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Do we really need to see this shot of either of them? Do we need diaper changing scenes in any reality show?


That was my initial reaction. Makes me wonder how much of her mothering they filmed for this to be content.


I’m surprised she’s still using a changing table and laying him down like that since he’s almost 3.


I'm surprised they still have a changing table in the living room. 🤢


Well if he has developmental delays as we all suspect, it may be necessary


In my career I have worked with many children that have developmental delays and do the majority of their diaper changes using the standing up method. The only instance where I don't is if there is a rash involved. 


I think the complaint is that she's been photoshopping, herself, to look ten times thinner, while promoting a Jenny Craig, weight loss program, that she's either not following... Or... Doesn't work, to other people. It's lying to people. If you are your size... Don't photoshop, yourself, to be smaller than Kristen. It's lying.


Man she once even photoshopped herself to be smaller than fucking Lala, it’s crazy


That was unhinged


I clown her for photoshopping /filtering herself, not her size. I think saying she’s huge is disgusting


I'm glad I finally saw someone say this.


Came to say this. She isn’t huge. She just doesn’t look like what she portrays


There’s a big difference between an “insta v. seen in the wild” comparison post and something like this. The former is fun because we can laugh at her delusion that she’s fooling anyone. The latter is just mean.


I hate the body shaming on women. Many 20-30 somethings watch bravo & I would hate them thinking that Brittany’s body is “fat”. She just lives in LA with a bunch of skinny models, & I think that’s why she photoshops herself to the max. I don’t Stan her at all, but it’s so easy for us to judge her when we’re hiding behind a screen & we’re not on camera




Thank you. And as if every body is perfect. Let’s move past body shaming. Do better!


Thank you for this! That was my first thought as well


Thank you. That comment is gross. We can hate her for pretending to be something she’s not, but calling her huge is a little much.




And so will the opinions when the show comes out because they won’t photoshop for her. This is why it’s not good to catfish.




They’re not, but you seem new here. This is a snark sub. We snark on Jax and Brittany. Not on other members. And OP is correct. Brittany is catfishing Jenny Craig customers by photoshopping all of her pictures.


Take my up vote 🫶 loll




Sure, lol.


I had a baby around the same time as her and it’s hard how much your body changes. I can only imagine how hard it is when you have to deal with a raging coke head husband and zero support. I think Brittany looks fine.


If she would remove the watermelon boobs and dress for the body she has instead of the body she wants- I think she would look great!


I agree - I hate that she uses FaceTune /photoshop bc she thinks she’s not skinny enough . I just hope the young women & new moms on here see that they don’t need to drop any weight or “bounce back”


I totally agree. She is not huge at all. She is just dressing in super unflattering fits. (and the implants have got to go!)


And calling her “huge” is probably what Jax thinks about her, which is sad. She can be a piece of shit, but to say that about her is awful.


I think that’s the (usual) general consensus. She looks fine, she looks like a normal postpartum mother would! The photoshopping her self into another dimension (body & face) is the snarkable content, people. I wish Jenny would make a public apology for this as their spokeswomen. The catfishing is so dangerous to their brand, it’s stupid to keep her on when they could literally find anyone else who actually works hard and works the program to lose weight. Does KFC REALIZE THAT not working out but maybe eating their food is just maintaining the current weight she’s at?


I’ve always maintained that naturally she’s a gorgeous girl. She needs to have a healthier diet (for herself, she’s drinking alcohol daily) ditch the fillers and work on her mental health.


She's not going to do any of that considering who her mother is. I seriously doubt super catholic, homophobic frosty lips believes in mental health.


Likely not. They think it’s fake.


She’s not “huge” by any means. Sure she’s gained some weight, but she also had a baby. It’s sad that she photoshops, but if Jax was my husband and there was all this pressure from the media, I can see why she does it.


I don’t think she’s even overweight. Her arms are thin, and she has a mom-bod. I can’t imagine living in LA, and having to compete with women who seem naturally thin, (Lala) or Scheana who works out a lot to maintain her body. Brit needs to embrace the body she is in, and maybe hire a stylist, or have a friend whose style she likes, find her clothes that fit properly. If she’d downsize her implants that would instantly help with her proportions, and the perception that she’s larger than she is. Really leaving Jax would make her 200 lbs lighter.


Agree with everything you said!!!!!




i’m saying😭 does she photoshop an insane amount and promote unrealistic things, absolutely. is she huge, absolutely not. all this serves to do is make people who look like her feel like shit about themselves :(


Exactly! I was just thinking to myself well guess I’m huge too and this post reminded me exactly why I don’t take any photos of myself or with my children which I’m sure I’ll regret one day


I’m sorry to hear that! Don’t let dumb comments from people stop you from taking photos of memories with your child 💕


Thank you 🩵 I’m just glad I’m not in the spotlight to be judged like this! I’m no fan of her but I’d never call her huge!




