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I actually hate myself for how much I liked Hannah. Yeah she was in the way but she needed to be there to make Bones realise how badly she done goofed when she pushed Booth away. Hannah was unapologetically herself and I don't even blame her for turning Booth's proposal down. She explicitly told him she didn't want to get married yet he did it anyways.


Well technically they never discussed if she would be the marrying kind. She even states when he does it that she thought they had more time before they had to have that conversation.


I just watched this episode yesterday and she said something along the lines of "I've said I'm not the marrying kind before but maybe you just weren't listening"


Still kind of weird from hannah to not expect booth, a christian, wants to marry her some day. Bones told Hannah if shes not serious with booth she better leave (something that translates to that but in a nicer way) hannah said she was serious with booth. She should have known him at least well enough to know that booth would definetely want to marry at some point


I agree! They shouldn't have been together at all and moving in together was a crazy decision when they knew they didn't want the same thing from a relationship


A proposal should never ever be a complete surprise. Marriage should have already been discussed. And Booth pretty much did it on a whim pretty soon into dating. The type of proposal/ ring / timing of the proposal can be a surprise, but not actual decision. Hannah was the most non-marriage person ever. FFS she lived out of 2 bags and was essentially a roaming reporter.


Even before that though, in the episode “the bones that weren’t”, Hannah nearly has a panic attack when she thinks Booth is going to propose all because he made a nice dinner for her. Like that’s a pretty big sign that she doesn’t wanna get married, like Booth is pretty dumb for ignoring the neon signs that this lady ain’t the marrying type.


In one episode, she completely freaked out when Booth made a nice dinner thinking he was going to propose.


I just don’t understand why she left her dream job and moved halfway around the world for a man but didn’t want to marry him. Her decisions made no sense.


And for a guy that she KNEW was the marrying kind. Like Booth is clearly not the type of guy to date for 5 years or 10 or whatever and then MAYBE get married. He's a 2 yearer tops lol.


Yeah Booth makes it clear pretty much from a handshake that’s he’s the marrying type. I wanted to like Hannah and if not for her sending deliberately mixed signals I might have. But I don’t respect that kind of shit.


Exactly. Like I truly think it's Hannah that didn't listen, because despite her saying she's not the marrying kind, she sure acted like it (hell you shouldn't be meeting the son of you don't plan on ever marrying a man that you KNOW is going to want to marry you smdh).


This is why I say the arc was so poorly executed. It’s like the writers couldn’t make up their minds about where they wanted this to go. Sigh!!


To a job she knew she wouldn’t like.


Not much difference than Brennan and Sully, he just wasn’t on as long as.


Im glad they didn’t make her this evil woman who constantly antagonizes Bones


She was very important to the development of Booth and Brennan’s relationship. I don’t think they could have done better.


I really liked Hannah. She was really good for him.


I actually love Hannah as a character. She's my one of my favourite, and actually probably one of the only characters I could be friends with in real life. Her and booth are not a good relationship and I'm so glad they break up and make room for Booth and Brennan because they compliment each other and make an amazing pairing


Hannah doesn't really bother me. It was kinda obvious she and Booth wern't going to last. I'm re-watching S1 and enjoying the very reasons I got addicted to this show. I love Brennan's combination of intellectuality and social naivety especially the club scene in S1E6.


I can’t stand the Hannah episodes. Wish they didn’t happen.


Not only did I dislike Hannah, the actress who played her was super, super annoying. I thought she was just awful. But then I saw her in Big Sky and liked her a lot in that. Maybe it was just the context of her keeping Booth away from Bones that I disliked!


Oh noo, I think from the perspective of keeping Booth and Brennan apart it makes sense that she can seem annoying. I found that her personality was so kind and she was so lovely to Brennan and I just loved her as a person/character except when she said she doesn't like kids before meeting Parker (that got on my nerves so much!! Why move in with a man who has a kid!) She just shouldn't have been with Booth


I wouldn't mind seeing an alternative reality episode where Booth married Hannah.


I want to hate Hannah. I don’t like her and wish she wasn’t part of the show but she’s so nice and level headed. I have the dvds and was watching an episode with extended scenes and in that scene Angela is telling Brennan that she hates Hannah. So that was interesting


She's a terrible actress. Olympic athlete and gorgeous, but the acting was just bad.