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I prefer an “i studied bitcoin” post to an “i bought bitcoin” post any day. We need people like OP educating themselves. Good work OP


for sure! Learning about Bitcoin among broad society is crucial. I loved 'Bitcoin: The Key Player' round on the Web3 Exam [bitdegree.org/missions](http://bitdegree.org/missions)


This looks like an interesting site. I’m skeptical of giving an website or service my personal info these days. Is bitdegree worth it?


Haters gonna hate man... and "I studied bitcoin" will be the best thing we did. As it s still in it s youth, use and adoption Also where I live I've recently noticed Liferando accepting pays in bitcoin and I ve checked wich companies wich do accept Bitcoin already and those who will also accept Bitcoin as a paymethod , "i studied this too", now my faith will be strong even if it's "forced" not to moon by some cheap ass entities whom intend by doing so to load em bags while Bitcoin is still "cheap" I m considering taking small loan as in a few years i know will pay itself.


You're preaching to the choir.






Sell the lambo and buy more bitcoin


Talk to the hand.


How dare you try to touch my limp penis!


The generations of Bitcoin: -Genesis Maxi -1st Halving Maxi -2nd Halving Maxi -3rd Halving Maxi -4th Having Maxi


I must be regarded I’ve been around since 2nd and still not Maxi.


> to the choir. Let's be serious, this board is beyond "the choir". A good chunk of users here are thrashing on the floor speaking in tongues as they DCA and envision a world where their 0.03 Bitcoin makes them the equivalent of a current USD millionaire.


Bitcoin is HUGE already


Yeah isn't it already the 10th largest single asset, having overtaken Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway.


Bitcoin is still 10x smaller than all of gold. It's not even worth more than all the silver. There's still plenty of room to grow and speculate.


Berkshire Hathaway is a scam. Warren Buffet died in 1998


Most here have already been on the journey you described. That's why the bitcoin community is special, a testament to hard work, inquisitiveness and resilience. Most people just can't be bothered putting in the work required to understand Bitcoin. Well done! Keep going


Any advice on how to better understand Bitcoin?


Learn how to build a node. Learn how to connect your wallet to your node. When you learn the security model of bitcoin, you better understand its incentive structure. When you understand its security model and incentive structure, you can then reflect on how difficult it is to attack it.


Sound right


Spend time here on a regular basis for years. Find a couple of trustworthy youtube gurus. Read top reviewed books. Practice buying, transferring, and storing in a hardware wallet. Essentially just participate for a few years and it will all make sense.


Read Saifedeans book, the bitcoin standard. Read Lyn Aldens book , Broken Money. Read Yan Pritzkers Inventing Bitcoin book to get a beginners feel for how bitcoin works. Probably start there. I found the saylor series on robert breedloves podcast v good. There is a bitcoin course on saylor.org and also looking glass education. All free. It's all time and effort really. 1000 hours in and you'll be a bitcoin maxi


I'm waiting on Craig Wright's book, how I created Bitcoin. Should be a page turner


First you need to understand how different economic models work, then you need to understand the history of gold and fiat currency, then you need to understand what value is, then you need to understand cryptography - specifically asymmetric key encryption. And then after all that you need to understand human physiology and free markets. Then you will truely understand why Bitcoin wins.


Take the bitcoin course on Saylor.org. Not the developers course. The beginners course.


[Start by learning these things](https://i.imgur.com/Wi5ysNp.png)


sounds like u took the orange pill. enjoy the ride and keep stacking sats


Don't listen to the Bitcoin holders here who hate on new people. Keep sharing your enthusiasm!


BTC hodlers loves new people!


$1 million BTC in July 2033!


bearish as fuck




Ya BTC power law projects diminishing gains, but $1M is a certainty in the 2030s


No one will see $1M BTC coming as it will happen in a blink. It will all happen in mere weeks as the flood gates of liquidity blow open to be met by the ugly/beautiful reality of Bitcoin scarcity.


but seeing there will be 3 more halvings before 2033, I see butcoin being a lot more than 1 million.




Thought you were a Butter there for a second.


How can there be diminishing gains when there is absolute scarcity and hard cap on it? There might be period of it but after that there will be huge gains again when the wall is hit.


The bigger the market cap gets, the more money it takes to make big moves. It’s a lot easier to 10x an asset that has a 10 million dollar market cap than an asset that has a 10 billion dollar market cap. This is why the returns diminish over time.


