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To me it sounds like you should try warming up and stretching for longer before your workouts. Also I wouldn't forgo stretching after even if you don't feel like you need it!


Thanks! I'm thinking the same thingĀ 


It could just be your body warming up and settling in. I've been doing short walk/run intervals (building from 1 minute run intervals to 5-6 minute run intervals) for quite a long time (I start like 20 minutes before pressing play on my C25K program!) before settling into a longer run interval. It seems to take ages before things stop being uncomfortable and I can settle into a run, like over half an hour. I noticed when looking at my speed charts on my Garmin that I start my running intervals quite fast and then slow down. So it may be that you're running too fast at first, then you slow down and relax into it. Also very specifically if my shins start to hurt, it's a cue for me to slow down and relax and let go of tension. Which is probably what you've been doing by stretching during your walking intervals. You could experiment with finding a way to do this while running - e.g. shaking out your hands, moving your shoulders, doing some high steps and heel kicks (I find these really good for releasing the tension that builds up in my calves), and doing some calm-breathing (don't know how to describe this, but I find sometimes I'm stress-breathing and when I concentrate on breathing more slowly and through my nose in a relaxed way, it relaxes the rest of me). ALSO I just discovered that established runners also feel this way, and say things like "the first km is the hardest, you just have to get past that" and the long distance runners say things like "the first 20 kms are the hardest, you just have to get past that!". I found this to be really helpful and reassuring! It's changed my mindset from "Ugh this sucks, I'm not meant to be a runner" to "There will be some discomfort at first as your body settles into it, this is a normal part of going for a run, and it goes away as you warm up, then you'll feel great." Sorry for the essay but I'm thinking about this a lot! Hope you get something useful out of it. Congrats on your 20 minute non-stop run!!!


Interesting. I always thought the 5min walk would be enough. It's definitely tension I feel at the soles of my feet up to my shins and calves. I appreciate the part about the first km sucking. My thought was always the same, that maybe I'm not cut out for this. Thanks for the help!! What you wrote was definitely useful, thanks so much!


I am so glad this was useful! Hopefully one day I won't need 30 minutes to warm up hahaha - but every week it's getting easier! Good luck with it!


i used to have this problem a LOT, to the point i'd never finish C25K because i'd constantly be taking breaks because of shin splints/pain in my ankles and legs. invest in some good shoes!! i happened to see a podiatrist last year for something unrelated and asked her about it, and she said i have high arches and roll my feet when i walk/run, so need something with good arch support. i invested in some asics with decent cushioning and almost a platform looking sole, and so far so good, no shin splints and no injuries from rolling!