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I have seen plenty of people who say "casual dates" on their profile and they ended up in great relationships


That's something else though. Some relationships just start like that.


Yikes. I hope that never happens to me.


Lmaoo the guys downvoting you for not wanting a casual thing to turn into something serious is sending me šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚ like why are they offended?


Dude, people like to behave as if the things you want for your life are a commentary/judgment on what theyā€™ve done with their own. People with kids are the same way when they learn Iā€™ve never wanted any. I did the whole committed monogamy thing for a very long time. It was not for me.


They are thinking ā€œthis could be us but you playinā€


I love that my expression of my lack of relationship goals is getting downvoted. Sometimes this site is so weird.


Yeah, it's pretty dumb sometimes.


šŸ¤£ Bear Spray. It wards off guys who canā€™t be persuaded otherwise lol


This is giving scammer


I read your Reddit history, and I can't lie I fucking laughed šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have no idea what to do with that statement.


Why on earth is this being downvoted? I didnā€™t know what kind of laughter it was.


Oh, yep. Looks like several people I blocked are showing up as blocked peeps and are also trolling you here. This sub kinda acts like it hates Femmes/Thems who do well?


I donā€™t think theyā€™re acting.


Gave you an upvote. Because right now the sub is overly filled with people who are struggling with dating, or other life problemsā€¦but do not want to take any personal responsibility to work on the few things they can control. They are also aggressively downvoting if you express being happy with what you do in some way. As pods, they are downvoting all the comments on the post. One of them stated they believed I was a trans woman. So, you get downvoted if you: 1.) Do things that harm no one and help you feel happy 2.) Do things that harm no one and help you feel happy 3.) (You get where Iā€™m going) I just wanted a quick casual ā€œdoes this look not like &hii?ā€ And instead, I got every bitter person on the sub who are still obsessively downvoting me.šŸ¤£ Iā€™m having a great time though. Itā€™s hilarious Iā€™m now sending them links to Persian trap, Korean rap, Turban Trap, J-pop and classical Arabi music like Fairuzā€¦.and they donā€™t know how to process it. They just all froze stuck lol Itā€™s great. šŸ¤£šŸ«¶


Iā€™ve said it before, and Iā€™ll say it again: people who want you to feel ashamed get really upset when you donā€™t cooperate.


Your post history is indeed interesting. It appears you go back and forth with wanting a relationship or not, and based on your post here about essentially looking for hookups right now, it's also interesting that you seem to dislike guys responding directly to that vibe by basically wanting hookups from you. Obviously I'm sure you still prefer to be treated like an actual person, and not just a hole to fuck, but when you look for hookups, those are just the kind of messages you will get. Hell, even if you're looking for a relationship you'll get those messages because some guys just can't control themselves. I'm guessing they found that part, or the actual messages you've been receiving as what's funny?


What on earth are you talking about? I in no way have expressed interest in being in a relationship in any post or comment Iā€™ve ever made on this site. Iā€™ve talked about past relationships or relationships generally. And yes, the fact that Iā€™m just on dating apps to fuck doesnā€™t mean that any man who comes at me with crass shit is getting what heā€™s looking for. If a guy canā€™t show that he understands the basics of human interaction in a chat, heā€™s not gonna respect your boundaries when youā€™re alone together. Iā€™ve posted some of those chats because itā€™s amazing how some men shoot themselves in the feet. I dunno what youā€™re reading in this post, but the guy is insisting on the relationship, not me.


In prevoous posts you said you wanted to "date" someone. So that's likely just my interpretation of your words. Either way, it doesn't matter. I was just trying to give you a possible explanation for why someone might find your post history to be "funny". But anyhow, good luck to you.


I have no idea what youā€™re reading, but itā€™s nothing Iā€™ve written. Iā€™m actively looking for repeat sexual partners in addition to one-nighters, but the only thing I can recall saying about dating recently is that the thought of being a girlfriend makes me nauseated.


