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I have two kids and the biggest challenge is we live in a world where both parents have to work to survive. The days are gone of where a stay at home parent can exist. This opens up more logistical problems for child care, paying for child care, available spots for child care and alignment of schedules for child care / school.


THIS^ Same boat.


Not starving and not living in the park is a higher Maslovian priority than family planning.


There was a time when the local community or church helped with child care. Those days are gone.


I don’t have kids but, all of my friends that are married have stated unanimously they don’t have kids or aren’t trying for kids is because how expensive it is.


Saw video from guy who found a Wal-Mart grocery receipt from 2022. Cost then was $124. He went online now and filled online cart with exactly same items. Cost now is $446. With kids it's food, clothes, shelter. Add in hopefully some sports, Healthcare and saving for college. The government planners don't need to look too far to figure it out.


I saw that TikTok! It’s wild how food prices have inflated in past 4 years. Yet, government officials act all “shocked pikachu face”.


8 out of 10 Canadians get more back than what they pay duh


Because government officials are bought and paid for by big corporations.


I don't think you fuck the dog like the dog has been fucked, without figuring things out.


That video is making its rounds. Also it is not an accident. The several factors all leading in one direction, not one, even accidentally leading toward supporting having children. There is also a video of the Canadian conservative leader asking why Trudeau is eating 200,000$ meals on a private jet. I think that’s the right amount of zeros.


The government will replace your child with an immigrant from India with a student Visa "To make up the numbers"


The current government don’t want you to have kids, instead, they want mass immigration in bulk.


That’s sad the way things are


This is very true. If you look back at wages back in before the wars it was reasonable to be able to support a family of 5 and still have little disposable income left. The cost of basic commodities has increased exponentially faster than wages have. Wages have been suppressed to a point where one can barely afford to sustain one self let alone a couple or a family of 3


Corporations and capitalism killed the traditional family


I'd argue the governments ruined it with its massive debt, huge taxes, and wild overspending.


These two statements can both be correct at the same time. Where is all this spending going? Just follow the money.


Liberals killed the family.


Feminism killed traditional families 🙄


And feminism


And the fact that the nuclear family is now considered privileged and a racist product of white supremacy.


Honestly, I ignore people who use terms like “white supremacy” or “colonialism” etc. they have no idea what those words actually mean and are just trying to virtue signal for social points.


They're the *synergy* words for outside of work.


it is not a privilege. as it takes a massive amount of effort to fund 1 income family these days.


It's funny that the immigrant couples that I know that are recently arrived, 1 year or less. Always one with a work permit the other with a study permit, their first order of business is to have a baby. Go figure!


Birth tourism.


Anchor baby. Coworker's sister was in a panic to get a plane ticket to Canada in March 2020 because she was pregnant, and wanted to get in before border closures. She ended up having her baby here, and the government covered her $26k medical bill on the taxpayer's dime. Their mother is now here as a caretaker.


must be nice to have daddy truduae bankrollling your life.


Once they hit that PR, they have a kid to get that Child Tax Benefit


If you can’t buy a home where do you raise the kid?


In a one bedroom basement suite 😅 We actually did this for almost 2 years. It was fine and I don’t regret a thing. But we definitely don’t have access to the same standard of living our parents had. We bought a 2-bedroom condo this year and now have a 2-year-old and a newborn.


Exactly… two baby girls in a 880sq 2-bedroom condo. It’s definitely doable, but I’ll be damned if I ever see houses and yards like the ones I and my friends grew up in.


4/5 of my monthly paycheck goes to basic living expenses.


Mortgage and property taxes $3k minimum. Daycare $2k per kid at 12 months old. Car payment $1k. $6k after tax per month ($9k before tax CPP EI) and you haven’t spent a dollar on gas, clothes, food or anything else! Median income in 2022 was $43k. People can’t afford kids.


Totaly agree.


Why have kids when your politicians can handle that part for you by shipping in millions from India?


I find the ethnic group with the most kids are the Syrians and Afghanis…


Easy to do when your subsidized by government.


