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My boomer in-laws are both Fox heads and Fox does this thing where they say "Liberals want this, Liberals want that." So when they come to visit our liberal house hold they say things like "You want this, You want that. You want open borders to just allow criminals to walk into our country (or whatever it is that week)." First of all I don't even know what you're talking about most of the time. But they come and they're pissed because Fox told them to be pissed at the liberals and we happen to be the only set of liberals they interact with. Literally poisoning the country against each other.


OMG, that's so true. I have a few conservatives (are they still called that) that are SHOCKED when I'm not eating babies, have a golden Biden statue that I worship, etc.


I had to remind my dad that the liberal elitist they were winding him up to declare war on in 2016...was me. And my life didi not align with what they were saying in any way. And it took a few days- but he finally put it together. Until I left. A week later it was all back.


It’s amazing how purposefully divisive Fox News is. They will constantly say Democrats are waging war on things, I’m not even being hyperbolic. People watching Fox News actually think they’re at odds and at war with Democrats. This is 10000% on purpose and everyone should be concerned. They are purposefully causing people to be scared and angry. They are also purposefully isolating people especially from other information sources. They are actively enabling their base to commit nothing short of violence and insurrection. I had the unfortunate privilege of being subjected to constant Fox News at my mom’s place and to say I was alarmed at what was being said would be an understatement.


The 24 Hour Hate. 


I’ve never seen my mom get so upset and worked up about shit she doesn’t even really experience. Like trans people and whatever the fuck they’re sensationalizing in NYC or wherever. It’s sick.


My dad is Silent Generation, and has never been a right wing radio or Fox News guy, but he’s Fox adjacent because some of his friends have been sucked into the hate. Fortunately for me, he handles being called out very well. He was going about the “Green New Deal” a while back and I just asked him, “Talked to Bob recently, eh? Because I know you don’t watch that shit.” It was a wake up for him and he’s made it clear that he doesn’t want to hear the bullshit from his friend anymore. 


My mother is a silent and she stops that shit cold if a friend starts. She worked for her neighborhood association and when one of the officers started some racist shit about Obama, she told him to pound sand and quit.


My mom is silent generation, and we do the same thing. If she says something crazy, I ask “Who told you that?” and then present the facts and she usually listens. She grew up without electricity so I think she tends to be more skeptical of cable news.


This is a great take on that... https://preview.redd.it/w7lbxlm6f14d1.png?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290c4ce5656ba5bf31b012c0f1d07989c8d64e5b


Elmo's boy Matt Taibbi the pedophile who raped multiple underage Russian girls in the late 90's? That guy?


Not anymore. Peelon got pissy that Taibbi was on Substack. [After Matt Taibbi Leaves Twitter, Elon Musk ‘Shadow Bans’ All Of Taibbi’s Tweets, Including The Twitter Files | Techdirt](https://www.techdirt.com/2023/04/10/after-matt-taibbi-leaves-twitter-elon-musk-shadow-bans-all-of-taibbis-tweets-including-the-twitter-files/)


Matt Taibbi: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Matt_Taibbi


Yeah I'm disappointed in his latest trip down the rabbit hole. Before this I thought his works were thought provoking...sigh.


My dad started an argument with me about echo chambers and when I asked him what liberal thinkers he's listened to, his answer was Jimmy Kimmel. JIMMY FUCKING KIMMEL. I might have laughed in his face. The great liberal thinker of our time, Jimmy motherfucking Kimmel.


I’m more of a John Oliver man myself.


Well, that’s the thing. Oliver has a sliver of information and intelligence in there. Kimmel’s a fucking idiot and yet they still get mad over anything he says… when it’s never even funny lol.


I think Sarah Silverman said it best at a Comedy Central roast of Jimmy Kimmel: "Jimmy Kimmel, everyone. He's fat and he has no charisma. Look out, Danny Aiello!"


He may seem like a moderate now, but don't discount his earlier leftist feminist work on the Man Show


Ooh with the then woman’s rights advocate Adam Corolla


It's a shame how they've canceled Comrade Carolla for his leftist views


Fox News really has discovered the secret of easy brainwashing. It's: 1. Pretend like literally everything is an existential threat to old white people, white women, white children, and/or America 2. Repeat every talking point CONSTANTLY. 1. example: don't let people forget that every single aspect of inflation is 100% because of Joe Biden by literally only ever referring to it as "Biden's inflation." 3. Be the only news outlet that doesn't do stories about that time you made up lies and reported them as "news" and paid a $787 million fine about it, secure in the knowledge that your audience refuses to get their info anywhere else.


