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When I was an international student back in 2007, you had to prove that you were financially able to sustain yourself throughout the whole duration of your studies.


You still do. The problem is there's no ongoing monitoring so they'll just borrow money or pool money, deposit into one person's account so they can prove they have the funds, then shuffle it onto the next person's account. The vast majority of them do not, in fact, have anywhere near enough to support themselves. Which is why they're throwing hissy fits over 20 hour work week caps and work permits expiring.


Turns out borrowing money to fudge the system wasn't sustainable after all! But hey, at least there's no rent in a tent ⛺


There's a whole system here in place to help people cheat the system. And this is the end result .... I don't like seeing anyone brought low but this uncontrolled flow of unqualified migrants needs to stop.


Youtube videos about abusing Canadian food banks for free food should have been the first hint that something is wrong.


It'll stop as soon as Trudy doesn't need the votes.


You Canadians sometimes speak like you were the only ones in the world and were better than anyone. But that is the way that uneducated people speak from anywhere in the world. You are just by America and own stuff like cars and ATV's and because of this many of you think highly of yourselves. It is of course just part of being human.


You really ought to work on your grammar if you're going to rant about Canadians. Also, you can leave. You're not forced to move here. YOU CHOSE TO MOVE HERE.


Bro, I am not the right person to get told what to do. I am giving my opinion about general things. Not telling anyone what to do.


Should be placed in some kind of escrow account to avoid this nonsense


Not only that, cost of living went way up since 2007, therefore the numbers are outdated


I think that works with the intention of current immigration model. They know they will fake it and now they are locked into that base low wage job which increases worker competition


you don't need to. You just need to bring GIC of 10K(changed recently to 21K). Neither 10k nor 21k are enough for 2 years of expenses in this high CoL environment.


Probably need to ask for 6 months worth of finances or something catch out the shovelling money around scheme


These days a measly 10k is all it takes apparently


It's 20k+ now, which still isn't enough.


Same with me in the 90’s in the UK. And I couldn’t work either it was stamped on my visa.


Came to say the same thing


and can't even have part time jobs, only jobs on campus.


meh, time to jump on a plane and go elsewhere, no sympathy here.


taking up tent space from Canadians.


Easy peasy


By now they all know they are part of a scam. 


"There must be somewhere they can go.." Yeah, home!


And not a single Canadian tax dollar should be used to help them. Canadians are suffering and it is not our responsibility to house/feed grown men from the subcontinent. Until every Canadian has access to affordable housing, deport every last one that lied about having the funds to support themselves.


The shady and not-so-shady diploma mill colleges who brought them in on sham diplomas should have to pay for some of this. They’re rolling in cash while the surrounding communities suffer.


They should be forced to help support the lying students for scamming them tighter rules and more deportation is needed now


How do Canadians feel about international students in legit university programs that they’re finishing, but who came in due to Trudeau’s weird immigration policies? Just curious, thought I would ask the opinion of the Canadians themselves


Most don't seem to be the problem, since the academic standards and tuition costs to get into reputable Canadian universities as international students tend to be higher, and they can't just spring up in a strip mall plaza out of nowhere like some of the private colleges can (with the exception of private-public partnerships between universities and private institutions). The programs also tend to be more academically rigorous, requiring more academic effort, attending classes, and studying to pass (one can't just go work all the time and skip most of their classes, hoping to pass the final exam and squeak through a passing grade in the course). There are some bad offender universities (typically the lower-tier ones) exploiting the international student cash cow though, including Algoma University (whose Brampton satellite campus, a collection of office buildings downtown, is 90%+ international students) and Cape Breton University in NS (who brought in so many and didn't have the space, that they had to rent a movie theatre for classes)


Oh okay, don’t think my uni has done something like that lmao


Before the whole mass international student program with the colleges, international students at most Canadian universities usually tended to be the ones who could either pay their way to study in Canada (Chinese/Asian individuals with rich parents), or very high achievers that could get the grades and could pay for the education here. There were much less of them enrolled than in the colleges today, and they generally weren't seen as a concern in terms of competing for local jobs, housing, and didn't put an overt strain on university and local resources.


Start a labour camp program for them, mandatory labour for some hot meals and a place to sleep. Might as well let everyone win a little bit.


Id rather them just get deported. We have enough of our own Canadian homeless who can benefit from a labour camp program.


I agree I think we need to mass deport right now and close the immigration and limit students to minimal with escrow accounts to prove they can afford to be here and raise the money to 60 grand to afford to be here and banned from food banks they all seem so arrogant and self entitled no protesting either make all the rules very strict


Oh they reap the benefits, they qualify for tax credits the minute they step off the plane….gst, climate incentives etc . Then we tax payers float multi billion dollar companies for subsidize labour….n wonder why natural born people cannot get a job. Hard to compete for half the cost. Income tax refunds, basically what they paid for education. Zero benefits for having them except for landlords, diploma mills n big business.


Sounds like they should go the fuck home then.










































So are soo many Canadians. Who cares go home.


