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If they talk about him, they talk about you. Watch your back.


I have a small but strong core of people I interact with at work. For me it takes awhile to get to know people and get comfortable with them. It’s something that I’m appreciating now that I’m older because it will does weed out those that have bad intentions or are fake.


Those small groups can burst into flame quickly too.


I've dealt with being on the receiving end of something like this at a previous job that I didn't have for very long. It made getting up each day a fucking nightmare. I just knew it was going to be the same old shit that I'd have to hear for basically 12 hours. While I was trying to learn the job. Day in and day out. I hated it so much and it was probably the lowest I've ever been. I had no idea if I was doing a good or bad job because all I'd get were these smart ass comments. I loathed my manager, he'd basically talk shit about me to my face. Literally all I wanted to do was work, get my paycheck, and go home. That's all I wanted and they seemed to want to make that as difficult as possible. It sucks to walk into a place and get told you're basically a piece of shit and have to come back to an empty apartment just to do it over again the next day. It made life seem pointless. Sometimes I would wonder *what is the point of even continuing if every moment of my life is terrible*. I just stopped showing up because I couldn't take it anymore. Be kind to those around you. Don't add to their misery. I am so so glad I don't have to deal with this anymore.


People have gotten highly judgemental in the last 10-15 years. It's insanity. One thing I learned though is when I see someone on the train... not to hop on with them. 🤣


No fr, cancel culture is crazy too and when everyone starts shitting on a person and it turns out people are wrong about them they never receive an apology. People tend to hate more online too because it’s so easy to just comment whatever comes to mind with no consequences unfortunately. Idk I guess when you get older you start understanding how words do mean a lot to some people and at the end of the day we’re all human


Yep one time these two co-workers had issues with each other and one of them tried to get me involved. I told her that’s between you two lol.


Yes I agree. It's been exhausting.


Unfortunately, it's the sad fact of life. People rush to judge, jumping on the bandwagon without knowing the whole truth. It's unfortunate because a few negative rumors can impact someone's reputation forever. Idk, you'll find out when you interact with him. How old is he?


Late 30s.


I thought he's young fresher that's why people are being super judgemental cuz many times elder employees are jealous of them.


Is it a full on hate fest or just talking shit?


It's always shit talking, but you can't hit or you'll get fired.


I don't think it's new, I always remember my grandparents being so spiteful, judgmental and petty with a healthy dose of gossip. Not everyone is this way but unfortunately a lot of people are.


It's nothing new. Back in the day people got strung up from trees based on accusations of whistling inappropriately.


It's a bad habit that I'll admit I myself have. We judge people way too quickly based on the he-said she-said shit when we haven't even gotten to know them ourselves. Edit: bag to bad, sorry, I'm drink as hell...


People at work are your coworkers, not your friends


You can say whatever you want about people, but might end up being a long distance call.


That’s corporate world for ya. I’m so glad I left my corporate job October last year.


It’s like the hive mind in a subreddit, you can fight it but it will not be easy. At work I just tend to not participate. I will empathize with a person but I don’t like spreading stuff around. It does take off and once it’s out of your mouth, it’s out of your control.


So something you may need to know is that while things may seem normal to you, it might not always be normal on the outside. You don't really know this person's backstory or history of any kind. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. That's one way I see it. On the other hand, you know, a lot of jobs reward people more for being a socialite who never shuts up. While anyone who doesn't talk a lot or anything is shunned and disrespected in subtle ways.


People can hide who they actually are pretty easily, you just might be the person they actually like there so they probably try to hide that side of them. Still though don’t believe what other says either because they can be to easily annoyed at what others are doing even if it’s as simple as smiling because i got a co worker who got mad at me for that once


I've seen that at every place I worked, some places were a lot worse than others. There would be one or more who became targets. There were those who joined the hate train, and anyone who associated with the "target" became a target themselves. It was like middle school all over again.


Is he a hard worker who gets things done? Usually lazy co-workers don’t like people who actually do a good job. They are threatened by them and this is their only recourse.


It’s because he sucks. Dude is always coming in late and distracting people.


This guy had a really bad experience... and now has an auto response system that makes him jump on the train and drive it at the first sign of trouble. 🤣🤣