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How much of my time and attention does your self identity and life style require?


Well if you’re a student in our school system, more time than is spent on personal life skills and finance.


None. But it’s not about my identity as a gay dude anymore. We’ve moved onto cooler and more interesting things like bathrooms and professional sports and surgeries now. / s


It’s just so exhausting


It’s not about equality anymore, they want to be a special class of people with special privileges.


Live and let live. I think people are growing tired of being forced to celebrate. You're welcome here. It's all good. We're all people, born equal in dignity and rights. Let's go live.


I suspect it's the "+" people are getting tired of. There is no end in sight. 


Maybe because they already have equal rights as everyone else, anything else they want are just privileges.


When it is shoved down your throat for a decade, when they are given preferential treatment when applying for jobs , when every policy is tailored around them etc…, then it isn’t surprising that support for them is diminishing ! I don’t have a problem with color of your skin or your sexual orientation, I have a problem with us not being equal before the law. Laws are applied differently based on sexual orientation , color, gender and ethnic background. I love how Canadians still think they are morally superior to the U.S. , and how the U.S. is a nation is discrimination and racism, when we have laws specifically allows “reverse racism” , when we get job posting that only allow certain groups to apply. I live in the U.S. and yet to see a job posting where it says “ position is open only to women , BIPOC, LGBTQ and indigenous candidates”


If you go on indeed.ca, look in northern cities like Prince George, BC. Most of the job postings for government positions always indicate in the ad in very clear terms: preference will be given to indigenous peoples, BIPoC, LGBT, visible minorities. I have also seen where it specifies “preference will be given to women of…” then the same groups I mentioned. I’ve applied for many of those jobs and then at the interview, you get interviewed by a panel of people who ask questions that have no relevance to the position. Its to see how agreeable you are & how it fits with DEI hiring standards. Its really aggravating but they exist. The ads for admin work are the most common anyway.


Yup. Government breaking its own rules.


I love the term 'reverse racism', it is just racism.


Exactly ! Let’s call it what it is. Canadians are delusional and condescending towards Americans, thinking we are morally superior to our American neighbors. After I moved to America a couple of years back I realized I was living in a shit hole banana republic. American has a lot of problems sure , each country has problems, but there’s a reason Americans aren’t flooding Canada to work at Tim Hortons like the south Asians , at least they have a decent economy😂


To say the world’s 10th largest economy isn’t “decent” is an interesting take. I know shitty countries like India and China have better economies but I mean, Canada’s is pretty decently ok


Yeah that’s the problem right there. The size of the economy doesn’t matter , the quality of life if what matters. Indian has a bigger economy than Denmark however danish have a higher quality of life that Indians in India . Canada is the 10 largest economy is the world , great ! But 1 in 4 Canadian lives in poverty ! And quality of life is eroding. I know people working full time making $80k a year and live in their vehicles because they can’t afford paying the ridiculous rents. So yeah Canada has gone to 💩


Canada also has a higher quality of life than Indians in India. You could argue that Canada has a decent quality of life, based on any of the metrics you used to determine Denmark has a high quality of life. I’m trying to understand please help


I am trying to tell you that Canadian quality of life is eroding fast and if not brought under control it’ll fall to the same levels of Latin American country


Says who? If it’s eroding fast send me a link or something that I can share with my friends and family to warn them. I actually agree with you but can’t find anything concrete. Please help


[https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/canadian-living-standards-declining-with-no-end-in-sight#](https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/canadian-living-standards-declining-with-no-end-in-sight#) liberal fan ! There you go , seems you haven’t been living in Canada for the past 5 years, have you seen rent prices recently? Average rent in Canada is $2200 a month nationwide , Calgary is one bedroom now costs $2k a month , Toronto and Vancouver are well above $2500. You’re just another liberal fan, I can smell you from a mile way , and also by looking at your account.


lol that last line killed me


Yep it's textbook systemic racism.




A lot of Canadians like to be self righteous and condescending to our American brethren and are delusional about our moral superiority. Yeah the USA has numerous problems but given the choice, I’d gladly move to the USA and abandon the third world, banana republic Canada’s become.


