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Don’t get yourself killed over a costume.


Lol don't worry I'll take care.


America problems


Ironically this might be an issue the least in America because people carry firearms


Nah, not at all, I'm telling you this in the most legit way possible Here in Spain, you could be carrying a fake gun in your hand, waving at people, pretend that you shoot, even without the orange tip you can still do that, and the police would not react at all, cause they'll legit think "No shot that's a real gun, no one has guns here, everything's fine" I would say that maybe don't do that in a strange setting/context like being a lone adult in a commercial spot, or things like that, but if you're accompanied by someone, or places like costume parties, they just do not care


That’s hard to imagine. Almost every adult I know has a gun or lives with someone who owns a gun.


You're absolutely off your face if you think that would fly in Spain or anywhere else in Europe. I've helped organize convention appearances for costume performers and every country we've been to (England, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Norway all have extremely specific laws about brandishing realistic looking weapons in public, costume or no.


"Here in America, brandishing a firearm is dangerous" "Well, here in Spain, it's a little different" I wonder why..


That sounds like a really odd thing to brag about. That nobody will care if you wave around a real looking gun.


Happy Cake Day


Legit, and the fact that you got downvoted to hell proves people refuse to accept it


Yeah it's great, just the police/security are gonna take issue with it.


😂😂😂😂 Yeah no, I'll take care of that, will go to a safe environment


That's not...I dont think you understand what he said. There's security at every convention usually


Ah! Oh yeah, understood! Sorry it's actually my first time trying to cosplay and attend conventions.


And bringing what looks like a real gun is about the dumbest thing you can do. Going to a “safe” environment means nothing when someone thinks it’s real or worse, the cops shoot you first the moment they see this. Not worth getting shot over.


Don't most cons have rules about prop guns with cos play?


Generally yes


yeah, at every con I've ever been to you have to go through a security checkpoint before you're allowed inside


What is this mythical safe environment you speak of?! Lol






Okay, be careful homie


OP what country are you based in?


Good way to get shot by police. Especially if you’re in the USA


Most misinformed comment I've seen all day lol


Eh. Second amendment. People open carry all the time in the states. As long as they aren’t waving it around and being a dick they’ll be fine.


If OP is completing at a venue like a conference hall, they may refuse entry with firearms. Open carry doesn't mean you can carry anywhere you want without restrictions.


It completely depends on the venue that is true, but quite a few do allow it. Especially if its a fake firearm like the one in the image. Which anyone who knows anything about guns can tell immediately.




It won’t be the cops at the venue, it will be security. Who if you tell is a fake firearm, which are pretty common at many cosplay conventions specifically people dressing up as mtf and umbrella corps have them, will let you in.




Or any place that explicitly prohibits it. You have the right to carry a firearm, but people also have the right to prohibit firearms at their venue. A lot of times it comes down to insurance reasons.




This is reality, son. I live in an open/conceal carry state with no permits needed. You can walk down the street with an AR15 but if you want to walk into a private business, you can be refused.


open carry is only allowed in a very select few states


Very select my arse https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/open-carry-states Its allowed in the majority of states. 5 don’t allow it, 4 only with a permit.


Literally like 29 states allow permitless concealed carry and like 40 states have permitless open carry, it’s really only a small number of states (California, New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts mostly) that restrict open carry


lmao you won’t get shot


You’re clearly not familiar with American police.


You clearly don’t go outside, if you’re wearing a full ghost cosplay with a gun, you will not be shot.


Yeah, its even written into law /s lmao. You can't actually think a costume will save you from getting shot when you're holding a realistic looking gun. There's a reason they come with orange tips now.


Yall are so delusional, yes they come with orange tips so you’ll know it’s fake, but if you’re in FULL COSPLAY, the police will not straight up shoot you, yall mfs are acting like every cop is waiting for a reason to shoot someone.


You’re the delusional one here


I actually think I might be, idk why I thought arguing with terminally online Redditors on the call of duty subreddit wouldn’t be a waste of my time lol, they even pay for those Reddit NFTs


Idk what you seeing, but yeah, IF it had an orange tip. But it doesn't. So yes, you will be risking your life using this as a prop.


No need to attack me stranger. Cops don’t give a fuck if you’re cosplaying, most of them don’t even know what that is. If they see a gun with no red tip they will most definitely intervene. The dumber cops may even pull their guns and demand you “drop your weapon!”


