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Ziptie a cart to her door handle.


That is a legit hilarious punishment


Sorry to reply again, but you’ve really rocked my world here. You’ll need to get scissors to cut it free - but if you buy scissors in the shop, they’re normally zip tied to the packet. An endless loop


…this had me cackling to the point I had to explain to my husband, the logistics legit had not occurred on first reading. (this is the first time since they brought back awards that I felt inspired to use one 😂)


Happy cake day!


Ah thank you!


Even better.. you can buy nylon zip ties that are reinforced with metal wire inside the strip. Very few scissors will cut through them. Wire cutters or you need to ‘pick’ them by putting something between the locking tab and the strip.


*off to Amazon to add that to my cart* Lmao. Too bad the shopping malls near me all have the coin deposit requirements.


A quarter is a small price to pay for justice.


Lmao. Very true!


You just have to buy a knife to cut the zip ties to get to the scissors. But dang, knife is in a blister pack you're going to need scissors to open... 🤔


Dear Lilah, dear Lilah!


And she will get a quarter. Win - win!


My grandpa wouldn't shop at Aldi because he didn't want to pay a quarter for a cart.


But..... you get it back when you return the cart...... Oh, right. I see the problem. Entitled boomer thinks the world revolves around them and expects someone to return the cart for them and be paid below minimum wage for the privilege of serving.


Correction. Your grandpa wouldn’t shop at Aldi because he didn’t want to forfeit his quarter when he was too lazy to return his shopping cart to the front of the store.


I don't know where you live, but I have only seen one single place that gave you a quarter for putting back your cart, and it was in a place that I would never normally use a cart. It was in a mall, and the carts were really meant to carry your kids around.


I don't think I've ever seen an Aldi without the quarter thing attached to the cart. Me and a friend used to stand outside of one in Chicago and offer to bring the carts back from the lot for people so that we could get the quarter. Funded our snacks for playing some N64 in the evening.


I've been shopping at Aldi since 1985 when I lived in Germany. I think the carts took 25 pfennig coins.


Anywhere from 50c to 2euro coins now, and I know of only 1 single supermarket chain that doesn't do it.


I've never even seen an Aldi lol. I'm in PNW


Pop up to Canada. All the stores do it there too


I was born in the PNW and have been living in Colorado since 2000. I still travel to see family in Oklahoma/Texas and Washington. Things I miss in Colorado are Aldi’s, Whataburger, Burgerville and Fred Meyers.


Yeah out west they probably have Trader Joes, which is the higher end division of Aldi.


In southern California we have both Trader Joe's and Aldi's. And Aldi's does the quarter for a cart thing.


Coloradan here: can confirm we got Trader Joe's several years ago, but there aren't many yet. Edited to add: I wish we'd gotten Aldi's!


In the city almost all the carts you need to pay to take out, and then when you put it back you get your own quarter back. It's to prevent theft.


And it keeps the store from having to pay someone to get the carts out of the lot.


Where I am (Australia), it's used slightly differently. Usually, there's a choice between using a $1 or $2 coin. And you don't have to return it all the way to the store because the corrals have the hookup to get your coin back. Folk get paid to take the trolleys (carts) back inside, and they're (mostly) in the corral, not all over the freaking car park. Win-win.


It's so they don't have to pay an employee to collect the carts.


Very interesting way to prevent theft. Do you think it's effective? I know it's common in some areas. I just felt like it's more likely that you don't get a quarter for putting the cart away in the span of the world or even the US. I can't really speak for much though. Interesting thing to think about. At the very least, I think the coin thing is a great way to have people put their own carts back.


As someone who used to be homeless and would steal shopping carts to use, yes, it works. And yes, it's also to encourage people to put their own cart back. It works moderately well at that, the kind of people who leave their cart in the middle of the parking lot are the same kind of people that think .25¢ is a good price to pay to be an asshole. I've seen some cart vestibules here in Canada take a dollar coin!


Aldi's has the quarter for a cart thing. So that you return your cart to get your quarter back


The specifically said this was Aldi, which has carried this practice over from Europe.


Brb I have to add something to my diaper bag for... Reasons based on inspiration.


Also, a spray bottle of cooking oil. A nice spray on their windows. Unless they have dawn dish soap handy, they will end up with nothing but a smeary, blurry mess. Bonus: if you set your spray bottle to stream instead of spray, you don't even have to get out of your car :) EDIT: Cooking oil also works in a Super Soaker squirt gun. I know because.... Reasons.