I moved to America , it was the best decision of my life , higher salaries, higher quality of life, lower cost of living , lower taxes. Actual healthcare and a quality one too, Canadians love to gloat about Canadian “free healthcare” , waiting 6 years to get a family doctor , or waiting months for a simple surgery isn’t called a healthcare. If Canada had higher standards of living than American , you would have seen Americans trying to come to Canada and staff your local Tim Hortons not Indians ! 😂


Too funny…..and absolutely true!


Right ! Do you see Americans lining up and paying immigration consultants to study at Canadian diploma mills and then try to scam their way to PR ? Ask any Canadian about the advantages of Canada over the U.S. and the only thing they can think of is “free healthcare” which ain’t free , it’s paid for by taxes and healthcare services aren’t rendered when you need them ! Before they used to say or crime rate is lower in Canada , but now look at Toronto , vehicles are stolen left and right , thieves kick down doors to get your car keys and the police answer to the problem ? “Leave your keys at the door” First of all in America if someone kicks your door down at 3 in the morning to get your car keys you’ll be well within your rights to use deadly force ! And that’s true in all 50 states ! Secondly Imagine if an American police officer says that same thing and tells people to leave their keys at the door ! I’d pay to see that , I don’t think any officer would have the balls to say such a thing !




Wanna know another fucked up fact ? I the UK , Australia , Ireland and the United States, when you’re being interviewed and questioned by the police the person being questioned has the right to have a lawyer present during questioning. However in Canada there’s no such right ! A lawyer cannot be present during questioning !


Take a look at this : [https://youtu.be/qDKCDgjOkg8?si=iVTMiDA1T9CIBMj2](https://youtu.be/qDKCDgjOkg8?si=iVTMiDA1T9CIBMj2)


As a gay man, despite the statements that LGBT people are given preferential treatment in job postings there's really no way to capitalize on that. Interviewers aren't allowed to ask about your sexual orientation, and unless you're an airhead who do you think is bringing up "Im gay" in a job interview. It's unprofessional and appears demanding to fit into the diversity quota and carries just as much risk that you won't get the job. My sexuality has never once come up in a job interview and I can't imagine any normal LGBT person would try to find a way to include it that doesn't reflect poorly in the interview process. The job postings favor *visible* minorities, sexuality really does not garner any preferential treatment on a large scale and is only included to pander corporate virtue signaling.


The problem is you are a man, and not a woman. If you were a gay woman, you would have more options. If you were black and had a limp? Perfect for any opening.


At my work, if LGBTQ+ people don't get their way (a promotion, a task they wanted, etc) they scream discrimination. Most of the managers now avoid the conflict and automatically give the best to the LGBTQ+ people. Oh, and don't bring up the reverse discrimination, you'll be labelled the office loser.




When something is shoved down your throat constantly one tends to vomit 🤮 Let ppl live as they wish, just stop with the constant messaging!


Are we all gonna ignore the bj joke here?


There really aren’t any “LGBTQ” “issues” of any importance. That’s the dirty little secret.


Agreed. The “war” was won. They gained acceptance and won the right to marry. Now it’s just a pathetic cry for attention and a need for constant validation.


well, judging by the lesbian couple that was just attacked in Nova Scotia the other day, I think it’s important to have a reminder for people (especially new Canadians) that LGBTQ+ are accepted and part of society in Canada and that’s it.


New Canadians can be reminded all they want, not going change to them. Also, the alphabet army supported “Queers for Palestine”. Maybe it’s they who need to realize something.


Yeah terrible take. Counter cultures are always going to cause conflict. The farther groups are culturally; the higher the propensity for conflict. Diversity is the antithesis of our biological instinct.


I'd say maybe we should just be a little bit more careful with immigration.


The irony here is liberal values bring people here who don’t have those values. Those people do things like attack an LGBT couple and then the liberals will scream Canada is so intolerant when the violence is being brought here by the liberals blind tolerance.


That's an immigration/asylum issue.


its this


I see gay people flipping out about birth control these days. Like being gay wasn't good enough birth control.


