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You are not weird, you're observant. I agree with you, I think this sounds sexist, and it's the really common form of sexism that is more about a lack of thought that active, obvious sexism and it's really hard to address. It's likely that someone along the lines just failed to get live pictures of mens genitalia for these lessons out of laziness, or maybe disgust for male genitalia? Which is ridiculous but doctors are not immune to stupid behavior. I think this is an issue worth bringing up to your school because this is something that really could negatively affect men! Your classmates reactions are probably quite related as to why there are no detailed pictures, but when a man gets a sickness related to his genitals, he's going to want a doctor who has studied real pictures of the same sickness. If you're motivated and ambitious enough, maybe book a meeting with the dean/head instructor/whomever would be appropriate to listen to you and have the authority to advocate for some change to the lesson materials?


I’m betting this is residual from a time where there were only men doctors and they just figured, “he knows what it looks like”


That seems like the most likely explanation. Many schools use outdated course materials due to lack of budget etc.


Obgyn is still dominated by men. I have a female friend who is an obgyn and she constantly has to prove herself to be seen as fully capable next to her male colleagues. It's crazy if you think about it.


Thanks for telling your thoughts and I fully agree with you because we learn abour sexually transmitted diseases and I am capable of recognizing them on a women but not on a men and it feels like a lack of teaching to me as it is such a prominent disease in a lot of countries. And I will see if I can ask a teacher about it :)


So.. I agree that this is sexism. I have to say, though, that it is *terrifying* to hear a third year med student say they can't recognise an std on male genitalia. Please speak to your school. That's wild.


When I was 16 years old, my barely 5ft biology teacher strolled into class and hummed a happy song while she turned on the projector - to show us a dick *covered* in blisters. "Good morning, class. Today we're going to learn about STDs." were her exact words. My public school education should *not* be more detailed than your **medical training**.


You can’t recognise it on a man ? I learnt that shit in high school at like 15 😅




The bar is higher .. I didn’t say any different. My point was I knew by 15 what to look for and OP w was saying they don’t know what to look for .


I think actually the reason may be as simple as men creating these slides for men, who have looked at their own male genetalia plenty by simply having them attached to their body their whole life. They are already intimately familiar with it and how it works, so they don't need to see pictures. They forget women are in the audience who do not share that familiarity 


But some of these are supposed to be images of diseases and tumors. They needed to see those pictures.


That's not simple, it's simply sexism. Forget women are in med school? It's 2024 ffs. It's actually a fact that there are more women enrolled in med school than men [since 2017](https://www.wiareport.com/2023/12/the-gender-gap-at-medical-schools-in-the-united-states/). *Forgetting women are around* and *catering everything to men* is exactly what sexism is.


Im still saying its sexism though, just that their sexist thought process here operated differently than what you were describing. Sexism though absentmindedness is just as much sexism as through active intention. I fully agree with you


Well yes that's what they're saying, it's sexism but like, it's not *complex* sexism.


I am a physician who sometimes teaches medical students and residents. You should consider pointing this out to your teachers. They may not be aware of the issue and may be happy to correct the problem quickly and easily. I would. If they dismiss your concerns, you can then speak with the dean. Reddit isn't going to be able to correct any problem if your observation is accurate.


I agree but I would maybe recommend not framing it as "that's sexist" - because it is, and because if this _does_ stem from the professor being sexist then they're likely to get defensive. I'd frame it as "the materials are very helpful and visual for female disease presentation, but there is no equivalent for men. I'm concerned about this disparity and how it might affect the quality of our practice with male patients down the line. Is there a way to correct this?" (I mean, say it less like a weird robot - I'm just getting at the key points to get across)


Very good point. Tact is usually helpful. 😉


> Reddit isn't going to be able to correct any problem if your observation is accurate. OP isnt asking for reddit to correct the problem. OPs asking if it's sexist


He’s a physician he doesn’t listen you pleb


I actually do.




I didn't say he was. But if there is a problem (and the consensus is that there *is* a problem if OPs observations are accurate), then the next logical step is to address the problem. You see, that's part of what medical students are being trained to do - notice and address a variety of problems that may impact our patients and community. Take care.


It's weird, I would ordinarily expect sexism to have it reversed: actual photos of males but drawings of females. So I guess I'm glad they're trying to de-mystify women's health. At least I think they are.


That or they want an excuse to see a woman spread herself out on camera 🤷‍♀️ it can happen


So when you brought this up to other med students their reaction was to laugh and ask why you’d want to see photos of men? In other words, they didn’t take it seriously. I think their response is quite telling. You noticed the disparity bc it’s a big deal. It was done that way for a reason. The question is why? More students should be asking the same question.


This is what stood out to me too. These are supposed to be post grads and they're calling everything gay like middle schoolers in 1998.


Fr like who wouldn’t want to look at men’s penis 🤤 All seriousness if I get an STD or smthn I’d like it if this isn’t the first time my doctor has looked at a penis lmao


I definitely wouldn't, but I also definitely wouldn't go in for medical training.




