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It’s like a 2 week notice but for dating apps. Bizarre 🫠


Just delete it 🙄


well, most companies respond to the two week notice with an "ok, you have 30 minutes to pack your stuff from your desk and turn in any company materials and your building entry key card"


She should have just laid herself off and escorted herself off the premises.


Snooze mode is a thing.


“I’m now trying to fix my marriage but in a few weeks lll be back on here trolling for ass.”


I’m 22 and I can’t figure out snooze mode. She’s 39 she just might not know how. I don’t love that everyone is assuming the worst.


Google is free. I don't mean that in a mean way, but we're all adults here.


Only works if u know snooze mode exists bc up until this point I didn't


Totally fair! It's also pretty common that people don't know you can block people by phone number so they never show up in your stack and can't see your profile, I used to assume everyone knew that and that if someone didn't block an ex, they were trying to be seen, but I've met enough people that genuinely didn't know that was an option that I've changed my tune.


Yeah I didn't know that was an option either as I've had both my tinder and bumble messed w after seeing an ex was in there not 24 hours later account bans and I know it was him lol woulda been amazing to know he couldn't find me, I don't use the apps anymore tho


It took me 3 days, a hundred google searches, and probably at least an hour of YouTube tutorials to figure out how to delete Facebook. They really hide that process well.


Oh I believe this easily, Facebook is insidious, that's a special case lol


I had to say this to a guy I was chatting with last night because he wanted me to be his personal encyclopedia. He was like, I’m trying to keep the conversation going. I’m like no, that’s not a conversation. It’s lazy and I feel like I’m in school.


Google does not work for me at all. The search function on my phone in general is broken but every time I try google totally irrelevant stuff comes up. That phrase made sense 5 years ago when google functioned. If you have recommendations for a better search engine I’m all ears. I also am disabled and I struggle to see and use my phone not to mention the phone in general barely works. Many hurdles here for me and I can’t keep up with social media anymore. I have deactivated my instagram account multiple times only to hear weeks later that it’s randomly back up. I tried to permanently delete Snapchat, it told me I could try again in 72 hours. These sites are basically unworkable at this point which is of course a bigger issue and I’m half this woman’s age.


Sounds like you've decided to sit down at the hurdles and nobody here can help you with that mindset. >If you have recommendations for a better search engine I’m all ears DuckDuckGo, literally Reddit's favorite. The solutions to your problems are not secrets, you're just not trying.


Lose your entire life to illness and then call me. I don’t need a random person on Reddit to tell me I’m not trying hard enough. I am pretty sure I said I hardly use social media which includes Reddit. It’s one of the few that I use at all anymore. I will check out Duck Duck go. Thanks. Edit: just because you spend your entire life on Reddit does not mean that everyone else does. I had a feeling your original comment was disingenuous but I really tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. Your follow up solidified my original suspicions. I’m a person that you are talking to and making assumptions about strangers online is not okay to do.


I'm not trying to insult you, I know nothing about you other than your comment that you're incapable of using Google or finding an alternative. If that alone is enough to stop you, then I'm truly sorry. Edit: I can't read your comment if you immediately block me. Best of luck with whatever you've got going on, seems like a lot.


Ohhh so you didn’t read my comment where I said I can barely see! Which was in the same comment that you cherry picked and manipulated my words and used them against me. :)


nobody is assuming the worst… common sense is to just delete the app (a very simple task you just click 3 buttons) if her intentions are truly to fix her relationship / family , why is she telling everybody like it’s twitter?? yea I can only imagine what brought her to bumble ; she’s DEFINITELY NOT the problem lmao


It's her backup plan incase it doesn't work out with the ex. She probably just uninstalled the app so she can re-download and pick up where she left off when she's single again. Or she's worried someone she knows will see her on the app cause she's doing something shady.


Or she could just delete the app having a normal profile and if she wanted to come back to it, she could easily can. But no, she wants the attention!


Just when you think you've encountered the most asinine thing you've ever seen on a dating app, someone comes along and tops the previous high (low).


What was the previous low for you?


I would say when there is blatant negativity in the profile, bordering on an insane level of anger. There have been more than a few profiles over the years which could share the prize for OLD low.


"I saying I want to fix my relationship bcz my SO found my profile and I post this to appease them....but also not to delete this bcz Im still playing".


It’s like an out of office response when you’re on vacation… It’s disheartening that someone sees dating as this transactional but also checks at the same time.