They lost a lot of my support when, pretty much overnight it went from acceptance to promotion. Hey let's confuse the shit out of kids who otherwise would have never been confused.


Yep. Asking society not to shun you versus asking society to promote your personal quirks, are two very different requests. Another detestable element of alphabet people ideology is their immediate reach for the ancient mechanisms of societal outcasting (e.g. reputation destruction within the community) any time they encountered reasonable pushback. This omnipresent threat of "accept our worldview, OR ELSE" was the red flag, for me. Enough.


Promotion has now turned into indoctrination. I really think the worm has turned here and going forward, I think there’s going to be more pushback/backlash. Especially when the transgender community said they were “coming for your kids”. It took awhile but I finally think “straight” people are waking up.


I don’t have kids. My wife and I didn’t want them. They’re annoying AF. BUT when they started confusing kids (and doing whatever the softer word for indoctrinating is) WHILE excluding those kids’ parents from the conversation, they lost my support. Not my acceptance, but my support. Fuck that. That’s way too far.


What issues are they facing from anyone who Trudeau didn't bring here recently?


They should be able to marry each other and have the same rights. However, the constant display of flags and rainbow symbols everywhere feels excessive to me. Its pushed in our faces everywhere, tv, shows, movies, news, social media, its too much nowadays. But that's just me.


Agreed but it also goes beyond that for me - some seem to use it as an ‘excuse’ to display their fetishes publicly. And I don’t agree with buck naked adults marching in front of children, either.


Upvoted and have to agree with you. A few years back I decided to watch the Toronto parade. There was a man wearing leather chaps with his ass showing while walking another man in leather with a collar and dog leash. That was the moment I stopped giving a shit about this community. I feel bad because all the progress that has been made will be in vain. But enough is enough.




Pissing in each others mouth apparently too? Police not doing anything. Wtf is going on?


I think that was in the US, but I seen that video too. Wtf!


Like they’re doing this in public!? they’re might be children witnessing this shit. Like come on! Police afraid to arrest, saying they pick their battles and this isn’t one of them? I didn’t get it. We’re living in a demented world like anything goes now apparently.


100% if any limitations apply to gay couples then they should equally apply to straight couples. Want to limit nudity or PDA? Okay but then it applies across the board.


And crotch thrusting at little kids, while barely wearing any clothes. It’s disgusting.


They'll continue to push until it's made illegal again. Probably like it was 3,000 years ago. It's kind of funny that it was illegal in every single civilization, I wonder what happened back then.


Let's just say that fences are put up for a reason, and you shouldn't try to remove fences just because you have the power to.


Those reasons aren't always just and moral reasons. Some fences *should* be removed.


And why, how about the fence that men should not have relationships with boys? Look at the can of worms the whole pride movement has led to, two dudes wanting to kiss now has biological men competing in women’s sports. And over a hundred genders. It’s why society is falling apart right now.


That’s not true. It was not “illegal” in all civilizations. Ancient Egyptians. Ancient Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Romans, etc. all accepted gay people. Religion is what pushed cultures to conform and have children to create more followers for religious groups. On the other hand, the public display of nudity at what would be a family event is not acceptable. There was no nudity at the parade this year and it should stay that way.


What are you talking about? That isn’t true. Like it is just verifiably false.




Yes, that is horrible and all that. You are ignoring what I wrote though. 3000 years ago, something happened, that made every single civ, culture, continent and people make it illegal. Its very interesting and I wonder what that was. Probably don't have to wonder too hard.


To be fairs, using ancient historical examples of what was and wasn’t illegal isn’t particularly relevant to modern society. Loads of cultures across the globe historically had adults marrying kids, but that’s largely frowned upon these days. The same argument you’re making could just as easily apply to that. Identical argument for slavery and all sorts of horrible shit ancient civilizations got up to. “It was a thing humans did all over the world in the past, must be a reason, right?” is an absolutely awful point to try to make. Yeah. Because people as a rule, are fuckin’ shitty to other people. Far as I’m concerned, what two or more consenting adults do with one another isn’t my business. Nobody’s business but theirs. But on that same note, in Canada they can fuck, get married and generally have all the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. So long as that stands, LGBT folks and other special interest groups should not get any special treatment above that of anyone else. No special parades, days, privileges, awareness weeks or whatever the fuck.


