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It’s hard to see the handle to give the series and dates but yes that’s made by Griswold prior to logos it’s over 115 years old.


Wow! Thank you for the information. That’s awesome!


Here’s the handle images… https://imgur.com/a/hpRIfr8




Great information. Thank you!I will definitely keep a grip on it. Also, I literally just bought an angle grinder with the AvantiPRO Quick-Strip to clean it up. Why do you suggest no power tools?




You’ve been a huge help. I totally understand why not to use the power tools. I’m still new to the cast iron world and would have had hell with where to start. I will definitely post the before and after.


I’m new to this as well… How much do you dilute the lye for the soak?


One pound lye per 5 gallons. Make sure you add the water first, then the lye and not the other way around. Depending how much crud is on it, 24 hours is plenty. I’ll usually scrub after 24 and see if it seems like it needs 24 more or not.


Also make sure you wear gloves. You don’t want to stick your hand directly in lye


Generally it’s 1 pound per 5 gallons of water, but a little more or a little less won’t hinder the process


This is excellent advice! OP, you should follow this to the letter. As said above, this is a HIGHLY desired pan, and I look forward to seeing the after images. If you get confused, as for more advice in this sub.


Just curious would Easy off work just as well as the drain cleaner?


You can’t use any drain cleaner it has to be l100% lye marketed as drain cleaner. It’s also sold with other purposes, soap making, and food grade versions for making olives, corn tortillas and pretzels. Yellow cap EasyOff is also lye with a foaming agent and propellant. It’s just more expensive to use but it’s basically the same thing.


Yes. I find working with easy off very quick. I can strip about twenty pieces fully in about two to three days, between four to six cans.


It will, it will just take more time and more effort.


Make sure you look in the menu tab for instructions on how to restore it. There’s lists of products as well as some videos. The EasyOff method is going to be the simplest option for restoring just 1 skillet. Whatever you do don’t use any sandpaper or power tools. There’s 120+ year old hand craftsmanship under the crud. Any power tools would wipe it out along with any value it has.


Erie 3rd series (outset heat ring with pattern number in the center), 1886-1892. Very nice skillet, but no way it's worth anywhere near $400 unless it has some highly obscure maker's mark that we can't see. $100-150 is more likely. Still a great skillet.


I don’t know, I’ve seen them regularly sell for wel over two hundred if they’re in nice enough shape. I agree that it’s probably not worth 400 but I’d say it’s close to 250-300




Welcome to ebay haha Edit: I was mistaken, it is the second and first series that sell for my number, but the third series ones do sell for between [150-200](https://www.ebay.com/itm/PRE-GRISWOLD-ERIE-8-3RD-SERIES-CAST-IRON-HEAT-RING-SKILLET-/393441033312?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0)


Might as well test for lead while you have it stripped down. The older a pan is the more years there have been for someone to put lead in it. Piece of mind for a few bucks is worth it.