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Just like poor ass racist people voting for Trump, they don’t care how their decisions harm themselves as long as it hurts us…..imagine not wanting the very green money of a molecular biologist cause they’re black.


This happened to me. Had a house lined up and the seller was happy that we agreed to pay over market value by a bit. Then all of a sudden the real estate agent came to us and said the owner wanted a copy of our license for a background check. Not unheard of for renting but pretty uncommon for selling. But we really wanted the house and didn’t think too much about it. Three hours later the sale was canceled, all we could do is laugh.


Hit the link. You might be able to ruin a life or two. Worth a try. [https://www.hud.gov/i\_want\_to/file\_a\_fair\_housing\_discrimination\_complaint](https://www.hud.gov/i_want_to/file_a_fair_housing_discrimination_complaint) Edit: Also, see if you can throw an ambitious attorney at the problem


Hello there.


Was looking for more of an Esquire…but you’ll do in a pinch. What are your rates for “under the covers” work??? And is there a surcharge for lights on?


Oh no. I'm actually an attorney. You hire me to be a dick to others. I also specifically do real property litigation. And I've done cases where the seller backs out and the buyer sues to enforce the contract. I followed one guy into bankruptcy and bought his house from the bankruptcy trustee for less than the contract price. My client said he really liked living in the house both because it's a nice house but also because it's a trophy.


Let's GoOOooooOoo!!


As an attorney, this is too funny! I long for the day someone tries me.


The gotdamn hero we need!!!!!


I've got a comment somewhere else where a lady went to prison for PPP fraud and I had sued her years ago because she backed out of a land deal at the last minute. I emailed my client to let her know about it and her first reaction to seeing my email was "what fresh new hell is this."


Well looks like I’ll be shopping around for a deceptive advertising litigator 😳. Best of luck to you in all future endeavors


There should be an avalanche of up-votes here.




I think I might be in love with you. If you're not taken, please marry me!


Thanks for the link. My wife and I made a decision to just move past it however I’ll look over the link because if it helps someone else it would be worth it. I grew up in south GA and I’m not a stranger to this kind of behavior. We had a lot of good times and are still having them after not getting the house, to include finding a better house some years later.


South georgian still stuck here checking in. Proud of you for escaping homie. Keep moving forward. 💪🏾


Wonder if its too late for you to go back and sue now?


Not sure we thought about it but it’s been seven years and for our mental health we try not to rehash the old bad stuff. Yeah I hope the old home owner gets his comeuppance, but sometimes things happen for a reason. Instead of buying we ended up renting. The place we rented ended up being brand new on the market in a better school zone then when we started the process. The kids made a bunch of life long friends, I got promoted and we ended up moving and buying a much better home a Few years back. Ohh we also used the money saved from renting to start our own business and add more to the kids college fund. So we felt as if Worked out.


I understand that. Id be all about suing some fools, but also fuck it. They'll get what's coming to them one day


No way would I have given them a license. My background isn't a concern for you if I'm buying a house you would no longer own.


Sad shit. Sad people. They don’t wanna consider black people at all unless it comes to entertainment


Until a white person comes along doing the same thing.


Hilarious choice of an example because Trump and his dad pled no contest to charges of housing discrimination towards black people in the 1980’s, lol.


More importantly if they outright said this they're getting sued for well over the value of the house, probably along with their agent


Dude, that’s what I noticed first. MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST?! Like say less. Um, also where does she live? 🥰. Gotta make up some DNA related illnesses to get close to her and her brains


Same thing crossed my mind but I had to stay on topic lol


Hey, Otter is busy it seems and we can respectfully thirst after the smart peoples.


Probably the most reliable tenant that homeowner could’ve ever hoped for. This shit barely makes me mad anymore, I just feel so sad for these people. Such a pitiful existence


Wasn’t even going to be a tenant, she was trying to purchase the house. Most likely over market value since the pricing and mortgaging discrimination is already built into the system. Now, they going to lose money being sued.


Now that’s a fantastic take! I’m going to file this one away.




Shoutout to Primm, he’s an All-Star


His channel is so hilarious. His Diary of a Mad Black Woman episode is my favorite.


I’ve watched his recap of leprechaun back in the hood far too many times


You should watch the one on Double Toasted too. It's so funny.


Corey and Martin are great! I was on YouTube looking for someone to lampoon Tyler Perry’s “Temptaions” and “Acrimony” and I think they were the only ones covering em.