This isn’t true. There was no event 3000 years ago that made every single culture do that. Frankly it just is not true at all as there were numerous cultures that didn’t have a problem with homosexuality. It’s aggravating that you can say something like this while clearly having no evidence of that


It doesn’t matter what happened 3000 years ago. It has no bearing on how today’s society functions.


Something something repeat the mistakes of the past.


Sure but I would learn far more from looking at how society managed comparable situations from the last 100 years. 3000 is absurd.


So you don't even wonder , why every single civ made it illegal some 2500+ years ago? Seems like an interesting thing to know.


Nope because 100 years ago is more relevant to today.


I mean, Christianity might have had something to do with it. The romans and especially the Greeks were pretty tolerant back in the day.


It was before Christianity


it isn't the flags. it is the fact that second graders don't have a "girl's only" bathroom, because that's considered bigoted


A sad thing is that rainbows are still cool. But now it’s ruined by context. 


When your entire identity is based on your genitals, and who you're having sex with, it seems a bit superficial. 🤣


For me , I've just stopped caring, The rights are in place now. I don't give a fuck about who you date/marry/ fuck or your preferred pronouns, the countries in shambles ( the whole world really ) ppl can't afford food or a place to live.... These are the things ppl actually care about , not your privileged lives, where your only worry is your gender or sexuality, these are privileged things that don't mean a row of beans for the average person in this county who has to decide between rent or food this week. And an entire month of pride ! A month of what exactly ? Wasting money on parades and advertisement ? Cuz that's all it is now , a money pit.


Because they’re being dicks about it now. My parents generation had already accepted lgbt+ people and voted for their rights. I grew up in an LGBT+ friendly home and country, yet we need to spend millions of dollars during a cost of living crisis on acceptance. It’s wasteful and normally people would just ignore it but it’s money we could use elsewhere, people are getting sick of it.


I think most people just consider the matter closed and solved. There is really no open discrimination against LGBT anymore, it's constantly championed by corporations and politicians, and there is an entire month of the year where it's shoved in our faces non-stop. If you're gay you can have all the gay sex you want, tell everyone about it, and even have a gay marriage and it isn't a problem. If you're a person that thinks they should be another gender you can get all the drugs and surgeries you want, and tell everyone what your pronouns are and nobody is allowed to question it. What is there really left to support vs other more pressing issues such as the environment, our rapidly declining economic state, the increasing danger level in the world, etc?


This was the plan for the Libs to use the cause as a stepping stone.


No shit, turns out people don't like any sort of ideology thrown on their faces 24/7.


Well no shit. Until they can actually show how they are marginalized vs other Canadians. Stfu


Well, when modern life has seemingly wrecked the hetero relationships, and everyone is single and childless, further focus on lgbtq issues seems pretty out of touch with priorities. Inventing and trying to focus on conflicts of minority groups, when much larger issues are occuring, not surprising people are tired of the same stale ideological stories


It’s not a mystery why: kids


If it’s about equality, why does this topic seem to be so dominant, why does my employer state preference is given to people of this community, why don’t I get asked if I feel ‘safe’, why do I have to share a bathroom with anyone at all, why do I have to give a pronoun, why do I need to know your orientation and celebrate it as though it’s the definition of love. I’m tired of this topic


No idea why we need these flags on our streets in our schools and businesses? Like bro we get it. You aren't straight. No one cares.


Same-sex marriage was legalized in Canada way before it was legalized in the US. The LGB community has the same rights as straight people. We literally all have the same rights . Its the “TQ additional stuff” that reflect fetishes & that doesn’t need to be out in the open. Thats the stuff that has pretty much bastardized something that in the beginning was worth celebrating. The gay community said this “pride” stuff no longer represents them. How about we return June to Men’s Mental Health awareness? Any attention to addressing mental health issues should be a more important discussion instead of people’s sex lives.


