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Some red flag women think they're the prize by virtue of their existence. You're better off without such women honestly.


I know man it’s just weird is all 😭


You can't find a proper, a good girlfriend from a dating app.


That isn't really true, but a lot of people with unsavoury attitudes tend to show up there


I mean there are some, but those are ornaments. What do Ornaments do, They sit on self and look pretty and do nothing more. They aren't functional, they have no purpose but to look good. In this era, of modern Gender dynamics that completely the polar opposite of what women want..... or that average or even the majority of men want. (Due to a multitude of circumstances.)


Yeah but guys seem to not want average or below average women. They want the instagram girls with no personality, so 🤷‍♀️ One guy I matched, who was below average, said to me he was looking for someone slim and beautiful (like, why swipe right then on me?) and it’s not the first time. Like, it’s fine and all to want what you want, but even women have similar issues on these dating apps. Through my friends’ experience, I’ve found women are a lot more open to dating below average looking people than men are. But who knows


The guys who get matches, do not want LTR (At the bare minimum Currently) I'm not saying your experience didn't happen but that it has to be outlier due to stats of the dating apps. Most average men (40%-60% ratio) rarely getting matches, and there isn't enough matches to make a standardized statement to them. To further explain, and bare with me, *1: The app are 66-70% male, which means there is 2 or more males per every female. No in person dating venue be it a club, dance, or any other dating venue would survive with a ratio like this. Context for this, There is a reason that Clubs, dances, etc reject male clientele and have ladies night, and provide free services to ladies, The ideal ration is roughly 55% female 45% male, if the male ratio rises above the female ratio the venue dies quickly and long before it hit 60%.* *2: Due to such the most common (not average) male experience is 1-3 likes (depending on population density) and 0 matches a year, and that women tend rate 80% men below average. This rating issue is solely due to decision paralysis from too many options.* *3: The upper bracket of men (10% ) sustain the highest number of matches (per capita) of any group, and the upper bracket of women have the most likes (per capita)* *These men capture* ***58%*** *of all matches. However let's give some more context to the the top 5% get 41.1% of all matches, and the top* ***1%*** *gets* ***16.4%****. This means 16.4 % to the top 1%,* ***2-5*** *gets* ***24.7%,*** ***6-10*** *gets* ***16.9 %*** *and the rest of the 90% gets 42%. By the time you get to* ***70%*** *marker there is* ***less than 10%*** *left for everyone else.* Please note: I am not saying your experience isn't true or didn't happen but that if it did it's an outlier. Guys also have similar bad experiences, that contradict the typical female requests of men.


This was very interesting! And I’m terrible at maths but I followed it along nicely. Thanks! I understand men have it harder in the dating world, just from reading reddit alone. Dating sucks so much


Yeah dating apps just make it seem far far worse for men than it actually is. Guys just need to just stop using these, due to too many guys. You just can't see how bad the ratio is on the app when you login or anything. So it doesn't the rejection a in-person venue would. IRL is far easier for men than dating apps.


There isnt enough to go around otherwise


How do you know that without knowing what his answers were!?


Her prompt and the way she responded to his question are enough to deduce that.


Be prepared for a bunch of downvotes if you say anything that isn't PC or truths people don't want to hear on here!


It’s Reddit downvotes mean nothing to me 🤣


Lol, respect brother 🙌 👏


Downvotes come from on the spectrum sensitive biden voters


Geez does literally everything have to boil down to which brain dead megalomaniacal Methuselah mfer you bow down to? FML


There is a social media trend where women have convinced themselves that it's unfair to ask what they bring the table because, darling, they are the table. She sounds like one of those.


I just find “what do you bring to the table” ñ to be an odd question. I do unmatch when someone asks me this. I feel like I put enough on my profile for anyone who matches with me to see my value. Same if I match with them. OP— this girl was an self centered asshole. Bullet dodged.


This. It's a stupid question no matter who asks it. If we swiped right on each other, we obviously see each other's value.


I know, gross


Anyone that demands you impress them is not worth impressing.




The pure frustration of people being weird asf is the problem I’m not saying all of em are but the percentage is like 75% weird asf, it’s a rant…I ranted


I think they see how many matches they get don't even realize most are going to be terrible. Just makes them feel like everyone wants me so u better work for this.




Are…are you telling me to not rant on a post labelled as “Rant” on a site where you share your stories/views/rants etc?


Rant away, OP. We’re here for it.


Don't even bother with her lol, she's one of the women you described in your post


As you can see, you can find “weird asf” everywhere lol, internet and apps just helps them to cope with shitty personality and makes it a bit harder to notice since it delays it, but they just show themselves eventually, sooner or later.


What if you don’t have friends.


And many of them don’t have shit going on for them except for 10lbs of make up and delusion.


