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Flippin heck I’m not far from you. Not had a chance to nip out and my life long dream is to see them!


Went to Telacre beach near Holywell. Supposedly there's more activity due around 11 30 ish tonight. Get out there with your phone camera, go on night mode and enjoy! If it does have night mode change the exposure to 5 or 10 seconds and you'll see them! Could only just see it with the eye when it was most intense.


So it didn't actually look like this? Cool photos, but I thought that's what you were seeing!


That's the thing they don't really tell you about the northern lights. They look brilliant in pictures but not so exciting in real life. 


Maybe that depends where you see them? I saw them when I was fishing in northern Russia, they were so vibrant and absolutely stunning.


Fishing in northern Russia sounds like the start to an interesting story


Plenty of cool stories from that place. It was a fishing camp in the middle of nowhere, only accessible by helicopter, it was a 2 hour flight north along the coast from Murmansk, where they used to (maybe still do) dock their nuclear subs. The owner was an rich eccentric British dude named Peter Power who leased a massive swathe of land from the Russian Government. He lived there for 3-4 months a year in the summer during the Salmon fishing season. He left his wife at home in his mansion and shacked up with his Russian "wife" Maria, a 25 year old beautiful Russian lady (Peter was easily in his 70s). You were dropped at your beat in the morning by helicopter, fished all day and then picked up again in the evening. One time I broke my rod a couple hours in, our guide radioed into camp and about 20 mins later a helicopter flies past and drops a rod down for me. The pilot was a Russian who flew military choppers in Afghanistan, one evening when he picked us up he asked me to sit up front with him, then flew ridiculously close to the river and fucking gunned it full speed all the way back down to camp. That was terrifying lol, but so much fun (I was about 14 at the time so it was extra badass) There was an old couple that lived on the river mouth a few miles from our camp. They were the only people that lived within 100 miles of us. There was a very small village there that had been evacuated by the government during WW2. They were the only two who returned, spent their lives there without seeing another soul until Peter and his hired Russians turned up 50 years later. They didn't speak any English but invited us in for food, they made us pancakes with berries and salted fish. It was..not nice, but I ate it out of politeness and thanked them. When I left they gave me a knife the bloke had made, I still have it to this day 20 years later. There's more but I'm probably boring you now lol.


Please carry on? It's fascinating!


So the salmon that were in the river were all Atlantic Salmon. When they enter the river they are beautiful and silver, but as they spend more time in the fresh water they lose that and become sort of brown. One day I was on a cliff by the side of the river and saw what looked like a black fish, decent sized and looked like a salmon but was totally jet black. Decided to climb down and try to catch it. Must have been there for 2 hours trying a different fly eveey 10 mins or so. Finally he took it, and I got him in. Called the guide when I hooked him and he ran over with the net and we eventually got him in. When we landed him he told me he would have to kill him, which I was upset about (we released everything) but he explained why. It was a pacific Salmon, and we had been instructed by the government to kill any that we caught because they shouldn't be there. So we kill this fish and take it back to camp to be cooked as part of dinner. Peter was there to greet us when we landed so I went to show him the fish. He was all smiles until he saw it, then he promptly stopped smiling, turned around and stormed off to his cabin. My dad and the guide were cracking up. Turns out Peter absolutely refuses to believe any Pacific salmon exist in his perfect river and will absolutely not acknowledge their existence. He didn't talk to me for a couple days lol. We also got rushed off the river once because a bear had decided to come and see what we were up to. That was pretty scary. The bear didn't scare me, what scared me was the look of fear on the massive, hard as nails Russian guide Pecha as he assembled and loaded a rifle from his pack.


If no one has ever told you, but they probably have, you’re very good at telling stories!


What happened next? Did Pecha have to shoot the bear?


Sounds like you had a pretty interesting upbringing!


I love how the northern lights story has turned into fishing lol


i just wanted to tell you that your story is amazing, i wish i had something as interesting as that growing up!


great story telling yup, and one helluva memory!


>The owner was an rich eccentric British dude named Peter Power Apparently known as 'fishing's international man of mystery.'


You could never bore anybody with story’s like this,this is real campfire shit.


Peter C. Power , owning a Mi-2 helicopter and about 800.000 hectares in Russian Tundra sounds like an interesting story I found on internet. I think it's the same person. I'll try to put the link for who is interested as I am https://www.forbes.com/global/2003/1013/066.html


Yeah that's him. There were two camps he set up, one on the river Rynda and one on the Karlovka. The Rynda was by far my favourite, Peter's too because that's where he had his house built and stayed. He was a very eccentric and charismatic guy. I didn't get to know him that well because i was only there for a week or two per year from 13 to 17, but he made a lasting impression on me and I'm sure most who knew him. The first year I went Peter put on a deal, it was usually around £6000 per week per person, but that year he ran a deal for £100 for eveey year of age if you were under 18, so my dad took me. I guess I made an impression on him too because he extended that deal for me until i turned 18 (which is why I stopped going because I could no longer afford it, and my dad had retired so he couldn't either really)


You could write a book & I will keep reading


What fish did you catch ?


