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I do enjoy it, but again i take breaks in-between so it doesn't get repetitive




No good alternatives


Honestly, I think that is the only reason why CODM has been relevant


I had dropped CODM when Apex came out. Then Apex was shuttered.


I enjoy it…until I reach legendary. Then it weirdly starts to feel like an obligation. Regular matches are too easy with bots and the ranked matches get too competitive. For context, I’m not amazing but I reach legendary in both mp and br every time, so when I say competitive it’s not that I can’t compete per se (I mean, of course there are times when I get obliterated lol), it’s that the thrill of winning is gone - likely since there’s no higher rank to look forward to? Idk. And losing just sucks in general. Thinking about it, idk if anyone else has this issue but I get the same maps over and over. Would probably help if all of the maps were rotated more equally.


Facts 💯👍🏻


The better you get, the harder the competition. “Fun” is relative.


I really enjoy it. But I take 3-4 day breaks every month to keep my sanity intact


Yep. But that's only because I take 1-2 days' breaks when the game becomes too boring or too repetitive to play. Otherwise I genuinely enjoy the game. I take the ranked wins and losses as they come. I used to celebrate or feel sad way more, now I just think about giving my best, win or lose, in the next match. I also really fell in love with the game again when I saw how much content is still there to explore! A lot of alternatives felt boring and WZM was not downloadable for me, so I just went back to exploring CODM and fell in love with the game again.


I like it, but I just play what I enjoy. I don’t chase skins that require me to play modes I don’t like, I play guns that I like instead of meta guns, if I’m having a rough stretch of games that has me frustrated I walk away for a while, I play ranked for the challenge but I don’t care what rank I end up… …and most important, I haven’t spent a penny on the game so I don’t feel the need to get upset about my investment when something isn’t exactly the way I like. It’s a fun game! But only when you play it for fun rather than a collector/e-sport game.


I tried Helldivers 2, APEX on PS5 and watched some Valorant game play. I still keep coming back to CODM though I do take breaks. My longest break is more than a year. Love the graphics, search and destroy (minus toxic teammates), guns and character skins.


i enjoyyed it more if i play with friends or i have a specific goal to grind for. but i take breaks in between to prevent burn out


I uninstalled the game two months ago, since I started playing in 2020. I do miss it from time to time, but I feel no obligation to play it. There’s nothing left for me to play for.




I equate MP rank at legendary level with Air traffic control. BR has become a joke. Keep in mind this is a game owned by Tencent. They have their hands in so many games , directly or are part of many. In China they may eat this stuff up, and they apply much of the same globally.


used to enjoy it, but not anymore


I take loooong ass breaks sometimes


I'm a br player. Dying is just a skill issue.


I'm specifically talking about MP


Despite the ignorant and arrogant gaslighting comment from the user below me... YES i still enjoy it. Not as much, but yes. I find myself playing it everyday still


good for you man


I only play codm for zombies nothing else


I would hop on zombies more if they added a new map or fixed the horrible zombie spawn system. Bo2 all I played was zombies and had all the DLC. Probably log in and go to the underground map with Leroy, my bank is still maxed out.


I log in for 2-3 matches a day at max and thats it. No competitive, No skins grind, no Battlepasses. Maybe thats because im more committed to another game on Mobile …


Yeah, I was top1500 last season. Just enjoy the game.


literally cant with the molotov and MG42 pin point spam


If I'd feel like you I take a break and come back next season. I always love coming back, still the best fps available on Mobile


I usually play for two season then take long breaks of up to three seasons sometimes. I find it fun but not as much as long ago when I would just immerse daily




MP or BR?


I do! But i do take breaks


I do..but I also enjoy other games


Tbh only when ranked reset happens


Well, yes. But actually no.


It generally is for me. I usually main ranked snd until I reach legendary. After that I’ll play a bunch of free for all/featured playlist modes not only for some fun variation, but specifically to focus on developing a new skill. Last season worked on memorizing camper spots as well as different peaking movements, and quick scoping. 


I enjoy to a point. I'm okay just to enjoy and have fun. Then I run into the sweats that slide , jump, quick snipe all in one shot. With a legendary gun. Once I numb into them I stop for the day


Just need some break so I play. I don't care


sometimes, but not in the mood to play it. i'm too busy with work so i barely play mobile games. but i do CoDM, Diablo Immortal, and AFK Journey II on rotation. i'm back to DI lately and havent touchd CoDM for a while. but i hv no plans to uninstall it though.