This is chaotic GENIUS!!


I try to annoy people with mid level evil.


Why do cooking oil? You can get some wd-40 or an auto grease can with spray nozzles.


I like to use cooking oil because it's viscous enough to put in a spray bottle, allowing you to set the spray bottle to "stream" and spray car windows without having to get out of your car at all if you don't want to. (You can put it in any household spray bottle, OR a super soaker squirt gun. Yes, I tried ;) Also, I don't know if things like wd-40 and others will damage paint? I know cooking oil **does not.** I don't want to cause any serious damage to their car, I just want to annoy the *uck out of them.


And long zip ties on the driveshaft.


This made me lol.


Unscrew the oil drain plug while you are down there.


For anyone that hasn't seen them I would like to point out that they make stainless steel zipties.


✍🏻 adding zip ties to my shopping list


Even better take two carts and chain them to the handle so she can only get it off with a quarter


Had a mate that carried a small ziplock bag of adhesive backed wheel balancing weights. Apparently this works wonders if you put them in the right place and makes you think you're driving through Cessnock if you don't.


Metal zip ties


Harbor freight!


Babe, this is Aldi, the fun's built right into the cart. Plug 2 carts together, with the chain-y-dos looped thru her door handle. Now she needs a quarter to free herself.


I do keep zip-ties in the van, plastic and metal.


Cover the car in sticky notes! Oh, and on each note, write: “park properly” and “don’t be a shitlord”.


Worth the 25 cents for the cart


In America, the carts are free, so that makes it even better.


you’ve never been to an Aldi. 


Aldi in the USA charges a quarter to use a cart. You get your quarter back when you return it.


Aldi requires a quarter for the carts.


But then you're out a quarter


Honestly laughed out loud to this 😂


I keep some in my glove box for all their miscellaneous usefulness, going to have to add this to my list


Should’ve got her towed


Likely she would’ve been long gone before the tow truck arrived


That and marked spaces for pickup, ev charging, veterans etc aren’t enforceable by towing. Only by shaming, at least in the US. Cue the (incorrect, and without any sources) ackshullaziezzzzz below…


Also true. The shaming is not very effective with people like OP is describing either


I mean they thrive on shame from us “youngsters” so my favorite thing to do is completely ignore them, even when directly spoken to. I’ll just look, cock a shit eating grin, and then go about my business. Man do they get pissed and start embarrassing themselves at that point. Stay strong, keep the grin and maybe escalate to laughing then pointing as they heat up and bang you’ve made yourself some free entertainment!


They get embarrassed? I've never seen that!


Refuse to respond while directly looking at them, let me know how that goes (it will be wonderful). Also record the interaction and share!


Inconvience is key


As a privately owned parking lot, Walmart can absolutely tow people who break their rules for parking. They did it all the time in Vegas while I was living there.


Depends on the state. Some states have very specific rules about towing and the signage that must be in place.


For about $125, you can buy a car boot off of Amazon. I haven't, yet, I'm not sure why, but it's just an epic use of, basically, a bar tab's worth of money for comeuppance.


You might have a drinking problem. Lol


Not anymore.


That's like 3 drinks and some food nowadays.


Just buy some extra long zip ties and zippy-boi a cart to the door handle


It’s private property. I can tow your ass because I hate your face.




lol fucking sue me see how that goes while you still pay to get your car out of hock. I was a resident manager of a 42 unit complex to be able to afford school. Fucking try me I will show up to court but you won’t file, you’ll pay out the ass, whine to anyone who will listen and that will be the end result.


For a minute, I thought this was from Liar Liar. The scene where Jim Carey went to get his car from the impound and it had a scratch on it.


What charges can you get for having a vehicle towed from private property?


Impound fee, towing it to the impound fee, admin fee for the paperwork to get it fee, lot rental ... Or do you mean legally? Because most places just have to put up a sign that says the space is reserved for X, with violation resulting in being towed at the owner's expense. For this particular scenario, probably never see a tow truck, let alone a court room. It'll never be worth it to the companies that bother setting up those spaces for pickup convenience. Personally, I've only ever seen someone get towed off handicap or veteran (specifically purple heart) spaces. A company is definitely wanting as close as ironclad as possible before doing anything like that.