I agree. I think this sub goes too far with hating on Brittany’s looks.


I’m sure she struggles with this so much. Especially seeing Stassi, Lala and Scheana completely bounce back to pre pregnancy bodies. Could be a reason for the photoshop.


If she wouldn’t photoshop, this would be her normal look to our perspective which is her real look… she wouldn’t look huge. She’s huge based on what she shows us and compared to her actual look, it’s a big difference. So yeah, she looks huge based on what she’s been fooling us with. And guess what?- I’m a size 10 and don’t look like her because I embrace my size, I’m not in denial, don’t photoshop and dress for my body and therefore I don’t look huge, I look normal.




I just really want to know why she loves this hairstyle so much lol


I hate that people are being so savage about her weight. I also have a child and have also struggled with my weight gain and insecurities that have come alongside with that. What people don’t like is that she is trying to hide the reality that a lot of women don’t have this “bounce back” that celebrities and influencers photoshop, cosmetically alter themselves to have, or have money to have the luxury to spend all of their time at it. I think she actually looks normal and beautiful if she would just be herself.


Exactly. I’m similar size to her after two kids and like damn, people are on here basically saying I’m huge. Makes me feel like shit. I hope she doesn’t read this stuff. Bounce back culture needs to stop.


This. I had a baby last summer and am still breastfeeding. I have been struggling with the weight gain and inability to focus on “getting my body back” since I don’t want to mess with my supply. It helps to have the post baby body weight experience normalized. But I have to search for that.


Did you miss the whole part where she’s lying to everyone selling us products and altering her pictures so women like us can have some hope and fill her pockets by buying products that help lose weight? She’s no different than a con artist. If she were REAL then I wouldn’t call her out but instead she’s lying on every posted picture of hers.


this is all wrong and she is promoting unrealistic things 100%. still doesn’t make it okay to shame her for her body and call her huge.


I don’t think people are missing that part, but honestly if women are buying what she’s selling … they’re as stupid as her.


They are, they’re also paying $40 for her autograph


No one missed that part. 


Or the part where she was already overweight before conceiving Cruz. That’s pure beer belly. Not postpartum belly. She back to the size she was before she got pregnant. 🤷🏻‍♀️




Ok and? How does anything I write on here about Britney affect your life?


Yeah the things people say about her body in this sub are gross. She’s not huge, she’s just a lying piece of garbage.


To all the pearl clutchers in here… https://preview.redd.it/0o8gvmzowsnc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db9549854174067dea3daa507cdf2856967d06b Why can’t you see the irony of taking up for this grifter in the name of body positivity? KFC is dishonest & predatory! She’s part of the problem!


Yeah. That’s my only problem with it, is the stark contrast between what she really looks like and what she posts.


Jax probably cries when he sees these photoshopped pictures😂wishing it was real lol he's such a dbag


Wow, when was this picture taken? (approximately)


I believe it’s from last spring. Someone posted it on this sub.


Wait…. Is this recent????


Pretty sure it’s from last spring, right around when Scandoval broke.


It’s ok, I’ll be the bad guy! ima still make fun of her because she’s a crap person and deserves the criticism. I don’t feel bad… she made the bed.


“Huge” is a lot. Yea, Brittany *sucks* (see her Sandy Hook conspiracies, blatant racism, etc.) but she’s not huge. She’s maybe a size 10-12 in a microcosm of 2-4’s.


Some of OPs comments are quite misogynistic 😬. I can’t believe there are people who think Brittany is huge


Brittany’s life is a living hell. She’s probably constantly worried Jax is cheating and then the added pressure of not being skinny enough for him. Miserable.


Dated a horrible narcissist in college and once I was finally able to leave him, the weight, the bloat, the stress (that took some time) fell away and I felt like a whole new person. I’m not a fan of Brittany but I would wish this for any woman. Get out of that relationship and in time you will look and feel so much healthier!!!


I think this is the smallest I’ve seen of her lately. She seems to have put on a lot more weight in the last six months


Probably because the bar opened and she started going out more and drinking, not just to “their” bar but out in general. The alcohol is a huge factor here.


Huge?  I don’t see that at all. 


Let's remember that she used to fat shame women And laughed recently as her husband made fun of fat women at Halloween. She deserves it all


You must be perfect. 🤩 


I don't Photoshop myself 40 thinner while fat shaming women! Bye




I need to rip those pants off and burn them!