I enjoy it once I reach legendary. More consistently good teammates, closer matches. I also don't play for more than an hour at a time. If I feel myself getting salty at a loss, I just do or play something else


It’s The nostalgia for me. Some of these maps take me right back to the 2010’ish days of COD.


Enjoyed it when i'm bored, It's hard to enjoy this game without any friends.(All of them are into moba game like mlbb)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Still having fun. Every season I try to add a new wrinkle in my game. (Last season I focused on anchoring, another season was nade spots) This season I’ve been obsessed with fine tuning sensitivity, it’s made a huge difference—especially with sniping. I use to over-track and miss my shots, not as much anymore. Best is playing ground war (tournament), using the Type 19 with 8x scope. You can camp at the edge of the map and still pick players off on the other side. Even enemy snipers had a hard time hitting me. I also bought a new m4 ipad which makes it feel like a new game with high graphics and framerate. In the end it’s really more of a craft than a sport for me. There’s always something to perfect.


Ranked is not something you play when you want to relax and have fun. Especially not after a rank reset. You’re better off in pubs


yes I agree but it is not competitive either, CODM rank is not hard it is "rigged" against good players since the matchmaking algorithm forces you to carry brain dead players who go double and triple negative, not to mention the skill less molly/thermite spam, I would genuinely only play pubs if there was an option to play against real players in public matchmaking, playing rank is just shoving your own head up your ass




No. However your reasons for not enjoying it make no sense. TTK is slower than before. This is due to the major sniper nerf in 2020-2021. Snipers being the ruling class of weapons used in nearly all competitive games, the overall TTK is lower. Recent additions (tundra, MG) have boosted it slightly, so if you played in late 2023 and now came back, you could possibly be seeing that. Snipers were much faster before tho and there hasn't been a major TTK buff for automatics. Thermites, molotovs and contact grenades got nerfed heavily after their own meta time periods. If you see effective spam, it means that you are either playing really badly, or your opponent is amazing and messing around. You should not be seeing spam outside of rare scenarios. Thermite rounds will get their nerf soon, that's the case for every broken attachment or weapon that the majority cry about. Pinpoint does absolutely fucking nothing. People were worried before it was released, and then everybody realized it's useless and doesn't help good players in any way. Actual beginners who cannot track while firing are the only people who benefit from it. You do not deserve special treatment. If you can't handle randoms, play with friends. Bad teammates are not a problem nor are they a common occurrence. You only feel that you get them a lot because you choose to ignore your good games with good teammates and only focus on the negativity of your losses. Everybody has maps they dislike. None of them however have broken spawns. If they once did, it has already been fixed. Terminal is one map where there has never been broken spawns. Rank rules exist. Leaving the game gets you deducted points, griefing is a bannable offense, toxicity is a bannable offense. What else do you want? Even if there were weapon bans, people would not ban metas and only ban weapons that they consider "annoying", such as NA-45. CODM being a mobile game with intented fast games, added processes like this would make matchmaking much longer, and then you would cry about that as well. It would seem that multiplayer shooters aren't your thing.


TTK is much faster than the old days for full auto guns , we have never had a 2 tap meta at any point in CODM like the oden, recently buffed BP50 etc thermites, molotovs and contact grenades are still broken af and have no cons from a gameplay perspective, your whole argument is factually wrong and if you use these to get kills you are objectively bad at the game pinpoint gives a 10 percent boost to aim assist and in a 2-3 tap meta that is huge to potential ttk in a gunfight by the way terminal's new P2 caused the entire spawns to fuck up, they did revert back to the old P2 but during the time it was there, the spawns were absolutely fucked you're literally defending bad SBMM practices lol just proves that you are a casual, the game is not ranked in any way some guy being legendary proves nothing on what basis are you ranking them on? you could play 12 hours a day and have more rank points than a pro player and that proves nothing I am literally a former pro player who played stage 4 so dont use ad hominem attacks to justify your bullshit opinions if anything you just prove that you abuse all the things mentioned and you are insecure that someone indirectly pointed that out, its ok not to be bad buddy you can only call it ranked if it follows the same rules as those followed in competitive and doesn't have SBMM i.e stage 4 and stage 5 rest is just coping on your end for being either average or bad