Yeah, that's exactly what I meant. The person I replied to implied that if the store/employee has their vehicle towed, the store/employee will "face charges" for doing so. I wanted them to tell me what they thought that meant.


It's Aldi's spot. They can probably have her towed. They never would, though.


It's a private lot. If Aldi calls, they can have anyone towed. 


Depends on the state.  In Florida EV charging spaces are enforceable  with a ticket and a tow.


Yup. And immediately. This level of entitlement happens because they get away with it, repeatedly. Probably far from the first time she's done this exact thing.


Does your Aldi do the quarter thing for carts too? Cause she totally added that to her assholery too if she took his cart




Boomers have tried to take my cart multiple times. Like in the store with my paid for groceries in it. Also at the cart drop off. They want my cart but don't have a quarter. Or like one boomer woman, tried to hand me a fist full of pennies and nickels and got super offended when I refused.


That drives me crazy! If you don’t have a quarter go inside and the cashier will give you a quarter to use. I’ve had to do it myself before.


I had some bro try to strong arm take my cart with my bags of groceries in it because he didn't have a quarter. I told him multiple times he could get a quarter from the cashier that was a whole 10 feet away. I thought I was gonna have to fight this guy. People are stupid.


Then you have what happened the last time I went to Aldi. Random couple offers me their cart after unloading their groceries. I knew I needed like three things so I passed the cart along to another couple who then offered me their quarter. I passed because it wasn't even my cart or quarter.


I get the ones that act like they are curing cancer by giving you their cart by the cart corrals. I had some woman ahead of me in line buying a cart full of groceries. I had maybe 4 things and no cart. Her being loud and overly cheerful tells me I can go ahead of her. I tell her I'm fine I can wait. She ignores that I declined and insists. Again I tell her no, I'm fine please continue. She stops unloading groceries onto the belt and refuses to do anything until I go ahead of her. The whole time doing the "pay it forward look at me making the world a better place" BS. I just wanted to get a couple of things unbothered. This location doesn't have self checkout. This woman ignored someone's no multiple times and made a scene. This is such a stupid empty gesture. If you want to help people go donate something to the food pantry.


They all do. Usually if I'm returning my cart and someone's heading toward the door, I smile and say, "I'll trade you!" and they drop a quarter in my hand, we thank each other, wish each other a nice day, and then we're off and both saved 20 seconds. I don't know why it should ever be harder than that.


As someone who worked in a grocery store that did pickup, I always called people out. Told them unless they had pick up they can’t park there. I’d get people who parked there trying to pull out and I’d put my delivery cart right behind their car and take my time unloading it. They’d get mad at me and I told them that their problem could be solved by not parking in the pick up spots.


The real hero. Doing heroes work. Thank you for your service sir.


It's ma'am, but thank you for your comment lol. I'm a petty bitch at heart and so any chance I got to be petty but within the "rules" of work I'd do it. I loved when I had a big load to take out and I'd put it behind them and it could take me up to 10 minutes to unload. The karen's would get out and tell me to move and I'd say " sorry I can't, but I'm going as quickly as I can. In the future, park somewhere else that's not pick up and you won't encounter this again." xD


Pardon me ma'am! Many apologies! And much like you, I am an awful bitch when needed. I keep cooking oil in a spray bottle in my car so I can spray the 2 car windows of people that piss me off. My favorite being people who park in handicapped spaces. Unless they've got dawn dish soap handy, all they're gonna end up with is a big smeary, blurry, mess trying to get it off at the gas station with a squeegee. I set it to stream, and I don't even have to get out of my car :)


Apology accepted! You couldn’t have known but I appreciate it! Oh that is deliciously evil and I may add that to my arsenal of pettiness hehe


Well, I can say this. It doesn't harm anything. Like it doesn't eat paint or anything. It has no smell. And when you spray it, it just looks.like water, so no one makes a big deal about it at all. I've found it to be the absolute perfect combination of harmless and incredibly annoying at the same time. If you have access to someone's car, put a cup of oil in their window wash reservoir. Not only will it take them forever to figure out why their window is super greasy every so often, when they try to clean it, they'll just make it worse. And it takes FOREVER to get it all out of the reservoir once they *do* realize it's in there.


