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100k in a day would give me an omega candle, that's for sure.


Is that an Omega candle in your pants, or are just happy to see me




100k an hour or we riot.


I'm more of a MARA guy


Coinbase crashed when Bitcoin went up like 4K in one day. No way they could handle a 100k candle


I agree it would cause Coinbase to crash, but their servers and client funds are separate. Your funds would be safe, you would just have to wait it out until the site goes back up. No worries.


My funds are already safe in cold storage. Idgaf about what happens to Coinbase servers šŸ˜‚


Then why do you gaf about Coinbase period, Lol.


We need coinbase to stay up to create this mother of all candles.


Because we like the stock


If you are leaving your coins on coinbase you have plenty to worry about.


not your keys, not your coin


if i leave my coins in my own wallet how would i sell it quickly if the price goes up


Max Kesier called this the ā€œgod candleā€, fuck the moon shits going to heaven


Hijacking top level comment to point out that MSTR is now big enough for inclusion in the S&P 500. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1b3cms7/microstrategy\_is\_now\_big\_enough\_to\_be\_included\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1b3cms7/microstrategy_is_now_big_enough_to_be_included_in/)


Yep OP needs to stahp, I can only get so hard




Some random has been buying 100 bitcoin every hour for the last couple days. This is outside of the ETF. Edit: I keep getting replies asking for proof. It is already in the replies but just to make it easierā€¦ https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP


dca lol


Can imagine the conversion lol 'You dca weekly? Pleb I dca hourly' šŸ˜‚


Oh how much? 100. Sats? Nah coins.


Amateurs, I'm dcaing minutely (like decaying but opposite)




I swear, I think itā€™s the Walton family. I read an article a few days ago that said they had cashed out a bunch of Walmart stock.


I'm a Walton and just threw in 100. Not a Walmart though


Luke Walton?


Zat u John Boy?




Saylor is selling off 5000 shares of microstrategy daily this year, this nets him from 2-5 million depending on share price. It could certainly be him.


Borrow with company bonds, sell more shares to buy BTC. Run up the price of your personal stock when BTC moons. Proceed to sell company stock and buy more person spot BTC. Legend.


Bezos just sold $8B+ of Amazon too


I wish I could casually cash out 8 billion of stocks to throw into bitcoin


I'd be absolutely fine with just $5 million.


dependent somber fine secretive psychotic absorbed continue dolls cow tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was 100 btc 3x a day. Yesterday they bought like 800 though


Actually, he bought about 1700 btc, yesterday. Today, he bought about 1500 btc till now. This is the address: [https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP)


Jesus they are buy almost 2x the daily supply before the etfs even have a chance!


yeap! Supply shock incoming!


Oh goody maybe it will start keeping up with my rent


You guys have a home?


A true bitcoiner lives in a cardboard box because they sold their house for Bitcoin


>Unspent outputs: 573 He will be fucked with that amount of UTXOs when the fees go wild ^/s


Looks like he has been buying since 2022 He also sells occasionally


Which begs the question. Why is this alleged individual re-using the same public address over and over?


Itā€™s an exchange


Because it doesn't matter if they don't care about privacy/tracking. Could be a country. Could be a company


Yesterday he bought 100btc 15x


There's some rumours coming from Snowden that a nation is buying.


Pffff El Salvador doesn't even hide it!




could be a sovereign wealth fund. qatar Ā was rumoured to buy 500 billion in btc.Ā 


billion? thats half of all Bitcoin


Yes. Yes it is. I don't know what that candle will look like but I might not show up to work the next day.


Well I think you should and I think you should carry an old school 1980s boom box on your shoulder with this just cranked up to max. https://youtu.be/mj1dd0Kcq8A?si=RNGQN7-5Eg1O1Afh


Well I just found a new theme song


I play it more than Iā€™d care to admit


yup billion (gestures pinky to lips)


Thatā€™s the number Iā€™ve heard they want to end up with, not that they have currently. It was a rumor going around a few weeks back but I havenā€™t heard if it was confirmed or not


Even with as much money as they have, it won't be as simple as just purchasing a single Bitcoin from an exchange. In order for them to accumulate that much, they will be going through multiple parties that want to sell as no one has the liquidity for that. As they try to accumulate, the price will only increase. They have to find the whales willing to part ways with large lump sums, which with the price and popularity increasing will be hard to do.


Right. I agree.


well if my $38 could turn into 500B I don't know if I would be happy or not. on the one hand, thats a lot of money. on the other hand I will miss civilization...


Google search just now came up $475B fund size for QatarĀ 


That's like $150,000,000 a day. Has to be a nation state?