It's worth asking the question to your professor. Though I do wonder if it has to do with women visiting a gynecologist far more than men visit a urologist. Meaning there might just be a better library of photos.


There’s a lot of odd quirks about medicine and it’s not weird to point them out.


This is just… very weird. Worth bringing up. Maybe post in med school subs to see how to go about it


I used to be a sex ed teacher and we always had diagrams except for the birthing video. There should be even discussion of male, female, and intersex genitalia and internal anatomy. Roughly one in 100 people have some form of intersex anatomy and may suffer from medical issues if they don't know they are intersex until later in life. We had realistic diagrams of women with unevenly sized breasts and pubic hair. Young people are used to seeing large penises, vulvas with makeup or vaginoplasty, extremely muscular men on steroids, and surgically altered breasts online. Sex ed classes should help reverse some of that bias and strive for anatomical equality wherever possible. Personally, I think illustrated diagrams make sense because you can combine an internal/ external diagram into one image. Men and women both have extremely complex reproductive systems. If real images are shown, they should absolutely be shown alongside images of men and intersex people (which is, again, very common, completely natural, and frequently sidelined). If you feel comfortable doing it I think it would be entirely appropriate to escalate your questions to the organization in charge of your sex ed program.


Okay I'm interested in some of the things you mentioned in your post. I never heard of makeup on a vulva or that even 1 in 100 people have some form of intersex condition. Could you link sources?


This is an account of a person speaking about their experience finding out their intersex characteristics had been hidden from them by medical professionals (a common historical occurrence): [https://www.google.com/books/edition/Contesting\_Intersex/foQTCgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Contesting_Intersex/foQTCgAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0) This is a general info survey that has some good information/ history on intersex people: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK581039/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK581039/) This article suggests intersex people are closer to 1.7% of the population but there are other respectable studies suggesting it may be as low as .18% of the population: https://www.ohchr.org/en/sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity/intersex-people#:\~:text=Experts%20estimate%20that%20up%20to,as%20heterosexual%20(sexual%20orientation). I would encourage you to consider the critiques of both figures and remember that research on intersex people is in its infancy and frequently does not receive the funding or attention it needs for us to have a meaningful understanding of the true statistics around its prevalence. Even the ‘one in 100’ figure I quoted could be highly flawed. It is commonly used because it is the middle ground of a series of estimates. I would strongly suggest using Google Scholar or, if you have access, JSTOR for this kind of search to get peer reviewed results. There are resources out there if you want to access more diverse perspectives on the science and prevalence of intersex people that I, frankly, don't want to spend the entire day reviewing and linking. I would encourage you to approach all of them with some level of healthy skepticism. Some of them, unfortunately, exist behind an academic paywall but if you are in college or work for a job that provides you with access to research journal libraries I would encourage you to utilize that access. For reference, my educational background is in economics so I am by no means an expert in any of this. I am only a former sex ed teacher with a working understanding of data analytics who is very close friends with an intersex person.  I don't want to link articles on genital makeup but there are a ton of resources of sex workers talking about it with a quick Google search. Strippers, prostitutes, cam girls, and male and female porn stars frequently put makeup on many parts of their body as a normal part of their work. (I originally heard about this from being friends with a stripper and roommates with a cam girl). They work in entertainment which means makeup is just part of their job. Hopefully this is useful! I don't want to spread any misinformation but would like to increase awareness of the existence of intersex people in a way that doesn't sensationalize or further marginalize them.


I think the poster is saying that some p\*rn\*graphic images are enhanced to make the skin look unblemished -- whether the model/actress uses makeup to even out skin tone or cover stretch marks/tan lines/razor stubble or the image is retouched digitally. Young men are viewing images that don't represent "real" women under everyday circumstances, leading to unnatural expectation out of the real women they date. But I might be wrong and if I am, let me know. ETA: not just women are affected by this, and the term 'real' is meant to imply real life vs p\*rn not a cis status.


I feel like it might because female genitalia is generally considered more complex? And also, male genitalia has little that cant be seen through a diagram. But yeah, it would be a good idea to include pics for men too.


You know I wondered if it is because of that too. But that really doesn’t explain why they don’t show diseases because you wouldn’t believe how many of them there are and it would be easier to remember them by a picture than just text.


Never heard someone upset about not getting dick pics. Jokes aside, that is really odd. I’d think if they had one real example, they’d have the other. Maybe make genitalia is “simpler” from their point of view?


Which is silly because there's probably at least half of American women if not more (for example) who have never seen an uncircumcised penis.


That’s quite weird and it’s worth a chat. But once you get into residency/fellowships, you’ll be seeing all sorts of shapes and sizes of people in various states. Also I have a friend who is an MD and joked that she would panic about forgetting how to do IVs and foleys and then never ever having to do a single one upon graduation. She would never trust herself to do one today lol. This may be one of those weird oversights where your professors haven’t gotten that feedback yet about updating course material because someone else has said the photos aren’t important. The truth is student like yourself believe more equitable photos are important and they need to hear it.