You are definitely one of those girls OP mentioned in his post.




Girl you deleted your dumb comment there’s no way 😭




I mean I’d have liked it if you kept it up personally


Holy fuck, what did I miss? I'm so curious.


Some "women" actually guys accounts, getting pickup lines and practicing their game. Its weird, but it's done.


There’s no fucking way surely not 😭


Lool that seems like a strong possibility in this case OP


Or for an ego boost. One guy obviously had a shame kink and wanted me to call him a perv/sicko. He was clearly upset when I replied that his supposed fetish was hot. 😂


I prefer this way actually. Let the crazy ones filter themselves out.🤣


How dare you dude. Except a woman to love and want u back. She is the prize. 🤣 🤣


Swipe left on any woman expecting you to impress her before you even meet. Arrogant entitlement. I find Bumble to be the worst. This likely goes with someone who expects to be entertained and brings little to the table. This type of request turns into a wasted text exchange trying to guess what would tickle her fancy, because her profile typically is thin at best and vague and unable to provide enough fodder beyond, "hey" — but that's boring... Everyone knows that men's behavior prompts the women to respond in kind. But how do we stop this? Swipe left on the obvious ones is a start. And —The other apps appear to foster different behaviors.


After she found your answers impressive you could have escalated in a flirty way, like but then you'd miss the golden opportunity of figuring out her true colours, she was open enough to show them to you really quick, you got lucky mate


I usually opt for not flirting early for this exact reason it’s easy to flirt but when someone asks a question like that to me I see it as fair game 🤣


Women out here thinking we’re supposed to be their court jesters or Las Vegas act. SMH


Omg, you got a response.


Ikr, I don’t even get that.


Yeah, after a girl says "hi" to me or sends me a gif it's already over no matter what I say or try.


That sounds like a dude. I think you were being catfished.


How can you tell?


It’s like when a male writer writes women


Some girls you're matching with*


A lot of women on bumble clearly have no inner monologue where they can sit down and self reflect on their life, their actions, and most definitely cannot fathom accountability


Most likely she forgot that her profile even said that! If you come across this again and do you want to comment on something she said in her profile, mention it as part of your conversation. Like hey saw in your profile that you XYZ and... Some of us set those months ago and totally forget because nobody else has brought it up 🤷‍♂️ not that that's a reason for her to have been a B but ya know.


That just seems irresponsible. If I'm active on dating apps I re-read my own profile at least once every other week so that I know wtf is going on. Especially if you ask a question on your profile like "how are you going to impress me?" you should expect to have starters regarding that!


they see women doing stupid shit like this on tiktok and think it's a normal way to interact with a human being.


Ego and sex is like herion for them


I have found that fairly common especially where I live, people expect cool fun hobbies from guys but women not so much, they would go out with friends and stuff beyond that nothing else. There’s a very “you’re lucky to be with me” mindset in Ireland. But it also feels like people who think like this are completely blank slates that are just there to absorb whoever they fancies personality just to try be liked more by that person. It’s quite a sad mindset. I don’t want to date a mirror or a parrot, I wanna date a personality


On a serious note, I would unmatch straight after the "impressing" question. Bumble is full of delusional mental patients, in my experience more than Tinder


She must play the heartsichord…


That prompt alone gets a left swipe.


Clearly didn’t like your answers.


I’ve had many conversations dead end when asking what the woman I matched w brings to a relationship. Many women have sipped societies koolaid and think just being is enough. So I just keep investing in cat food


LOL. Wtf? That's honestly insane. I'm sorry, dude. We aren't all like that.


I feel like women are told frequently when they have multiple relationships with liars, cheaters, narcissists that they are at fault for not choosing well. Men also fall easily for the pretty picture even when they START with a red flag bio statement like “what ways would you impress me” like they are on The Bachelorette. So maybe the experiment is how big of a red flag will you ignore if the pic is pretty enough?


Lol. I can see the turn-off that can be for women. I think, in general, many women have felt the pressure of being a perfect woman. You have to be thin enough, have to always be happy, have to change for the man, have to be everything a man would ever want. Don't show that you're good as a man at anything. This level of perfection is unattainable. I know men also have their pressures that are also unfair. As a woman in her 40s, I feel like giving up. It is exhausting, and frankly, I just want to be me without any apologies. I probably wouldn't be here if experts haven't said how important loneliness has on your health long term.


Crazy town




She did you a favor by unmatching. Some people have A heightened, misplaced sense of self worth.


Women have inherent value...but so do men. You asking her the same question was more than fair. I'm a feminist, but equality means give and take. It's fair to ask what a potential partner brings to the table. "I can plan and fund our next dream vacation," "I can kick your ass at chess," and "I can make the best cheesecake you've ever had" are all good answers depending on what skills she values in herself. You dodged a bullet. *Edit: oh my goooood give and take means if you're not footing the bill and providing financially, you have to do your own dishes and watch your own kids, men don't get to play king of the castle at the expense of women making just as much money as them, hope this helps.


