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You can't get ahead of the pack by following them.


Who cares what they do. This isn’t a religion , you don’t need to talk about it every chance you get. Do you and shut up.


Nailed it


Like Romans nailed Jesus


It’s reddit. People come here to discuss stuff.


Nah. It’s Reddit , people come here to find their echo chamber.


So if it’s everyone siloed into echo chambers, why is there so much arguing?


That peter lynch book said the same thing about 100 ways. Those hedgefunds all pay millions of dollars to investigate businesses first hand and have every type of analysis run on them. He pretty much just said buy are stock if you buy the product. Then he said he was misquoted but hes basicly the same as jim cramer.


It doesn’t matter how many times we say told ya so 6 months later. **this time** is going to be the time our luck finally runs out! It’s not a store of value if it shoots upwards at varying rates!! A real store of value just goes down slowly and steadily!!!!


It is amazing how many people think a store of value is precluded from being volatile. I'll take violent upward trajectory over steady decline every day in my SOV. My currency on the other hand is a different story.


I’ll take anything that out paces the slow bleed of holding fiat dollars because if inflation. The dollar just happens to be the least of the worst fiat as world debt is priced in the dollar. Other currencies feel the effects of inflation more so. Aside from its volatility, BTC has already demonstrated that prices in goods and services have been going down when priced in BTC terms.


In comparison to fiat, it appears volatile, yet one could argue that fiat itself is volatile when contrasted with a stable financial medium of exchange. However, many prefer to rely on supposed "experts" rather than discerning value independently. Ultimately, everyone will buy Bitcoin at the price they deserve, while some may attribute our success to mere luck, disregarding our foresight.


And amusingly, the rich financial experts are buying all the bitcoins but trying to keep it quiet.


I think a lot of folks in the UK found out just how volatile the Pound really was when we had Elizabeth Truss for about 5 minutes.


This is the mentality of someone that understands scarcity. Something scarce has a mostly consistent value by definition. Instead more inflated objects move relative to them.


>It doesn’t matter how many times we say told ya so 6 months later. **this time** is going to be the time our luck finally runs out! This is one of the takes that really annoys me. I always point out we're 15 years into it and ask how many more years they'd wait before reassessing their views. Most dodge the question, some just say "never". I mean, it's possible they're right, and I admit that. Bitcoin could lost most of its value. But it's not a two way street - they never admit that I could be right too. Five more cycles? Ten? It's 2070, the USD has debased 99% from its 2024 value, Bitcoin is at $100m, you still think it's going to zero? "Yep". At that point you have to give up because it's an unfalsifiable belief. If your opponent cannot name any circumstance under which they'd change their views, you have to walk away.


Exactly. People just like having a boogeyman to blame for all their issues. They don’t have the courage to risk their mediocre lives to become independent, so they have to tear everyone else down to make it look like playing it safe is the only way to succeed. With bitcoin playing it safe and doing what “we’re supposed to do” isn’t the only way. You can make a killing and gain access to a world where people can’t be forced to do what the ruling class wants.


To me , " store of value" means something I can put money in constantly with the idea of I never touch it and I don't care what happens today with the price cuz I know long term it goes up. To me , that's Bitcoin


To me, that's physical gold.


It will probably have to come down to a more generational shift as the younger crowd come up and don't hate BTC on some deep emotional level. Most of the traditional finance 'wizards' failed to invest in BTC, poo pooing it all the way and they know deep down that they missed out the best gains of the last decade. This causes cognitive dissonance that gets justified by creating strawman arguments and mass stroking of each other on r/personalfinance As the next generation comes up, they will see the charts over time and should logically figure , why not allocate a small percentage? Without the emotionally charged hatred a lot of the salt crew have and buttcoiners. Then once they have a bit of skin in the game , maybe they will start learning about BTC and the history of money and then go further down the rabbit hole


“Small allocation” is the key here. Most people cannot stomach the risk or volatility. Traditional financial advice is probably still the way to go for most of your assets. Most people do not time the market well.


Younger generation have even less incentive to love bitcoin as they will never be able to profit from it as much as the older fellas. Millenials are likely to be the most bitcoinized generation, gen Z, gen Alpha, etc, might hate it and resent Millenials for their thick holdings. They might choose not to give legitimacy to whales by becoming tiny fish. They might instead refuse to participate.


