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Passive and punish wins in every fight game


Yeah your totally right but I think what op is staying is it’s not even people intentionally playing passive, baiting and punishing. It just people running away the whole game


That’s just the start they do not know how to spacing and just floats in the air Early passive


Nah not the case.


Hell nah, play some mvc, skullgirls, samurai showdown and youll see this is not the case


Posted about this exact situation. People say it’s always been there and I agreed but I feel like it’s been turned up to 10 with how many people do it now.


Exactly that.


A lot of people tried to pass it off as they’re playing “neutral” but in all actuality it’s just them avoiding all conflict (being passive) hoping to get lucky hits which then 99% of the time transitions into sig spam when they realize it doesn’t work against me because I actually have a functioning brain in my skull (which is exactly what you said).


Im at 1800 too and realize the same thing. But my response is instead to use nsig whenever they come in from that angle. Or a quick jump sair. My point is you don't have to play passively just because they are predictable.


Lots of people get 'inspired' by the tons of available pavelski scythe clips. (Me included, i dont spam dair tho)


Because all "how to get better at brawlhalla" yt videos say the same things. Mostly promoting passive playstyle with neutral and everything. In order to get used to playing neutral, people tend to start off very passive. Thats why.


that shit literally made me quit the game. i am in asia and i always queued up with tezca/loki/red raptor spammer. shit ruins the fun


At this point you gotta get passive😞


You might be right. Maybe overall gameplay has shifted. Knowledge is much more accessible now so it's not surprising for something like this to happen. Personally I can't relate with the boring part. Overcoming any kind of combat challenge in brawl is fun for me. ANY.




Passive play is now even more meta than before, i blame smegd for popularizing it though, now even tournaments are a snooze fest.


90% of the time, I play aggr./ chasedown, so even an opponent who's just not matching that will be seen as "passive" to me lol. What I find helps is to start the match aggressive and see what punishes/reads they go for, then keep those in mind for the rest of it. Also 90% of the time, that gets me nowhere and their insufferably uncreative gameplay gets me tilted and they win. Sooo, you do you.


Fighting games when optimized are campier, especially platform fighters. Brawlhalla just had 2 years to optimize


Most plats don't like to play the game, just gotta adapt to it give yourself time and you will dominate them


I feel that, but also other fighting games limit the arena space as well. The only other fighter I can think of with the arena space like is smash which brawl is inspired by and it's the same thing there too.


That's platform fighters in general so yea. Makes me appreciate the good matches much more (to clarify: a good match to me is people trying stuff and taking risks where if they hit it i can't help it but be impressed)


What platform do you play in? If you're ever down to spar or run some 2s. I'm on PS4.


If you think scythe is bad, just wait till you find the bow spammers that play like that


So if they can't hit me with passive gameplay, then they'll start spamming. Thank you, kind platinum player.


Passive ahh people I’ve fought several diamonds in experimental and beaten some of them too, yet whenever I switch to ranked it’s like hell, I’ve stopped pushing it if that means that I’ll have to fight people that just play it like a souls game, 1 light then go to the depths of hell, like I don’t even wanna play dude you can win go get 15 smth elo from me and then lose some and stay stuck in this elo because you’re trash. I stay around 1750~1800 and just hate playing ranked


Idk seems like a skill issue. All fighting games are about feinting and baiting out attacks to punish. Use axe as that is a pretty broken weapon which can chunk damage with 2-3 combos.


I know how to win against it, that's not the point. It's just boring to play against for me. And for other fighting games, that is true but after a punish you get like a 10-30 hit combo depending on the game so after the baiting there is actual stuff to do. Brawlhalla just isn't structured like that with combos being 4-5 hits if you get a read. The game just feels more like running around than fighting atm.


How is there a skill issue if he clearly said hes winning


No they don’t. You just want to blame them for losing.


? First of all it's my current experience of the game. Second of all I'm not even losing against it. It's just boring to fight.


nothing i love more than someone saying ‘hey i experienced this!’ and someone ELSE trying to tell you that what YOU experienced is wrong and you’re actually bad at the game lmao like brother you can disagree without invalidating someone else


Said every player ever. There are barely any passive players in this game, if you think there is then you are misunderstanding what playing passive is.


I didn't even call it passive play ._. . If they are REALLY passive it's much worse, ik. Maybe read the post correctly this time?


You most definitely described passive play so I don’t know what you are getting at here.


So if I described "passive play", is there really a misunderstanding on what passive play really is on my end if, according to you, I described it?


Not our understanding of passive play no we agree on that. Your inability to differentiate passive play between normal play is most likely lacking.


Dude. I didn't call it passive. I said I've been running into what I described more and more than I used to and that it is boring. Where did I ever mention what I perceive as passive or normal play?


Things change. New meta. Learn it, or don’t. There’s tons of other posts about this, you aren’t the first.


the way ur talking makes it seem like u do exactly what op described


Learn it, as in learn to get around it and use it to your advantage. I don’t see how that means I am the one sig spamming. BUT I do play passive when it’s necessary. Bob and weave.


1v1 me lil bro


Sure, bruh.


I wouldn't exactly call it meta if it is objectively bad and any half decent player steamrolls these types of people.


Well.. meta for small elo people to get a little more ahead.


It's not necessarily bad the people you are fighting are just bad at it. That doesn't change that it's boring. I completely agree it's beyond boring.