Just humor fam šŸ˜…


We need to swap audiences or something. Youā€™re getting all the peeps who want a relationship, while I get everyone who is allergic to just saying the word lol šŸ¤£šŸ«¶āœØ Maybe I need to start saying I donā€™t want a relationship. Stay away, brandishing bear spray at them menacingly. Think that might help? (All intended as not serious, lighthearted banter)


Honestly, man, dating apps are the social networking equivalent of Russian roulette.


To be fair, at least he bothered to mention his intentions pretty quickly, so you didn't waste that much time in the end.


Some people are saying heā€™s probably a scammer. I had this happen to me once on Tinder, too, and I think theyā€™re probably right.


Possible. Many people with bad intentions are incredibly lazy.


Did you customize your Reddit username? I have never seen one that has purely numbers.


Idk why OP is getting downvoted? Is it because sheā€™s not looking for a serious relationship? At least sheā€™s honest about what she wants. Also the other person is giving off ā€œdo people really read bios?ā€ Vibes. This is why bios can help


I think he was a scammer. They always start with that and itā€™s ALWAYS they are here for a serious thing.


He was either lying or trying to convince you for sure.


This happens to me all the time; but I'm a man, my profile says explicitly that I am only looking for casual fun; Intimacy without commitment. Every woman matches and then proceeds to be incredibly upset that my profile says that. They then try to berate me for being "cheap" or whatever nonsense moral argument they try to use to suggest I am a bad person for not wanting a serious relationship. It's not just men, women do this shit too.


The downvotes on some of my comments are further proof that anyone not looking for a serious relationship is viewed as a bad person. I donā€™t get it.


From what I saw here in this subreddit I got the feeling many people that look for serious relationships are annoyed they have to share the app with "all the others".


Dude, seriously. I have it listed as my convo starter or whatever that a green flag is swiping right only after reading my profile. Like, it's right there in front of their face to read my profile as they're trying to send a message. And then I always confirm in the first 1 to 4 messages that they've read through the whole thing. It's so disrespectful not to. Same with not filling one out. If you don't want to participate in online dating, don't. Go out to a bar and ask people out that way with no profiles involved. But here, I put effort into my profile. If a guy doesn't even respect me enough to read my profile, that's fuck-boy behavior. Profiles are so short that if that's too much work for someone to read, they aren't capable enough of an adult for me. I hate repeating myself. I put certain things on my profile so that I won't be asked about it. It's infuriating.


So why would he have been lying when he put LTR on his bio? I mean, did YOU not read his bio that he only wanted a LTR? Almost sounds like youā€™re guilty of what youā€™re complaining about. Or at the very least, he should be excused if youā€™re excused šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚


I did read his bio. Like I said in my post, a lot of guys who want LTRs are fine with seeing me while they search. Looks like youā€™re not too good at reading, either.


Women do the same thing. Some flip back and forth between LTR and NonCommittal


Itā€™s not flipping back and forth. Marriage is still their goal. Theyā€™re just doing other shit while they wait.


Yeah. He didn't read the bio well enough, okay. But that you gave him a hint and he still didn't take a second look at the profile!?


Women do the exact same things, that women complain men do.


This! Iā€™m English living in Canada but back visiting the UK. I have that in my bio and it even says that Iā€™m not looking for serious in the about me section. Girls will bring up Canada, bypass the bit about me not looking for serious then get all funny when I then have to tell them that


Iā€™ve never experienced it from women. I date women, too.


Down voted to hell but you're absolutely right. I date women and men also and the quality of the average woman out there is absolutely far above the quality of the average man.Ā 


I love how Reddit is so excited to invalidate peopleā€™s personal experiences.


Not sure where you live or what profiles Bumble is serving yā€™all up, but the average woman is every bit as unattractive and low-effort as the average man. The only difference is men are so desperate and grossly outnumber women on dating apps that women can get away with having a shit profile and still drown in matches.


I'd argue are more low effort. They just happen to be naturally a little better looking, more photogenic, and come into dating apps with a lot more photos to choose from. But most women's profiles have next to nothing filled out or shit they googled to put on their profile.


These downvotes are exactly why so many sexually liberated women keep it under wraps and we often have to play innuendo games to find each other. Pathetic shit.