It does


Can confirm, I was in Tromso in December, and once we got away from town, they were bright enough that I could see my shadow on the snow. When it was weaker though, the camera definitely enhanced it.


Tell us more about that 🙂


I saw them in Iceland and I've never seen anything like it on television of film etc; the lights were dancing, sparkling, at one point it looked like a giant person walking etc.


That’ll be the Valkyrie taking souls to Valhalla.


I saw them in Iceland, too, and would have considered them minor, but it was visible to the naked eye and the way it moved through the sky... it was like it was moving through another dimension. Very cool.


I saw it in Iceland and it was totally invisible to the naked eye! I also didn't have enough experience with my camera to know how to fully control the shutter speed, so I managed to get a vague green blur in a photo.


They can, but it has to be an extremely intense aurora


Oh it was definitely still exciting! But yes, it's not as amazing as the pictures with the eyes.


Could you see anything with the naked eye? With regard to the aurora, obviously. 😅


I don't know what OP could see, but I saw the northern lights before in Iceland with my own eyes. They look brighter in photos, but they're so still! With the naked eye, yes the colours aren't as bright but you can see them dancing across the sky which is really cool.


Oh yeah, certainly there are parts of the world where you can see with your own eyes. North Wales the other night though, that wasn't one of them. OP posted elsewhere that they were only visible through the camera. When they arrived at the beach it looked like there were loads of people taking pictures of nothing.


I got them in North Wales as well you could see the shapes in gray scale so to speak just no colours apart from with the camera


I just got back from Northern Norway a couple weeks ago and experienced both kinds. First was very faint and then we travelled a bit further and it was green and glorious and just as beautiful as the photos we took. In fact, it was a lot more beautiful than the photos our guide took. Each Aurora is so different but seeing them faintly is more common. They will always look great on camera- even when it just looks like cloud to the naked eye. But it's very special when you see a proper, green, dancing aurora.


I can confirm this. Professional Aurora spotters grade the conditions out of 10. When I was in Iceland I showed a pro my photo and he said “that’s only a 5/10” I was still grateful to see it with my own eyes, even if it wasn’t perfect.


Seen plenty of amazing auroras in North West Scotland with the naked eye


That's right, depends where you are and local conditions, I've seen loads of not so exciting auroras, and a couple of absolutely mindblowing skies full of writhing green serpentine forms, they are rare but truly something else when you catch a good one. My sightings were all in the far North of Scotland.


That depends. If they’re not very strong, you need to take a photo with a three second exposure. I have seen Northern Lights in Iceland where they were green like you see in photos but on my actual videos I can see purple as well.


Pretty good when I saw them in Scotland. Purple & green curtain of light.


I have the opposite experience. There’s something about them that you can’t really capture in an image. There’s a few things for me, one is the 3D nature of it whilst it still being transparent which is hard to explain, another is the sheer size of it, and the last is the movement of it. It’s easy to take beautiful photos of of it, not no photo or video reflects the reality for me.


It's definitely what the local newspapers here don't tell you. I've been to Iceland 3 times and luckily I've saw the lights each time, varying degrees of intensity but all looking far more vibrant and definitely more acrobatic than this vague hue. No camera trickery required, they're just there for the naked eye to see. Sometimes there's an eerie pulsating streak across the sky, other times they swirl and woosh before your eyes, faster than your head can keep up with. They're not just green either. I wish everyone could see them, if caught at the right time in the right place, you can't quite wrap your head around what your seeing.


Sadly not, at first I couldn't see anything and people told me you need to use a camera. Towards the end there were faint pillar shapes in the sky but it didn't look like the photos. It's extremely exiting though taking the pictures, but it did look a lot like people taking pictures of nothing at the beginning and was quite funny


I went out a few weeks ago when they were visible in Mid wales, Saw some great pictures on socials but was disappointed I didn't see any illuminations myself, now I know why! Next time eh..


You have to set camera to a very high setting I forget what it’s called, if they’re strong you’ll see a very strange moving dark green looking thing in the dark sky. It was cold last night so I guess that’s why they were strong plus they come from the solar flares of the sun and we are supposed to be picking up the good vibrations from them this year a healing year :-)


Download the AuroraWatch UK app. It'll send you a notification for peak activity.