I keep saying that. It's absolutely unbelievable. The numbers. It's like the movie 300. He said the ground rumbles when they march. The river dries up and disappears when they drink from it. The sky turns black and the sun disappears when they all shoot one arrow simultaneously. The sheer volume of people. I got on the bus to go to Walmart tonight in Toronto. There were 2 people speaking English. The bus driver and me. The bus was rammed to capacity.


Because we can’t afford to live. How can we raise kids if we can’t even afford to buy a home and food. This country is ruined.


This. If we can barely feed our own moyths, hiw can we afford another?


Life is too expensive and I’m already tired.


Share your reasons..... We are Fucking BROKE. We both want children but we both came to the realization that we won't be able to give that child every opportunity we feel it needs


I know someone who has to be up at the crack of dawn to stand in line at registration just to make sure her daughter can get into swimming lessons and soccer. She had to go to a catholic school because there's no room here (AB) in public schools. It's pandemonium.


No money


Because I can’t afford a place to have them. I’m 24 and having kids isn’t even on the radar at least Till I’m 30+.


Predicting your future as a 34 year old, it's still not on my radar.


Yeah we will see when I get there… I don’t even know if I want kids tbh, seems like more hassle than it’s worth.


It always comes down to money and time.


I cant afford to take care of myself and who would want to bring a child into a world that seems to be diminishing in quality and safety by the day.


Money. Give me more money while taking less away and POOF, kids are born. Its either that, or give me a big chunk of land to farm and we'll start popin out little farmers. One thing i wont do is bring a kid into this world that will have a lower standard of living than i had. I dont really want to lower my standard of living further by having a kid either. Climate change isnt even a factor in my decision at this point. The world can burn for all i care.




Unless your household makes over 200k, who could bring children into their lives without seriously crippling themselves.


Maybe because everything is super fucking expensive and the prospects of me ever owning a home in Canada are nearly 0%, you tell me, why would I bring a kid into this world with how it’s going right now ?


I can tolerate being discriminated against myself, but don't think I would handle that being done to my child very well.


Being born a white male into a society that actively discriminates against white males does not bode well.


Imagine having Daughters and the type of boys they will be dealing with


Fear not, at the rate things are going those future boys might not even be interested in them.


Certainly not a country worth defending given the anti-White discrimination from companies, HR departments, and our useless Charter 15(2).


Correction. Charter 15(2) discriminates against anyone who works hard, regardless of ethnicity.


We find it too costly. Also, we don't want to raise a child in an apartment and when we will finally get a 'house', raising a child will be even more difficult.


When you finally get a house, your kid(s) are probably going to be staying with you into adulthood due to the difficulties of them affording a house (or even rent).


Never wanted them myself, but I'd guess the main causes are affordable housing and food prices. If you have kids, you want the best for them. That includes a home of your own and healthy food as a priority.


When my kids were growing up, they played professional sports . It is so expensive


Country is in shambles and no one can afford anything. Except if you are a migrant getting infinite freebies


They certainly seem to have no problem pumping out children. It's ridiculous.


I’m afraid to have any children because I don’t want them to grow up less fortunate than me. They will surely grow up much less fortunate than me, and it’s not fair to bring someone unwillingly into this meat grinder. I would love to have children, but I’d be especially terrified to have a girl with all the immigrant “students” getting away with every crime imaginable with no repercussions.


Living now is two full time incomes to make ends meet. The price of childcare, housing, clothing, insurance, food is climbing exponentially yearly. Starter homes don’t exist anymore.


Let's go down the list * anti-natalism from academia/entertainment/culture - "don't be a parent until you get a job and can support yourself, don't be a stay at home mom, go to college and have a career instead" * doomerism, demoralization, atheistic/materialistic worldview, and climate change alarmism - "the planet is dying, society is crumbling, you will never live a good life, life is only suffering so it's wrong to bring children into it, you should just enjoy what you can with experiences and buying things" * ridiculous divorce laws where the higher earner (usually men because women tend to date up) can end up paying spousal support, sometimes even indefinitely, and absurd amounts of childcare costs that goes to their ex's rent, even with split custody. Add on no fault divorce laws, and you enter upside down world where someone can cheat on their partner and then their partner has to pay them while they shack up unofficially with the next target. It's enough to make a lot of men just want no part of a committed relationship. * Cost of living - harder than ever to get your own place with a partner and just have enough space to have a family and afford basic needs. * Anti-communal society - with the rise of social media, technology, mass immigration, diversification, and reduction of religion our society has become less unifying and communal, which makes it harder for people to meet good people for long term relationships.