Dating is transactional. Wrap your head around that now and avoid future disappointment. If dating wasn't transactional you would see no smelly homeless because an old lady would adopt them. Why not? Oh, because the smelly, homeless guy with a drug addiction is offering virtually nothing. He is homeless, he stinks, he's on crack. If he drove a 75k Tesla, lived in a 500k house and worked for SpaceX she gonna want him but now, what does the perimenopausal 50yo offer this dude? Nothing? Correct. It is all transactional at the heart of it, sensitive people just dont want to accept it..


I hope her husband deleted his account at least.


Gosh !!!! I can see why this relationship is/was problematic!


Except for that one guy I'm still talking to here.


Hey, Jen… no one wants your backstory. Safe travels.


I'm pretty sure she was probably interacting with a bunch of people and didn't want to individually send them all a message, and also didn't want to ghost everybody, so just figured that was the easiest way to explain why she stopped responding.


Yeah these comments are so cynical and unhinged lmao my immediate thought was also that it was an announcement to those she was interacting with but didn't want to just ghost.


People are so judgemental and it shows right here in these comments.


True. Bc even when you’re on snooze, your convos are still active. It was nice of her to not leave everyone hanging.


I think she was too lazy to write to her matches, but in the hope they will check out her profile, she left that message.


What is this tomfoolery that which she speaks


“I can fix him” vibes


But then she won't be able to get the dopamine hit of likes and attention that she has become addicted to...


Her bio is for her husband when he steals her phone


Hate ppl like this


still wants those likes for the serotonin


Apparently, her relationship and family will be better served with Jennifer still getting her validation from people Liking her.


This can’t be real. Who does this ? 😭


Jennifer does


Plenty of idiot women do this or something similar. I saw one fat old lady in her 50's telling the world she not looking cuz in ltr. She is just being smug I guess, only if I was some fat old lady with a Tinder profile I would not think I had much to be smug about lol


Is it bad that this kind of stupidity really winds me up?




This is more funny, not a rant, lol.


I've seen people do this. A lot of the times it is because they have so many conversations going that it's easier to just announce their departure rather than ghost. 🤷


That's what I assumed, too.


Yes I see that and the ones that say convince me to stay or move and you have no idea where they are lol


Seems delusional to me lol


Not looking for anything but keeping her options open


Or it's like those "I'm leaving this group, because..." and not immediately departing


no need to announce your departure jennifer.


She is waiting potential hot, attractive and rich guy to sleep with him!!!


Clever trick to be able to delete then redownload any time you want to field offers all while avoiding culpability…🙄 men… oh it’s a women? Color me shocked.


“But I want to let the world know all of my drama and everything behind the scenes—especially my *journey*. Family first!”




And she is showing her ass in the first picture😂


B\*tch! ![gif](giphy|HtYsYjPsw1nVu)




Yeah like WTF?


It’s not an airport. Yeah, good idea Jennifer.


Just remember her name, screenshot and always remember who she is so you can immediately swipe left if she comes back on the market lol 


I’ve literally seen bios that read “Not on here I deleted the app”. Would that not also delete their account? Idk. Just seems weird. Like it would probably take the same amount of time to deactivate the account than update their bio.


On a break from being a HOE !!


It was all giggles and sh*ts unless some actually sh*ts but doesn't giggle!


She sounds like a boomer who doesn’t know how to use the internet.


Lmao she wanna keep it in case they fall out again.


She will cheat first, and then she’ll suggest counseling to fix the problem, but only after getting her fix!




lol until someone messages me who really looks better, so I’ll leave this profile right here


I said it time & time again, people on dating apps are not serious about relationships. Everyone is “hoping” for a relationship but in reality it’s more casual dating and hook-ups. She will be back within 5 days.


Red flag. Almost get the feeling Is she okay? Like no one does this... who's controlling her. Seems suspicious. I get bad vibes.


It’s not their fault. The problems made headlines many weeks back that dating site retains user profile bio and pictures even after they delete their account. These are unethical problem that trash many site with an enormous amount of fakes inactive profile; they did it to prop up their user base number and make themselves seems popular to attract user.


Bumble likes acceptance speech.


Someone is in DESPERATE need for attention. Not an airport. No need for notice of your departure


I fully deleted my profile on my end and someone I was talking to off app could still fully see it for weeks before I stopped asking about that altogether. Sounds like a woman who feels the need to explain herself…not uncommon given our people pleasing, backfooting social conditioning from girlhood. ETA: Sorry hearing about the realities of the social conditioning of the demographic you deeply crave access to is offensive to you


That is awesome!