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It depends person to person. Personally, I don’t like being just degraded or praised. Too much praise and Imma think im above you. Too much degradation and I’m gonna think you’re not into me. I’d modify your second statement. In an assertive and seductive voice say “you’re such a little bitch [after a bratty statement], but I’ll be sure to punish that attitude when we’re alone”. Even though the word “bitch” is in there this only feels subtly degrading. The statement also works as a reminder that you’re the dom.


Tamer here - Depends on the sub/brat type. Some have very hard lines with degredation, others are much more fluid. Depending on the brat you can also get walked all over if you only praise them. My advice would be to communicate with your play partner, as always, set up safe words, at least 2 seperate versions, I.e. Yellow and Red. yellow if they are okay to continue, but would like a direction switch, red if they are not okay and need play to be stopped. My personal advice would be to tie yours up and try some sentences on them as they are close to cumming. If you know your play partner well enough, you should be able to read their reaction on the situation clearly, which should steer you in the right direction. If you have a bit of an advanced connection, try blending the two, I.E. "You look so pretty with your face between my legs like a common toy", "You look so pretty cumming for my from the pain like a depraved slut. There is no one size fits all answer, just experiment together, keep what works, put aside what doesn't :)


I feel like this is more brat dependant, just like... Everything else in kink. You would definitely not be coming near me with the latter statement. Even in bratting,I don't do that kind of degradation. The former statement may get me more bratty for a time, but if you manage to get me into subspace and say it, I'm a very different kind of putty in your hands.


Lol. It's "you're my good little filthy whore, aren't you? You're Daddy's good little slut and you know exactly where your place is"


I like both, depends on the kind of scene we played out as well.


Combination, personally. Sometimes more degrading, sometimes more praises. I would personally safeword and leave so fast if my partner said they hated me, though. Even if it's just a scene. 😂😅 It really depends on the mood and the person. Even those with hard degrading kinks shouldn't always be degraded without at least a little praise. It's not really good for the brain, even if you know it's just a scene. My favorites that my boyfriends have said: "What a good fucking whore." "My rambling mess of a whore." "Look at this naughty whore being a little slut for me." Which was soon followed with "Good little puppy slut."


I like them to be commingled in the same sentence : “you are the most beautiful cumslut, beg for me princess like the slut you are”. 🥵


Both 🤷 When I'm in trouble and pushing I like being called a bratty bitch or a slut When I do a punishment or am behaving I want my head patted and to be called a good girl/pretty girl/baby girl/ sweetheart... Admittedly I've been in multiple abusive romantic relationships and it's almost cathartic that I'm only being called a bitch/slut etc when I'm actively pushing for it. When I'm just myself or behaving in play it's all praise. Which I desperately need with my self esteem issues 😂


You refer to "true" subs, im a little lost on that, do you mean slave type subs? A brat is still a true sub, just as much as a Little type sub would be for example. its just that brats are a bit more reluctant and 'playful'. Then a brat can also be a mix, you can have a slave brat, little brat etc etc :) If a brat likes degradation/humiliation or praise is dependent on the brat, just as much as it would for any other type of Sub, not everyone share the same kinks. We are all different people, and we all like different things. I believe if you are going to play with a brat, you both need to make sure you are both on the same page prior to engaging in play


I feel like they meant just someone who is a "just" sub, not a switch. 😂


yeah i was confuuuuused


That’s what I inferred as well.


I've been in a lot of toxic relationships in the past (not D/s dynamics, just romantic), and I have issues with self esteem sometimes. I'm also very new to this lifestyle, so I much prefer praise right now, humiliation/degredation is currently a hard limit for me. But it really depends on the person, I think just about everyone you ask is going to have a different answer. The most important part is talking to your partner and finding out what *they* like and don't like.


This is where I’m at. I have a lot of anxiety around hurting partners and not wanting to upset them in anyway possible


I can't believe I forgot to mention that you should also figure out what does and doesn't work for you. As a Dom, you can (and should) also establish limits and boundaries for yourself. My Sir does not want to leave bruises on my body, so that is a hard limit that he established because it's not something he is comfortable with. If you find a sub who does want some more intense spankings or to be humiliated, you can always give it a try. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it. That's the cool thing about all this, it is (well, it needs to be) flexible and can be changed and adjusted based on the needs and desires of the people in the dynamic! For example, if I decided later that I wanted to try humiliation or degredation, that is something that I would discuss with Sir and we could try it out. If I decided I didn't like it, it would remain a hard limit, but if I did like it, it might become a soft limit instead, or just be incorporated into our regular play. The same thing applies to his limits as well.


This is very kind and very thoughtful and helpful thank you!


You're very welcome, happy I could help 😊


Mmmm it depends on the sub…for me personally, I get off on degradation so if my Master wanted to call me a good girl - he would have to phrase it differently like “that’s my good little fucktoy” or “I am so proud of how wet your needy cunt gets for me, toy”


It's different for everyone. My Dom has two other subs other than me and one of them doesn't like degradation or humiliation at all and wants praise the majority of the time. For me, I get off on both and want both. What works for her doesn't work for me and vice versa.


I’m learning that!


This is one of the things I personally love about BDSM and kink: you learn just how nuanced everyone really is!


For me both. I like being humiliated when I'm bad and praised when I'm good. But I think it's different for everyone.


See that’s what I lean towards but I don’t want to upset anyone leaning into one side of it more than the other too much


Brats are subs who will \*generally\* "fight back", sometimes in potentially annoying ways and might have some comebacks during even normal talk. Even subs who don't consider themselves brats may have some of those traits. As for what they prefer, if gentle or rough... that entirely depends on them. It could even be both at the same time. Communication is key, what matters is talking and getting to know them before assuming anything firmly. PS: "true subs" is kind of a rude way to refer to it as any sub type is a true sub.


I missed the true subs part in the post, but this is also 100% correct.




We have a 'be nice' rule which also includes a no tolerance policy for harassment/drama/abuse/gatekeeping. Your post has been removed.




Literally depends on what the brats into. Personally I like praise, degradation and praising degradation. Some might not be into degradation, and some might see degradation as praise. It varies depending on the person's turn ons and kinks.


I always doubted myself because I switched between the two


I prefer praise after my punishments, but for the most part, I'm into any on any given day as a just submissive. Everyone's different, kink is customisable :)


Are brats more likely to take dominant actions as a bottom like stepping on my balls?


It's all in the delivery. If you wanted me to do to you it in a degrading way... I probably wouldn't be into it. But if ordered to do so, as a submissive, I would. Especially if you flipped it and punished me after like it was a test and I failed


Something along the lines of “prove to me you’re a good girl”?


No? You get bratty Dom/mes, non-bratty Dom/mes, brats that are submissive, that top from the bottom. Whatever's consented to between 2 people. S/m play is separate and isn't set to one side of the D/s slash. You can be a masochistic Dom and have a Sadistic brat.


Sadist and masochist brat here. Thanks for that \^\^ I'm not dominant at all but i am definitely a bit of a sadist.


Thank you! This is super helpful and kind of