Snowden said a nation will later this year announce they have been buying Bitcoin.


Maybe bezos?


[34] And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. [35] For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. [36] For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? [37] Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? [38] Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.


Where is there proof of this? Id love to see the wallet


Here it is: [https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP)


That is surreal


Its insane.. He is an ETF alone..


Kinda spooky too though.. no? The point of BTC is decentralization and we are heading right back into some of the problems with the current financial system. Wealth inequality.


Bitcoin does not solve wealth inequality. That was never the intention either


It does solve the rich eating the wealth of the poor through inflation, though. So it does have a tiny positive effect on inequality in that sense.


I wouldn't call that tiny, most of the economic problems today stem from wealthy people getting wealthier because of printable fiat money.


Being in a single address makes me think itā€™s a government owner.


South Korea gov maybe?


Almost all purchases made through Upbit, for what itā€™s worth. A South Korean exchange.


Probably Kim Jung Un using ExpressVPN. I believe he used Ben Shapiroā€™s promo code to save 5% on ExpressVPN.


Ha ha the "[hide < $100 transactions](https://bitinfocharts.com/bitcoin/address/1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP-nodusting)" button!


Like Snowden said. Probably a a nation state most likely China.


Fine I'll buy more


Jeez alright ill join you


Dont tell my wife


never thought of the etfs having to outbid each other. gonna get šŸŒ¶ļø


I mean someone buys etf, they have to go get btc to cover it. This will go on until people start thinking about profit taking and then it will level off. We'll reach an equilibrium point eventually but we're nowhere near it right now.


We are always at an equilibrium.




Omega šŸ†




This last point for sure. Anyone stuck with coins on the exchange will have themselves to blame when those exchanges start doing their effed up little tricks to halt withdrawal. Edit: grammar




Crystal balls do us no good this time. Too many factors that werenā€™t present in previous halvings. The ETF is approved, we dump, then get close to the ATH, all within 30 days - nobody was calling for this. Bring on that 100k candle. Itā€™s entirely within the realm of possibility.


How is this not the beginning of the mass adoption phase that's been discussed since the white paper was first published? It's not a crystal ball, it's the protocol and human psychology


It is the beginning of that from the Bitcoin as a store of value perspective. Mass adoption by middle and upper class unconsciously as part of their 401k retirements. Conscious mass adoption by corporate and nation states.


"this time is different"


Certainly is different with Bitcoin etfs. Whatā€™s impact tougher to predict in IMHO


"institutions are here"


Sky and sun too crazy guy


It literally is different. How is hard to tell. Different good or different bad, no one knows - but it's different. Banks, pension funds and institutions have never had easy access to the pure product like they have now with Blackrock/ETF's


Do ETF are based on X shares per BTC? They already have BTC and that price increases too. Sorry for my ignorance. Somone said: there is no wrong question, only wrong answers


Not to burst your bubble. But ETFs can also sell. People holding ETFs can choose to sell and your math will invert.


I think the idea is that mass adoption is taking place, and a lot of people want to buy through the ETFs, store it in their 401k or equivalent account or whatever. Every dollar that is sent to an ETF must be bought in Bitcoin and with the ETFs being so new, there's still much more demand than supply or selling pressure. Furthermore, people who buy ETFs usually have a buy and hold strategy, not a lot of people out there day trading ETFs (some, but not a lot).


We donā€™t know the buyer profile of these ETFs - is it institutional allocator types or is it traders looking to make gains in dollars? We donā€™t really know this.


Does anyone have a site that tracks the ETFs number of Bitcoin? I know there's that one awesome site that tracks their holdings in $ but I'm curious of the actual number they buy each day. Is the 12x mining supply still accurate cause I feel like that's from weeks ago


Investment answers on YouTube does a good job tracking what the etfs are buying. Latest video: https://www.youtube.com/live/fijjNK8AsE8?si=uAcXayap34hlejkn


Yesterday it was around 345k across the 9 spot ETFs (excluding GBTC which holds around 400k). Can check updates figures in a bit




What does this mean for someone who holds ETFs, say iBit for example?


Number go up


I wish people had enough diamond hands to make this happen, but retail people will sell lol


As retail sells, institutional is hoovering it up


I really tried, but they offered me a million per coin, and I was hungry. I don't have the strength to hold our til a billion per coin. 2025




Demand will eventually drop but my base case is that we're just entering a hype cycle so it'll be a while before that happens.


^ This guy ate the marshmallow before the researcher even opened the bag.


Siri whatā€™s 1% of 36 trillion?




Weā€™ve only seen $7 billion go into BTC ETF so far https://farside.co.uk/?p=997


Your forgetting that the ETF is being embedded in other funds. These volumes always go up because m2 supply always goes up.






