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Wait. Is this supposed to look like it's the husband setting up a woman's account to find men to have sex with his wife?


That’s what I gathered


Talk about aggressively topping from the bottom and a lack of consent. 🤮


Do I really HAVE to?


Topping from the bottom 😭😭😭😭 You’re good. Very good.


It’s a known phenomenon


I wouldn’t know that. No need to downvote. People learn new sayings every day.


I didn’t downvote you


*bow in awe of your username*


Thank you 🥰




Yikes. 😬


This smells of scam-bait from a mile but then Bumble has lately been crayyy...


I was thinking he’s setting up his wife to cheat on him as a precursor to divorce because there’s some sort of pre-nup involved that’s voided if she cheats. Then again, I watch too much true-crime TV.


Plot twist..it's actually the wife!


Or, is it a dude in a trailer-park in the Appalachians setting up a couple, and she's the one the trailer dude wanted, but he made her puke and married someone else? So much is just fishy here.


Imo this very possibly could be some kind of revenge thing that someone who really hates this guy is trying to pull off by making a fake profile in hopes of men in the area seeing it and trying to publicly shame the guy or something like that.


nah the dude probably put it up himself, he likely has some kind of humiliation/inferiority type fetish combined with a cuckold fetish (which I think is related anyway) and no doubt also something like depression or similar mixed in, sounds like he is all kinds of fucked up mentally and definitely one to give a wide berth.


In my twenties, about once a year I would come across the profile of this guy who wanted to be cuckolded so badly. Definitely into the inferiority fetish aspect. Every time he’d reach out and say, “how about now?” Still a No from me, my guy. Still a No. However, his profile wasn’t written like this. Other than one sentence mentioning cuckolding it was a normal profile and dude was super hot. This guy is over the top and if it’s genuinely him, probably needs a mental health worker.


So... one of the scene from a certain adult-oriented game was real.


Is it that one simulator from somewhere?


The one with Unreal Engine and wasn't in active development since 2023-06.




Could be he just wants to get rid of his wife and needs somebody to seduce her so it’s “her” fault. Of course I’m sure these screenshots would kind of reduce that argument in court.


seems plausible, because on every photo the dude is seen. one would be enough, as if the person making this profile had no access to photos of only the wife.


Sherlock Holmes ova here Lol it makes sense indeed


I’m worried that the wife didn’t consent to this.


Idk, I reverse searched all the images and nothing popped up so it’s a little confusing.


They’re stolen from a social media profile. Social media isn’t indexed by search engines. If all the images have him in, it’s probably from his profile.  I come across these kinds of profiles at work and they’re always run by a man, usually by a man who has no strong connection to the guy in the photos - one used images of his brother but most of them are old classmates, acquaintances etc. They’re just in it to fantasise about the girl cucking them and they’re not about to out themselves by using their own photos.


His profile says he's a cuck, the profile sounds like a cuck.


If it walks like a cuck, talks like a cuck.. lol


Haha yes 🤣


That’s what it thought too


I would report this. It smells like a revenge account.


I don’t think that this is a sincere profile of a man looking for someone to satisfy his wife or to satisfy his own fantasy of being humiliated. I’m pretty sure that the people in the photos have not consented to have their photos and this likely made up story posted on a popular dating site. Someone should report it.


Seriously, I don’t mean to feed stereotypes but the photos look like a pretty vanilla, middle class southern Christian couple. Not to imply that they couldn’t have unconventional fantasies, but this population tends to be pretty conservative in the way they portray themselves. If anything they’d do something like this on an Ashley Madison-type site, not fucking Bumble.


It's crazy to me that you didn't even consider the idea that the man in the pictures isn't the man that made the account


Could it possibly be his affair partner trying to sabotage his relationship with his wife? 🤔 idk it definitely sounds like a scorned woman gone mad imo. Otherwise he definitely has a humiliation kink because wow, wtf…


I wish I had a better update but after matching last night I was either unmatched or they were banned. 😔 The mystery remains and I’m left searching for answers.


If it says account deleted that typically means they were banned


This profile should be *REPORTED IMMEDIATELY* It's Clearly a revenge profile by an angry woman partner out to sabotage any future hopes for the sad schlub who's being attacked here; although it views as self deprecating.


I’m almost 100% this is a guy jerking off to chats with other guys.


This looks like the premise of a Coen Brothers neo-noir. Like this guy is trying to manipulate favorable grounds for divorce in some idiotic scheme.


I had the same thought, I also thought either A. It’s a scam or B. anyone who does it is going to get set up and murdered. I matched, now we wait.


haha. Bring us back some goodies but don't actually get murdered. Please.


Remindme! 24 hours


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This is probably A: an Ex who is pissed off they got married, or that he wouldn't cheat with her. (Yes this shit happens and more often than one would think. I've first hand seen it three times and I'm introverted as fuck, while the guy was with me and few family members playing video games or Magic the Gathering.) B: He was caught cheating and she is doing it revenge. C: Just some random ass Troll scammer trying to make him pay after getting into his phone. (Typically via stolen phone)


This is a fake profile, posted by enemy of this couple. Please report it ASAP.


