be well overweight and there is people that *will* be into you. I don't know if the point was exactly "Get ripped", but that's what I read it as. Another tip: If you are trying to look for someone, try doing it at places where you can expect people with similar interests to yourself, pride parades, hobby get-togethers, the like. Then you and the other person will always have at least one thing in common and that can only really help get a relationship off the ground.


I agree with that tip and what I meant was be in the body YOU want to be in, if you wanna be in a better shape then get in that shape, it'll help so much if your in your own desired body, not the body others want it as


The 2nd point I feel like is the most important. Kinda reminds me of that one quote from Tony Star in Spider-Man: Homecoming "if you're nothing without the suit then you shouldn't have it" Cos it applies to this too. Having a partner shouldn't define who you are, and if you let that define you, that's extremely unhealthy for both you, your partner, and your relationship. Having someone isn't the be all and end all. Yeah it's obviously a really nice thing to have, but that's what it should be: a nice thing to have that comes after yourself. Not the thing itself that defines you. At least, that's my opinion on it :)


This wasn't in an order of what should be focused on its just a list of things- but if I did make it a list of important that one would be no1 or no2


Oh no that's fair, I wasn't saying you did. Just thought I'd give my thoughts on it, otherwise pretty accurate list :) Shame almost no one will listen to it 😔


I know, big shame but..


Well here's hoping some do. Thoooooo personally I'd say the 3 main points to listen to are 2, 3, and 4: Don't be desperate and let them define you, work on yourself and be happy with yourself, and look after yourself. 1, and 5 are definitely important to an extent but I do know plenty of introverted people with anxiety who have had partners before (such as myself). So I'd say it's less about being confident and brave and more, be yourself and find someone who loves you for who you are. Not everyone will be able to be that confident or less afraid, after all sometimes finding that special someone can help with that. So I'd say it's more important to just be yourself, don't try change yourself and be someone you're not for someone else. Just be you and you'll find someone who loves you for you. I know you didn't ask so sorry but yeah that's my thoughts on the whole thing anyways 😅


the thing is people find comfort in relatability alot right so like for me i would wanna find a partner who struggles with the same things and our bond might be more meaningful because of that. like if im not confident and im uncomfortable in my body yea that means i might not have a high chance of finding a partner but if i do find someone then itll probably be someone who understands that about me and we might find comfort in eachother like that right? lets say i did overcome that tho and gained confidence doesnt it change who i am and then i become more generic and less myself. Like flaws define who you are yk what i mean


Yeah that's fine but I've seen alot of relationships fail because of that.. they instead of comforting eachother begin to argue about that, it can work yes but also what I said doesn't change you, it makes you a better person a bit, still you just feeling better in yourself


yea thats true