My support hasn't diminished but I don't think it needs to be the primary front and centre issue or conversation in every instance. I don't think it needs to be reflected in every newscast, talk show, .TV show or movie made. I don't think rainbows have to be plastered everywhere in their various forms. While attempting to preach acceptance, enthusiastic proponents have oversaturated at every turn, and even those who already had.no issues started to feel enough is enough.


Don’t care who you are or what you wanna do. People just tired of this being shoved down our throat.


You can't bludgeon people into acceptance, they have to want to support you on their own. Sadly the LGBT community hasn't figured this out and just doubles down whenever someone has a complaint. Up to and including false accusations of homophobia when they realize the complaint is actually valid.


My support is diminishing for everyone's issues.


You mean getting this stuff shoved down our throats 24/7 is starting to wear thins?! Don't say!?


Canadians are fedup of the gay flag in their face all year around and a MONTH to celebrate it.. really? a MONTH to celebrate gayness? ffs there are more important issues like jobs and housing to worry about. Do what you like in the bedroom but don't make it your mission for all else to worship and follow.


Im gay and I think things have gotten out of hand.


Pick me pick me!


Remember the days when we didn’t tell the world who we had sex with? Good times good times


Biggest group of whiners hands down, a whole month is dedicated to them, and it’s still not enough. Let’s honour police, soldiers, doctors, ambulance attendants and firemen. Not these babies. Especially the ones that flash their junk in front of children.


Imo people are a little bit more concerned now with being able to afford to survive and make a living, than they are with the ever changing and disingenuous demands of identity politics.


Movement jumped the shark last year. It went from let us live in peace, live and let live which majority of us agree with to "Who will not wear the ribbon"


I'm sorry, when I see a pride flag flying higher than, or equal to, a Canadian flag on Canada day weekend... It has gone too far. It has become more than who you love. It has become people's whole lives and identities at the cost of everything else.


We have more important issues to care about like being able to feed ourselves and having a place to live in 20 years. Your sexual identity crisis is very low on the priority list


Because it just became to much and never ends even to this day Once they brought it into the schools and multiple washrooms I feel Canada had enough It was only supposed to be about acceptance


Why should we worry about your bs when we're all worrying about not becoming homeless...


"Hey, I'm human, you're human - we're all human. We're seeing too many groups/cultures that have forgotten what being a part of humanity means. Humanity, We must coexist. Not separate." - Humans


When my 4 year old came home from Kindergarten with a book about being transgender, that's when I switched. I used to support Pride. Not anymore.


That’s bs no actual way that happened


Canada has bigger problems to address.


Who could have predicted this?


I think something that is only really affecting a small portion of the population is a minor thing when compared to the cost of living and housing crisis which affects everyone.


Likley just tired of putting up with it shoved down your throat


I dont understand how grown men walking down city streets with their dicks out in front of children was ever tolerated.


Ya, I’m all for gay rights. I am not however okay with grown men hanging out with children with their dicks out


Not to be confrontational but do people here feel the same way about other Flags? Or that other people try to force their opinions on us? IDNGAF what you do in your private life and if you want to fly a flag, let it fly just don't bring it to me as something that I MUST consider. Be decent, be kind, just be.


It's sad this is the case but people just don't want to hear about it. I think the original movement of gay rights has taken a step away from the craziness that is today. I support whatever you want to do. Live your life and leave me and society alone.


This will only double down when the main demographic in this country is shifted towards people from countries who are intolerant of LGBT etc. We have adjusted, they have not so the promotion will still be needed


Do what ever you want with what ever gender you want in your own bedroom I could care less, just stop trying to force it down people's throats while they are trying to go about their day and I bet you'd see a lot more acceptance.


My employer cares alot more about who I'm fucking than I am comfortable with.


The LGBT+ is drawing too much attention to itself..it's not helping. Stop all the bullshit of gay pride month and all the parades. They would be far better off by just getting along in society and stop angering those that are not a part of that community. Get on with life.


It’s July now. Move along.


People are getting tired of the lbgtq crap shoved in there faces who cares what you're personal life is


Equally people are tired others opinions on how they should live their life. It hasn't even been a century before being gay was illegal.