That's a possible outcome, but it looks like they are likely to lean into cryptocurrency, not opt out of it: https://www.policygenius.com/life-insurance/2024-financial-planning-survey-millennials-gen-z-money/ Policygenius commissioned YouGov to poll 4,063 Americans age 18 or older. The survey was carried out online from Oct. 16 through Oct. 19, 2023. The results have been weighted to be representative of all U.S. adults. The average margin of error was +/- 2%. 


You really shouldn't hate on stock investors. They typically agree fiat is not a good store of value, and invest in something that has value independent of the government currency.


I invite you go to into a thread asking for investment advice and very politely suggest Bitcoin. Please report back on your findings.


I would only suggest bitcoin to investors with a high risk tolerance and a long time horizon. That's like 3% of the posts there.


The 97% get what they deserve then.


The 97% invest in index funds and literally always profit if their time horizon is long enough.


Not nearly as profitable as they think they are, or could be if they had put in the time to learn about BTC.


But maybe profitable enough for their risk tolerance


The point is that is foolish to not have some percent allocation and the risk tolerance is minimal if you're talking 1-5 or even 5-10


I think everyone should get off zero, but suggesting to start all in is ridiculous. People need time to adjust, otherwise they'll panic and lose.


As with anything, especially near ath, you should not Yolo everything. Just pick a percent of income and convert every paycheck. Forget for 5-10 years


Risk and volatility are two different things. BTC is volatile, not risky. It's actually the least 'risky' asset on the planet.


The block size/fee combination is still a big experiment. What will happen in another 3 halvings? We will see. I was also more referring to volatility and people needing money during a downturn. Shit happens sometimes.


I don't view bitcoin as risky. Maybe we have different metrics for measuring risk.


Many people do though, and pretending Bitcoin is 100% safe will just ring their alarm bells and scare them off.


It's not pretending. It is 100% safe provided you practice proper op-sec/storage. No need to tap dance around that fact.


Lol there's plenty of people who have retired comfortably off buying S&P 500 index funds


Always room for improvement.


It's hard to do that for an index fund. Indices tend to go up over time due to survivorship bias. Bitcoin is a singular asset, thus it can't really be compared to an index comprised of hundreds or thousands of stocks.


You read like a 12 year old bud.


Why is that, bud?


You can’t help stupid people. Just let them lose their money.


That has not been my experience. I tried a bitcoin take on r/fluentinfinance and felt like a can of coke at a picnic barbecue. Swarmed ETA: Replied to the wrong person.


It's horrible


To the moon my friends tonight we dine on sats!


I do this quite a bit, but I only recommend a 5% allocation or so. It gets mixed reactions but it isn’t that bad if you’re chill about it and don’t start acting like you’re Morpheus


100% allocation in bitcoin is ridiculous. If you suggest a small portion to them they would agree although some may only allocate like 0.5% or something.


What's it look like if stocks go to 0?  The US is clearly no longer a world power in this scenario, the entire economy is in shambles due to the petrodollar and boatloads of equity going to nothing, you're then paying for goods using your iPhone?


The US makes enough of the best weapons to make sure this won't happen. 


They all love the sp500 but don’t even look at it the right way https://inflationchart.com/spx-in-m3/?show_stock=0&show_adjuster=0


“They all”? So you have special information and totally get it right? But people who are billionaires and invest in stocks are dummies? This sub is so delusional this phase of the cycle.


It’s so funny the information is public and they still miss it 🤣 I wouldn’t worry about billionaires sonny they don’t spend time on r/investing and personal finance, they have advisors looking at this lol


What the fuck is M3?


money supply encapsulating m1 and m2. This is even better: [https://inflationchart.com/spx-in-m3/?logarithmic=1](https://inflationchart.com/spx-in-m3/?logarithmic=1) Granted M3 supply rising isn't a bad thing since we have more ppl and more production but sp500 have not been rising faster than M3 LOL


They don't want to look as it exposes the manipulation.


r/investing and /r/personalfinance doesn't like stocks either, efts yes, but not single stocks


Here’s a crazy idea. Don’t tell them anything about it and let them learn the hard way when bitcoin is more expensive. The fewer people clamoring for it now, the more I can buy for less.


I dont try to push anything anymore, I only try to hint into BTC without mentioning BTC when I see people complaining about inflation or high house prices etc hoping they do their own research. But most of time they start defending that inflation is good for them or that it's all corporate greed, just makes no sense and they get what they deserve I guess.


There’s always another hoop people will jump through to maintain their ideologies. And if even if it’s inflation due to corporate greed, the corporate greed is government-enabled. So it’s government economic subjugation by proxy.