Gotta love diploma mills


Agree. They need to also deport scammers and penalize the employers/immigration consultants committing fraud through LMIA program that has over 90% approval rate by our feds.


Well they wanted the Canadian experience. This is camping


It's living for many Canadians thanks to them 


Ahaha 👌😂


Its all fun and games untill winter comes. Just go back home, dont you see we’re now a 2nd world country???


They're international food delivey drivers; pretty certain they aren't studying anything.


Fuck em'. They should have made sure they had enough money before coming over and done some research about the housing in this country.


They are required to prove they have the funding for their stay here but unfortunately most of them submitted fake documents and defrauded this country, that’s why I have no sympathy for them. And for that, there is no way they will peacefully leave.


I'm afraid to ask where they go for a shit.


The same place where homeless Canadians go.


Do bums shit in the woods?


If a bum shits in the woods does it even smell.


Same place as the majority of India until very recently.


India shits in Canada


Tim Horton’s or a library


They used to shit on the street before they were homeless.


Why is it’s the mayors issue? These people made a decision to come here, were they doing a trudeau exercise “everything will work itself out”. The country of canada and it’s people have had all this dumped on them, do they feel bad about canadians that have become homeless.


That's the problem with taking in international students from a country with worse socioeconomic issues than your own.  People come here and don't want to leave, even when they are in dire straits. In contrast, someone from say Australia, Japan the UK, or Germany, probably would prefer to return to their country of origin if they ran out of money for schooling.   Why the fuck are we taking in any Indian students to begin with?


It’s time we take care of our own, we have too many homeless Canadians on the street as is. We don’t need more homeless people who also don’t even assimilate in to our culture


Maybe it’s time for them to go home.


So the far left woke cult is good with this?


Apparently so


You can be damn sure they’re not letting any of them crash on their couch.


Not all. Unless this one thing makes me a centrist I’m pretty left leaning, but I still think the immigration system in our country is exploitable garbage, importing one specific demographic in the name of DiVerSity, and it’s screwing born Canadians over. And saying that’s not racist, it’s fact. In fact, I’ve seen this issue uniting people (with a brain) from both sides of the political spectrum.


Why do they even come to Canada? Living in the squalor of their homeland is surely better than this


Sunken cost. A lot of India actually isn't THAT bad. Food and housing is cheap, and people have strong family support structures to help them if they have no job and no where to live. Here everyone's a stranger and there are no jobs, but a lot of these people take on loans and sell family land to come here because the recruiters lie to them and say they can come here and be millionaires. I feel bad for them, but there's too many people here now, we have no choice but to deport a million


It will be better for immigrants if Canada starts to deport them. Everybody will see it and nobody will borrow money to come to Canada.


womp womp, 40 year old scam artists sleep in tent to save as much money as they can to send back to their country.


Who cares though? Arent these students supposed to be able to show documentation of being able to afford to live here based on what they have saved before traveling here? No? Oh yeah all Immigration laws seem to be thrown out the window lately.


Just an FYI - they’re making themselves eligible for what’s called in the industry as a “destitute student work permit”, which would give them a work permit on top of their study permit. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/temporary-residents/foreign-workers/humanitarian-reasons-r208.html


Okay but these circumstances are in their control, what he said about being kicked out, hey maybe not be a dick to your room mates and landlord. Also they couldve saved more money before coming here and do their own homework to budget. This is absolutely bullshit man, they should just be sent home, just take your loss and GO


Why aren't the 'students' going back home to live with their parents?


Stealth Trudeau town.


They could always go live in their own country, I don't care anymore.


Yeah I wish we could start focusing on all Canadians black white Aboriginal all of them maybe we can start discussing these housing prices and fix that first before we talk about these International students because you're acting like we don't have problems already here send them back they need to go back home Canada is in the housing crisis we don't even have enough houses here for Canadian citizens I don't understand this. I swear it's like people are living in two parallel worlds where just because if you have a house now and you locked out and bought something 10 15 20 30 years ago you're okay and you don't really care you're out here walking your dog at 1:00 p.m. when you should be at work because you own a property that you can rent out. All the rest of us which is the majority of the country especially those under 40 have to deal with this housing crisis with this job crisis with everything we should be dealing with this first actual things that affect Canadians why are we focusing on people who are not even citizens no other country will do this it doesn't matter if you're black white or pink focus on Canadian citizens first black white or pink


Trudeau believes that houses should keep their values. This means that government wants to make sure that millennials will never buy houses


Imagine Canadians doing this in India. 😂


Canada needs to start looking at countries like Japan and following their immigration model. The fact that people are aware of Canadas current situation and continue to come here leaves me with zero sympathy for them. We do not have the housing to support you, don’t come, it’s as simple as that


Yes if Canada wants us to make the next generation, maybe we should make growing a family more affordable and easy. In Japan they have money to give to help out new parents and both parents can take parental leave too. Their hospitals also treat all mothers with tender loving care and let the mothers rest while looking after the new borns. And here in Canada before I was born my mother went through a horrible miscarriage and was bleeding out PROFUSELY all over the floor in the hospital but they didn't listen to her until she got up and walked down the hall painfullly calling for help because she was loosing too much blood. This is before 1995 too


There should be a law that schools can only bring as many international students as dorms rooms available. These students should have to pay for a dorm room as part of their tuition.