Sadly I don’t have access to the one persons car I want to do this to 😂


Instances like this are why I carry chalk in my bag and will go behind them and write in big letters "asshole parking" with an arrow pointing to their car. They can't get me for damaging their vehicle cuz I never touched it. It's sidewalk chalk so unless the cop is an absolute asshole and wants to do paperwork they really won't ticket me for "vandalism" or "graffiti". Might get a ticket for "obscene language" Which I'll happily smile and take and pay off.


Where do you live where obscene language is illegal? It’s free speech.


Hmm, long time ago, my mom told a cop to "F off" and got charged with disturbing the peace and verbal abuse.


That’s just a cop being a piece of shit. As per usual.


Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, at least.


SCOTUS ruled, a number of years ago, that it’s First Amendment protected activity.


Live in one of these states and based on the number of Fuck Joe Biden stickers I see it isn't enforced if it is illegal


My asshole neighbor has that as a flag on his garage door.


Most of the time it isn’t enforced and various states have different levels of “obscenity”


Got fined £125 for swearing in text messages. Something to do with the communications act in the UK


Omg that's wild! I didn't know that cops could watch that kind of stuff 👀


Well normally they don't but a so called friend accused me of sh** I actually hadn't done, first arrest and I didn't know that I should have a solicitor no matter what I thought they were only for guilty people who wanted to try to be proven innocent. Anyway my friend accused me of trying to break in to her and her parents house, I actually knocked gently on their door, they screamed and shouted at me and I just walked away, she was texting me all sorts of sh** and I replied with a lot of swear words, police were called, I was arrested and taken to court Monday, this happened Friday night. I got charged with breach of the peace as there was 3 against one and also breaking the communications across because I sent more swear words to her and she was traumatised and feared for her and her parents safety. They were known as quite a scumbag family in my city, why I was ever friends with them I'll never know especially since I'd seen them pull this shit on other people. Even some random walking past their house, having a convo over the phone they'd call the cops.


Free speech isnt free of consequences


Exactly what I was told the first time I tried to argue that flicking a cop off was not an arrestable offense because it was a form of speech and the whole freedom of speech thing.


It’s not. It’s protected speech.


I guarantee you that cursing is free speech.


Okay, never said it wasnt. Freedom of speech isnt free of consequences of said speech. You are free to say whatever you want. Saying them to certain people or saying certain things about certain people can have consequences.


Freedom of speech relates to the government. So no you can't be arrested for curse words or the middle finger to a cop.


Disorderly conduct is also a thing


I understand that. But the right of free speech shall not be infringed it pretty clear. They can ricker you or arrest you but most judges would dismiss it.


Not saying i agree with it or that its right. Just that it is


Alabama. A cop would throw it as disturbing the peace and threat of assault if he was being an asshole. Then again, most cops in the closest metro city to me are too lazy and don't wanna do the paperwork so they would more than likely try to seem big and scary and try to threaten to do more if I got caught doing it again. To which I would laugh.


You can get a ticket in VA Beach for swearing. When I was a kid, a dog bit me when I was collecting cans for scouts and the owner was swearing in front 12 year old me. The cops asked if my mom wanted to press charges.


Swearing in public was a crime in Virginia up until 2020 when it was repealed. Its still a class 3 misdemeanor if someone is offended by your language in Virginia Beach. I remember seeing signs in Virginia Beach with warnings when I was there about 10 years ago.


Good that you call out the asshole, but now who’s gonna wanna park there when they leave?


Someone who's not paying attention or doesn't care. If it's that big of a problem the store can simply spray it down with a hose and it'll go away. Or if the vehicle is gone by the time I get out I'll offer to an employee to wash it away myself if they can bring me the hose or a water bucket


This makes me crazy. Our Publix has 2 spots for pickup and they’re almost always taken by people shopping inside even though there’s a huge sign in front of your windshield when you park. I used to have to circle, then call the store and tell them where I was. I couldn’t go in because my daughter has extra needs and it’s difficult to manage both her and a cart. So frustrating.


Some of our local Aldi stores have the pick up by the back door far away from the main entrance. That seems to cut down on people using the spots for parking to go in. The store that has them by the door frequently has people parking in them. The HyVee by my house put the pick up in the back and it has pull through lanes. When they had it as spots near the door people were using them for parking.


Time together a ticket/tow




This is especially true because they have the "if that person can get away with it, then so can I, and I am going to do it too" mentality.


My library has a curbside area. It's 3 parking spots. I use it frequently and see others using. The number of boomers who park there because "no one uses it" is alarming. It's a library. Reading comprehension is sort of the thing you need there.