But the thing is, bitcoin's value is highly dependent on demand for it. So if you tell more people about it, then you can create more demand for it and therefore boosting the price of it.


Why the vendetta? Why worry so much about having to prove someone is right or wrong and the desire to rub it in someone else’s face? People should accept that someone like crypto, others don’t. If you feel confident in it, then no need to worry about proving you are right…just do your own thing and time will tell All this desperation for acceptance really comes off so desperate and looking for others to approve


HARDEST ASSET CLASS TO EVER EXIST, FULLY PROOFED, and REQUIRES public participance as part of its mechanism. EVER. Fueled by KWHs used, past and present, hardware, time, speculation, losses, wins, 24/7/365, intrinsic and extrinsic values, ALWAYS DELIVERABLE People that don't like crypto are flame retardant as well. It's not about 'Liking,' crypto. They're literal superior stock tickers with explicitly programmed contract conditions readable by all to see just what the hell this thing does and could ever do as functions. You also get to see the public ledger, with all its useful information, including fuckery going on with suspicious transactions and pre-allocations that can be used to determine whether or not you should have a fucking thing to do with it. 24/7 trading between you, the world and as decentralized or centralized as your risk can tolerate. Someone that doesn't like crypto in place of boomer stocks that close to go to bed/get routinely artificially suspended for bullshit reasons and have a number of people that get to hear information before trading/developments happen to not only buy/sell their positions, but PRIME them with collateral on top of that, is the worst of all worlds. I would have to be generationally retarded to waste all this time and coming up with I DUHN LAIKE STOKSZ :O(. They're floppy disks compared to SSDS. Why the fuck would I rely and engage with floppy disks in the last 20 years, let alone pretend I'm not assmad about everyone using CDS and USBS over my shitty 'preference,' today? Fuck 'em and their backwards incompatibility.


Bitcoin is literally the floppy disk compared to other blockchain technology with its single digit TPS. Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for stating a literal fact that bitcoin's TPS is 6-8?


No Tradfi-heavy sub is crypto- or even BTC-friendly…yet. Even r/fatfire gets a little snippy at anything “crypto”


[How it feels when they hate me](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/crying-wiping-tears-with-money-sad-money-using-money-to-wipe-tears-away-gif-15329042?utm_source=share-button&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=reddit)


How it feels here most of the time tbh. Trying to get this community to engage in any best practices is like pulling teeth.


The difference being the following: Investing in for profit entities carries risk. there is generally a risk adjusted multiple (premiums or diacounts) to the profit created and then forecasted based on a risk free rate to create the value of the enterprise. Investing in Bitcoin is trying to guess on global adoption. In either scenario you can be wrong and lose everything


Investing in Bitcoin is trying to guess on global adoption. This is not the only thing that moves BTC price. It's one of many, many factors, and actually one of the smaller ones. In either scenario you can be wrong and lose everything Please tell me how you "lose everything" investing in BTC.


BTC has never met a long, deep unemployment driven recession or worse. Private and public equity and credit markets have. It's unproven.


The people in personal finance reddit are pro caring about getting more credit cards, pro caring for your credit score, pro loans for cars, anti old school debt free living. The idea that they might even entertain Bitcoin is so far away from how deeply entrenched they are in the rat race to own more crap they don't need.


Lmao ya ok bud. Keep saving for your house until you're in your 60s and live with your parents until then.


Lol, I'm not doing that but it's a fair representation from my time reading that reddit.


Just stop talking about it. They will eventually ask you about and tell them you took their advise and got out at $60k then look at them confused.


For bitcoiners, on r/investing, the downvotes count as upvotes


I invest in traditional markets as well as Bitcoin, not concerned about what either community think about my portfolio.


They will get their bitcoin at the price they deserve


Most not holding btc will soon regret their choice. Bitcoin is now the logical and conservative asset to hold longterm.


And this is why they tend to tell Bitcoiners to piss off.


I feel the same also in real life every time I talk about Bitcoin.


I love it. Its just a good reminder how early we still are.


You can also add \`r/ꜰᴘɢᴀ\` [https://www.reddit.com/r/FPGA/comments/1cbzjut/for\_bitcoin\_mining\_whats\_the\_best\_roomspace/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FPGA/comments/1cbzjut/for_bitcoin_mining_whats_the_best_roomspace/)


I just love the art work on this post


That sums it up.


love this picture!


People like consistency and stability, fiat has just been around so long it’s embedded that it is part of life. Take that away and change it people lose their minds. Change must be done slowly for humans or they notice.