I would be damned if I’d have FOX news on in my house at this volume. Even when I visit my Mom she has the decency to mute it. But this is your place—your rules.


I have all news networks blocked in my house. Drives my dad insane. We are rural so he can’t watch it without my WiFi network on his phone either. Also, I’m petty and locked out the thermostat with my phone and he can’t mess with that either.


I feel the thermostat one. My dad came over and when he walked into the living room he went to turn it down. I looked him square in the eye and said "my house, my rules, don't touch!" He looked both upset and proud


When I stayed at my parents I turned the thermostat down to 68 at night time in SC. When I woke up my mom was giving me the silent treatment. I said what’s up? She says “do u know what that costs to run the ac at 68 ?” Me “ yah….the same as it costs to run the heat at 78 when u visit my place in the winter.” Not to mention I was there to help them move. After 3 days of moving we celebrated by going out to dinner….at Freindlys. At least I got a Jim dandy


I can't think of anywhere better to celebrate anything than Friendly's. I miss it


My Wal-Mart here in GA has started carrying a Friendly's sundae in a cup product. It's not in the ice cream section, it's in a cooler in the baked goods section. Haven't tried it yet.


78 degrees? I turn my heat up to 68 in winter.


Why so hot


Oh man I grew up on Friendlys. Love the Jim Dandy but the togo reesee peanut butter cup is my jam


Growing up in the 80s, during the summer my grandpa would take me out to share a Jim Dandy and then hit the local multiplex for a Wednesday matinee. Best summer memories!


Clown Head Sundae all the way.


Now I NEED a Wattamelon Roll


Yo, ngl, I would kill for a grilled Parm sandwich from friendly's with a Fribble and Fries.


Better than a jim HANDY?


Found Lauren Boebert’s reddit account.


I miss Friendly’s!!


Why is “My house / my rules.” one of the hardest for some parents? If we even looked like we might pull some of that at their home we’d hear it hard and fast. They can be just spoiled toddlers.


My dad is my biggest abuser, he also was diagnosed with NPD and has the even worse combo of also showing ASPD traits. I live in an apt where I'm on the first floor and instead of a fenced in balcony it's just open space since it's facing the front and I have a wall of floor to ceiling windows at it as well. Thankfully this stopped a year or so ago, but he would legit randomly come and bang on my window whenever the fuck he wanted. It *really* didn't help that I have severe complex PTSD as well, and so it would scare the shit out of me. I started getting anxious on a daily basis thinking about him possibly coming over all damn day by then. When I told him to stop he just said, "I'm your dad I can come over whenever I want." It only finally stopped when I told him I'd call the police for harassment. Most of these boomer parents either think they are entitled to do whatever they want or that you owe them whatever they want.


Or they gave you life so they own you, " brought you into this world, I can take you out of it if I want." Hauntingly comes to mind.


It’s depressing that that expression is still around. I’m a boomer, and I heard it constantly when I was growing up. My abusive parents stopped talking to us shortly after my husband and I got married, so we raised our family completely without those grandparents. Wishing you better, which you deserve.


"...And I can make another one just like you." "Not for the last 10 years, old man." My mates Dad at least had the decency to laugh at that.


I had to stay with my mom and her husband for awhile and he would bang as hard as he could on the bedroom door every morning. I also have CPTSD and I'd reward him with a blood curdling scream. He finally stopped.


It's just terrible how they pull that shit, but you just know if anyone tried it on them they'd pull the victim card as usual... Sorry you also had to go through that too


Right back at you. Don't be afraid to use the screaming technique. They really can't handle hearing a woman doing that, it makes them feel guilty.




Daniel Boone was David Soul's best performance ever.


Boomers love to never help you out with a penny. So they do the old either you make it on your own, or I will watch you fail and die. So if we pay for everything. Have our own place. Pay the bills. My fucking rules now bitch. 💯👍💯


My boomer dad made me start paying rent when I got a job in 11th grade. NC for 15 years now.


“Look at me. Look at me, im the dad now.”


God I wish my parents were like that.


Upset AND Proud 🥲


The fact that your parents fuck with the thermostat makes me think my in-laws are actual saints because I could never imagine them doing that, at all.