The ETF's are collectively at .1% allocation of btc vs their total assets under management. 1% allocation is what I'm hearing for their target - so 10x more growth from here or early 2025 to reach that target. Appetite for the risk may be different by that date We're seeing ~440M daily inflows and it's a pretty strict amount - so I am comfortable prognosticating that amount for another 10months from the ETFs




Iā€™m a little surprised that the price is dropping at all instead of a steady climb. The math is pretty easy to understand. ETFs have to buy real BTC. There isnā€™t enough BTC being produced to supply the demand. Anyone selling now and hoping to buy back in will inevitably have to pay more for the same stack at a later date. Why would anyone sell unless the absolute had to or they had so much that they wanted to take a small profit now for a much bigger loss of profit days, weeks, months from now?


> Why would anyone sell unless the absolute had to or they had so much that they wanted to take a small profit now for a much bigger loss of profit days, weeks, months from now? Ever heard of the marshmallow test? This is a perfect example of it at world.


People have all sorts of reasons to sell. For some people they have reached the point where this is life changing money. Why risk it another day if you've met your goals? I run a retirement calculator. Right now I can hang it all up at 52. Once it drops below 50 I'll start working through liquidating. It will have done what I need it to.




Fuck; this makes me horny.


Stop repeating click bait headlines from tabloid bitcoin magazines quoting Samson mow


Hold up, need clarification. Which is greater: Omega candle, or God candle?? Too much Moon jargon these days.


Maximum hopium


Lots of BTC miners were stacking BTC during low months drawing out supply. They are now releasing them, it's not retail selling. But yes, supply is getting choked off before the halving, will be interesting post halving when supply is already red lining


If nobody sells under a million the price will be a million tomorrow.


This whole thing is going to collapse as fast as it went up. Boomers are not VCs or crypto people, once they get their 2x, they will sell. They want fiat, not BTC. And they're not used to such large returns. They just want to beat the sp500 and buy a boat to retire on.


Most boomers are about to die


That is an interesting point that doesnā€™t get mentioned very often. As time passes, there is a constant transfer of wealth from anti-crypto boomers to their pro-crypto children. When a boomer dies their children cash out their stocks and are way more likely to invest in crypto. This intergenerational shift in investment preferences is going to have a huge impact on price in the future.


You think the fomo and momentum is being propped up by retail boomers? lol


The 100k threshold will be an interesting one though. A LOT of OGs consider that to be their sell-point. An omega candle wouldn't come until long after we get through that barrier.




Exactly. The OG is called an OG specifically because they havenā€™t sold. I donā€™t think they gaf if itā€™s 100k or a million. Fiat is all but dead. Thereā€™s very little reason to go in that direction.




Heard that. Iā€™m not even an OG but Iā€™m not selling either. I lived through 08 and nothing has been the same since. I donā€™t want some bloated bureaucrat robbing me blind every hour of the day. P2P goods and services and fuck those taxes. Iā€™m over it. Print that fiat. Iā€™m selling it for bitcoin




Lol what? What OG could possibly be like "yup been to 20k, then up to 60k before, now ETFs were approved and we're back to 60k again. 100k is probably the top, it'll never go above that, time to sell".


The way I see it is, if you're an OG, you probably have 1000s of BTC. Why not sell a small percentage at 100k to live? Besides, as valuable as it is, you still can't buy just anything with BTC.


No one here has 1000ā€™s of BTC


Pretty sure the selling point is a lot higher now or non existent.


I think it use to be a sell point, only with the belief it was random and not sustainable (thatā€™s not saying that no one will sell). With the mainstream visibility and talk of btc being a true store of value, I think itā€™s less likely people dump into fiat, it would only occur when they need it to buy something with that currency (letā€™s say a house or lambo).


Ah it was 100k when I bought but times have changed and 100k would barely scratch the sides these days...


Even if itā€™s not a 100k candle, I could imagine a 25k+ green daily candle. There is a 100% chance we see a massive supply shock, and consequently, a god candle, in the next couple months if inflows continue at even half of what they are everyday currently.


When other ETFs around the world see how much American ETFs are making in fees, oh boy šŸš€


A lot of other countries already have them lol And I don't think many markets can even compare to the USA, it's massive


I'm not sure how I would feel about a $100k candle to be completely honest.


Wow. Yea it is fascinating to think that we could see supply and demand dynamics that weā€™ve never seen before. Itā€™s because bitcoin is the only truly scarce asset! Suddenly when omega candle happens, itā€™ll click in everyoneā€™s mind why bitcoin has value. In the past I donā€™t think Bitcoinā€™s ever really hit that level where thereā€™s a complete supply shock. Exiting stuff!