In full cosplay... of a guy kitted up with military gear wearing a balaclava? Bit different to wearing full cosplay of fucking Sailor Moon


Remember that one time cops got called over a cardboard cutout of ghost? You say no ones gonna get cops on their ass over a cosplay when something dumber has already happened. Cosplayers get cops called on them all the time, just go on youtube and youll likely find hundreds of examples. And Sometimes they do get shot. Dont be that complacent fuckin idiot that assumes itll never happen to you.


>Remember that one time cops got called over a cardboard cutout of ghost? I thought you were making this shit up. Fucking hell it really happened lmao. https://www.polygon.com/2013/5/31/4383220/robert-bowlings-robotoki-invaded-by-lapd-after-curious-designer


It was like obviously fake too. Just standing there, not moving *at all* at anypoint whatsoever over the course of a long period of time. Not shooting, not responding to commands, not moving at all. So dumb


Yall can’t be serious…


Do NOT take firearms into Cosplay events. You will be ejected and/or arrested and/or shot.


I’ve cosplayed in western wear and used replica revolvers. A lot of conventions have weapon/gear checks to make sure things aren’t too dangerous. They will check the prop and either issue you some sort of lock via zipties or similar or mark it as a prop. At the end of the day a person should know the rules of something they’re attending and you’re being safe which is good but it’s not accurate.


This is clearly a fake firearm and people bring airsoft guns all the time. (Arguably more real looking) just have that orange tip or some sort of large identifying piece that says “I am fake gun” I will agree it’s better to steer away but people do this quite often as props.




Have you never seen a Glock? The on OP has is oversized as hell. An orange tip though is still a good idea just for reassurance:


Yea of course, I’ve seen and shot one. From a distance, this is a real gun.


It is pretty clearly fake, doesn't have a safety trigger and looks more like toy plastic than polymer. But from a distance I'm sure it could be seen as real.


Ummm… not really. That looks like a real Glock, especially if it’s in a holster, where you can’t see the trigger.


It's just a toy. But I saw a few people on YouTube carrying fake guns to cosplay events, is it really that risky?


..yes. It looks like the real thing and will be treated as such.


Yes, a teenager was just killed a few days ago because a security guard thought their BB gun was real. https://abcnews.go.com/US/washington-man-allegedly-kills-teen-mistook-airsoft-gun/story?id=110990087


>Yes, a teenager was just killed a few days ago because a security guard thought their BB gun was real. While this is a risk, that is NOT what happened. a dude looking for an excuse who was NOT working, racially profiled a group of people in a state where open carry is legal by assuming they were going to rob the store, and shot a kid who didn't even have the airsoft gun. It had nothing to do with the airsoft gun looking real. that was an excuse for his hero fantasy, and he wasn't even working at the time. presenting it as "a security guard thought their BB gun was real" robs the story of critical context.


It’s just a toy is what every kid wished the police had heard after they were shot and killed. Seriously if you have a death wish then by all means bring it. Otherwise maybe think again about your decision because cool people in costume don’t look so cool all shot up


Put like a cap or something on it to make sure people know it's fake but otherwise yeah absolutely


I don't think it's fake. might be a Glock BB gun though.


Are you serious? I need new brain cells ... It's fucking fake... A plastic toy is what it is


Yeah but you have all the time in the world to look at a picture and pick out the details that make it look fake. Accidents happen off of mere second impulses.


It's fake, it's a toy.. case closed no arguments...


Wave that in front of a cop and see what happens


Ask Tamir Rice about toy guns and the police








Citing the reality of black people being shot for having fake guns does not make me a racist. It is actually a reality, and I can cite several high profile cases where black people were killed for brandishing fake guns. Like [Tamir Rice](https://exhibits.stanford.edu/saytheirnames/feature/tamir-rice) and [John Crawford III](https://reason.com/2014/08/08/police-shoot-man-holding-fake-gunnear-fa/). I can't cite any cases where white people were shot for having fake guns in public, for some weird unknown reason.


Would you bet your life on it when someone points it at you. I wouldn’t


I didn't zoom in but I did see the Glock insignia. I've seen some extremely realistic looking Glock BB guns. At a distance all you need is for two people to panic, one with the phone and the other with a badge. And then you're bleeding out a chest cavity.


Yup. And yet he claims it’s “just a toy”🤦🏻‍♂️


Glock 18 is full auto, its obviously fake


Only obvious to someone who is very knowledgeable of military/police issue firearms, or someone who is holding it and examining up close.


Maybe it’s obvious to the Eagle that can spot prey from the sky, but not so obvious to humans


Actually I spray painted it black to make it look realistic 😂


Might not have been the right choice if you ever want to take it out of the house. Outside of the house its dangerous to take a replica that looks realistic.