This woman is heavy and had a kid a couple years ago. Welcome to life. Faking it and pushing garbage methods to lose weight is the problem.


Jenny craig who?


She needs to give Jenny their money back 😂.


You guys, this was filmed before the magical wonders of Ginny…duh! 😆






Thank youuu. Yes, we snark on her - but I will only comment about her appearance because she lies and profits from a weight loss company when it isn’t true. Not because of her actual weight. It’s fine that she’s not a stick figure. She had a baby. She clearly has a stressful marriage. I genuinely feel bad because it’s clear she has a mild drinking problem and her husband makes her feel like shit.


She’s not “huge”. She’s pretty normal, just compared to her supermodel edits, it’s a jolt. But *huge* is very unfair. It’s never been about her body, it’s about her fakery.


Tammy Slaton was huge, ok? I absolutely get what you’re trying to say here - but it’s worded terribly….she’s not huge.


All I could think I yea, I think you hit the nail on the head here.


I really don't think she ever thought she was going to be back on television... so she kind of let herself go and is trying to fix it with bad fillers and hair and eyebrows....I think this (the show) is all Jax and she felt like she had to go through with all of this.




Is she wearing spanx? Relax body shaming police. I’m really curious as to what the hell she is wearing.


It could be what I lovingly refer to as the *Millennial Emotional Support Camisole* - signed a Millennial that still wears one daily


Kentucky fried beer cheese.


What a gross thing to say


You must be new here. We make fun of Brit and Jax like they do other ppl , when we see real pictures we compare them to the ones they present online of themselves. We’re not nice on here because we dish out what they put out. This might not be the group for you.


You can poke fun at people without erroneously calling them huge.   If you have so many things to make fun of, why go for that?  So lameeeee.  Then telling someone they don’t belong here?  R U OK?


There isn’t a hierarchy here and if you think there should be…seek help.


Saying she's huge is so dramatic. She's editing photos yes, but chill on body-shaming her


Maybe we should stop making these harsh comments about women’s bodies so they can all stop trying to portray something they aren’t. She’s not personally my favorite but I am sad she felt the need to alter her pictures that much


Thank you! If you think this is “huge”, I implore you to step outside and remove your phone from your face.  Enough on her body.  




She’s a racist, transphobic, homophobic trump Loving pos and doesn’t give a fuck. She also makes fun of how women look.


Well, her husband does anyway. I don’t know if I would go so far as to say huge. She’s definitely smaller than me.


You must’ve missed the cobcast clip where Ajax said most women shouldn’t be dressing up as Barbie for Halloween & KFC hyucked like a hyena in agreement. She also bodyshamed women & men on her pre-VPR social media.


Absolutely- pull up all of her old tweets, she’s an awful person. That ‘sweet southern’ act she puts on for reality tv is fake. She’s just as nasty and rotten as her husband.


Oof. When was this


Here’s [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/15v2l3j/when_reality_hits_with_jax_and_brittany_podcast/) where it was discussed.


Ok. If anyone took the time to get to the bottom of this weird thread, you deserve to hear some truths. I've been a member or at least an initial lurker since the beginning. The main reason we take no pity and there's no holds barred about Brittany is because of Cruz. Most of us here have middle aged spread. None of us realistically think that she's that huge or hideous if she was anyone other than her. It's somewhat about "happiness?through authenticity and the Ginny scam hustle while mind blowing photo shopping. But it's mostly about Cruz and how she robs him of a life where he and them could learn to communicate and relate to eachother and him to the world, everyday that she ignores what needs to be done. Us old timers, that's what we're really mad about. Please allow us to just make fun of lesser sins in peace.


She grew a human. Like she gestated a whole person in her body. My body never bounced back. Come on y’all, it’s completely free to be nice.


You can tell a lot of these people disparaging a mother’s body haven’t carried a baby.  Le sigh.  


She looks totally fine like this. This is a very normal post partum body (post partum period is truly ~5 years long). There’s nothing wrong with her body or her size in this photo. The problem is the lying, gaslighting, and photoshop. THAT is what makes her look ridiculous. Saying that she’s “huge” is not just incorrect, it’s so insulting as so many post partum women look similar to this. I know I did for the first year or two after my baby. If she wouldn’t photoshop and just be honest, no one would care and likely many would commiserate.