Diminishing returns fail at some point. This will be the first time we run low on supply so I think this cycle will be unlike the others. Gonna be interesting as it always is!


I agree. But this assumes stable demand growth… I think we will see increasing rates of demand growth as it because more stable and institutional support increases.


Cute but it doesn't apply to bitcoin. It's priced at the margin if 100% of people aren't selling at the price you're buying, you gotta up what you're offering. Scarcity will do this.


>The bigger the market cap gets, the more money it takes to make big moves. It’s a lot easier to 10x an asset that has a 10 million dollar market cap than an asset that has a 10 billion dollar market cap. No, this is not true and its kindda disappointing that comments like this always get upvoted in this sub. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of market cap and price. Market cap is downstream of price, not the other way around. The price of any asset is set at the margins and is **not** market cap divided by shares. Bitcoin price movement is not 1:1 with capital inflows. It is 1:100 or greater and this will only increase with scarcity. You do not need increasingly larger inflows to move price the higher Bitcoin climbs. **Price is set at the margins.**


K den




No I need more time to stack


If this comes true, I’ll be quite well off 🚀


With a loaf bread at 40$ in a supermarket near you.


You remind me of the Bitcoin forms in 2012


Shhhhuuuush. I’m tryin’ to DCA ovaheer.


welcome to the rabbit hole; warning this one is deep




Show me on the Elmo where BTC tickled you


Bitcoin reminds me of the 18-19 century pioneers in America. They were poor, unsafe, hopeless but those who gauged the value of that land built wealth for whole generations.


Yeah, except we don't have to steal from natives or fight wars to get property


I found my most recent experience cumbersome, nerve racking(will the money show up) , high transaction costs, slow and complicated. I’m not sure if it will ever have mass appeal


They can’t ban Bitcoin or Bitcoin mining, but they can regulate mining to make it unprofitable. It’s like this current administration is trying its best to drive industry out of this country for the sake of some globalist collective to “save the environment” without imposing the same regulations on China and India, our greatest economic adversaries. You can’t say “I want to destroy this country from within” But you can say “I want to save the planet!” Same effect.


This sub is loaded with idiots. Go Bitcoin!


Only this sub? Go Bitcoin!


Every upvote you got here is someone bitter they "missed the boat" rather than jumping in now and committing the work.


What are the next real use cases you all see emerging 12-24 mo? Will BTC start to merge into mainstream in any meaningful ways?


probably not that many more usecases in that timeframe, but in 5 years, it will get a lot better i'm thinking.


Yes, lightning arbitrage as a concept is here with [strike.me](http://strike.me) etc. They do traditional banking on top of bitcoin + lightning, leveraging lower fees. They just have an agreement with a bank to eventually settle in fiat. They pay the 50 cent liquid network bitcoin fee to transfer on any amount. Boom. They also noticed that its slightly profitable to sell bitcoin the moment your transaction begins, so they just sell it, and settle in that profit with traditional banking. This is basically all done without any physical infrastructure like visa + mastercard have to use. Or govpay etc. In other words, it's technically the cheapest way for a bank to settle transactions now. Boom. It's over. It wins. Not only is it the cheapest way to settle, they can arbitrage and trade in and out instantly for fiat, all while charging the retail bank customer the same wire price for high figure transactions in the short term. Bitcoin Lightning or LIquid arbitrage.


I think its main use case for the next couple years (and likely the next decade) will continue to be a store of value. Once BTC is stable at a $1M+ I think is when we start to see the other use cases emerge. Thats when society will get closer to accepting Btc and the everyday use cases could start to rise.  If we get into WW3 in the next 12-24 months who knows what new use cases will emerge.  Note lots of use cases like energy demand response and remittances continue to grow but to store of value is still the main use case for me. 


The government absolutely can’t stop it. They can only delay its acceptance.


Thanks, you shoulda came to this revelation and made this post like 8 years ago. That would’ve been very helpful. At this point, we all agree.


? This is such a shit take. OP, it’s awesome you’ve come to this conclusion and we’re glad to have you in the community. Welcome!


Hear hear! Very welcome OP. Shit take is right




Wait our governments could go against it? oh no! how could we have not accounted for that!