This is it. It isn't money as everyone makes it out to be. The poorest people in the world have a lot of kids. The anti-communal society is a huge part. There's massive amounts of social conditioning. Been taking a lot of courses on marketing and realized we've become really good at manipulating people's feelings and emotions from an early age.


This is a fantastic comment


Cus they’re expensive.


I simply don’t want to bring a child up in this unstable and confusing economic/social environment. Plain and simple.


My wife and I made the decision to not have children when we were in our early to mid thirties. We have no family in Winnipeg, so support would have been difficult especially for my wife. We weren't able to move due to finances. That's the next reason. We didn't make much money back then, and while we weren't living cheque to cheque, we were not far away from it. It just seemed irresponsible from a financial standpoint. Also, just being honest, I come from a broken family. Raised by a single mom. My grandparents on both sides also had marriage issues. I just felt like I was destined to let my wife down if we decided to have kids. Anyway, that's my reasons.


True, anyway not all Grandparents are willing to help that much. They did their time and they reluctantly help once in while, god forbid taking them away from their golf or horse riding because you just need 1 weekend break.


Who would want to bring kids in this no-future society? We are priced out of everything. Plus life ain't that great, do I really want someone else to go through what we go through?  Almost every high education society birth rate bad... Do these overworked people really want to spend their RARE moments of freedom changing diapers?


Younger Canadians can't afford to buy homes let alone start families. Like, it's not a big mystery. On top of that mass immigration is driving down wages while pushing up rents and mortgages and making us feel like Canada isn't our country anymore. . The future of the country looks dim and the OECD has confirmed that, by predicting we will be the worse performing economy for decades.


I agree. People rarely speak English at all in certain places in Toronto. Born in Canada, means you're becoming an outsider.


Because they have zero chance of a happy life.


The plain and simple truth: the cost to raise them.






Can't afford to


People are going homeless right now in alberta because they can't find jobs.


There are no houses available to put them in.


reduce the stress of the people living here, in a way they feel financially secure, nationally secure, and watch the children numbers increase as people thrive. Immigration increases alone does not improve this.


To have kids, you need to have your own place, we can't afford to even move out of our parents' place: our entire generation has been priced out of the housing market and rents aren't affordable for many Not only that, but kids not only need shelter but food and healthcare as well Food prices have surged which led to the Loblaws boycott, and healthcare has stagnated where many don't have family docs or if they do, can't see them on time, if they do get to see them at all So, what could offset the above? More money. Problem is, most jobs don't pay much, are on hiring freezes and/or prefer to take from the LMIA scams so it costs them less. Assuming they haven't completely offshored (despite the quality of work dropping, every cent counts so the CEOs can afford another yacht) Not to mention, that same bunch live 10 in 1 bedroom, buy out our housing, steal jobs from Canadians since they don't mind working under the table for less and clog up our health and education systems Did I also mention that our dollar doesn't go as far as it used to? The Canadian loonie is being and has been devalued All this because of our oh so generous government /s


“why isn’t a society that’s chronically lonely, increasingly isolated, increasingly pessimistic about the future who can barely afford to support themselves not having kids?” like come on it ain’t rocket science lol


Where are you going to raise them? It's expensive as hell in Toronto. Our government should focus more on CDNs having kids than importing people.


My husband and I aren’t having kids because we just don’t want them and kids are expensive not to mention stressful.


I value my sleep


My main reason is cheating & divorce rates have skyrocketed. I have no interest in co-parenting & only being able to see my children every other week. I couldn’t do that to kids, the pain is too much.