That makes a lot of sense some of our professors still use materials from years ago and I will see if I can give feedback to them about this :)


You're probably on to something. Though maybe it's because male genitalia is already "out there" while women's genitalia seem to be "a mystery" to many people. LOL


It might be an effort to combat lack of education about the female body. Just thinking about the number of dicks I’ve seen as opposed to the number of labias- it’s definitely not unthinkable that a decent portion of college age men haven’t seen a lot of vaginas. And given the natural variance in women’s genitals, a more detailed image might have been justified. Honestly, just ask. If there’s a good reason for it, they’ll tell you. If there’s not, you’ve made sure they’re aware.


I dont think is necissarily sexist, probably just a holdover from earlier times, and Lazy Instructors who dont want to create new material. While it makes sense to show male anatomy as well, the Female genital Anatomy is way more complex and drawings wouldnt get the job done while looking at a shaft that you cant get inside of is kind of counterproductive. If its Just STD's your worried about you can find those online.


Weird, because I find it movies and tv shows it's the opposite. They show penis but rarely vagina. I don't know if you're example is "sexist" but it's definitely a decision someone made.


My son's EMT course had real photos of both. They had a whole slide deck on different broken penises to ensure the students would recognize it given different skin tones, growers vs show-ers, etc. They also had degloved penises, swollen penises due to cock rings, etc. On the female side I know they watched videos of live births. There are fewer traumatic injuries / visible emergencies to the vagina since it does not stick out and is therefore not as vulnerable as the penis, so it makes sense that there was a difference in how they were each presented in that context. But both were absolutely shown. Some AFAB medical students may have never seen a penis before. A lot may have only seen circumcised or only uncircumcised penises. And as you noted, most of the medical students of both sexes will not have seen the various medical conditions that can occur with penises and about which you need to be aware. If it's simply that you haven't reached that module, that's one thing. But if they're discussing male anatomy and illnesses without showing photographs, that's a serious problem. Perhaps even something that one could bring to the attention of whichever group accredits medical schools. Definitely talk to the administration about your concerns.


Is this driven by your school, or text book publishers?


I only read to the 3rd year med student and stopped the answer is yes




Gently, why are you assuming OP thinks it is sexist towards women specifically? There's nothing in the OP stating that, and if anything the post seems to support your stance: >And I want to make sure people don’t misunderstand I am NOT saying there shouldn’t be photos of womens genitelia I am just asking isn’t it weird there is none for males.




I was mostly trying to encourage you to think about why you thought that at all, when there's nothing to indicate that was what OP meant. I apologize for upsetting you. Have a good day.


Very interesting. Thanks for the info. It seems like this is a question worth asking. Sexism is nothing but trouble.


its not sexist, its illogical and ridiculous that male genitalia is not shown - but to say its sexist is stupid beyond belief


Yes, it's sexist. Whoever developed the curriculum for anatomy has biases that went unchecked during the writing, editing, and proofing process.


baby genitelia pictures? what??


Because we've been conditioned to see male genitalia as bad.


That’s interesting. I’ve never seen real photos, only drawing ones, but they had both male and female for us. But that was like 7-8 years ago so, I guess things are different now.








Lolll I will make sure to check it out


I'm an average Joe.. No idea about medical and teaching but I think women's parts have more disease than men's part. 💭


Ok so that's not true ❤️ our vagina cleans itself while y'all seem to struggle to wash your own genitalia (ass included). The issue is that the school seems only interested in looking at real vaginas. Ever wonder why so many men want to be gynecologists? I'll give you a hint: it's not because they all genuinely care about us.


All schools are sexist They literally have done studies showing teachers favour girls




It is just far less common. Men aren't constantly bleeding and infected with yeast.


We aren't either 💀 think before you say incredibly ignorant and disrespectful things maybe


The truth hurts doesn't it.


Are we referring to what I said? Because what you said is just blatantly incorrect. Don't be a typical male who understands nothing about the female body. 💀 Here's what google says since you're too incompetent to educate yourself: "No, most women don't have yeast infections constantly, but they can recur frequently. Up to 75% of women will get at least one yeast infection in their lifetime."


Did you not see the "frequently" and "75%"? I don't know if you have ever been to a casino or not, but I am a gambling man.


The key word is REOCCUR. As in if you get it once and it isn't properly treated in can come back, otherwise it doesn't.


I’ve heard it’s because it can be traumatic to female students. Where as men don’t have trauma responses from women’s bodies. No ideas if that’s true but it’s what I’ve heard


That’s interesting if true. I mean I’d think that if someone was that opposed to seeing a penis, they’d probably better choose a different career path than becoming a doctor.


Are the pictures primarily black women?


Why does this matter? I am asking sincerely