Is this a legit question? No shit it’s a good prop looks like a G18. Good enough to look legit from a distance or in the hands of someone who hasn’t handled a real Glock up close. Wouldn’t bring this to a cosplay or anything where someone would mistake it as being real.


Lol thanks, I'll make sure I don't get myself killed/arrested 😁


Trigger discipline = 0 No, learn something about gun safety first even if it’s a fake weapon.


Bro these replies are the perfect recipe for negligent discharge casserole💀💀


First rule of gun safety is to have fun, finger on trigger = fun


k nerd


Are you serious? Lol


Lol sorry, I know that's not how you hold a firearm, it's just for the picture 💀


Dude I had that same fucking blanket


Sorry, didn't get you


Put some bright colours on it for the love of god


It was actually red, I spray painted it to make it look more realistic 😂


That's a big no no. Walking around with something like that in public is basically asking to get shot. People might get the wrong idea


Get a gas blow back airsoft one with the stendo


Yeah, and it should probably have an orange tip, and I would keep it in a holster at all times glued down


The tip won't show in a holster, so I would put orange somewhere on the grip too. Glue it in there.


Kk will check that out as well, thanks!


Just get an Arisoft one You'll have a new toy, and a good cosplay


Do you live in America? Because I would not carry that


No I don't live in the US 😂


Lol then go for it man! We got trigger happy police here


The states is probably one of the few places you could get away with carrying it due to their gun laws.


I'm not talking about carrying it, I'm talking about the police (or other people) thinking it's real and shooting you if something happens in or around the area OP is in. A kid was shot outside walmart the other day with a toy guy.


Thats probably because he didn’t have it holstered and was being a dick with it. Open carry is allowed in the states. Carrying a gun means you have it on you. Carrying means you either have it in a holster or in your hand. If you wanna be even more technical the guy was likely brandishing it, which just means to carry it in the hand.


Nice, victim blaming. Quite literally not true, so stop being an idiot. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/off-duty-guard-charged-with-killing-seattle-area-teen-after-mistaking-toy-for-gun-authorities-say/ar-BB1o2NxI](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/off-duty-guard-charged-with-killing-seattle-area-teen-after-mistaking-toy-for-gun-authorities-say/ar-BB1o2NxI)


An innocent teenager was shot seven times and killed by a member of law enforcement and you're blaming the kid? Get some perspective. If you're interested in the facts, he was trying to return it to the shop he bought it from and was just outside.


Don't be a moron, don't carry anything that looks like a real weapon in public with cosplay


Don't worry, I'll take care 😅


I have only one thing to say: TRIGGER DISCIPLINE. Even if its fake, (Im assuming it is) bb guns/ airsoft/ paintball/even nerf make you wear some kind of protection for a reason. them shit hurts. (exept for nerf, they just make you wear glasses.)


Yeah am sorry, still learning, will take care from the next time on.


its all good, sorry if i came across doochy. side note, that is a VERY nice replica, were did you get it?


Na mate it's fine! And well thanks! Although the proportions are a bit odd and bulky compared to the original gun it won't matter to the majority of the people, except gun enthusiasts. I got it from Amazon for $13.


Dayum, 13 bucks is nice. do you have a link to the original?


May want to put an orange tip on that chief


Paint the tip orange, or just keep it in your holster the entire time man. Not worth getting into legal trouble for an accurate costume.


Aesthetically speaking, sure. Legally speaking, absolutely not. You will get hassled very hard. The two most sensitive things to cosplay (in my experience) are weapons and military uniforms of any kind. I would highly caution against it unfortunately. Edit: I would consider showing off your cosplay to us redditors.


Spray it gold for sure




Why go through the trouble?


Good enough for this to be a terrible idea, get an orange tip


Nice is that the red one? I've got the same. And to all the people saying he's gonna get shot, I doubt it that gun is massive compared to a real glock it's literally the size of a nerf gun


Yes exactly is the red one! I spray painted it black to make it look more realistic! And yes, the barrel is pretty big compared to a real Glock, do you know if all the blasters come in the same size or they make some real Glock sizes too? Let me know.


I doubt they make them real sizes, I got mine from Aliexpress for $15 there's a bunch of different types of blasters on there like a beretta and revolver


I see, I got it from Amazon for $13, didn't find Beretta or revolver there, but a Glock and Deagle variants were available, even though the size is a little bigger than the original, the looks and details are pretty accurate, that's what attracted me.