Too bad most women, including feminists, definitely do not have this view


That's like saying most men are selfish, there's no way for you or I to quantify that, and it's not productive to speculate on. Just match with people you agree with.


Thats a BS comparison. Its easily quantifiable. Just look at the consumer data. Statistics showing what genders, single or not, spend on is available and is a good measure of attitudes. Men only account for 25% of spending, even tho they make very slightly more money yet have a less equity. Where do you think a good portion of that missing money goes


Yup. And? Women are still doing 70%+ of household tasks even when earning more than 50% of the household income, you guys never want to talk about that.


You boys want to be the Kings of the home but when the check comes you want to be business partners. Pick one, sir.


Unless it's a new profile u know the woman is looking for a unicorn and it's an insta red flag. Like why u been on here for a minute and not found a man? Oh it's cuz you're looking for PERFECT or at least out of your league. Lmfao u ain't all that, nexted.


This is incorrect. You're just upset by women having standards. Don't be bitter just because you aren't even good enough for the desperate ones. In this interaction that OP talks about, the woman is absolutely in the wrong. However, having standards is okay. There are *hundreds* of things that can be altered for a relationship. Having 25 non-negotiables is nothing. It isn't us looking for perfect. It's us looking for happy. If you're going to make us less happy than we are when we're single why tf would we want to date you? You could fulfill all 25 non-negotiables and that makes you THE BARE MINIMUM. There's probably another 25 things that she'd like that you don't fulfill, but they aren't needs for her to be happy so she could look past it for you. And let's say you somehow managed to be such a good match for her that you fulfill all 25 non-negotiables and all 25 negotiables? That doesn't mean you don't bring in things she hates that she never even thought about like maybe you crack your knuckles and she absolutely hates it. That makes you not perfect, and that's okay. We aren't looking for perfect. Most of us are legitimately looking for the bare minimum.


Yes and my argument would be that dating apps have raised the standard of women's idea of the "bare minimum". Especially given that the women on there are just the ones that are currently unsatisfied with their options - are likely undesirable for one reason or another anyway. It has gotten to the point where their standards don't match up with where they are in life and their own status. I could fulfil 23 of 25 and they would turn me down, where they fulfil 2 or 3 of those 25 of their own standards. Many of them are just seeking those standards because they lack them themselves. I am not bitter. Just not willing to play that game. I just find it funny, that's all. At no point have i indicated that I am I upset or bitter, so please don't project your ideas about the insecure and bitter man that can't get a date. I too have standards - and they involve not dating adults with the mindset of a spoilt child. "And that's okay" as you put it. So if six figure job, own car and place, good cook, exercises regularly and 6/10 looks doesn't cut it, I just move on. All the girls I've met have no car, shitty job, can't cook and doesn't clean up after herself, lives with a roommate or parents and expects the man to do all these things, plus earn more than she does, plus provide for her as a bare minimum. Just LOL. I would just rather not be in that relationship, tyvm for applying. Just because I am saying the standards of girls on dating apps are artificially high, doesn't make me bitter. Lol.


Again, 25 needs and 50 wants are nothing once you realize there are *hundreds* of things that can be altered. Women used to be owned. So, you're right, we had less requirements because we really didn't have a choice. We aren't looking for perfect, and for the most part I agree that you need to be able to do the things you're asking for. But some people would prefer trading a trait or skill. Like, one person might be great at cooking, but are the worst at grocery shopping. So maybe they want someone who loves to shop, or at least has the proper logic required to grocery shop within a budget and doesn't mind doing it. They might be looking for someone with that trait or skill, even though they don't possess it themselves. And in return for person 1 always doing the grocery shopping, person 2 will always do the cooking. Once you're getting to 100 needs, I can agree that's becoming excessive. I never see that, though. You absolutely seem bitter, because the view you are expressing is aligned with all the bitter men who think all women are looking for you to make 100k and be 6' 5" and completely jacked. I don't have those needs, yet constantly have guys slipping into my DMs to try to barter my worth. If I dont want to date someone who partakes in cannabis that's totally fine. Every week I get guys who try to tell me I'm limiting my options. Yeah, I am. That's the entire point. I'm looking for *one* person. I am monogamous af and I don't sleep around. We're all looking for different things, and if you don't like what we're looking for you need to realize you do not want us and move on! Stop trying to change us! Some women are looking for men who are merely built like a Greek God and make a ton of money. That's only 2 requirements, and if you don't like that she isn't the girl for you! We aren't supposed to be compatible with everyone. If we were all compatible there'd be no point in dating sites. We'd just walk outside and grab the first single person we see and we'd be all set.