I’m not convinced this belly is due to Cruz or post partum. She had it the summer prior to conceiving the baby. There’s that infamous photo of her in that awful looking July 4th bathing suit. Same round belly then. This is not “fine” cause she got here because of her love bad food and binging alcohol. I disagree that there’s nothing wrong with this. In her situation, this is unhealthy. One look at her bloated face and fingers worries me. Also the “baby” is about to turn 3 in a couple of weeks. The longest I’ve heard doctors say postpartum period is up to 1-2yrs. And that’s stretching it. Her unhealthy lifestyle is contributing to this.


She isn't HUGE, don't be a dick. She's not accurately portraying herself but she's not deserving of your asshole response either. Body shaming each other is not the answer. Be better. All you're doing is showing you're on Jax's level with this type of comment. If that's who you want to aspire to be then I have nothing left to say...


She’s not huge! Stop with the awful body shaming and get a life!


Nice beer belly oh wait tequila belly. My sis had a baby 12 months ago and looks fantastic. Took some baby and me fitness classes, ate super healthy, walked and now she’s looking more gorgeous than ever. 12 months in 12 months off is a saying about pregnancy weight. It’s been what 3 years? Why is it so difficult for her to stop the drinking and horrible fast food, etc?


~ Gold star for your sister ~


Do you have kids? You talk about your sister and her weight loss journey after giving birth, why don’t you share your personal story and tell us how easy it was for you to lose weight after giving birth.


I still birthed my son at 5 months. My weight loss journey was full of sorrow and not normal because I didn’t carry to full term and if you must know the weight fell off because I was so depressed. Hope you feel good about your comment. She’s lucky to have her son healthy and alive you’d think she’d want to lose weight to run around after him and take care of herself. But thank you for bringing up the worst year of my life. My fiancée then passed away. You feel good drudging up these memories for me? You seem amazing.


She’s a lot heavier than what she presents herself to be but she’s not huge. Jeez, I wish she’d be honest with people about her struggles with weight loss. We have kids around the same age and it would be refreshing to see someone that has a normal postpartum body rather than heavily photoshopped photos and promoting Jenny Craig.


Her arms look tiny tho


It’s getting old


I mean we don’t care how she looks I’m not up for shaming ppl 24/7 like fuck


She is obviously fatter than she claims to be.But this is a gross take. I hope english is your second language or something.




That’s unnecessary asf. This is a snark sub for Jax and KFC, not OP.


She literally is calling another women fat and ugly …


I literally called her huge, not ugly. When did I say she’s ugly?? Have you seen other posts? Where have you been? And yes she huge because she posts skinny pictures that are a blatant lie, she laughs when her hubby makes fun of people that look like her, and she’s made comments about how certain sizes shouldn’t wear certain clothes. So yes, I’m going to call her out because she’s a hypocrite. By the way, this might not be the best group for you if you’re going to jump on defending Brittany anytime anyone calls out her size and photoshop frequency.


Hot and skinny aren’t synonymous btw.


It’s because she called Brittany fat.. insenuating that she would look better skinny… they are the ones that said fat = bad I just went along with op’s mindset. Hating on a women’s body


OP did not call anyone “ugly”. You’re just riled up and saying whatever


You must be one of Brit’s friends on here lurking. Hi!!! If you can read, please read above where I said that I’m a normal size 10 that wears flattering clothes and I don’t fool anyone into buying crap products to lose weight or photoshop myself to appear thinner. I have shiii to prove to you, but you seem highly offended by my comment so to answer your remark, eww why would I send you anything to prove that I’m “hot and skinny”?.. no one but you made this up. lol


I’m not offended it’s a snark sub and I said my opinion. I’m not blindly snarking on things I don’t agree with no matter who it’s about… You can say any excuse you want now but you made a post to make a women feel bad about her size. Wether she photoshops herself or not you are snarking that she’s “ huge” and that’s what I don’t agree with posting. If you are a bigger girl yourself imagine someone posting that of you saying you look huge….


You must be new here. You know as of recently, she supports her hubby making rude remarks about bigger women on their podcast?? She laughs.. says nothing but laughs and a small uh huh. She on her socials in her past made racist (not on this subject) and also remarks about bigger women wearing certain clothes.. she is a hypocrite but let’s defend her. And yeah, shes huge in real life compared to the pics she posts trying to get us to buy the crap she’s selling.. to women that are insecure about their weight and shes like “look ya’ll.. I lost 5 lbs this week with this gimmick, I feel energized and happy, buy it!!!” If anything, you should be upset ppl like her exist and prey on women’s insecurities. This is her karma.


But you did blindly accuse OP of calling her ugly. And btw, nothing posted here is about you. No one here thinks you’re like Brittany. You really shouldn’t make it all about you, Scheana.