Taking my badboys to the grave RIP ETERNAL BURN


Omega candle. New bullrun, new slang.


You're assuming ETF buys will stay constant. As more people enter BTC, they might rise. But, as prices rise, people holding the ETF will sell, and fewer will buy. So, who knows?


Wait til nation states/sovereign wealth funds start buying. Oman, Ethiopia, and Russia already mine Bitcoin


Dumb question, should I invest in Bitcoin or Bitcoin etf??


Not going to happen. Letā€™s be real. Weā€™ll see a smash and grab type of movement and weā€™ll slump back into bear by end of 2025. The more we align to the idea that there are cycles of asset classes which overlap each other, the better off weā€™ll be.


Donā€™t hate me Iā€™d love to hodl way longer but Iā€™ll need some cash this year. Iā€™ve only ever used coinbase (not for storage of course) but if they are unreliable (due to crashing or holding my funds for a week due to irregular activity) what would be my best way to go about selling some?


You guys are far too bullish and it's scaring me


rain plate merciful icky ugly exultant far-flung bedroom boat bake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine leveraging $1k at 100x the day the God candle spawns... Who needs meme and alt coins anyways


Places sell orders for $500k Let the supply shock happen


I'll sell them one BTC for $1,000,000,000. Thats my final offer.


Why is the assumption that "mining supply" is the main source going to ETFs? If ETFs are buying "12x the mining supply" isn't it already obvious that mining supply isn't the main factor getting input into ETFs? We're talking about the amount from retail going from 92% to 96%, that doesn't seem quite as significant as you're implying.


Economic behavior in action....


I mean one ETF is selling to the others....




Bezos just sold 2b worth of amazon..you never know he might be one of the buyers


Sounds like BS, but ok. I'll continue to calmly hold.


When Rolex candle?


The Halvening usually doesnā€™t impact for four or five months. Of course, this time could be different.


Mara sold half their BTC for operational costsā€¦


Retail is not selling. Retail sell when there is bad news. There are no bad news at the moment.


yeah, because there will be no slowing down and money will flow into ETFs like this forever...


You donā€™t understand halving or supply or buying. ETFs are buying BTC, meaning they have the BTC and will keep accumulating BTC. The only losers out of this are the miners when halving happens. Not the ETFs BTC supply. And the eastern europeans and chinese mafias BTC supply is whatever they have and keep spawning somehow out of ā€œdead walletsā€ Yeah BTC will reach a $100K but not cause of your analysis or youtubers analysis. Caus eyour analysis is wrong buddy. Whatever ETFs BTCs have itā€™s not going to disappear when halving happens lmfao. Or Xā€™s BTC fanatics lol Buddy, BTC has its own Web of people and you ainā€™t one of them.


Inferring that because they buy 12x the mining supply today, they will still buy that much a couple months from now is already the silliest thing Iā€˜ve read on here today. I feel like Iā€˜m mostly around insane people on this sub.


Just DCAā€™d another $38.88


There is potential for $250k Bitcoin within 6 months. Selling now is not wise.


HODL on!!!


Who is driving the ETF buys if not the derivatives market? Won't they just slow or stop buying the same as everyone else because it's obviously overvalued and due for a correction?


Maybe a stupid question, but is it possible there will come a time that there isn't any BTC to sell?


Everyone has a price


No. Bitcoin is infinitely divisible.


A few guys at work sold a few weeks back and were relieved to get their money back from the last cycle. I suspect there are many of this type of bozo


Things are getting too spicy for the pepper


If you think BlackRock, Fidelity, etc is going to just hand you ever increasing amounts of cash in some kind of free market Koom-by-ya scenario you have another thing coming. They will collude to tank the prices. They will manipulate the exchanges. They will manipulate their political connections. They will hire Taylor Swift, LeBrom James, and every other circus under the sun. They will do anything and everything to get the asset without handing you increased amounts of cash. And in aggregate, theyā€™ll probably win. Just depends on if youā€™re still standing after. Itā€™s gonna be an extremely hard road for anyone to survive. Your best bet is probably go live in the forest for a few years.


One more time: Those institutions are not the ones buying, their clients are. Blackrock, Fidelity, they make money by *managing* these assets investments and charging a fee. They dgaf if the price is high.


I mean February 24 is looking very likely to be the biggest monthly candle in Bitcoin history, does that not class as an omega candle? 18k in a month is mental, didnā€™t see this coming.


There are millions of BTC circulating. The mining supply doesn't matter.


I wont sell unless btc hits 10mm