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Same. I can push through and stay as busy as possible at work, but the minute I take a break or lunch it all floods back. As soon as I leave work and start driving, the tears start flowing. Nights are the worst. It feels unnatural to fall asleep without him. I hate it. I wish this was some awful nightmare.


I’m sorry no one should have to deal with this I don’t wish this on anyone. Just know that one day maybe not soon but one day we’ll feel okay


Wow, yeah. I can relate. Any unstructured time is a recipe for tears. I hate the emptiness that I now feel in my home


Hey brother you literally described me. Only difference today from a year ago is that I've found a way to accept the breakup and accept no love for a time. It still hurts thinking about having no love but I have to remind myself to keep moving forward. Find a way to actively search for love. Don't do it like everybody else. Don't try too hard and start downloading tons of apps. It never works and the feeling of trying to be validated from meeting someone can end up hopelessness very fast when u don't receive replies or a successful relationship. Take it slow and brother, keep fighting. Keep your head up and find a way to pass the time. A good meme never hurt😆