Nobody gives a fuck period about who's doing what do I run around saying I'm straight or asking for a parade


Being straight has never been illegal


I don’t support them because of how easy it is for a young person transition and I as a parent have nothing to say about it. My neighbours daughter (19) all the sudden claimed she feels like a male. Her mom told us that she doesn’t think so. Her daughter was bullied at school due to large breast and developed social anxiety. So her mom took her took her to therapy and spoke FOR HER. Well… the therapist sent her back with testosterone. I’m not a doctor and she is adult but I think there should be 6 months of therapy before any of the pills get prescribed. But called me a bigot for thinking this is madness!


Why do you care about what another adult does? It has no impact in your daily life.


Kind of makes me wonder if the diminishing support is directly proportional to volume if immigration from non-LGBT+ countries? Just thinking out loud here,but I'd like to see the numbers.


Over exposure will do this…. even for a good cause.


Saw a YouTube video on this very issue with Brian Lilley and a gay man as his guest. The gay man pretty much nailed why this is happening. Here’s the link; https://youtu.be/VEOSMa8DD_k?si=rquJlmWMmfqWM8D9


I just watched that, that was fantastic nail in the coffin


Right? He gets it.


I spent 10 hours no joke- filling out an application for a small business grant for women with adhd. Adhd sets me back and is a legitimate diagnosis- and the idea of the grant is to invest in business because we more then likely have to crawl our way out of debt. The adhd impacts my life a lot but I spent my time filling out this survey only for the last question to ask me my sexual orientation and ask if I was a member of the lgbt. I quit. I paid 20$ to fill it out too. Like this was a huge survey and took me so long to fill out only for my sexuality to be over shadowed by my very legitimate debilitating disability. And over the years I’ve noticed it’s easier to latch onto the lgbt because there was absolutely nothing in Canada to fix. But they made one- and sure I think it’s best to stop conversion therapy- but they used the bill to push through another dangerous myth ‘gender ideology’. It’s easier to paint a sidewalk rainbow then make it accessible. It’s easier to change language then it is to actually help people who are disabled a) get the help they need b) help them achieve their goals. I’m so done with it- I used to go to pride and everything. Sogi ruined my daughters view on herself (teaching homophobia too early makes kids internalize it!) and she’s already come out as gay and now straight. Proving that talking to kids about it can sway them. She’s always known gay people in her life- until sogi in grade 4 she was fine and normal. After that introduction to sogi she becaame hyper fixated on her sexuality at NINE years old! I always was that person saying this would never happen: well guess what? It is.


That’s what happens when you bring in a shit ton of people with anti LGBTQ beliefs!


People seldom enjoy any ideology and viewpoint being constantly crammed down their throats whether they like it or not, but being told they better like it or else. I was a proclaimed ally for years, but lately all I can think is "just shut the fuck up already." The movement has been hijacked. And now it is just as toxic as any anti-lgbt with extremists doing their talking for them.


Live your life. You do you!!!


I have great admiration for anything Adam publishes. He is an outstanding journalist.


As a gay canadian myself i can say that it's sad that support for lgbt+ issues are going down but on the other hand, I get it. Especially towards straight/cis people since it doesn't affect them directly, pride month has become heavily focused on marketing thanks to companies thinking they can make a quick buck by printing a rainbow and a bad pun on a piece of clothing and of course, the surge of online hate that comes with this month's message which has been covered heavily And it really doesn't help that our prime minister of the liberal party, which is famously typically related to being "minorities friendly" has managed to piss everyone off and tank the reputation of the liberal party, even to the point where people who typically vote liberals like me, are willing to switch to voting to conservative thinking it'll be less bad (my breaking point was when he decided to invest 2.4 BILLIONS in ai technology which is at risk of putting millions of people out of work in the near future)


I dont think you understand the AI investment. AI is here to stay and yes jobs will be lost. Does canada want to be a leader in the AI space or be part of it? There is no more telephone operators or punch card operators. It does suck to a certain level but AI tech is here to stay.


Oh absolutely it is here to stay, but we have yet to reach the point where laws are passed to protect workers from ai, and since my job is susceptible of being replaced, im definitely not happy about it


I'm in the same boat. I just dont think laws will be enacted with any government to protect workers. All of them are pro business.