Absolutely, this reality is incredible sad. You are basically bound to the same city as your ex. Forget about ever leaving if you want to see your child more than twice a year. Bye freedom! Then when you have 2 kids, and your new partner also have 2 kids... You are now stuck in a 4 kid family. Great isn't it?  The hell of dealing with new partners that don't have the same raising valors as you. Or you are not allowed to discipline her/his children... Maddening! It's so risky bring serious with someone, she/he can dump you for the next best thing or at the single misstep. People don't tolerate much these days... So having children with those people only to get dumped to be a single father/mother. The joy! Yuck, messed up society. 


Isn't marriage starting to get outdated in Canada? Also how did this divorce in society clusterfuck even start?


Just don't marry a skank 😆


[My First Reason] I'm a GenZ born in Canada. Factually, I was also born in and currently living in a Depression. The Canadian living standards have been degrading since before I was born and is expected to continue its decline for the next 35 years!!! What reason do I have kids in this country? My child would be guaranteed a future in poverty and would be at least 30 years old before he could start hoping for a brighter future. At this point, why invest in this country? At this, what does Canada offer its citizens? "For me, the only thing my citizenship offers is the door to another country where the odds are more in my favor." [My Second Reason] I want the time to raise my children. In Canada, it is nearly impossible to acquire family time. Years ago, when I was traveling across Canada and rapidly changing schools, it became abundantly clear that Canada has little to no work-life balance. Parents are excessively overworked, and students spend more time with teachers than with their parents. [My Third Reason] There is no establishments left for the younger generations to meet. Canada seems not to understand just how financially strained the younger generations have been. All establishments that were meant to be a meeting spot for young single citizens have over inflated their prices, effectively pricing out a generation. Most young relationships these days are formed during education.


Because children have gone from being assets to liabilities over the span of the last 120 years.


Well let's see. I was forced to move in with my parents because of the cost of living then COVID hit so I stopped dating to keep them safe. Now that I'm on the other end of the pandemic I can't afford to care for myself let alone another human and I'm still single. I'm also closing in on 40 and I really don't want to be dealing with a teenager in my 50s or 60s. I wanted a whole basketball team of kids once upon a time but now....? Just doesn't make sense. I also see my family members struggling as well as coworkers with kids. Daycare is unaffordable or has unreasonable hours leading to the bizarre situation where you can't survive without two incomes but you also can't have both parents working because someone needs to be home when the kids get out of school and during the summer. Don't know how parents do it.


I’m infertile. But if I wasn’t, I still wouldn’t have them because I can’t afford them. I can hardly afford to feed myself and my cats


I wouldn’t want to bring children into this cesspool of a world. The future generations are going to look back on us,and despise what we have let happen. Good bye Canada, welcome to lil India.


It feels like they don’t really have a fighting chance at having a life as good as ours with the economic and political situation. Seems unfair to bring them into the world just to be a slave. Maybe I am too cynical 🤨


Kind of hard to have kids when you're homeless and alone.


Infertility. I used to have an autoimmunity disease now I am 30 with diminished ovarian reserve. I probably don’t have enough time to wait for public funded IVF so I need to pay out of pocket hopefully to get a baby this year. And it is not cheap.


Fun how they keep bringing in more immigrants because "we need to boost the population" but don't offer supports for people wanting kids who struggle to conceive.


They do offer supports, but not all-encompassing, and I believe only the first round of IVF is covered. But still, pumping the country via immigration increases the odds of 'free' babies being born, especially in more communal/multigenerational households where kids are more likely to be conceived.


As a young mom, I can confidently say I will NOT be having more children. If Canada wasn’t gone to 💩 and it was precovid times before everything went to poop, I’d probably have 1-2 more. Now that’s not even possible with the issues others have mentioned. One thing not mentioned in this sub - I don’t want more kids because we don’t have family doctors, there’s no walk in clinics and ER wait times are 24+ hours. If one of us gets sick, we are F*****. I’m legitimately terrified for my current children’s future in this gong show of a country


Middleclass is being destroyed. How can we afford kids. Then how about when they get injured then you need to wait in emerge for 16 hours and miss work then get fired because so many people want work. Or how schools are not getting the funding they need. If your kid has a disability I have heard nightmare stories about the government helping you. How about crime your kid is murdered or raped and then the person gets out on bail and ruins someone else's life. Affording healthy food is impossible on the middle class budget. Hell getting across the city without a car is a pain let alone trying doing it without a car and with a kid. So many obstacles. The government is working hard at making sure we are crushed.


