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Passive "Meta" has always been here. It was even worse when bow was meta.


Yeah its jarring when people play like that and don't take risks in unranked playlists. Luckily there is no punishment for dipping out. Prefer fighting people much higher rank than me that are aggressive.


I’d rather get absolutely dog-walked by someone who’s running me down like the K-9 unit after a criminal lol.


"I WANT YOU TO HIT ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN!" https://youtu.be/I95K-R0PLt4?si=V_UOBSlVb6Lrtq4l


It’s so irritating in custom lobbies, sometimes there will be two extremely passive players left after everyone else and you just have to wait for ages until you can ban them


Not exactly a punishment, but you just passed an opportunity to get better at the game by leaving. You know at that point you quit you’re not getting above that point if you quit ya feel me?


Disagree but could be true for some, i can beat these people at their own game majority of the time but its just not fun chasing someone around who won't make a move unless you wiff. I play to have fun, I'll get more out of playing someone much better than me. So i move on in hopes of a better opponent rather than waste my time.


Your own playstyle ougta be good enough to snuff out their weakness. Passive play is just a guy acting ballsy but when it comes to clutching they can’t do it for shi. I never quit on anyone it’s a loss in my book and it means his passive play worked. Don’t give it to them like that bro


But you're assuming i care. I don't. I dont care to play against people who make the game unfun, if me quitting is their 'victory' then so be it. I'm moving on to the next opponent that will give me a challenge rather than a ball ache.


You do care if him not engaging is enough for you to quit. The true baller who doesn’t care gives him an ass whooping


Its just a game man. Its not that serious


They say that when everything you do is a reflection of you, shit you probably treat girls this way for all I know🗿


The fuck are you on about? I play casually and mostly with my friend in customs, it's not that serious. You need to calm your passion cause you're just waffling now.


Casually enough to let yourself be pissed enough to quit. Let alone let another man make you quit


It's definitely that it's harder to find an opening without getting massively punished at the top level but you can easily get to Valhallan without playing passive you just gotta adapt well


Don't let people see this they'll call you a liar




I don’t blame people for playing meta in comp, but holy shit is it boring having to fight someone running away the whole match.


That’s all I’m saying. I’m not gonna hate on the game or the player base for playing the “meta” way. I just cry silent tears whenever someone plays that way against me lol


The game, by design is meant to be played passively, it has no counterplay and it is pretty much no risk all rewards, in other games if you want to turtle or be a zoner you can sure, but the games give you tools to fight that, be it armor, chipping them away with zome moves of your own, but here? lmao fuck you, chase Timmy no thumbs for 8 minutes straight. at least you can always leave those matches though.


True. I can’t tell you how rare a spot dodge on stage is. That’s all you get….is a dodge.


One thing i forgot to mention though, this isnt a "current" thing, it was, is and always will be passive, they cannot do anything about it without reworking the entire game, and you gotta remember this is bmg we are talking about, they are deathly allerlgic to work.


🤔that actually explains a lot now that I think of it (Im talking about their allergies to work btw). Still lmao at Timmy no thumbs tho. Do you mind if I use that as my gamertag? I'm like dead ass💯


Go for it, Son.


It seems like way more work to fight that horse shit in other games to me. in brawlhalla the movement is just a tool and how you use it is what matters, if you wanna play aggressive you just gotta figure out how to make it support that playstyle. That's always been my philosophy and I've been pleased with where it's gotten me so far.


It's cool that you enjoy passive play. however, that does not change the fact that the passive meta has little to no counterplay, sure, your movement is your "tool" but you seem to forget the other player has these same tools too, you have to spend all your resources to try and catch up with the guy that already has an advantage over you just by running away, more often than not, leaving you in an awful spot. in other games the stages are all the same, maybe a bit longer at times, but you know you are going to catch that annoying zoner, in bh the stages not only are always different, most of them have platforms and thus encourage the passive meta.


SA players seem to be dogwalking this game while being aggro. Especially kyna.


Are they? honestly stopped watching most tournaments since everybody started doing the same as that one dude, what's his name, smegd? smething like that, everything after Cody's bcx run has been a snooze fest.


