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It was hard to watch, but that's what made it feel appropriate. It needed to happen, he needed to face consequences for his actions. Yet getting to see so much of what Bojack went through, it's understandable to still hope he can be a better person in the end. I choose to hope he finds inner peace again sometime later in life, that he doesn't hurt anyone else. I hope he can be better.


you arent a bad person for having sympathy , Bojack is a really complex and realistic character who literally just tries his best to live his normal life , I would worry more if you just push him into the "bad person" camp and wish him the worst


People on tik Tok wish the absolute worst for Bojack and it lowkey makes me sad but they are entitled to their opinion, yknow?


yeah it was sad, but after all BoJack was still alive and even going to prison and losing friendships was better for him than getting into a spiral of addiction and destructiveness again, maybe he'll keep doing better and gain a new control and dynamic calm in his life afterwards too.


Bojack is not a pedophile wtf are you on about?


not a pedo but also still dodgy asf and lacking morals bc he fucked sarah lynn after watching her grow up and literally playing an acting role of her father where she clearly looked up to him


I think they're referring to him being a father figure to SL then later in life making the beast with two backs... But if that is the case 'groomer' would be more appropriate. Even so, they're fictional, and I don't remember him explicitly doing anything to anyone while underage. (Survivor, so it would have stuck and I wouldn't have such a deep love for the show). Regarding confusing feelings he briefly mustered towards Penny - they were probably linked to rejection from Charlotte, and her resemblance to her mother when they would have previously known each other - Penny pushed for intimacy, so again, not really something you can solely blame him for. He did tell her no and to stop. (Random number to throw out there that I caught wind of the other day - 1 in 6 men have sexual experiences they didn't want.) And him saying he probably would have done it when he finally fesses up doesn't mean he would have, he thinks he's worse than he is (to borrow from a comment on a different thread), and is racked with self loathing and guilt so it's more likely to be about beating himself up than genuine honesty.


Groomer? He didn’t want to spend any time with her when she was a kid. That seemed pretty clear when young Sarah Lynn asked BoJack if she could spend the weekend with him. She may have thought of him as a father figure or not, but that doesn’t make him one. Sarah Lynn was 30 when they had sex. And Penny had reached the age of consent and was not intoxicated.


if u think 50yo and 17yo is okay whilst theyre living in the same house with her family and bojack literally being old friends with her mum is okay ur weird


I said more appropriate, not correct ✌️


I mean it's pretty clear to me he would have done it and it would have been repulsive as fuck but in no way, shape or form does it ever make him a pedophile


Agree to disagree 🙂 The beauty of art is it's open to interpretation, you can have your opinion, but do you think everyone should have the same opinion? What's clear to you may be a world away from any other individual's digestion of the medium, based at least in part on their own lived experiences and personal biases. One of, if not *the* of best written adult animations of the last decade.


I mean if you think he's a pedo then we won't agree to disagree you'd just be wrong. If you're talking about would he do it thing... that's an interesting perspective and while I wouldn't agree with it I'm glad to have read it. Definitely a unique take on the situation and one that seems plausible enough. This I can agree to disagree.


I definitely originally said pedo is wrong groomer is closer to correct (to paraphrase myself) But go off I guess Eta my ADHD gets in the way of reading the second half of anything before reacting so I apologise! Easy enough misunderstanding to make 🙂


I think we reached a perfect understanding here


Certainly seems so ✌️ (Queuing up Stupid Piece of Shit for context)


So what is he? people on tik Tok said he’s a pedophile while people on Reddit say he’s not. I said that he is, because if I said he’s not, considering the evidence of what he did, I would be stepping into dangerous waters.


No you would be not. A pedophile is a person who feels sexual attraction towards pre pubescent children. Penny is fucking 17, there is no way in hell feeling attraction to her would make anyone in the world a pedophile, ever. What it does make him is a creepy, sleazy old dude. You can say groomer. But never a pedo.


I think he Did get a happy ending. Everyone who enabled him and/or was codependent with him has taken a step back, so he can no longer repeat the same cycles bad behavior that he did throughout the show. Also, Bojack talks a lot about how he wishes someone would punish him. He seeks out consequences from others Many times throughout the show, and his pattern of self-sabatoge is, imo, driven by that desire to face consequences. Now that the other shoe has dropped and he is spending time in prison, he is finally facing consequences for all of it. I believe if it is at all possible for a bad person to turn their life around, it HAS to start with being held accountable for their wrongdoings.  I also think that the ambiguity of his future is true to life. There's no big thing that happens that convinces a person to change for the better; it's a constant, relentless series of good decisions. He is doing better during the last episode, and it's a nice night, and it was nice while it lasted. IMO, making a clear cut ending that portrays him either as definitely getting better or doomed to fail would undercut his whole journey. I like that there's room for optimism in the ending (although personally, I wouldn't have been upset to see him die in that pool. I love downer endings) that doesn't just redeem bojack and create a blank slate for him.


i just finished it last night and the part where bojack and diane are on the roof hit me really fucking hard. i’ve been bojack in that conversation, i have BPD and i latch onto people hoping they’ll save me. i wish we could get one episode to see where he ends up, i hope he finds peace


I get always rooting for the protagonist and we as the audience get a lead up that always ends the way we hoped but seeing bojacks ending wasn’t at all happy and cheery and plus hollyhock didn’t want anything to do with him even though they were blood.


I’ve seen a lot of people get mad at hollyhock for cutting Bojack off but I think she did the right thing. She still cares about him but she did for the safety of her, friends and family, not to mention that she is going to be the first person in the bloodline to break the generational trauma. It hurts to cut someone off especially when you happen to care for them, you can still love them from a distance but you need to keep your own distance, yknow? I was hoping that he just committed suicide tbh, but I get that would be TOO predictable. I love the way the writers wrote season 6, truly. edit: I didn’t mean suicide as in its good. I’d never wish suicide upon anybody. I was talking about for show purposes, plot etc. I said “I was hoping he just committed suicide” because I enjoy dark endings, because if he did die, it still would’ve been an a amazing story, especially the way “The View From Halfway Down” is episode played out. I say “I was hoping he just committed suicide” because it felt like the entire show lowkey leads up to it*. (Edited)


Suicide would have been a horrible ending for the show.


The suicide part is a little much ngl but I totally agree with you what she did was right as much as it hurts. She made him really happy but he still has a lot to learn.


After he reads Hollyhock’s letter and someone slips a drink in his hand, I sighed. There he goes…


Ur not bad to root for bojack in season 6 cuz he’s genuinely a good guy for the majority of the season I’m pretty sure


Well you're entitled to your opinions, but I absolutely loved the last season and especially the last 2 episodes.