I donā€™t play games. Iā€™m not going to hide away just because people are afraid of their own sexuality.


It really just cannot be that difficult for you to obtain casual sex. Its a mystery worthy of the Scooby-Doo gang


Itā€™s not difficult at all.


People put lots of things there and then didnā€™t mean it or donā€™t update, always have to double check


Actually sounds like a scammer. They follow same script and ignore a lot of usual conversation then just talk about long term relationship. You didnt have to be this abrasive though lol


Iā€™ll be abrasive to anyone who asks a stupid question twice. This dude was wasting my fucking time. And his tbh. If he was a scammer, I dunno why tf he picked me.


Iā€™ve definitely had friends who have said this to guys (in real life, not OLD) and not meant it. And ended up in long-term relationships. Itā€™s part of the game, I guess. And itā€™s good to clarify someoneā€™s profile by asking. No harm in that. I do it all the time bc Iā€™m not looking for serious eitherā€¦donā€™t want anyone to catch feelings for me and waste their time. But I understand how that can be repetitive and annoying. First world problems, I guess. šŸ˜‚


Wait, wait, wait, so the women got to know men in real life, they started to meet or whatever and the women said in the beginning they aren't looking for something serious, but in the end they had a long term relationship? That's a completely different story. Because it happened in real life because the dating started organically and the situations are different. In real life you can make stuff like that happen, it's kind of normal. But to start talking on a dating app like that doesn't work that way. People should only start to talk on dating apps, if they have similar goals, because the risk to waste your time with people on apps is way higher. Also, FIRST you check out the profile or talk about your intentions and only later starts the other kind of contact, meeting and so on, therefore what works out in real life doesn't work on dating apps. You can, however, start out with a certain idea on a dating app and change the relationship later if both want that.


Yes. Meet. Flirt. Hookup. Guy says he doesnā€™t want serious. Girl says her either bc she really likes him so she lies. They casually date and she hangs on; he fights serious until he changes his mind. They eventually marry and/or have kids. Who says? Youā€™re saying it shouldnā€™t happen on apps. But you donā€™t make the rules. And no one does the enforcement. So for sure it still happens.


About the first paragraph: Yeah, that's exactly what I thought about when it comes to real life. I don't mean what you meant with the second paragraph though. If they lie like you commented in your last comment, I can imagine it, but I can't imagine it, if they're both honest and one wants to date seriously and one wants casual.


I find, in general, guys have been honest on the app w me about what they want as far as long term or not (itā€™s easier for them after I say not serious for myself). Which isnā€™t to say they are honest about their personal situations and baggage though. Or honest once we meet. šŸ˜‚ No oneā€™s really honest. If you take what people say w a grain of salt, you donā€™t get surprised or blindsided. Good thing I donā€™t take dating seriously and am only looking for a fun time. šŸ˜‚


Well, I mean, that's no surprise. If you want something casual, I can easily imagine they are in for it, whether it was their initial goal or not.


Not šŸ’Æ but usu šŸ˜‚ Occasionally Iā€™ll get a guy thatā€™ll say yea to long-term and convo stops there. Like one guy out of dozens. šŸ˜‚


I can totally see that.


Ouch šŸ˜‚


Some people don't consistently update their bios with their short term preferences, so I think it's fair to ask again, without considering it as an excuse for not initially reading. Not saying, it doesn't happen. But, we don't know enough to know if it did in this case.


God I love women like you


He was probably just looking to hook up but is so used to lying about to get matches that he automatically goes there. Screwed up his chances. šŸ˜œšŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m totally looking for a long term committed relationship, but until that happens Iā€™m totally open to fun casual dates and hookups.


I get those a lot. Itā€™s the only reason I matched with him after he liked me. My own filter is set to people looking for intimacy without commitment and fun, casual dates. I include the latter because some people need to get a drink or something before we get down to business.


Plenty of men like you said can put one thing while they mean another. I filled out my bio a year ago and maybe I changed my mind of what I'm looking for but didn't update it. I always check to make sure.


Ah yes, a man thing /s


Unnecessarily hostile, to me. But if it helps you weed people out, ok.