Don’t worry about all the jaded assholes who have the energy to respond negatively, OP. They’re the same ones who will tell you you’re still early. Yet somehow you’re late to the party at the same time lmao. It’s awesome that you’ve learned about Bitcoin and jumped aboard. Welcome to the community! Glad to have you.


Source: "Trust me, bro" lol


Bitcoin is unstoppable...


Up Up Up 🆙


… or an economic meltdown that will cause those that need liquidity to pull out of “more risky” assets for their day to day monetary needs, but, one thing is for certain, their are plenty among us with cash sidelined waiting to gobble up lower priced Bitcoin at that time


Seems like it’s starting to be a good sell moment. Remind me in 6 weeks


Sell now and I wil remind you in 10 years.


It's official now


The only danger is the many rug pulls on the way to the top. Everybody wants to be a millionaire


> The only possible danger I see is that our governments will go against it. But even then.. I don't think they can stop it. Now that they have regulatory authority over BTC-ETFs, they could very easily set up trillions in shorts while they do a regulatory squeeze. Will make them wealthy beyond measure, and is 100% legal in the USA.


Oh damn I never thought about that. Maybe that is the master plan ain’t it


Would you be able to ELI5 how they could do this? I see comments about shorting BTC and just don’t understand how it works. Surely they could only make as much as the market cap as a limit, not trillions?


If you have Netflix, there is popular movie out right now called "Dumb Money" that explains it. Basically a short, a wall-street short, is actually a loan of the underlying asset. In the US, they allow anyone who borrows a share to make a short to also lend that share out to others who want to short. So yes, there can be Trillions in shorts that are all shorting a single $50 share. That's an extreme example, but there are plenty of cases where > 100% of market cap existed on the short market. In the GameStop example there was over 150% of market cap in short positions. If you don't want to read dry econ books, some popcorn presentations can be found on Prime and Netflix 1. The Big Short 2. Eat the Rich 2. Dumb Money BTW we are one of the few places in the world that allow this type of short, AND allow legislatures to hold these types of shorts.


Bitcoin will be controlled and manipulated like silver. The price will go as high as they want it to go.


They? Bitcoin cannot be controlled. It can be manipulated by whales, but this will be less as capital floats in. If you own 25% if bitcoin you can manipulate by pumping and dumping, but if you own 0.25% your actions will have little impact.


Whoa, no way


Sorry for sharing my eureka moment. I had to vent somewhere.


Don’t listen to the haters. We all had to learn at some point. Also I will point out from personal experience it’s better to vent that here among like minded people rather then in your real life. Most people don’t want to hear it and the more BTC price goes up the more they get annoyed with you.






What are some others that work on the same or similar formulas?I just got into Bitcoin a couple months ago but I know very little about it and know even less about others.if there are some similar options,I would like to buy a little bit to see what happens.it would be awesome to be able to get in early,while prices are low and potentially becomes a nice nest egg in a decade or 2.I worked with a guy who started buying bitcoin in its first year or 2.the first time I heard anything about bitcoin was through him.at the time bitcoin was selling for under $100 a piece.he wasn’t investing though,he was buying bitcoin to use to buy drugs on the dark web.this idiot was having all kinds of different drugs delivered straight to his mailbox.he had at least one package delivered every week for a year or better.I couldn’t believe he got away with it as long as he did.he lost his job and that was the last time I seen him.that was all I had known about bitcoin at the time.I never knew there was a future in it.I thought it was essentially an untraceable currency exchange for buying illegal stuff on the dark web.I thought it was a shady system that I expected to be shutdown at any moment.I never would’ve thought it would still be in existence all these years later.I definitely wouldn’t have thought a single bitcoin would ever be worth tens of thousands of dollars


You may be on to something here!


Welcome to a family of millions who already came to this conclusion some time ago


Wow, you’ve seen (checks notes)…presentations? I’m totally sold. 


Thank you for your comment Dick ehr Dirk. By the way I wasn't selling anything, just sharing my enthousiasm with Dicks ehr Dirks like you.