Too expensive


I'm priced out of the housing market, so I definitely won't raise a child in a small apartment for their entire life.


I would’ve had kids but my window is closing, I never found a partner who had the father like qualities I was looking for or wanting to commit. I considered doing it on my own because I am financially stable thanks to my career and own my own home for well over a decade and felt I was ready. But after running the numbers and logistics, I simply would be stretched too thin financially and energetically. Artificial insemination would be 20k and that’s if it worked the first time. Off hours daycare to accommodate shift work, before and after school care costs were half my take home pay. CCB was calculated at just over $100 month. No family help as Mom has passed and Dad and siblings live hours away.


Ultimately it’s due to corruption.


I'm a genetic abomination which means I've been single my whole life and will thankfully die single and never pass on my terrible genetics.


My retirement plan is to work myself to death.




I had a vasectomy


Have kids and raise them where? In my 1 bedroom apartment in a shitty complex?!


Because the plan is that they should be replaced with subsaharianns and middleeasteners


I'm 21 and paying 800 a month for a basement bedroom and splitting the rent 4 ways with the rest of the people. My room was a closet and has no windows.


Capitalism has reached a point where people are becoming obsolete. Everuthing, including kids is translated into monetary value.


1) no money- the financials of things from groceries/ housing/ daycare 2) freedom and living in an individualistic society, extra responsibility 3) people are having a harder time finding a suitable partner to have children with 4) people don’t feel supported by their country to provide their kids what they need 5) climate change and pessimism for the future


If it had been financially feasible, my bf and I would've loved to have a couple kids. But we're drowning right now and in no way would it be responsible now to have kids.


The world is getting worse every year since 2001,expensive and lower quality of life in general.


My wife and I aren't having kids because we're selfish. We want to do what we want to do, together, without having to sacrifice everything for future beings that may just disappoint us. Plus there's more than enough people in this world without us adding to it.


Because I have a four year liberal arts degree that I was ‘sold’ by a university trying to make a buck. Now, after getting a diploma, I’m working in provincial healthcare and barely keeping afloat in a one bed, one bath, 960 square foot townhouse. On top of that, aging parents who won’t be able to help much and daycare costs so high that I might as well be on EI.


Because no one can afford anything


Can’t afford kids. But if I had them life would be hard as there aren’t enough family doctors if my kid got sick. Their school will most likely be under funded and staffed. Also our province is becoming more violent.


Can't afford it! Me and wife get a decent wage for the area but barely surviving we want kids but are getting g older and I'm 40 she's 36 but we both refuse to bring a kid I to the world until we can 110% take care of everything. I seriously think they should lock the whole liberal caccus up for treason ruining our country in the prosuit of making other countries better


Kids have always been expensive, although this is the mos popular answer I suspect there is something else going on


Nothing to do with time/money. Everything to do with children are annoying pains in the ass, no way I'm dealing with that shit when I don't have to. And t'f\*ck with raising one in this world where you're constantly told what to do and judged and it's not safe and you can't discipline them anymore and all that BS.


Also, screw people who judge those who don't have kids and screw people who have kids who think they're holier than thou and screw people who think their kids are more important than anyone else around them.


My wife and I have one child. We didn't want to put the resources into a second child. The money/time requirements are high. To have a child is to take resources away from things like retirement. I also have hobbies/interests aside from child rearing. I would like to have time/energy/money to put towards those things.


I don't want to raise a kid in this world unless things start becoming better for the youth growing up... schooling would have to change, economy would have to be tolerable, people as a whole would have to change and we know that's not going to happen anytime soon.