Tow Time


call the tow company.


Fun fact: you can remove the air stems out of tires pretty easily with a very inexpensive tool


Which is in my toolbag. But then they are really blocking the spot.


Jot down the license plate, call for a tow, and slap an annoying sticker somewhere visible. Hell, make custom stickers that say "I'M AN ASSHOLE PARKER" and just slap them on.


While I agree that stickers would be better, I love carrying these in my glovebox. https://a.co/d/fOnIRbr


I work online pickup and if anyone not there for an order parks in our designated area we'll ask them to move over the PA and if that doesn't work they'll be towed at their expense.


I’m surprised a boomer went to Aldi to begin with, with that progressive European name and all


Boomers at Aldi are the absolute worst.


My piece of shit boomer father likes to go to the Kroger parking lot in his huge F-350 and park double in the spaces reserved for grocery pickup. He also likes to pick fights with the teenage checkout staff. Anyone anywhere is a target for his entitled boomer/MAGA rage. During COVID, I infuriated him by making fun of his "Trump flipping birds saying FUCK YOU SOCIALISTS mask". I told him if he were actually subversive, he would not wear a mask at all


Boomer magats are the worst.


He is the worst person I know. I no longer speak to him at all.


Sounds just like an extended family member I know. Just an absolute ignorant shithead. Was funny during Covid his nonstop postings on Facebook of all these lies and propaganda and how much he hates modern science, you know all the posts. The brietbart and gateway pundit nonstop links. Then he got Covid and freaked the fuck out. I always thought it would be fitting when these assholes showed up to the hospital when they checked in if the receptionist said “oh I see your social media profile, you have to check in over here at the Facebook tent where like minded people such as yourself get to work on you. It’s ok though they all have degrees in Facebook and have done their research”


Should've called the towing company.


THere was someone taking up both of the vets emergency parking when we were there this afternoon. They were there for a normal appointment and the dog/cat vet was running behind. I was there to see the exotics vet with my rabbit and was in and out quicker than they were.


You do that at my vet and they'll tell you to move the car and refuse your appointment until you do.


A oops the cart left my hands at high speeds directly into her car works as well.


“Air pressure is a privilege, not a right” —scrawled sign on a flat car parked where it doesn’t belong at Burning Man.


If you zip tie a cart to her door- you should put it on the passenger side. There could be some comedy in that.


I hate boots but I feel like this would be an appropriate situation for the grocery store to boot people who park in these spaces.




Terrible people in every generation.


They should have had her towed


I love Karen stories. She’s a Karen, and a Karen can be any age. The problem is stores don’t enforce this. I was picking my prescriptions at Walmart. All of their pharmacy pick up parking spots were filled by shoppers not picking up prescriptions. Fortunately, I had the phone number saved. I told the pharmacy associate about this. She told me that there was nothing they could do. I do like the zip tieing a shopping cart to the door handle.


You can also try a spray bottle of cooking oil. Just give all their windows a nice spray. Unless they have some dawn dish soap handy, they're gonna have a heck of a time ending up with anything other than a smeary mess. Bonus: if you set your spray bottle to stream instead of spray, you don't even have to get out of your car. :)




I see this constantly at the store all around me either elderly or very expensive cars. Guess the rest of us need to only follow the rules...


Can always call for a tow.


I do mostly curbside and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people park in the pick up area that definitely were not doing curbside. Bjs and aldi are the worst where I live.


Ah yes the magical " i'll be quick" excuse like thats the issue.


Boomer parked in disabled bay at Aldi. She was behind me at checkout and realized she left her bags in car. Walked just fine out of there to grab her bags, meanwhile all her stuff is on the conveyor belt, I’m done and everyone else in line has to wait for her to come back in!


Typical boomer behaviour expect no Less. Actually for a boomer this was pretty thoughtful and considerate!!!!


Lazybones af


What a dumb old asshole. Hopefully she got confused and never made it home. Just die already.


It's funny. Most entitled people I see are under age 40 and going on 14.


People do this all the time at a Meijer in Detroit. I mind my business.


I'd go to a pay phone (if available) and call in a hit and run with her vehicle description.


Pay phone? Did you get lost?




Did you bother to read the sub name before you started your keyboard diarrhea?


Aldi is for the poor


Or frugal