Their Acrimony review is hilarious, man. I always tune in for their Bad Move Roasts too, it's always a good time.


F.D. Signifier shouted out his *Lean on Mez video and MY GOD how the hell did anyone take inspiration from that shit?!


One of my favorite channels lmfao.


I just looked at his channel and I already see a Fresh Prince video, I’m intrigued. Lmao


Seeing into the future just to see someone call me a n*gga 😭😂


I laughed way too fucking loud


I swear you pulled this straight out of my brain


Ayy my boy Primm!


Leaving $750k on the table just to be racist is a wild act


It’s also why racists, and ONLY racists keep saying we need to remove laws that protect people and “let economics sort it out”. Anyone telling you capitalism can fix racism is strictly a racist. During the Civil Rights 1.0 era (were mid 2.0 now) there were plenty of businesses perfectly happy to let themselves go bankrupt to avoid serving black people. Capitalism has never and could never “fix” racism.


Using homophobia as an example, Chick Fil A got a line around every block they're on.


When my family was in Florida ten years ago, we ate at Chik Fil A constantly because we don’t have them in my home state and my father is a raging evangelical. He never stated directly that his hatred of gays was why we were eating there, but he didn’t have to. I have never seen that man so giddy in my life, especially not over fast food.


That’s just sad


High blood pressure to own the libs ![gif](giphy|vvbGMpbhZMcHSsD50w)


This is also why community pools are virtually non-existent in many areas of the US.


This is also why the black American population (especially late Boomers and early Gen X who came up in the integration era) doesn’t know how to swim at the same rate as other groups. All of the public pools were drained by the time they were old enough to learn how to swim.


The only thing that can fix racism is if the individual goes through a mental/emotional change. That's it. Other than that, racism will exist in every system you can think of.


They literally throw away their social security, universal healthcare and any other social safety nets so that they can hold POC back. Affordable/free insulin? Nah. Wouldn’t want the non whites to get something affordable. I’ll ration my meds These people would rather kill themselves slowly than be on equal footing with everyone. Hell, they’ll donate their vacation fund to a “an amazing businessman” and then bitch about how the economy is hurting them


The people who sent money to Trump's legal fees are the same ones complaining about Bidenomics hurting their wallets.


I saw a parody of a couple struggling to pay their bills and complaining they only have $13 dollars to send to 🍊🤡 I can't find it, but it felt less of a parody and more like a documentary.


Lyndon B. Johnson captured the sentiment in his often repeated empty pockets quote. It helps explain MAGA in the current era. “If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”


They've been doing it since they moved around and discovered non white people in the world. They'll live in the gutter and never advance as long as it keeps a Black person in a worse position. They'll literally damn their descendants (and themselves) to poverty and sickness. Look how they clowned over them dang masks.


750k. Oh my god. Imagine going broke for racist shit.


Not even *just* leaving that much money on the table, isn't the whole point of selling your house that you usually move away from the area? So why tf would you care about the neighborhood diversity of someplace you don't live anymore? Wouldn't your racist ass be happy there's one less to worry about moving to your new spot? P sure that's the whole reason they used to write that shit into clauses on the deeds; bigots are exploitative, antisocial users, not even other bigots trust them for shit.


That's why I was a little suspicious so I read the story. I bet this weird ass old person thought of their home as some sacred ground and was haunted by the thought of a nonwhite building a happy family in those walls


People like that don't want anything of theirs, "tainted" by anything Black. Somewhere deep down, they still think melanin rubs off.


Funny how racism and stupidity go hand in hand like that


I wish it came with a side of chronic pain for life.


This is why I don't listen to anybody who says that rich people only perpetuate racism so that we focus on hate instead of staying rich. People will choose racism over any amount of money


This reminds me of that piece I think John Oliver did where a black lady was trying to sell her home and was being lowballed and they had her brother in law (a yt guy) act like it was his and he started getting normal offers. And she had a heartbreaking line as she began to cry that stuck with me “the thing devaluing my home is me”. It’s super fucked. Edit: I went back and watched it and the white guy was one of her friends spouses it seems. So not a brother in law but still.


I remember that story and you still had chucklefucks acting like this type of shit doesn't happen.