Not 11.30 pm but between 4 to 6.30 pm then again between 8-9 pm. You can check activity [here](https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk)


I live in bangor ! I can't believe I missed them !


I live there too. I was out walking2 hours before this happened as well :///


Oof, missed this! By minutes. Was driving past at 8:00 and in a city by 9pm - amazing though!


Did usaw it at Hollywell? Wow.


Wow that’s so cool. How did you know? Is there a northern lights tracker?


Can one see Northern lights later this month OP? If so what are the timings to visit a beach near mid Wales ?


You can't really predict it very far in advance, the best bet is to keep an eye on AuroraWatchUK or a similar site, and they'll report on it. It's all based on solar activity, which is inherently pretty random.


Oh thank you ☺️


Download Aurorawatch UK. Really good app, gives you notifications when activity is strong, along with where aurora may be visible. Plus has access to a couple of webcams in the Shetlands and Highlands.


Thanks - I have that app. It did ping but often when it does, I can’t leave the house (and have a fair bit of light pollution near my house). I didn’t expect it to be that spectacular though!


We saw the southern lights in Western Australia not too long ago, well I missed it, but the photos were unreal and it almost never occurs.




...may I see it?




Well, you are an odd fellow, but I must say... you steam a good ham.




No, Ma, it's just the Welsh Lights.




Absolutely made my day - had their voices in my head and everything!


Oh ye gods! The chances of there ever being an Aurora Borealis post on Reddit without steamed hams being quoted are RUINED!


It's amazing how that throw-away skit has become so well known and referenced. I see it in the wild on Reddit about 2-3 times a month, even moreso than the IT Crowd emergency number.


Ew you called Wales a principality


Came here for this :D


You know, these steamed hams are remarkably similar to the ones they serve at Krusty Burger. You call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?


Talacre I think


A place that - despite being in Wales - I can only ever pronounce with a thick Scouse accent. I’m not Scouse, but the first person I ever talked to about the place was.




Seriously? Could hsvd driven there in an hour from Manchester!




Came here for this comment


It’s more of a mostyn expression


plate slap carpenter disgusting paltry coherent employ ad hoc rob mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow - great pics.




Can I come next time? I will need a lift from Kent…..


Who's Kent




He said no problem






Holy shit! No way. That’s like 20 mins drive from Me. Did you know you would see the lights?


There's a Facebook group my girlfriend is on called Cheshire northern lights hunter and they posted to say the aurora was very likely. Admins on there seem very knowledgeable!


I’ll take a look! I had no idea you could see them in the UK. Never mind ok tacky lack beach. Thanks :)


Aye me too before today!


There's also a group called North wales storm watch which is really good :)


There’s an app called AuroraWatch that notifies you the moment you can see the Northen Lights from where you are


These are usually out of sync with actual activities by a good few hours so you can miss the actual event


Aurora borealis At this time of year At this time of day In this part of the country Localised entirely within your kitchen?




https://m.facebook.com/photo.php/?photo_id=740409224900710 Have you seen this one? Gorgeous! 


I spotted it tonight with my camera on the south coast. It wasn't as clear as that though but it was nice seeing it.


Where was this? Funnily enough just this evening my boyfriend and I were watching Frozen with my daughter and we asked her if she’d like to travel to see the Northern Lights one day. Looks like we won’t have to travel as far as expected!


Telacre in Wales https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-68465549


You lucky duck!




Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of day, localised entirely within Wales?


I live in Northern Ireland which I’m pretty sure is more Northern than Wales (Could be wrong) and when I looked out the window all I seen was rampant disappointment.


What a wonderful picture ☺️✨


In about two weeks there's going to be an even better chance! There's a great photographer who does aurora photography and he has a UK FB messenger group for alerts he's called Wil Photography. There's also apps that can alert you, generally a 7 KP factor and less cloud coverage will give you Northern light visibility in the UK but it doesn't happen often with optimum conditions. Aps like aurora and aurora watch UK are good to set up alerts


I did not know you can see the stars so clearly in Wales wth that is beautiful 


I'm down south wales myself. Its been a dream of mine to see those. They are absolutely beautiful.




Is that telackera beach?


That’s a beautiful beach, short walk from presthaven prestatyn, what an amazing site


A lot going on right now... oligarchs


Yea thats insane, never would've thought they'd be seen over here 😂


And thank you for sharing your photos with us!!


Oh wow. Stunning. 🤗


I bet astronomers would've expected it 😉 It does look very pretty though.


How! I'm so jealous he wanted to see them for so so long now😩


Even clearer on the north east coast sometimes 👌


That's just the Manchester aura from all the nightclubs 😅


These are some really nice photos


Wow. Cool as fuck. Looks amazing.