15 years earlier would have been great (10 dollars for 1000 BTC!) but if you say it is too late now you do not understand the potential of Bitcoin, we are just starting! Right now a lot of investors are hesitant b/c volatility of the price. A stable price will draw in more investors. Price will get more stable (and higher) as the money starts flowing in. Some whales now have such a big share that they can influence the price by pumping and dumping. But as more investors jump on board their relative market share will get lower, and so does their ability to manipulate. What do you mean by traditional market?


what about quantic computers? will not that make the network hackable 


That’s what I’ve been thinking about.you would think they could run every variation of numbers,letters,characters,etc rather quickly until they get correct passwords.I don’t know much about bitcoin and it’s security but it seems to have been excellent throughout Bitcoin’s lifetime.these quantum computers are far more capable than the latest and greatest PC builds.as quantum computing and AI continue to rapidly advance,we will see the security we have had to depend on,becoming far more vulnerable than ever before


[It’s already one of the most valuable assets in existence](https://companiesmarketcap.com/assets-by-market-cap/), yet some of the smartest people I know remain utterly clueless about it. I know people making a few hundred grand a year, with multiple cars, 2 houses, who own 60” TVs, stocks, and take 3 holidays a year. Their Bitcoin holding? 0.


Why bother if they are living a fulfilling life already..


Preserving wealth is as important as making it.


Exactly keep stacking stocks of the worlds best companies like they already have been doing..


I’d rather be them then le enlightened redditor (you) that probably owns 0.1 BTC


No; I don’t own any Bitcoin.


Yeah pretty sure it’s been tanking for the past week.


Yeah pretty sure you are wrong, it's +0.16% on the week, from tomorrow it would be +1.6% if the price remains in the same range. Would not exactly call it *tanking.*


Zoom out. Short term volatility is just noise.


Top alert


Im huge


Only the 5th time i have read this today in this sub. Thanks for the insight and telling us about your anecdotal successes.


If you are a holder since 2019 UPVOTE TO AFFIRM BLESSING


I wish I was,I just started a couple months ago..lol




I just had to pay 20 usd for 55 usd transaction yo go through.


>I just had to pay 20 usd for 55 usd transaction yo go through. Could be that the fees are/were high. [https://privacypros.io/tools/bitcoin-fee-estimator/](https://privacypros.io/tools/bitcoin-fee-estimator/) Depending on the transaction, it could be you have accumulated a lot of UXTO's.


Governments cannot ban Bitcoin.


Yes they can.


Its funny i think exactly like this for a whole year but since last week i am not feeling very good because i am holding debt for a while and waiting coin go up so i sell some and pay the debt


where do you buy your bitcoin? I've been using robinhood but not sure it's the best option.


least bullish Bitcoin enjoyer


i know it


Damn bro some deep realizations there. No one has ever said that before. Lol just messing with you. These are beliefs we all hold. Welcome to club bud. Fk the govt.


Stack sats. Get wealthy


Yeppp. Think of the early days of the internet. That's what we could be looking at here. Except you can invest directly into this 


i’m going to be totally realistic and say 2029.. 225k btc


Worst case. 2025 Nov. or before - 180K or more.


Your right they can’t stop it. IT GOING TO THE MOON MAN.


First time?


Fuck yeah!!!! Come on BITCOIN!


What is your target for 2024 bull run?


I have one target, stack and hold. Cya in 2030 or later.


did anything you read tell you that bitcoin can be regulated?


Nothing particular about bitcoin that can be banned or stopped. But it is possible they prohibit crypto transactions. This is not likely but China already did (ppl are still buying illegal). This would mean your bank or your crypto exchange will not allow you to buy. EU is talking about banning bitcoin mining, but that won't stop it either. I don't think even if 90% of governments in the world would try to stop it they could. But a lot of investors are so nerveous so regulation could make people panic and pull out. This would still not kill it I think, it would just take longer to get to 1 million plus.


Adoption may still be in the future, but acceptance is nearly here. I don't get eye rolls or shudders from people when I mention Bitcoin in passing anymore. Folks now will say that they know nothing about Bitcoin, as opposed to regarding it as a scam to beware of and to stay away from.


Why would a stable price bring in more investors? More users maybe, but surely when "investing" you want growth, i.e. opposite of stable?


Biti to the moon!! 🌕


Increase the volume.


Governments trying to stop it will only make it stronger. 😎💪🏻✌🏻


half million BTC soon !


In terms of Value.. Yes. In terms of exchange index price.. Wait and see and hope for the best.


Another one infected by the Bitcoin virus!


The rabbit hole gets deeper the more you dig.