Shocker.....anybody want to hazard a guess from which section of society the diminishing support is coming from?


I'm just tired of hearing about it all the time. Is there nothing else for the news to report in this country?


They literally gave up their march because of 20ish protesters in Toronto this year...


The real conspiracy boils down to the kids of the rich guys that ran society up until this point, are the weakest of the weakest inheriting that kind of power. It went from Polo shirts, cigars and golf, to rainbows, cat ears and fox tail butt plugs. And they care even less about humanity than those before because now we arent even needed to enact control schemes, they have fleshlights and androids. That same POWER money was passed down to the bullied, the mistreated the unpopular ones. And now they are taking out there pain and vengeance on the normies. because they got bullied in high school. Yuval Harare 'nuff said. You think that guy knows how to talk to women? No. So he destroyed them and made them hackable animals. Yay... Yuval Harare might have hacked my wife....whatever that means. Its creepy, its awkward, and it should never have happened. Get rid of your cell phones people.


"this is not the current flag, you bigots!" and here is why.


All my friends and acquaintances that are openly gay hate being lumped into that group of zealots


im too busy trying ot survive to care what other people do in their bedrooms


It’s hard to fight when your having to work all the time just to eat


Well I'm just saying look do and be what you want I literally do not care. Why am I walking on rainbows every time I cross the street? Just keep it all neutral and go to town for all I care


I never knew walking on a rainbow impacted your life so negative. You must be so oppressed!!


Annoyed more like it. I'm not sure why it has to thrown in my face at every corner. Go be free do whatever you want whose stopping you. I'm tired of walking in fairy land


When a group of people get preferred treatment over others they generally get a growing resentment with the rest of the population. Treat everyone the same or else be prepared for divide.


No one cares if you smoke pole end of story leave us alone




Turns out people care way more about high cost of rent, food and gas and low salaries and wages.


Perfect, people will start to accept them more if the juggernauts stop shoving it down our throats!


Everything the liberals touch they ruin. People were accepting prior to JT making such an issue about it. It almost seems that wokeness has had the opposite effect and pushed back LGBT mindset back to the 90’s.


They’ve jumped the shark, the only thing I’m surprised about is it took this long.


I’m hetro, I love vaginas and I think everyone should validate this as such. “New age gay folks” are getting just as bad as vegans….


Remove the T. It's the T's insisting on twerking for children during story time that are fking up the movement.


Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Shit like this doesn’t matter to people when they can barely afford to feed themselves or have a roof over their heads.


Remember back in the year 2000 for example you could be gay and nobody made a big deal about it? People were happy back then.


LGBT is not the problem,  it's the other letters and numbers that have caused the damage to the whole cause. IMHO. 


Wonder why .. I 🧕🏾👳🏿‍♂️


There was never any true support to begin with. This whole thing was pure fucking bullshit.


This is what happens when you take things too far. Pride was pretty quiet this year lol..


Not sure what else they want at this point. If you don't like the LGBTQ the parades and pride month aren't going to convince anyone to like them. All it does is make everyone else less tolerant of them.


In San Francisco police acknowledged and confirmed it is legal to be naked in front of children. The inaction of police across this continent confirms the same sentiment. I wonder why the support is waning


It’s NOT the police, it’s the LAW MAKERS who make the laws. If it’s legal then what are the police supposed to do?


It not legal lol


When people on this sub see pride flags, they feel it's being "shoved down their throat," which is just a pathetic way of saying they think it's an eyesore. Classic "I believe gay people should have institutional rights, and I should have the right not to see them."


I’m hetro, I love vaginas and I think everyone should validate this as such. “New age gay folks” are getting just as bad as vegans….


I'm not entirely sure what you mean in response to my post. Was this meant for another users post?


Diminishing support because we have imported people who will never support their cause and they will attack them in the streets like Halifax and our police and press will protect these migrants before LGBT.


Republican talking head.


Are you really that insecure in your own skin?


Meaning what? He works for republicans and uses all of their talking points to push their bullshit here.


Yeah an astro turfed smear campaign based on lies will do that