I have a young daughter. I couldn't imagine being old and she has kids and I show up, just because I am grandpa or your parents..I would never ever strong arm anyone into my way of thinking or doing things. It's wonderful we give our kids the tools to be who they want to be. Boomers want to create own kids and grandkids in "their own image" and must just be just like them .


This is the way!




I turned it off as soon as I walked into my parent’s place one day and my dad was gobsmacked (mom never liked it and was equally shocked but fully supported it). I told him he’s welcome to turn it back on when I leave but that I refuse to watch it and would rather not have to compete with it during my visit since all it did was make him angry. It worked.


My FIL visited us for a week. First thing he tried to do was install Fox News on our Firestick. I deleted it and told him no. I deal with it at their house, but that shit isn't going any of my devices.


I am just loving this whole conversation. It’s awesome!


I’ll be damned if I have Fox news on in my house at all. If they insist on watching it, they can either wear headphones or get a hotel room.


This here. No better than listening to Hitler speeches at this point.


yeah that would never be allowed on the tv for 1 second. fox is the reason why we had a racist bigot for president, it’s why charlottesville happened, and why the entire gop is now openly white supremecist. i would shut down that conversation without any concern for hurting any relative’s feelings. bridge burnt? that’s fine.


We burn bridges to light the way forward.


Boomer distrust of foreigners doesn’t extend to the Australian tabloid journalism media magnate that owns Fox. He only became an American citizen to get around requirements re owning American media. He doesn’t care about America. He’s actually the foreign terrorist (of the stochastic variety) “taking our jobs”! But they don’t care. They literally watch unAmerican propaganda all day long. But they don’t care.


Fucker became a US citizen half a century ago, he's your problem now. Signed: Australia.


I always have those blocked. They can't get in if they wanted to.


Anyone know how to block it on Hulu? my parents are coming in a few weeks and watch Fox from the minute they wake up until bedtime.


Good lord! Do they have any hobbies?! Gardening, reading, anything but Fox? lol


I used to be really confused as to how "conservatives" could be so supportive of Trump and full of such hate and nonsense. But then I spent some time in the South with my now-ex's family, and we'd walk into some houses and Fox News would be on, at full volume so it could be heard anywhere in the house. Just on all day long, so much so that if they ever did turn it off, the ticker and logo was burned into the screen. And I'd listen to it for a few minutes and heard the most idiotic, oh-so-obvious falsehoods and propaganda.     And now I don't wonder anymore. If you pour that shit into your brain all day, you're going to become unhinged.


And talk radio! When helping an elderly relative in Iowa, I found he listens to the radio all day, every day. It used to be farm reports, but now it is the most incredible tirade of ridiculous ranting about anything Democratic or foreign and screwball conspiracy theories. No wonder the country is being torn apart, when half the population is being continuously assaulted by this nonsense and told it’s truth!


Talk radio, too. If there is a hell, I hope Rush Limbaugh boils in it for what he did to our parents' and grandparents' minds.


But they choose it because that messaging tells them all their personal failures are someone else's fault. It is easier to think that there are 8000 Chinese military operatives crossing the border DAILY to take your jobs, than to own that you suck.


Please believe me that all southerners are not like this. I live in the south and Fox News gives me the icks.


And hateful. Exceeding hateful. I had to check into detox to get off a prescription medication during the previous administration. At the facility, people would turn on Fox and just stare dully at it. I’d start to freak out, go to the nurses’ station, and beg them to change the channel. The best moment came when one perky nurse turned on “Say Yes to the Dress.” All of the ladies talked with great animation about *their* wedding dresses. When the program was over, it was smoke break, and everyone else dashed outside. Then I gorged on MSNBC.


Fox is very good at taking whatever Trump says and does and twisting it into knots to present it as the most pure form of conservative political theory that has ever existed.


Even though I sold the right to discuss politics around my parents for a crown on a broken tooth, my folks won't watch Fox while I'm there.


Another reason for Universal Healthcare.


Damn, I remember reading your story about getting the crown. Quite the sacrifice.


Smart ass.😜


Lol, you got me. Have a beautiful weekend!


You too!


Right. No Fox in the house. Period. Don’t like it, leave.


This. I'll let family commandeer my TV during a get-together at my place, but they would NOT be welcome to turn it to Faux. If that's the only reason they turned it on in the first place, then I'm going to turn it off and take the remote away.


>I would be damned if I’d have FOX news on in my house At all.


