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Don’t worry, it’s possible to have pro level movement on controller. A whole bunch of the top players right now play on controller.


I mean ik that and ik it’s possible, j want tips n stuff


I'm only 2200 peak on controller. The biggest tip I have really is just practice specific points you miss input. Like is it after a certain string or specific attack really for muscle memory to get it in training and even practice for it in real matches. If it's more random feeling, no, it's not. There is something you need to pick up on.


there’s very little people better then you on here, let alone on controller😭 hope someone helps you out


Mannn there are thousands and thousands better than me, trust me


there’s maybe 1.5k players this season better then you, which is really not a lot. good shit🙏


Do you d-pad or analog stick. D-pad movement is much easier.


2000 elo here on controller same issues along with the unintentional ground pound that puts you in a bad position.


Sometimes when I try to down-air, I up-air/recovery instead; drives me nuts


That happens to me all the time lmao


As far as I know, Snowy and Cosolix use controller. And their movement is great


u gotta make sure u have the correct controls for it bc most control changes people do to their controller are shitty and work the same as base controls. dont use ur triggers for dodging unless u have the Xbox Elite Series 2 controller where u can change the deadzone completely. switch dodge to ur left bumper, turn off improved sticks (like i said unless u have the Elite Series 2) put ur weapon grab and throw to ur right bumper, and u should be good. movement on stage, if u dodge and jump and then move ur left stick down as fast as u can and repeat u can get a feel for that so ur quicker but if u know have everything like i said and u know how to do that then theres not much else u can do unfortunately 😭😭