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I feel like you maybe should try to get some counseling or therapy. If you can, consider trying to get some help, from the counseling center at your college. Or maybe if your parents have you on their health insurance, you might be able to get therapy through their insurance without telling them why. You can ask your insurance carrier. You have been horribly traumatized. In my opinion your bf ought to be charged with assault for the fact he actually broke your leg and you have evidence in your medical records. He's a horrible terrible person. My gosh. No one ought to be treated so cruelly. Just the things he said and implied about you are absolute lies from the pit of hell.


OP you need to get away from this person now. This man tried to kill you. He is clearly abusive and has you conditioned to want to go back to him. Report his ass to the police and don't look back. He is worthless piece of shit and you deserve none of his nonsense. You need to talk to a counselor, this is above reddit's pay grade


You deserve to feel safe. Call or text the hotline 800.799.SAFE (7233) My friend had an abusive boyfriend in high school. It took her a lot of courage to tell her parents but once she did she gained the support she needed to be a survivor.


Im so sry to hear that You deserve better than him


Oh my gosh this is not okay at all. You are worth so much more than this. Do NOT let this mans mental issues make you believe that you are as shitty as he makes you feel. You are NOT that. Want to make a plan together? How can I be helpful? This is really not okay.


I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been through. I hope you have sought some help/advice by now. I understand what it feels like to not want to tell your parents, but trust me, at your age and still living at home, you will feel so much better after doing so. The guy broke your leg and could have killed you by the sound of things, your parents will help to give you strength to report him to the police. If he did this to you over a 'normal argument', think what he might do to someone else when there is a serious disagreement! Hope you have a speedy recovery and that you get some help to feel better mentally from the trauma. My thoughts are with you 😊


I think if you are in India, you should try calling helplines from here https://indianhelpline.com/WOMEN-HELPLINE/ Hopefully you will receive some help from them. You really need therapy to address this and that guy needs to be behind bars. Sorry you had to go through this.