It’s happening the the US too. Chuck recently stated that the US is having a population crisis and that’s why the border must remain open. Nevermind why I guess. Cost of living, chaos’s in big cities, dug epidemics, public schools sexualizing kids


Kids just get in the way. I like being able to actually enjoy my life while I am relatively young and healthy. We can go out whenever we want and dont have to worry about finding a babysitter and having to come home early. Can go on vacation whenever and whereever I want without issues. I can enjoy my hobbies without having to child proof my entire house. The extra space is really nice as well. Im not giving up my office for a bedwetter.


I think there's plenty of non related young people that could use a role model, adult figure, mentor, story teller, bad role model, in their life. I don't have that human urge to spread seed to feel like a parental figure.


What role model? Nobody with good intentions get media interest. Instead we have trash human being like the Kardashian thrown in our face constantly.


Cause hardly anyone can fucking afford it


Because we can't afford it


Too expensive to use fertility treatments


Can't afford a 4 bedroom house or daycare so we're sticking with 1.


Canadians can't afford kids!


My husband and I are both nurses with two kids. We have major problems with work schedules, childcare costs, and childcare availability hours. I've had to cut back the hours I work to stay home with the kids (which is great and preferable, except the cost of everything else keeps rising like the groceries, utilities, gas, and the mortgage so I really do need to work but I also need to stay home.)


Because no one will agree to have sex with me.


I don’t have kids because I don’t have a life partner I want to co parent with. I want a nuclear family.


Wife and I have a combined income of about 320k and still can’t afford a house. How the fuck would we be able to save up with kids to pay for and set them up for success if one or both of us have to cut hours and keep living in an apartment? That and I don’t like the direction the education and immigration system is going. I’ll have kids one day but maybe in a smaller city like Calgary or Quebec City. Or the states lol


Wanted 6 kids my entire life Had 1 and realized it’s impossible to live a decent lifestyle with no support and regular incomes with even 1. Daycares more expensive than rent, the place we’re in has us sleeping in the living room for lack of space, and sharing with another family but larger places here are out of budget. We both have to work 60+ hr weeks and so do our parents so no support system to help with kids. If it was financial feasible to stay at home and raise a bunch of kids I would. If we could have a nice detached home and backyard and afford life, sure. But that’s not the reality.


It's been 20 years since it's been too expensive to raise kids, but it's prohibitively so at this point.


Money 💰 💵💰


1. People have a choice nowadays. 100 years ago women got pregnant regardless of their wishes because there was no reliable and affordable contraception. 2. A lot of people choose having no kids because they do not want to change their rather comfortable dual income childless family lifestyle to a single income financially struggling life. 3. If we compare the increase in the cost of life with the increase of median income we see that young people make too little to reproduce. It is called "overexploitation" - exploitation so ruthless that the labour resource doesn't replenish.


😂 CTV is puzzled why we arent having kids?.. Maybe its because when we go to the grocery store we cant afford anything more than a pack of ramen noodles and a box of condoms 😒.


There is simply no reason to have kids...its an emotional need in the materialistic world. Having kids will take your free time away and crate work and responsibilities. You could be on a beach in Thailand or changing diapers at home...you pick.


High cost of living. Everything is ass backwards. Government uses immigration to balance out the mortality versus birth rate. The birth rate should balance the mortality rate. Regulate the housing market. Regulate grocery. Subjugate grocers and suppliers to goverment audits to ensure fair business practices. Bread price fixing is a clear indicator this is justified and necessary. Make it law all grocery price tags to include a manufacturer recommended sale price. Treating the housing market as a place for investors has finally killed the market and couple that with higher rates of immigrants and availability not meeting demands. At no point should a family buying their first house be competing with an investor buying their 10th property, bidding $100,000 over asking price; that's not sustainable.


We're broke.


Who can afford to have kids, let's be honest here.


First, money, and the parents always respond "you find a way to make it work ". Just because I could probably "make it work" doesn't mean it would be a good life for my kids. Why bring a child into this world to barely survive. Climate change is my second reason, only people who have money will live comfortably as extreme weather becomes more normal. And thirdly, immigration. I was born in Canada but I have no interest in raising children in "little India".