I sold a small house my aunt left me and my brothers. The couple that ended up buying it were white. They brought their kid along and the whole time were talking about “I can see myself working with my son in this garage. Mary is going to love the view out the window.” Whatever, they had the highest offer so we sold it to them. Had some back and forth between the realtors and such. E-signed most documents and it was done. I go back two weeks later to drop off keys to a padlocked shed we forgot to leave. Some dude was out front knocking down a brick planter. I asked if the owner was there. He said he bought the house two weeks ago. Confused, I said great, what are you doing to the planter? He explained he’s making two distinct entrances because he bought the building to turn into a duplex and rent it. Whatever, I threw him the keys and left. But I’ve always wondered if that couple was just posing so that this developer dude could come in and turn a single family home into a company rental duplex under the radar. Also, the dude wasn’t white and I’ve wondered if he thought a white couple would further have a better chance of being chosen as the buyers in this neighborhood. I’ll never know, we accepted the highest bid and that was that.


there are people who will take a slightly lower bid because they get invested in their home and love the idea of someone taking care of it after they’re gone, or helping some “nice young family” get set up.


The Canadian show "Marketplace" did a story on this. They swapped out the photos in the home and the APPRAISER gave a much higher value on the property. It goes up and down the line. They are all in on it. Found it: [https://youtu.be/mQoZPuL08dQ?si=wNYitnmm4C8un6XR](https://youtu.be/mQoZPuL08dQ?si=wNYitnmm4C8un6XR)


Happened to me... needed an appraisal for a refinance, and the first time, it came in way under value. They even used houses too far away from ours to justify the low ball number. We literally have one of the nicer homes in the subdivision (we are chronic Refin stalkers haha). Luckily, our realtor wasn't playing that shit and ordered a second appraisal based on comps and his write-up of our improvements. He also requested a different appraisal company. The second time came in at not only the right number but at a number that reflected our opinion of our home in comparison to the area. Moral of the story: Don't take that shit lying down.


how awful. Thanks for sharing, not watching the vid but the evidence it brings is important to know


It's not even her as a person that is devaluing the home it's simply her outer layer of skin. It amazes me how little progress we have made on racism in my lifetime (45 years). Especially with how much information we have nowadays.


Do you remember the vid?


[Housing Discrimination: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO), published to Youtube on 7/26/2021](https://youtu.be/_-0J49_9lwc?feature=shared&t=20m10s)


I bet there's mouthbreathers in comments sections trying to deny this is racist. How are we gonna act like any type of scientist would be a bad neighbour or whatever excuse they'd try to use?


I read this on Yahoo, and sadly, you are correct. Saw a lot of "I wonder what the whole story is" bullshit.


Some people are ignorant to the fact that racism still exists in 2024 even when it's out in the open all the damn time


Many truly believe there's no racism involved in this story unless the homeowner backing out of the sale used a racial slur. It's because they don't see themselves as being racist despite their behavior being explicitly so, because they don't say racist slurs *out loud.*


even more people are just in denial about it


I read the whole story after seeing this, and that whole "I wonder what the whole story" bs is absolute bs. The realtor literally told her that the seller doesn't want to sell to her because she's black.


Yeah. I've blocked two people I was mutural with on Facebook because they were yapping on about "It's not that many and besides, you're a veteran Shirogayne-At-WF, you're fine!" Which even if that was true, no that's fucking gross that someone needs to serve this racist ass country to deserve a home and Navy Federal been caught in 4K showing their asses on loan approvals.


It's 2024 and there are still people that deny, deflect and dismiss obvious racism at every turn. I stopped explaining shit years ago. Shit wastes too much energy.


>How are we gonna act like any type of scientist would be a bad neighbour or whatever excuse they'd try to use? As a microbiologist, I'd drop dead before allowing a filthy molecular biologist in my neighborhood! Those people aren't just happy with regular biological interactions like quorum and nutrient availability, they need to get in there and figure out protein folding and shit. It's disgusting.


When this was initially posted on here fron twitter, we had a lot of "that didn't happen" because racism doesn't exist of course.


The seller, who is in her 80s, isn’t even trying to deny it. Holy shit. But if you are selling a house, this is like the #1 thing you absolutely do not want to do. Even if you’re a racist POS, say it’s because you changed your mind or something. That happens for real all the time. What’s gonna happen now is the lady is gonna end up selling her house anyway, and also probably get sued. Sounds like her kids realize just how bad this is though and are trying to fix it.


Kids probably waiting for her to secede from life so they ain't gotta deal with her shit anymore


"Secede from life" is topical, contextual, and fucking hilarious.


Just doing my job. *tips hat*


Kid's gotta make sure she doesn't get sued into oblivion and they lose the 750k worth of inheritance she was about to secure for them.