Yeah I would've unplugged my router just so I wouldn't have to listen to that drivel.


My partner put parental controls on that and his dads phone (partner owns the phone plan) when his parents visited. Thank heaven for it.


Yeah. I think the wifi might have mysteriously stopped working if that happened at my house. Or the TV would be keeping the baby from sleeping.


Yeah OP has a heart of gold. I don't talk to my parents hardly at all because they try and spoon feed shit they saw on Joe Rogaine or Alex HOEnes. I always see a dead zombie spewing bile and fecal matte rout of their mouth. It's Brian Rot. No way would I allow them to strong arm because they are a "grandpa"


My roof my rules. Hate and fear mongering not welcome.


I’ll be damned if I’ll have FOX news on in my house at all. Just saying.


My mom was hardcore fox, but had transitioned to full newsmax


I'm sharing my YouTube TV subscription with my mom and other family and friends. If I heard her use it to turn on FOX News I would immediately cancel the subscription, and let her know that instant.


I’d be damned if anyone watched fox news on my tv at any volume. Personal device with head phones is their own personal space. I also won’t let anyone spew maga bullshit in my house without them getting an earful of what a corrupt immoral evil fuck he is. If they persist they’ll be asked to leave. I don’t talk politics with others except if I know them well and it isn’t a point of disagreement. Fortunately my parents were plenty liberal so it was hardly ever a point of friction.


No porn. No Faux News. It's just common decency.


I’m impressed he figured out how to get AND use an app.


Lol, this. That comment alone stopped me in my tracks momentarily.


Object permanence *just long enough* to get their **Two Minutes Hate**® fix, then it's back to slackjawed feigned helplessness at all this newfangled modern technology. Fucking baffling.


How did I never make this connection before? An Orwellian Two Minute Hate - 24 hours a day. Plus bad, plus plus bad!


doubleplus ungood Yeah, I try to avoid the comparisons of today to any Orwellian writings... but when the jackboot fits... sigh


Real Velociraptors opening doors moment.


Addicts will find a way to get their fix.


“The caramel” Stopped reading right there. These racists deserve to be cut off and left to rot.


I thought the same. No way I'd tolerate racist talk in my home, much less Fox News being blasted at high volume.


Sounds like he's the one who truly has regrets. I'm truly coming to think it's psychologically impossible for a lot of these people to come to terms with the mistake that they made in supporting Donald Trump. He made prize asses of all of them and I know that a lot of them don't know that, but I think a lot of them feel it.


Yes, and they won’t admit it They’ll go down with the festering ship with their Maga hats floating Before they admit that they made a mistake and supported a complete fuckingfucktard


Coming from a boomer democrat 💯☝️


This more than anything. Rupert Murdoch and Rush Limbaugh ate the few brains they had.


Don't forget Wally George.


And G. Gordon Liddy


Who could forget the Liddster?!


I mean pretty much everyone. As soon as these fuckers die their names fall out of the conversation in a matter of moments. They made nothing and nothing remains when they are gone.


They really just do not have any fucks to give about anyone besides themselves. Luckily the grandkids they ignore are probably better off for it. I would not be inviting him back any time soon.


Their "whataboutism" is just the worst.


If a Boomer tells me what liberals want I just start telling them how Conservatives want to fuck kids and it’s obvious because Trump and Epstein were buddies and everyone knows it and they’re all just mad they can’t fuck kids and then bring up the child marriage laws, donald trump being a pervert and the comments he made at the beauty pageants with minors, and how they don’t care about any politics except for being able to fuck kids because they sold out all their values just because they’re mad they can’t fuck kids anymore. If I get threatened I make it very clear I don’t forgive them for being pedophiles like their christian buddies do and unlike them I’m more than happy to throw down with a pedophile and they should all be hung anyway. I just keep at it until they give up or get mad enough to leave. Sad part is this isn’t a joke and it’s how I view them. You don’t get to worship a pedophile and then claim you’re not a pedophile.


I had boomers asking me what if democrats were on the list of people who went on epstein’s plane and I was like idk man still feeling pretty good about my whole all pedophiles are bad policy so throw them in jail too my guy. They seemed shocked that I wasn’t trying to defend anyone. Why bother? If they were diddling kids then they need a short walk and a sudden stop at the end of a pier but we don’t do that anymore so jail works.