Should always have the end of the barrel painted in public so people know it’s for show ina sense


Will remember that thanks! 👍🏻


Yes works fine but don’t be a prat with it (don’t aim it at people, only draw it for photos)


Yeah will take care of that


Raising some red flags there bud




Chuck some red or orange tape or whatever on the end so people know it’s a toy gun not a real gun.. but even then taking your chances 🤣


Lol okay 😂😂


As long as you don't have any intention of bringing that into a convention centre, sure! Even crafted wooden swords and spears are required to have some kind of ziptie on it to ensure that it's a fake weapon. Bringing a real gun (or something that \*looks\* like a real gun) is a sure way for you to cosplay as a block of Swiss Cheese


Alright thanks for the information, I'll take care of all the precautions for sure.


Paint the muzzle bright orange


What.. Is it? Is it an air soft gun? Because for an air aoft gun it looks very fake. For a real gun it looks fake. But they've gone to the effort of branding etc on the gun, so I'm so confused.


It's basically a shell ejecting blaster, a kids toy.


Finger off the trigger noob


If you wanna be on a t-shirt then go ahead


You should spray paint it gold to show you unlocked all the camos for it


Too bulky


Oh huh I wonder if the toy Glock 18 would be a good prop to look like a Glock 18?? Maybe try a 357 magnum instead


At least put an orange tip on it


If you are going out in public, get one colored orange or at least with an orange tip. That prop looks real and could make people jumpy.


Whatever you do, do NOT do that. If you need to take a prop, take a Nerf gun and keep it bright and colorful


My brother you are getting SHOT


Most fake guns have orange color at the muzzle tip to indicate it is indeed fake


Put orange tape on it so that police know it's not a live firer or you will probably get detained.




Good enough to get shot over.


Put an orange tip on the end.


Trigger dicipline


Hail to the G


Nah don’t do that diff if it’s a knock off you might end up knocked off


Do you not know of trigger discipline?


Better orange tip that bad boy beforehand


OP: asks question Everyone: answers OP: argues why everyone is wrong


What?! 😭😭😭 When did I do that man? I'm just giving replies to everyone


Oh yeah that’s a nice way to get shot


This has stupid written all over it. Reading some of your responses, I don't think you have the maturity to make this a good idea. Hopefully everything goes well...


No, Ghost doesn’t use a pistol, he uses a knife


It looks alright just get an airsoft gun though


Popo : didn't seem like a prop to me


I would put orange tape on the end part so you don’t get arrested


Go to a police station and point it at an officer to really immerse yourself into the role


The proportions are weird.


OP why tf are you asking r/CallOfDuty? DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Firstly on your country’s rules and secondly the rules of the convention you want to cosplay at. Most conventions will require an orange tip to be visible from a distance. This immediately rules this glock out. It’s clear from your comment responses you’ve already decided. So for the love of god use basic common sense and think ahead. Do the research (above), transport it in an appropriate bag to and from the convention (i.e., the UK requires firearms of ALL types to be transported in a purpose made bag - no doubt there are people who don’t follow it). Check if the convention has arrival procedures for imitation firearms etc etc. If you have ANY DOUBT after doing the research then DO NOT TAKE IT.


Go up to any cop or security and try racking the slide to show them it’s a fake, and then tell them to look down the barrel so they can see there are no bullets


Long as it's vaguely Glock shaped I think it'll do.


As a gun nerd its a pretty far from reality replica but at a distance and at a glance it might aswell be real


Yeah, that's what every gun enthusiast told me, although can you tell me what are the things that make gun nerds understand it's fake? Apart from the size and bulky slide, no trigger safety and a scope mounting rail on top? Even I'm interested in learning about firearms as much as possible, so your input would help a lot.


The lines of the frame dont match, the way the front of the frame merges into the grip looks too choppy, on a real glock it flows into eachother more. Grip itself also looks pretty chunky and blocky in comparison. Its also very easy to spot that the slide and frame are made of the same cheap plastic instead of steel and polymer, also the front bottom rail is too straight. Thats pretty much it. Everything else you already named. For me it was more a general sense of "thats not a glock" instead of one specific thing until I spotted the optics rail. The fact that its a glock 18 also made it obvious as those are pretty much unattainable for civilians anywhere in the world. You should take a look at the Glock 18 on glocks website and compare, see how many differences you can find


Alright mate, thanks for your feedback! Appreciate it!


Yeah it’ll do 👍🏽


Alrighty! 😁


Yeah looks good bro


Thanks mate


That shit looks like straight plastic 😭