They didn’t want to sell to DR RAVEN!!! WTF????


IKR?! She's awesome!


I know I shouldn’t be surprised that the seller blantently violated the [Fair Housing Act](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview) in the year of our Lord 2024, but here we are. I hope Dr. Raven sues her for every penny she has.


Yes please. Sue the pants off this old bat.


I briefly worked in property management, and my boss made me study every aspect of the Fair Housing Act as part of my training. I had to take a test on it, too. He drilled it into my head so much that I was a mini-expert for a while. It’s been at least ten years since I worked that job, and I can still remember most of it. I don’t know if he was altruistic or trying to avoid being sued, but he followed the law to a tee.


And before anyone makes the mistake of thinking this is a one-off situation it actually happens more often than most would think. A lot of realtor comments under the article had anecdotal testimonies of similar situations in different t states that all eneded differently based on the realtors and locals.


Yeah I just commented that Wells Fargo has settle many lawsuits for housing discrimination.


Ya little nasty.


I *heard* this comment


750k?! She gave that up to be racist lmao.


Just in case you want receipts that what happens to us is systemic Appraised: The Persistent Evaluation of White Neighborhoods as More Valuable than Communities of Color (2022). https://static1.squarespace.com/static/62e84d924d2d8e5dff96ae2f/t/6364707034ee737d19dc76da/1667526772835/Howell+and+Korver-Glenn+Appraised_11_03_22.pdf Racial and Ethnic Valuation Gaps in Home Purchase Appraisals (2021) https://www.freddiemac.com/research/insight/20210920-home-appraisals Race gaps in home values, mapped (2024) https://www.axios.com/2024/02/15/race-home-value-inequality-map


But....but......but.......racism will go away if we just stop talking about it!!!!!!




The people who say this shit are probably the worst offenders.


With that last name, once I officially became a doctor I’d be referring to myself as Draven from their on out.




are we even supposed to talk about league out in public like this


Be cool, man. People are watching us.


But I want to find a community of ARAM enjoyers. We don’t have to hide our hobbies anymore


an older friend bought a house 20+ years ago in concord california. part of the paper work was an HOA agreement that she wouldnt sell her house to brown people. she did not sign and put the HOA on notice. There were alot of shitty things about her but at least she didnt truck with racism.


But it’s RAVEN fckin BAXTER!!! Come on!!


She must have had a vision foreseeing this bullshit


If I were white I’d offer her half of market value since it’s devalued due to a ghoul inhabiting it. Then turn around and sell it to Dr.Raven for a 25% discount, everybody eats


I think her realtor asked her to drop the inspection contingency to sway the racist seller to finalize the sale. Knowing there was an issue with the AC or something. Insane.


Realtor doing Realtor things.


1924? shit… 1994, 2004,


2014, 2024…


How hateful you gotta be to turn down money??


Happened to me also. This is America...smh!


I kinda resent that they put her profession in here. It’s really irrelevant to the situation, but it’s included in here with the tone of “she’s one of the good ones, so the seller is wrong”. Idk, maybe I’m reading too much into it. But it shouldn’t matter what her job is, or if she even has a job. If she can afford the condo she can afford the condo.




The only buyers I discriminated against were the people trying to set up an air bnb. Fuck that.


This just reminds me on one of the newest doctor.who episodes that came out. He wanted to save these racist white people. And they literally chose to go die than get saved by a black man. The amount of frustration and rage and disbelief he expressed was amazing.


Sickening. I hope the good doctor gets a massive payout for this disgusting treatment. Start hitting these racists in their pockets.


This is my hometown - unfortunately no surprise here; absolutely disgusting up and down


Am I the only one who noticed homegirls name? 👀 Not sure why she’s surprised. She should’ve seen it coming!


I don't know how to explain it but the homeowner sounds like the type to say "I don't see color"


Guys relax don’t you know that white privilege doesn’t exist!


Trust that those Jim Crow red-lining tactics have not disappeared at all. Wells Fargo had to settle multiple lawsuits from states and the federal government for housing discrimination.


Even if you are a racist why would you give a shit when you are *selling*? I mean whatever imagined troubles you expect is not ones you will ever have to deal with once the check clears...


Racism is not a logical concept.


Die hard racists don't care about money. They never have. If that money is coming from a Black hand it might as well be dirt. That truth is very historical. They will starve their descendants just to make sure Black people do worse than them. It is a very deep and abiding hatred.