Yes bro. Theyre cooking. Especially Kyna


Aggressive play has always been the best imo


Its never mattered to me, i come from smash and traditional fighters, so neutral and patience is coo with me. I see someone trying to be reactive; that's when you gotta dance in and out their range to make'em scared and to make your next move safer.


I can appreciate what most players bring to the game I just think that in brawlhalla the most dominant players tend to be on the aggressive side, like most of SA or Luna back before his wrist condition


Yeah you spend your options offensively and they spend them defensively. There is no advantage to running away and if that's legitimately all they're doing they're going to lose almost definitely. People who beat you by playing passive are either better at the game than you or at least just playing better in that one game. At the end of the day brawlhalla is a pretty balanced game and the better player wins 9 times out of 10


My playstyle is too aggressive, and i never run away.. and wake up attk a lot. Often this gets me killed when going against just as aggressive players with better movement. (Skill issue i know) so I'm gonna try hard to fix my muscle memory and reflex to attack all the time and be a little more passive, and better at movement. Some of the movement is hard as fuck with a controller tho, specifically the really fast dash jumps+fast fall movement combo that good players are famous for.


The best players have always been the most passive.


I’d say they had good neutral but they didn’t play “passive”. They used movement to get hits and what I was trying to say was that more often than not I find myself running down an opponent who literally would rather runaway, not swinging or not hitting anything they throw out but just wasting both our time rather than just play it out and lose the game. Adding an extra 2 minutes of playtime to the match by running away doesn’t really change the outcome.


Luna, Pavelski, Wess, Boomie, Cody Travis, Zinquer, Fiend these are all players that definitely played aggressive and are relevant and that's just off the top of my head


Only in North America*


Me who hit diamond playing hyper aggressive


It's doable just hard you need to read your opponent really well


Exactly, they can't play passive if they keep getting hit (Also bow dlight)


Exactly, they can't play passive if they keep getting hit (Also bow dlight)


It's amazing how this game has really fun aggressive mechanics like chase dodging and gravity canceling, but none of it matters because the axe player you're currently facing used their 3rd jump and air dodge just to stay in the air longer. Such a shame.


Just play axe too come on now


Ok so just bait the attack they're stalling for then combo them afterward, should be really fucking easy while you're playing greatsword lol


It is, but it's really annoying having to do it so often. It's mostly the fact that no one wants to evolve their game plan as the match goes on and keep monkeying (for lack of a better word) their way through every game they play. Like, please dog, if it's not working, stop doing it.


If axe players were smart enough to do that then they would've by now


Spread your propaganda and help the game develop


I’ve said this before. But I really think people mistake someone punishing them for doing dumbass moves and actual passive players. Someone who does nothing but run away is so rare, I think I’ve seen maybe 4-5 over 25000 games. Might be more common in other regions, but not EU.


If one player is having to initiate every engagement that's passive, it isn't necessarily someone running away all game.


Not necessarily. Your opponent might as well have realised that you suck at engaging, and therefore keep on punishing it.


Man, that is the optimal strategy, but it is still passive. Even if your oponnent sucks at engaging you can initiate sometimes if you want, it is your choice If by chance both of the players notice that the other is bad at engaging then wait for the other to engage they stay the whole match looking at it each other, and you can't say that that match was not passive Agree that a lot of the time people just exagerate tho, and only remember the times they engaged and got punished


That normally isn't the case though. Whether it's working or not the people I play against don't change their playstyle. Regardless of the outcome it's still boring as fuck to play against, and makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.


I would still say that is passive, maybe not megd passive, but purposely waiting for your opponent to do something is passive play. It's not that big of a deal when it's part of the ebb and flow of a match but when someone opens a match not contesting any space or looking for attacks outside of punishes it can be frustrating. That said, most "passive" players are either bad at it or are not truly passive.


I'd call that defensive or reactive


I've met one good player like that. A couple more who do that but are weak, so it was barely a fight. But this one player was difficult to fight because running around all the time is something that's really unusual.


Ehh, the best player in the world right now, Kyna, isn’t passive. Bro plays an extremely rush down Teros. On the flip side tho, his Yumiko was extremely passive.