Yes, they don't understand at all that most of the left don't say 'well it's my guy who did it, so it should be okay for him' when our politicians do awful things because they can and do defend their guys for literally anything


The few times my conservative relatives have visited they know not to try that shit in my house. It’s your house, OP. Next time put him in his place.


I don't have cable and never have. I only use streaming services. But as far as Biden voters regretting it... I didn't vote in 2020 and regret NOT voting for Biden then. I'm damn sure voting for him this year, and I've never been more certain with my vote.


Biden voters regret it? Regret what? Look, if Joe had done half of what Donald and his people had done before and while in office, I would be fine with him being found guilty. That's how the law works. No. One. Person. Is. Above. The. Law.


Got hit with that one the other day. “How would you feel if this happened to biden?” Well, if he’s guilty as all fuck, make him and Don share a pair of ankle cuffs for all I fucking care. Dude’s head about exploded. Just couldn’t fathom that I don’t fucking like either of them, but I’d take a bullet for Joe Biden before I said a single pleasant word about that fat fuck criminal wannabe.


I've heard and read accounts about Boomer MAGA people not caring about family or friends and just ranting about their outdated beliefs and how everything is changing. There was a newborn grandchild and the MAGA didn't necessarily want to spend time with them. Just spew hate and ignorance... They're pathetic because rather than embrace the future and family. They're clinging to the past and will be hated or despised once they're gone.


A buddy of mine has a son who is around 6 now and his parents went full MAGAt. After a few years of dealing with their crap he put his foot down- No Trump or No Grandchild take your pick. They told him they would never be able to not support Trump. So he cut them off completely. Their son now has never really met his grandparents outside of being a little baby and likely wouldn’t even know who they are. That’s a good thing because now he doesn’t have to look up to and respect those with such hateful outlooks


Trump over family. 10 years ago if you told me people would be choosing to worship Trump over spending time with their family, I would called you insane.


Or any politician. It's why MAGA folks get so shocked and mad when they hear that you don't really like Biden or get confused no one flys Biden flags or has Biden conventions. Normal people don't worship politicians.


Where I live, your house and/or car would be vandalized if you had a small Biden sign.


I’d love to have a time machine and go back to say 2010 and ask the people who today are hardcore Maga and ask them what they think of Donald Trump. I’m willing to bet most had the same opinion as my now ultra MAGA father “he’s an asshole who’s only for being rich” Today he’d change trumps diaper if told to


Dr. Emmett Brown: Then tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in ~~1985~~ 2018? Marty McFly: ~~Ronald Reagan~~ Donald Trump. Dr. Emmett Brown: ~~Ronald Reagan? The actor?~~ Donald Trump? The Conman?


No more Hollywood presidents. They do too much damage.


Notice how they never say he didn’t do it, just that he shouldn’t be punished for it Did the autocorrect from Kamala to Caramel or?


I took that as a racist jab and that alone would've gotten him thrown out of my house, end of story.


That’s a generous theory (which might be right)


You need to remind him that whataboutism is a classic Communist propaganda tactic, straight out of the Russian and Chinese playbooks, and that you won't have him spilling his Commie filth in your house. Flip the Commie bad rhetoric on him.


> "You can't do that, he's just a puppet, he's going to die in office and then Caramel will be in charge, Hunter got money from the Russians and Joe knew about it." literally projecting about trump, who got russian money many times and will probably die soon


Understatement of the year. Trump didn't just get Russian money, he is a full blown Russian mob asset. He is owned by and beholden to the Russian "oligarchs". It runs so much deeper than money


Hey, that’s unfair. He got German money, not Russian. Don’t slander the good name of Deutsche Bank by implying they didn’t launder that Russian mob money till it was nice and shiny. They even hired a Supreme Court Justice’s kid to oversee it and everything!


Trump is exempt from death.


The way I’d have turned around 11 minutes into the car ride from the airport and dropped them back off.


Believes in free speech no matter what until someone says something he doesn’t agree with.


"Hillary should be in prison... for that book she wrote."


Disallow Fox News from the TV to begin with. Why? We don't watch news networks that had to pay a billion dollars in settlements for lying in this house.


You should block Fox News on your parents tv.


I would've disconnected the tv for the weekend if he dared put Fox on in my home. No internet, no cable etc. I don't allow hateful trash in my home.