RIP Canada


Canada has become a dump.


I regularly shop at Freshco and the other day while coming out of the plaza, I saw a guy dragging his bike into the bushes. I quickly realized whats happening there. It is dangerous, uncivil and definitely illegal. I am definitely going to write to the MP for this.


Send em home and fine the the recruiting agencies that sold them a lie


They could be living in proper ish homes if they went back home


The Canadian dream 🇨🇦🍁


Oh hell naw we turning into Detroit 💀💀


Must be going to school to be a doctor


International students are required to have enough money to support themselves as a pre requirement of admission. Why do we care if they lied and live on the streets.


i sound like a parrot at this point but if you’re unable to support yourself without working, you shouldn’t be studying here. Legit the only work international students should be allowed to do is co-op work or internships.


Well, They know where they can go....


Fake news!! Our dear leader and his goblin of a deputy prime minister have told us time and time again that everything is fine!!


...is this a new season of Trailer Park Boys?


Canada should stop the false advertisements that they keep running on all the social media channels about how this is a first world wonder where you come to study and make your dreams come true. We're currently in a financial mess. Our own children don't have jobs, those who have jobs cannot afford to keep a roof on, those who have a roof on today don't know if they can bring another life under it and in this mess they're bringing in more burden on our social system. Students are literally putting everything they have back home on the line to come to Canada. That's how they're able to show the funds to move here. Their idea is to do or die. This is sad for all the parties involved.


Wait til it gets cold lol byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeee


Someone has a bush hog right? Wakeup call!


Welcome to the kingdom of Trudeau!


The Canadian government and diploma mill universities have failed these students. I have 4/5 East Indian students come into my work a day! Desperate for jobs and I have to turn them away. Not only are they paying 3 times the fees, more than likely the degrees they are studying will not land them a job here in Canada.


Na, it’s just a long weekend camping trip.


"There must be somewhere where they can go". Gee, let me think about that one.




It's like camping in someone else's back yard


why this? can they not stay in their country in home and study there?


Wtaf, why would anyone want to live like this. If that were me, even if I was broke, my friends and family would but me an air fare home ffs. Even the consulate I'm sure would help. Pathetic all round.


Doesn’t surprise me


LOL. Trudeau, you da bess


Sad. But poetic in many ways.


How can you be sure its international students. Could easily be a citizen with some problems to work out


International students are supposed to have a means of supporting themselves as a requirement before arrival. They need to go back home!


Canada builds private housing for junkies that are a net loss for society but doesn’t care about people who want to work. Not gonna make it, puts on Canada


Please just go back so we can maybe afford food and housing again. Mass recent immigration destroyed Canada. What good is a country when the majority are in poverty, starving and in tents (if even that)?


Our homelessness is enough for us; go back to where you came from.


Probably an upgrade from where they came from?


Good place to get it on


People from Canada that sponsored them should be liable for this as well. 


I've seen them in the tent city in Kitchener at King and Weber as well.


how insane does a country have to be to have a formal policy where it imports immediately homeless people?


They’re free to leave anytime they want.


They should be living in whatever they were before coming here.  Aka, go back home


Where can they go ?? Home !!!




Any foreign student you see living in a tent is there because they lied on their application. They do not deserve any of your sympathy because they lied to get here and take advantage of us.


Best rent for open concept.


You dont want to stay in a tent then go home its an easy solution


They can go home?


They can go back home.


Why don't these international students juss go to school where they come from ???


There’s no definite proof that it’s “international students” in those tents. With my experience in Brampton as I still live here, when you see people in distress, it’s generally white people. That’s who I usually see begging on the end of ramps or at busy dual fully protected left turns.


She said she talked to one of them who said they were. If you don’t want to believe her, you might as well disregard her entire video.  If you live in Brampton, you can always go up to Bramalea and Sandalwood yourself and ask them, then report back to us here if it’s true or not.


At least no public urination in subway stations 👍🏻


What really bothers me is how poorly that tent is set up


She thinks she's such a great person Yet causing more of a problem than a solution But she feels good about herself, thinking she's doing such a great thing and it's such a great idea spend our tax dollars




They can go back home


How about we complain about these home prices Why Don't We complain about inflation why don't we actually think about Canadians black Aboriginal White pink green yellow turquoise all Canadians. Why don't we start there


Canadians want too but the liberal government doesn’t care


The entire fking government doesnt care LOL I thought the recent grocery vote would have shown that but people are still talking this way.


Yup I completely agree. People are so done with Trudeau that they are blind to the reality of the Conservative Party, and that PP will not save this country. He will not fix this country. Canada is doomed no matter what.


This. I saw that he was "unsure about immigration" fuck that. No matter how gentle, how soft or nice you are you make enemies. I say just take a strong stance and be a strong leader. He came in swinging with the housing. Shame. Even so. What are the chances he turns around and does... absolutely nothing? How long can our country suffer more?