Sounds to me like he's trying to set up an at-fault divorce against her by trying to talk someone into trying to get her to cheat. Especially if there's a pre-nup involved. She'd lose her right to just about everything (except kids) if she caused the divorce through cheating in a lot of states. But I'm severely paranoid. Hopefully he just has a cuckold fetish.


10/10. Best profile I’ve ever seen.


I want to see the tiny cock.


yeah he didn’t write this. this screams “im out for revenge to ruin this guys marriage by any means necessary”


This has got to be a troll profile lol.


Bro is actually a GigaChad boning all the hot young gals in the area - and just trying to figure out how to get out of his marriage..


"Christian" lmao.


As the black man the amount of fake cuck profiles that I come across, or they later reveal themselves to be cucks is insane


Seems like angry husband taking revenge on cheating wife


But is she hot?


This looks like someone is trying to get back at someone but I just can’t figure out who.


I'm 42m and got into online dating about 5 months ago. About a month in, I was doing pretty well and getting dates and saw a like from a woman. I go look at her profile and she is a 20 something Latina. Her profile is all wedding photos of her and her husband. Her entire profile goes on to explain how he tried to leave her for a woman at his work and he got rejected. Now she wanted to teach him a lesson. I matched with her, as I was very curious. She asked me to come over that day and asked me to describe what I would do to her. She wanted to time it so her husband would walk in on us. She was incredibly hot and it sounded incredibly dirty. I asked her to wear her wedding dress and she agreed. I didn't want to end up on Dateline so I didn't do it...but my god, my two heads were fighting.


This is not someone you should feel bad for. They are doing this as revenge. Or have severe mental health issues. Either way, REPORT. I guarantee you the women did not consent to her photos being used and to second that, I bet that isn’t the same man in the photos that made the profile. Bewildered that you’d even consider feeling bad for this person lol. Do you not have common sense? Women get duped so easily because they automatically think it’s the woman’s fault and the man is just lonely blah blah blah. Screw your head on straight. This is laughable that it’s something you are held up with.


I've seen 2 profile like this before on bumble. Hilarious.


Match and send me the wife’s information


Just bs


*teases* I see **words**! On your post, I see ~30 or so words! 😉🤣 (Sorry. Couldn't resist the wordplay bantering. 💖😊) **On a more serious note:** If you're gut says "Talk to the guy. You might help save him from himself" --> Listen to that gut feeling. 💖😊 (Having been down a similar *dark spiral* ~4 months ago, you'd be surprised how much those *talks* can help. 💖😊)


holy shit


OP ...help the internet to find this woman


That would be violating guidelines 🤓


It sounds weird but the last thing you should do is post her/their faces. This shit happened to my sister and sure she was annoyed that someone catfished as her, but she was even more angry that her face was getting plastered everywhere. You're just perpetuating it by posting it... Related but like, this whole post seems ick and you said the profile was banned, so why even keep this up. It's all so weird...


I can't work out if it's a cuck, a prank, or he wants rid and thinks this is the way to palm her off on someone else.


Sadly they get matches and I’m over like where’s my love lol (looking under rocks)


This is too sad. 😔


Everybody wants a hungry heart,  Everybody wants a hungry heart 


Match with him. Not do hook up or anything but to save this brother 😭😭🙏🏼


The cuck fantasy is larger than you’d probably expect.


I mean it could be the wife/gf posting


Wth did I just read ? Lol


Guessing his Feeld profile got lost in the mail


There are places for this🤣 feeld or fetlife lol. And even then seeing something like this on feeld would be WILD


Obviously is a revenge thing. Even if someone was into some shit like this there’s no chance in hell they’d go about it like this.


if I (28m) were him, I'd buy her a dildo a dildo, so she could go fuck herself! But, as crazy as it is, some men *like* being cucks, and some women love being in "relationships" with them. I don't understand it at all.


Definitely seems like a revenge/fake a count. I'd report


I think this is an unsatisfied wife posting on behalf of her husband…


the hell is this






How I got your mother to divorce me? Really creepy, but is this the dude setting this up, or the wife? Either way, this is one reason these two should just shake hands and go to living separately.


This can’t be real… I’m thinking (from most likely to least likely in my mind) A) scam trawling for guys that unironically call themselves “alpha” B) humiliation kink C) a really weird practical joke


That’s nuts




This is insane lol


Modern romance.


That’s disgusting


It feels like the wife found his dating profile in his phone and edited his profile a bit.


Very obviously a revenge post or a kink post - either way report them if you can


Hilarious people call cuckholding a fetish. It’s the product of mental and emotional abuse and you can’t tell me different. No man wants to feel that way.


I kinda understand the cuck thing but this is next level desire for humiliation. I didn't tell my then-gf now-ex this but I fantasized about seeing her have sex with a black guy. She is hot but the NRE and novelty of sex was wearing off in our relationship. For me it was about wanting to see her be a slut. We were both really into sex at first. And then we both just lost interest. And then she started communicating resentments she had with me all at once the day she essentially left me. Even though not long ago she was telling me I was the most attentive lover she ever had. Instead of voicing her concerns earlier. She kept bringing up her ex multiple times, it was annoying, so I wouldnt be shocked if she had went back to her ex.


Can I hit or no