The UK is such a magical place


They are some dope pics🔥🔥🔥


it's not impossible, but for it to be that low down the country is pretty rare.


Holy- mate you’re lucky


Can I come next time? I will need a lift from Kent…..


Incredible thank you for sharing.


Thank you for how beauty the world is


That is an amazing sight to see


Is not Northern Lights, is our sekrit defense shield fending off super-sekrit Russian doomsday weapons as threatened by super-serious international diplomat Dimitri Medvedev! He thought we were a small foggy island that would be easy prey for their intercontinental atomic submarine/torpedo [Poseidon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status-6_Oceanic_Multipurpose_System) but our new laser defences cunningly disguised as light houses saw them off before they knew what day it was! I always thought xenophobia was a dreadful fear of Buddists but the Russians have proved me wrong. I'm north of Watford so hope I'm outside next time they try it on.


my friend once thought he saw the northern lights. It was actually the green glow of a nearby Asda.


Great picture!


is this talacre? thats insane!


Should the lights be this far south of the earth? Not guna be called Northern lights soon, guna be Green shit down yonder. Is it global warming?


I've seen them from florida before I can't see how people from this high up on the nap haven't seen them 😊


That’s the lights from Blackpool pleasure beach mate


At this time of year, localised entire on a beach on South Wales???


Aurora borealis? In this economy?




Just Wylfa that boyo.


Ummmm it happens every year in non lights polluted places alike Brechfa


Aww bless your heart. They’re called ‘electric light bulbs’ we’ve had them in England for some time. Still a novelty over there? Don’t be scared, they can’t steal your soul.


It looks so gorgeous, great job!


Oh sweeeet!!


Omg you’re very lucky


Wow, you're so lucky! I'd love to see this! Thank you for sharing!


You lucky bugger, it’s on my bucket list to see the northern lights, I live in London so probably won’t from here. Great pictures though.


I’m glad you saw them. I got the alert. Went outside and I didn’t see anything. Up north near Whitby


That's amazing! I used to love visiting Talacre when we lived in that area.


That is lovely, I’m jealous! You are so lucky OP!




Damn, wonder if you can see them further west towards Llandudno... I'm up at 5am for work but I wouldn't mind missing a couple of hours sleep to see that.


Yesterday I was having a chat with a colleague who was just days away from moving back to his family in Malaysia after a decade in Aberdeen. He told me he just wanted to see the northern lights one last time before leaving. Of course it's fucking cloudy up here last night.


I've just asked around, and my friend Alice says she thought you would. Hope that helps pal. All the best.




Great pic! I’ve read that this year will a good year for seeing the northern lights (hopefully). The sun is reaching its peak of its 11 year cycle so the northern lights could be more visible. Hopefully be able to see the northern lights in places you may not have been able to previously:)


Is that Talacre beach?


Lucky you, fabulous sight!


I saw them at the end of last year in Salisbury - so exciting. Your pictures came out better than mine did because Wales is always more beautiful than anywhere else!


I follow https://www.instagram.com/olliemtaylor/ who once caught them in Dorset, just have to be somewhere really dark with clear skies.


I remember seeing them once when I was driving home from a rave. Still not sure how much of it was real!


There are a few apps that will notify you if there is a chance of seeing it


Oh wow beautiful!! I’ve seen them in Iceland but never here and I definitely did not see the pink ones!! Stunning 💚🩷


No way! What a beautiful happy accident!




You can check geomagnetic activity, which indicates possibility of visible northern lights [here](https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk) The site is run by Lancaster University’s Physics department.


My corner of the country was covered in clouds the entire night, I was watching the weather and aurora forecasts like a hawk and kept popping out to see if there clouds showed any sign of clearing (can’t drive so couldn’t go far). They did not. Absolutely gutted I missed them, and it was such a lovely show by the looks of it. Glad you got good photos though!


Did you take a video?


This is incredible !


Great photo!! I used to live there in the 90's and never caught any shots like that. It's the only place i have witnessed a waterspout too and i didn't have my camera with me then either!


Woah, lucky you were there. Looks amazing. I'm glad you got to experience it.


No way! This is talacre!


We were there about 4 hours before this, had we known there was a chance of seeing the northern lights we'd have definitely stayed. Gutted. Another day perhaps.


[aurora watch UK](https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/)has a site tracking magnetic activity There’s an app available too that send notifications when activity is high, and where you maybe able to see aurora. You’ll want to take your phone / camera and turn on night mode - the longer the better but min 3seconds. If you don’t have a tripod then try and rest your arms on something, holding the phone perfectly steady for 10s is hard and will give you blurry photos


I’m camping there tomorrow in my van for a week


Bloody hard to keep your hand steady isnt it


News would love this. They’ll get it on the weather report lol