2 Days on REDDIT? You must have been a bad bad Dog on your last profile. Be nice! Also, BTC is $40K+…what are you saying.


Nice thinking Sherlock. And $40K+, what is your point?


You can’t stop this. If they ban it (good fucking luck) the hash rate goes down, the difficulty decreases, and more miners jump in legality be damned. Even if you tried, the open source software community writes fixes faster than you can plug the hole with legislation. And if it again became profitable to mine from home people absolutely would and will. The profit motive is strong.


Weve come a long way. I remeber when it was $700 and i was telling people “it just needs to reach the goverment/institutions” and before that was “wait till they advertise crypto on commercials” its a freight train it wont be stopped.


Chy-Nuh can't even stop bitcoin


The future, with 5 transactions per second? https://blockchair.com/bitcoin/charts/transactions-per-second


There are already solutions for that (by layering, eg see lightning network).


It's really important that you never be *too confident* in any one particular thing. In this case, it's don't put all your eggs in one basket. I believe in Bitcoin as much as anyone else here but there's a lot of external factors that could really slow down or even completely halt the progress of Bitcoin. (The blockchain itself is so sturdy and future proof it's almost comical) Just got to be mindful of things and temper your expectations of what will happen because things almost *never* go the way people predict. Up until this point anyone in the past who has stated "Bitcoin over a long term will go up in price faster than any other asset in the world" has been right though and yea it's pretty fucking exciting.


Supposedly a little over half of bitcoin mining uses renewable energy. I don’t know how much is off the grid, or whether governments would/could target miners. I figure it would take a major international consortium to shut it down, and a lot of governments are friendly towards bitcoin. I don’t think it’s going away. They’ll regulate it six ways from Sunday, but we’ll adapt.


Bitcoin is already big, certainly has room to grow


but the dip keeps dipping


Sounds ilke you only see rising prices as Bitcoins main characteristic. That's not what real bitcoiners do.


Define real bitcoiner. Bitcoin is either going to the moon, or it will go to zero. The latter is unlikely (but not imposible).


Bitcoin is a solution to the challenges of govt fiscal policy h and Keynesian economics. No true bitcoiner cares about the usd price- it’s just a demand/supply measure at this stage. If you cash out at a million- you just wanted a quick fiat buck. A million won’t take you very far with interest/inflation etc. under fiat policies


These comments are wild. You guys don't know how intellectual you guys are to me. I want to thank everyone for your contribution that paves the road for beginners like me


Welcome dude.👍😁 Fix the Money, Fix the World. 💛 Bitcoin = 42 💛


Hopium is crazy drug. Only out in what you can afford to lose.


Actually bitcoin is getting global attention now and is stabled as time goes by bc of constant influx. Many expects like it will suddenly drop at some point due to lack of re-investment of money to market, but reality is right opposite to it. There will be NO sudden drop and ascension like before ever since this year.


SHIT, I better go buy more...


Your smart ass comment is just as original as my hyped up post.


So which is it “price will become more and more stable” or “going to be huge and great investment”? Don’t you have to pick one?


Do you understand the difference between a price that is all over the place with huge ups and downs, or a steadillly increase price? Would you not agree the latter is more stable?


use case : transaction . But hodl the btc for the value, nobody going to sell, ppl will hold like real estate.


Can I get an AMEN! 🙌


Bitcoin is a scam


If its popular, its wrong.




It's not too late. I just started getting serious over the new year. All the data shows even if you miss dips... just start DCAing. It's always more profitable to dca.


Bitcoin is already huge. It has a bright future as a portfolio asset. Don't believe the other hype.


Btc could help Banks and governments if they are so stupido to ban It they Will fall back


Do you guys really believe that by repeating "it will go up" like parrots everyday, it will go up ? \#self-fulfilling-prophecy


Don't you? Law of attraction mate, to the moon!


Big if huge


Frack news. No one would sell bitcoin. Li ever.


If you started to buy a year ago, it makes sense why you’d be confident that it will grow. When the market is falling like a brick, it’s hard to want to continue to DCA as you watch your money disappear. (I still do it, but it’s still scary) I’m just praying that it can be the saving grace that so many people need.


If you understand, you know that despite the volatility it can only go up long term. 


It’s an unstoppable force at this point. LINDY effect only makes it that much stronger.