I donā€™t get this whataboutism that happens on every single post in this sub. I date women, too, and Iā€™ve never had a problem with any of them straight-up not reading a bio. Iā€™m not saying they donā€™t exist, but I donā€™t have beef because they donā€™t do this to me. Men? By the dozens. Maybe straight women are different. I have no way of knowing. And I wasnā€™t asking for a long-term relationship in any case; he was. If he wanted sex, he didnā€™t need to push. It was already offered.


Iā€™ve dated and played with a lot of women over the years too. I agree with you. Femme identifying folx donā€™t usually behave like those people who do not identify as femmes or thems Reminder. Statics say 82% of serial killers are white cis het men šŸ¤· Source: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/hunting-humans-encyclopedia-modern-serial-killers


sluts can also have standards your bio is not wasted on men, it is wasted on stupid fuckbois. Surely there must have been hints before you guys had this rather uninteresting chat with each other. Go for a guy who is enjoying sluts on the side while looking for marriage as you described. They should be easy to differentiate


I generally just match with anyone who seems interesting because I donā€™t think any guy who professes to want marriage has actually read my bio. A decent number of them unmatch before the conversation starts, which I assume happens because they finally looked at something other than my photos.


Offering perspective from a man's POV; you're absolutely right, bios are wasted. Men for the most part will swipe right on hundreds on profiles without getting a match. Why would anybody waste time reading hundreds of bios on people they wouldn't even match with? He could've put effort into reading your profile after matching though.


It's the type of guys you are matching with. Gotta change something up.


It was a one-off. I usually donā€™t have this problem. I think people are right, and this guyā€™s a scammer whoā€™s not good at picking his marks.


Girls change their minds all the time. At first they want casual, then they really like the guy and want commitment whether a relationship or eventual marriage as the end all be all. They won't change it for every guy, but the right guy like a Tom Brady and it is hard for them to refuse. A regular guy and they might refuse lol.


Dude, donā€™t call women girls. Weā€™re not children. The word youā€™re looking for is *people*. *People* change their minds; itā€™s true. But itā€™s ridiculous for a man to assume that someone who very staunchly does not want a relationship or monogamy might have suddenly decided they want to get married and hasnā€™t bothered to dramatically change their profile.


And you obviously ignored his bio, so you're both to blame. Get over it and move on for Christ's sake. Fucking children


I had a woman get offended when, after asking what I am looking for, I asked if my profile wasn't clear enough. She said I wad rude. I apologised and said that I wasn't trying to be rude but I thought my profile was pretty clear (long term, somebody to build a future and family with), but she said it was vague and that men lie in their profile all the time so that's why she asked.


Oh good lord. Sorry you went through that. Some people are just assholes.




Buddy, I donā€™t *want* to be a slut; Iā€™ve been one for a long time. Youā€™re also assuming that physical attraction is my primary motivation to sleep with someone. Itā€™s not. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I donā€™t pick up guys in bars. And while weā€™re at it, Iā€™m a top-tier slut. Any lowering of standards would have to involve my own, not any potential partnerā€™s.


This. I can't have sex with dumb men.






Sure, whatever you say. Enjoy.


I think we clearly are having a great time. How many Femmes & Thems RSVP for the secret orgy tomorrow?


Why would you assume anyone would have to lower their standards to date her? That's such a degrading thing to say to another human being, happy healthy people don't think this way.


Thank you for that.


I second that.


Don't be so aggressive over being asked a question even if it's answered In your profile. Things like these answers can change and not be updated. He's not saying you lied, just questioning the response.


Leave it to the poly kid to get butthurt! Just unmatch and move on šŸ¤£


This is officially the stupidest post, with the stupidest comments Iā€™ve ever read on this subā€¦.. Give me back my 3 minutes!


Treating dating apps like eva ai sexting bot, classic. No one reads the terms, even on bumble




What the hell are you talking about? That makes no sense. I explicitly describe myself as slutty elsewhere on my profile. I donā€™t fuck people who canā€™t engage in honest communication.




Honeysweetiebaby, I donā€™t need any help finding online hookups. This was a total aberration.