That's how I feel every time someone posts about the national debt in here.


They're probably already so rich by following investment advice from top investors that they don't care about bitcoin....


Yeah back in the day, you just had to look in the phone book to find out about someone, haha always had names and address and phone number, haha 😂


This is how the rich get richer...by having the many transfer their wealth to the few.


Haha ya i have experienced that lately with the public narrative thrown around about bitcoin / crypto / and finance in general. Lol. It seems everyone i talk to outside of the “crypto bubble” believes investing in the stock market is just pure straight gambling, and wants nothing to do with investing or finance at all. Which blows my mind. Like how are you suppose to get out of poverty if you don’t take active steps to better your situation? Just give up lay down and play dead? I dont get their mindset


Bitcoin is just another asset to own.


This is how it must have felt telling people that believed the earth was flat, that it was, in fact, round. The majority of consensus doesn't imply factuality


It took a very long time for heliocentrism, germ-theory, and even the idea that the heart circulates blood to take hold in the public. Generations have to die off and be raised under a new paradigm for adoption to really take root.


Ain't it the truth. HYSA or GTFO over in r/personalfinance


In investing they don't like even gold. I said I have 40% in silver and gold and they all got angry and I had 100s of downvotes. But 100% in stocks for them is diversification and no risk


Ikr, I advocate for people to have SOME exposure to bitcoin, gold, stocks and bonds. That's actual diversification. Especially if stuff goes sideways


We need a r/bitcoinevangelist sub


We do need a bitcoin sub for people who are 100% convicted. This sub has a lot of fuddy duddies running around in it.


I wouldn’t say the sub is “wrong”. r/investing likes regular investing in S&P ETFs. That strategy has done very well. Not everyone has the stomach for Bitcoin’s volatility. Putting lots of money in index funds with confidence can make you rich with some patience - and it’s less stressful. It’s as close to guaranteed wealth as anything, it just takes time.


Hey OP, what is your background? Do you have any formal training in finance or economics and how old are you?


"Formal training" is code for "thoroughly propagandized in the ways of the collapsing and corrupt system that bitcoin is here to replace."


All I'll tell you is that I'm wise enough to know this is not a question that merits an honest response.


Hubris rarely ends well.


Yep, because they don’t understand fiat money. Keep stacking


I want to see you spend all of your bitcoin right now. It's a currency after all right?


Money is what people decide it should be. Based on natural selection. Not because of government imposed legal tender laws. No I will not spend my money. I like saving. Unlike the socialist who run this country. But you are free to spend yours to your heart’s content!


A lot like being a Conservative/Republican on Reddit.


Lol imagine a poor person telling a rich person that their wrong and then feeling smug about it. Working at Wendy’s has made you guys regarded


You think there are that many rich to poor?


It’s only this high cause wallstreeet is buying. You’re not an edgelord, you’re buying an asset at its all time high. Great job.


6 months from now "you are buying at ath", 6 months after that "you are buying at ath", 6 months after that "you are buying at ath", 6 months after that "you are buying at ath", 6 months after that "you are buying at ath" Rip us I guess


You could have bought for a quarter of the price a year ago. Yes the price goes up but it falls down just as hard… it doesn’t stay at high levels. And notice you didn’t touch my wallstreet comment. Tell me more about 6 month crypto cycles… You’re not early, you’re just a bag holder.


The bear mkts - it fell from $20 to $3, $1k to $200, $20k to $3k, $69k to $15k. If it fell just as hard, it’ll be back to 0 every time.


>And notice you didn’t touch my wallstreet comment. [Because its same as saying water is wet.](https://i.imgur.com/EliZFjQ.png) If you cant see the long trend of BTC then you cant, too bad.


I feel that instead of shitting on those that choose not to adopt we encourage them to understand why they should adopt


There's literally thousands of different investments to choose from. Besides, at this point there's probably a stock out there that will outperform bitcoin from now on anyways. Endlessly pumping bitcoin just makes it less appealing to people. It's no different than the people who pump penny stocks.


BTC trades like a 3x leveraged Nasdaq index (eg QQQ). If they're wrong, you are too.


Bitcoin, flat earth, veganism, telling Christians there is no eternal hell, Christ will save everyone, and Yahweh is Satan… it’s not easy going against the 99.99999% but it can be enjoyable


Nothing wrong with investing in ETFs, Stocks, and Bitcoin. The more options the better. Don't turn this into the console wars now...