The response of the Republicans and the conservative media is terrifying. They're all pretending that the entire, transparent process that anyone can go look at closely and confirm is above board and normal, is somehow some master plan of the Dems. They lie so much about such publicly available information that I think the trump simps actually believe it's true. They're fucking unhinged. I sincerely hope every single capable voter goes out and votes this monster out of existence. I hope that my fellow voters are not complacent this November and absolutely bury trump in a landslide. If this monster gets elected, he will set the United States back 100 years and threaten the entire planet.


Oh you are too nice. I have a standing rule with my in-laws, don't talk politics with me or my family because it is going to lead to an argument as I'm going to have to counter their bs with facts and I warned them that these arguments can lead me to cutting them off. So the best thing they can do is keep their opinions to themselves or risk being cut off from their grandkids. There is no compromise of middle ground with these maga idiots.


Fucking AMEN! That would be my take too, especially in my own home.


No news is better news


Omg how do you not go no contact!


Fox is the worst thing to happen to America


How do you hover Fox News off of your cable package? I would rather not pay for the Fox channels and there are about 5-7 of them. It’s not fair we have to subsidize their lies and propaganda


Check parental guidance on your package. I have had friends who block Fox before the parents show jp


Honestly he's the perfect reason as to why I don't play chess with pigeons.




My dad is literally on his death bed in the hospital right now. He watches Fox 24/7. I tell him there are so many beautiful things in the world, watch a nature show or listen to beautiful music. Enjoy your last days. But for some f’d up reason he seems to enjoy watching this garbage. He was going off on Biden, repeating the Fox talking points and I reminded him that $787 million proves that he is watching fake news. He told me to F off and that if I didn’t vote for Trump I should F myself. I replied that Fox News was achieving its goal. He asked what I mean’t and I replied, “division.” He didn’t get it. But at his funeral, I can honestly say he died doing what he loved…watching Fox News.


Do they know the republicans want to raise retirement to 69? Cut SSI? Medicare? How do these old fools just ignore such things.


Don’t forget about cutting out the Affordable Healthcare Act and Medicare. These stubborn fools vote against ALL of our best interests!


Because Republicans always grandfather them in. It will impact the next generation, not them. I honestly think there should be a cut off age for voting. At a certain point, you're inflicting damage you'll never live to see.


Agreed. Maybe not so much for voting, but politicians should have to retire at 60. They’re so out of touch.


I actually laughed out loud when I read about Hunter getting money from the Russians, and Joe knew about it.




"I don't have dementia because dementia people go to hell"


> Okay, but what about gas prices being so high? lol... Fucking incredible. Please tell me he drives a truck or larger SUV.


Ram 1500 5.7L. 14 mpg average last time I was in it.


Of course. It's always the dudes who opt to drive the least fuel efficient vehicles lol.


They see trump and his cronies as the last chance they have to be in control. And they can’t handle not being in control because they are the most fragile generation in history.


Fox News doesn’t play in my house. Period.


"Caramel"? Seriously?


They start down that path because of their own resentments, feeling like they didn’t achieve what they wanted, looking for something to tell them it was something done to them by immigrants, minorities or some political party. It’s a way to cope and not address their personal accountability. It disheartening for sure, it would be lovely if he could focus on being with his family, the grand baby and be truly happy in the moment. Sounds kinda like a dipshit, similar to my dad in many ways. The sad part is the realization that your parent just isn’t a happy person in their late life; they are a wound up ball of nerves. It really seems like an effect of depression or anxiety


I kicked my dad out of my house for playing that shit on max volume on his phone in my kitchen in 2020.....Haven't seen him since. Boomer trumpers seem to develop a mental illness that devours their entire personalities. It is like watching someone join a cult through their phone/TV.......It is super weird to watch happen and strangely unstoppable. There is nothing you can say or do to even slow the descent into madness.


No way would I let anyone watch that crap in my house.


There's no fox news, no politics, and very little religion allowed in my house with adults my parents age. Nope. They sure as heck aren't going to add a fox News app to my TV. I'd take the breaker out first.


fox news is the greatest enemy america has ever known


I'm just glad my dad watches the same old TV shows and not the news.


We grow being told that TV will melt your brain and ruin your eyes, only for the ones who told us doing the exact same thing right now.


Boomers are OBSESSED with the price of oil and who’s the president. They think that the white house has a calculator they punch in the price. No Bob, the president doesn’t control the price of oil the barons do.


Why did you let him in your house.


Why would you allow him to behave like this in your home. Surly as a child you weren’t allowed to behave like this in his home.