Right, on the other hand most pros are a little passive. Sandstorm for example, while known for hitting cool clips and reads is quite passive.


Lowkey why i can only play like 3 matches then dip out high plat sucks so much lol. either that or 2v2s lol


i think in order to fix this issue brawlhalla could implement a timed punishment for those who are passive for some period of time, like their dodge going on a cooldown after some time. also making the stages smaller and making backdashing more punishable or even removing it completely could help. also removing the strange thing when you clash with your opponent that makes you lose your recovery options would make people less scared going for offstage plays.


From my experience, the higher in the ranks you climb the more people actually use skill instead of just playing passively. Not that my elo is that high but still lol


When someone does this I just stand still and wait for them to attack me. Wait, dodge, attack. Repeat.


Honestly, I be losing those types of games cuz I run out of patience chasing someone down all game. I guess the w is just that important for those types of players.


This is why 2v2 is so much better. It's hard to be passive in 2s without allowing 2v1 openings.


Every other platform fighter has gimmicky stuff like projectiles and zone breaking moves to respect; Brawlhalla lacks that fervor.


Trust me I hate the pussy play style. People choose that way for no reason on top of having broken weapons and abusing spot dodge and abusing weapon throws.


yep, when I pointed this out I got downvoted and just got the usual "get better lol" when complaining about the loss wasnt even a thing. Glad this is getting brought up more and more


Passive or not they dodge one way and if you catch it they can’t run so much anymore. Then when you’ve called their bluff they get nervous and play not as good as before


No it’s not just you although it’s not new either, it’s always been there and it’s something multiple people with thousands of hours have complained of as well. It’s boring af, but it also is what it is. Let me know what faster games you’d consider to play as well.


I’d say maybe Dragon Ball Fighterz, Skull Girls, and Guilty Gear. Those are the only “fast paced” fighting games that still have players on them that I can name on the top of my head.


I literally started playing fighterz again for this same reason. It was refreshing, ngl. Both play styles get rewarded for sure.


My only real big issue with Fighterz was the servers weren’t great but they have improved on that which is nice.


I feel like playing passive is just the safest way to play any platform fighter unfortunately. It's much easier to punish any option that locks you into some kind of animation instead of just freely moving. Brawls passive neutral feels much worse with 3 jumps, a dash button, a frame 1 dodge and a punish game revolving around catching a dodge It's boring asf, but if it’s what makes the rank stanks number go up then it's not going anywhere


Elo check?




What rank are you?


I sit in between at platinum and diamond. I’ll win enough to be in diamond and then I won’t play for awhile and go back to plat and repeat for the season. Been doing that for a good bit now lol




"Current". _Always_ has been the same. Brawlhalla is a passive game by its very nature. The multiple ways to mitigate attacks this easily are at fault. And this won't change, ever.


Man I was thinking the same I’m like why is they running and it’s like they jump out of everything


I’m glad to see brawlhalla hasn’t changed in all the time I’ve been gone


i think the game need some sort of tool that allows you to go in if you hit but also is punishable if you miss.


everyones super fucking evasive, super skittish. they ONLY counterattack.


I’m new to the game and what I see a lot of people doing is clinging to the wall waiting to try and beat you off *pause*. I just end up waiting in the middle because I’m new and don’t know how to counter it so I’m not gonna play their cheesy game


The playstyle I’ve really adopted that counters it well is baiting. Put yourself in a really vulnerable position and see what they do. Take note of it and next time almost do it again but be prepared to backdash, dodge whatever and you should have a solid window to attack, get a dodge read, whatever. Most of the time you won’t have to chase as much and I’ve found it incredibly effective in most cases


Axe is the worst for it imo, teros mains are always running


Been playing the game for 8 years now and sorry to tell you this but this playstyle has always been ‘meta’


Been playing for 5 and I’d disagree. It’s been there but it wasn’t the “meta”. If it was then I wouldn’t have taken the time out of my day to watch the old BCX matches since pros play the meta because I would’ve died from boredom. I think it’s just that it’s a more conscious player base than from when it was still not as big as it is today.