It's pretty simple. It's all boils down to money. 50 years ago the wife could stay at home. The husband could buy a car out right off a months pay (In the early 80s).. you could move out at 18 and work your job and still have money for children. It's money. The issue is money. First I need enough money to enjoy my life enough to want to bring kids into it. Second I need the money to afford a child. They just said it takes a wage of $105,000 to afford a house... how much more to add a child Into that? The issue is money. People aren't having kids because we both have to work and work 10-12 hours.


1) cant find a partner 2) cant afford to feed myself, much less a family 2b) too expensive to live, even more expensive to die


Because I'm poor as hell and struggling to find a job after getting laid off, and it feels near impossible to get a job. I'm so stressed, having kids is the last thing on my mind. I'm not even thinking about my love life, it's not important.


Because it's like carrying wood into a burning house.


We had one (4 years old now) with hopes of a having a second .. but the situation in the country and the expensive/rising cost of living has changed that...


Everytime I hear a child cry, I slam my scrotum in a car door


because I don't lack empathy.. look at the world we live in. People who have kids in this day and age are not thinking critically and logically, they are thinking emotionally and selfishly.


This is unique to my situation… but I don’t want one. I work long days in a job I love as does my wife. Is it selfish? I don’t know maybe. Is it what we want? Absolutely


It's not selfish. You can recognize you probably wouldn't be happy and probably couldn't give what a child deserves as far as time and energy goes. People who don't recognize this in themselves but keep pumping out children are the ones who are selfish. They don't want their kids to have a better life than them, just want to see a baby that looks like themselves.


Besides marriage being a bad deal for men? The economy! Work is hard to find, rent is expensive. The anti-yt narrative with the case against us existing ( only if you're white). School indoctrination is state enforced. Imagine raising a child just to have their school indocrate them into hating themselves and you, then transitioning...


We have one, want a second one. But it is expensive. We aren't hurting for money, but aren't right by any means. We have a house, can upgrade our house, go out to eat, save money, travel a bit. But a second one is more than just money. It's a logistical challenge. Going out with one kid is challenging at times, travelling more so. Having two is obviously more challenging. For us it seems better to focus on the one, give him a good life and life.comdortbaly than have a second and potentially regret it.


Most people are getting replaced anymore. Why bother


I don’t for medical reasons or I would have had 2. I woumd have started over 10 years ago though. I can see not having children now. Life is expensive 


Simple. Money. Elon Musk has a dozen kids with a few women, building his army. He doesn't have to listen to the women complain or change diapers. Elon can afford to build a giant family. People in Canada, born outside Canada sometimes have a different culture .The taxi driver in Toronto born in Pakistan, told me he has 6 kids. He works 7 days a week 12 hrs a day. But most of the time, lack of kids is because of cost of living crisis. I'm in Toronto.


I dont know anyone in my workplace thats in their 30s/late 20s with kids except for one super conservative indian woman. And earlier today she was complaining about the increase of daycare payments, I was shocked that from $3/day, they'll have to pay $20 now coz her kid's going to 1st grade, then will increase to $40 by sept. Wtf


I can barely house and feed myself. Just not in the budget.


Simple…bcuz we can no longer afford to have kids…


l..i..t..t..l..e.. m..o..n..e..y.. it isn't economically feasible. would love to win the lottery and focus on building a family.


It’s cost.


Have 2 can't afford more. Between daycare, schooling and camps each kid is already 10-15k a year and that's before food clothes and toys.


I want children but cost of living is a big thing and I also have fertility issues. Hopefully after we move, I may win the lotto and get pregnant and be able to carry to term.


I would be open to having children if I found the right partner but I'm currently single and happy to stay that way. I also simply don't think I would be a good single parent. I used to work in child care and it was mind boggling to me how many bad parents there were... (e.g., parents not disciplining their children, not teaching them basic reading skills, letting their toddlers become addicted to tablets/phones instead of physical activity, etc.) it made me think about what type of parent I would want to be and I came to the conclusion that I wouldn't have the mental fortitude if I was alone to constantly be a good role model and actively teach my kids while being present without greatly sacrificing my mental health.