My cousin blocked Fox News on her tv expressly so that her father could not turn it on while he was visiting her.


They chant freedom but being glued to FN has reprogrammed so many old voters to all think and act the same way. 


This is very much like my dad. He’s always been very vocal with his opinions regarding politics and religion, and I have learned to just ignore it, my wife is not as patient as I am and she told him he’s welcome in our house as long as he doesn’t push his beliefs on us. Of course instead of being rational and respecting the boundaries he had a huge argument with my wife. In typical boomer fashion if you don’t vote for Trump you’re a liberal who wants to kill babies, give illegals all your money, let newborns transition, and force everyone to buy an electric car. I shut the argument down between them, and now my dad constantly tries to guilt trip me because he can’t see his grand daughter. I’ve told him that as long as you respect the boundaries and apologize to my wife you’re welcome to come over, but he can’t do that so here we are. He lives 4 hours away and on 3 occasions I’ve gone down to see family (my mom and stepdad, and my wife’s family live in the same area) and he’s ghosted me when I try to bring my daughter over. Of course that’s never his fault, it’s his broken phone, or depression medication making him fall asleep. We went on a trip driving from Florida to Texas and he constantly tried to argue with me about politics, there are things we agree on and even then he has to be righter. His current hobby is owning the libs on Facebook and YouTube. I’ll never understand the constant victim mentality and feeling the need to argue and force your opinions on others, then acting surprised when nobody wants to spend time with you!


I went NC with my dad once he started the ultra conservative stuff about 15 yrs ago. He was a republican, but growing up he wasn’t a racist. What he was was a closeted gay man that hated himself, which breaks my heart, but the Fox MAGA stuff, I couldn’t.


Non-MAGA boomer grandpa of two here. I was changing my infant sisters’ diapers when I was 9 yo, and did it for my daughter from her first diaper (the really nasty one). Fox News is not allowed on any devices in my house. You describe it accurately— anyone that listens to Fox propaganda on a regular basis has been brainwashed. Their mind is broken and the only fix is to ween them off of that garbage and only expose them to critical thinking news. Biden/Harris 2024.


We took cable away from my stepfather. His use of the n-word dropped by 90%. Four days in a hospital with Fox on blast and he dropped an n-bomb on the way home from the hospital. It is a cancer.


Set clear ground rules. Coordinate with your siblings if they are willing. We all set the same ground rules and expectations and they abide. We also made it clear if they violate our rules at one house we all close our homes to them for a month. It seems drastic, but our folks were getting deep into qanon shit. They were angry at first, but now they don't say shit when they come over. We are able to maintain a very meaningful relationship with them.


Par for course based on post title


To be fair, every MAGA makes fools of themselves.


I’m glad he was depressed for the rest of their trip.


Isn't it the worst to look at the man the you call dad become this guy?


I think you are very accommodating. After day one I would have said turn fox off, no more political talk and engage with your new grandchild or leave.


Media does rot your brain, but it’s Fox News/Conservative media. Hell, heavy metal didn’t have this effect on people and conservatives pissed themselves over that in the 80’s.   Now I get hat it was all drive more tithing. The Donald mafia is using the Same grift as religion 


Hell no. You’re way more patient with me. I would have turned off the tv and taken the remote with me.


I'm sorry you had to go through that. My mom who used to be a reasonable person also got radicalized through Fox News and right-wing radio. She's a totally different person than I knew growing up. Ultimately, a lot of people chose to go that route. I guess they were lonely and it makes him feel a part of something.


Fox News is just the beginning. My dad got sucked into OANN, which if you don’t know is like if Fox and Qanon had a baby. The most bonkers conspiracy theories and hateful “news” I’ve ever seen on cable.


Often when I go to dialysis the TV is fox news in the lobby. I always get up and change to anything else but I prefer not to leave it on any news. Some of those patients can't get up and change it etc. I prefer nature documentaries etc.


The gas thing is so weird to me. Yeah, prices have sucked. But they are comparing to a period of time where gas was cheap only because demand was so low due to COVID shutdowns that no Republican even wanted. This wasn't some plan of Trump's. They always want their cake and to eat it too.


Fox News ruined our parents


Sounds like he has brain worms.


“So Hillary committed all those crimes and got away with it? So she is that much smarter and more competent than every Republican? Impressive.”


Faux News rots the brain and makes all your problems the fault of someone else. Usually, they have brown skin and are foreign.