Because I don’t have desirable characteristics - both personality wise and looks wise; which has made my life difficult. I don’t want to risk passing on bad genes to kids and give them a bad life.


So I'm going to piss a bunch of people off but please read to the end. Social media, TV, and a few other things have made Men to look like bumbling idiots who wouldn't survive on their own, unless a woman was there, you have people saying that men are only good for going to war and dying, that we're sperm donors and human wallets. On the flip side women are told that they can do no wrong, that they're "strong and independent" and "don't need no man" and that they can do whatever a man does...Add in masssive amounts of birth control, which changes brain patterns and hormone levels.(Let's not get into the whole me2 debacle that has made Men apprehensive to even walk up and talk to a girl) All of this leads to division. Women and Men are headed into opposite corners and directions now and it's getting worse. Social media was supposed to connect all of us, all it's done in my eyes is divide us, confused us, feminism was supposedly women's idea at "equality" yet it's never ever been that and made women out to be something that they really aren't. Throw in the cost of living, the division between people, mass migration..... well this won't end very well for anyone.


Sure, if I had a 100 million in the bank! Who has that kind of money?


I would have but at no point could I afford it. Now I’m 45 and maybe could afford it but can’t afford a house. Now I just don’t have the desire anymore. More focused on trying to get my retirement $ together.


Can't find a man in my city who isn't a stoner or unemployed


Money and how messed up the world is would be my guess for not reproducing.


Misanthropy. I just wanna live a comfortable life while watching the world tear itself apart. Also free time, disposable income and being incredibly selfish.


My wife can't have kids so we spoil our neices.


Well basically you need 3 - 5 full time incomes to afford what one dude could provide by his labour 60 years ago. What people paid for a complete home 30 years ago isn’t even a down payment today


Because children are distressing and unpleasant and I opted early for a sybaritic life instead. It's been wonderful.


As a single 18 year old heres my take. In your lifetime as a canadian youre taxed about 40% of your earnings on average for ontarians it is the most expensive lifetime taxation about 1million, for the cheapest its alberta at about 700k. The average lifetime earnings are about 1.4-2million, post taxes about 1mil. The average ontario house costs 900k in toronto where i live a lot closer to 1.5mil and thats before all household expenses. Google says the average canadian pays about 300k to raise a child which seems low so ill inflate the number to 400k. The average canadian income is 60k per year. These numbers make it nearly impossible for young canadians to have kids and be financially sound. Add the fact india has 600 million people below the age of 25 and we allow 1 million+ immigrants in per year mainly from india a country with a high birth rate per family and add an inflated housing market from foreign investment into the mix and we get a country with the average population age being in their early 40's.


In the late 70s and early 80s, trades and professionals, like teachers and engineers, made $30-40k. They didn't have to pay GST or PST or HST and you could buy a new car for a fraction of that salary. A home was 2-3x that salary. Today, those same jobs usually pay $60-80k, their entire take home might buy some new cars, but it's their entire salary to do it. A home costs 10x their gross salary, and just the day-to-day essentials eat up those wages quicker than ever. Had wages kept pace with inflation those wages would be $120-160k. Those would be common, but instead, that's a top 7%+ wage - far, far from common. What would it look like if teachers made solid 6 figure incomes? If working 40 hours week in a trade brought home $120k+? Would we be as well off as those in the 70s and 80s? No, housing has gone completely mental, but some of the pressure would be relieved. A "large" family today is 3 kids. Growing up I knew several families with more than 10. I don't know anyone with more than 3 today. Maybe it's more talked about, but conception/fertility issues also play a role. I think that likely has ties back to the affordability and stability issues above, but I believe there are other things going on as well.


I have 3 kids as a single parent and it's a nightmare logistically getting them cared for just so my ass can go to work. The costs are insane as well. 


In this economy? Easy way to become homeless. Every household needs at least two incomes to stay afloat.


No money


I literally can’t afford to eat


I know alot of couples who are trying, but aren't getting pregnant...so there is that too...


We're being replaced by people that hate us