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Someone who had truly repented would not downplay child molestation as *“inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady”*, they also would've repented before their crimes became public decades later.


"Honest, your officer, I thought she was 15!"


The first time he raped her was on Jesus's birthday. There's almost always a huge component of religious abuse that goes along with the raping. They often tell their victims it was God's will. That's not what happens in a lapse of judgment.


That's the annoying part. My parents are convinced that trump may have been bad in the past but he totally repented so it's fine. Except that like, someone who has raped ten people and repented wouldn't be trying to cover up their crimes and seeking power.




So to be clear... Not a Drag Queen right?


Not any one of the LGBTQ+ folks. So the next time we are worried about child molesters, maybe we should look at the actual data about who is actually doing it.


Yes. 😂


These are the kinds of people that ruin Christianity's (and by extension, non-denominational's) reputation. God have mercy.


God have mercy amen


‭Jude 1:4 KJV‬ [4] For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.


Imagine that


I’m so very shocked by this completely expected and not at all new information.


And so what? In the end he'll do the Christian forgiveness tour - say he talked with another mega-church pastor, repented, had hands laid on him, and was forgiven of his sins. And right back into the leadership as a "redeemed" man. And I bet that there are other women that he abused. Rarely is this a "one time" thing.


How shocking /s


Doesn’t surprise me a bit.


Has he turned himself over to the authorities? Did he report the rape himself or was he forced to "come clear" after if was revealed by someone else?


it's likely beyond the statute of limitations anyway.


In the state of texas sexual assault of a child has no statute of limitations.


The abused said it happened for 4 and a half years... Great spiritual advisor for the Epstein friend.


Y’all forgot a part of the story…he molested her for FOUR years. And then he voluntarily stopped preaching for TWO years. Begged the girl to keep it quiet and never tell anyone. Send him to jail. I hope the statue of limitations isn’t up and he can actually serve time if convicted 


Statute of limitations in texas doesnt apply to sexual assault of a child.


Oh wow that’s a good thing right!


Yep, heres hoping dude faces some consequences, even if its just tomatoes to the face whenever he goes in public.


Please tomatoes to the face for the public to participate in and see. I would love that. Sadly justice will never be served 🥺. I just pray for the victims 🙏🏻. In the Lords name AMEN


It's always the ones you most likely suspect.






Here's more at this link. Another "leader" who was allowed to continue "ministry" after having a couple of other male leaders discount the girls claims. https://www.christianpost.com/news/pastor-robert-morris-confesses-to-moral-failure.html




I'm so shocked. This is the true face of loud evangelicals. They took my childhood from me. Fuck them.


I love you❤️🥺


Thank you. I appreciate it.


I appreciate you! ☺️


Fuck that!


Still not a drag queen.


“And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed.” (2 Peter 2:2) Also not at all surprised to see that another megachurch pastor in Trump’s orbit is a venomous, criminal ghoul.


The next time someone comes at me about how being LGBTQ+ is sinful when you continue to have pastors sexually abusing children, I'm going to have a really hard time turning the other cheek. Some of y'all are so adamant that it's the gays who are depraved when they have a loving long term commitment when you have literal leaders of the church doing this kinds of things. The largest corruption in our society doesn't come from a loving couple who are actively helping their community. It comes from "prayers for profit" and their ilk looking down upon the masses and using scripture as a weapon of persecution. Get your own house in order.


Turn the other cheek


Love you brother


May god have mercy on his soul. In other words I hope he rots in Hell where he belongs


As true Christians, we should not condemn anyone to Hell, no matter how much evil they have committed. I am in no way defending this man or condoning his actions (I do believe that what he has done is a mortal sin against hinself and God) but we should not wish Hell upon others, we should instead pray for the victims and then pray that the perpetrator changes their ways and truly repents in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. No one is beyond the saving grace of God and I do truly hope that the woman finds peace and learns to forgive her abuser in the same way that I pray that after all of these years the man finally realizes his mistakes and truly repents. May Hell be as empty as possible, in Jesus's name, Amen 🙏✝️


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied.


What is this?


Matthew 5:6.


Forgive me for upvoting


Three aspects remain unresolved: whether and if the CRIME should be dealt with in accordance with State law; the entity that decided it was fine to just provide counselling; finally the legitimacy of his preaching since the CRIME was committed to the present day. I’m fine with a direct relationship with Jesus. No false prophets already.




He does sound like a suitable spiritual advisor to Trump, in fairness




But was he trans?! /s


All those who think they r Christian and worship humans will get a kick where it hurts. Or they'll say it is demons / Satan bringing down God's chosen.


All Christians that like Trump will be in for a VERY rude awakening.


They won’t care at all


not a trump supporter, but what does this have to do with trump? how is he supposed to know what a donor was doing in the 1980s? what do you think about the clintons and jeffrey epstein, does LoveTruthLogic apply the same guilt by association to them? and note, jeffrey was still operating out in the open when bill and hill were hanging with him.


Did you read the part where this guy is/was Trump’s “spiritual advisor”?




Gotta love how you put Fauci in there lol. Also weird you put in kushner. Ive only found a few groups of people that think Trump was "fooled" by netanyahu, kushner, bourla, and fauci...and thats nazis and antivaxxers. Gotta love how ya named all those people and not that freak doctor that blamed illnesses on demon sperm and said ivermectin cures covid. Your mask fell off, your intentions are clear.


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I care about all sides and Jesus doesn’t play politics. The problem now is that Trump is attacking God’s foundation for creating the universe: freedom. Democracy, no mater how imperfect it is, has “freedom” built into its main goal.


Both parties are attacking democracy and freedom and at this point I’m starting to think theocracy might be better and don’t really care what these politicians do. Let Caesar have what is Caesar’s.


No, because God at its core foundation has created a free universe. And your “ Let Caesar have what is Caesar’s.” was for a different time period. Just like morally we learned slavery is wrong, so here we found the best system ever realized in democracy and Trump voters are going to suffer greatly when they see how their blind faith has rewards them the same way the Pharisees found out the hard way.


Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s is a universal statement. I agree that we are called to freedom but I cannot understand how any Christian can only see one side of the coin when viewing American politics. The Democratic Party is dedicated to Marxism and anti-Christian in literally all of its policies. If I vote at all, it’ll be third party. I don’t want anything to do with this war between the postmodern NeoMarxist atheist (D) and alt-right fascists (R) . I’d like to see a system with 1 law; the golden rule, to be judged by church elders with a punishment ranging from shunning to banishment. No more prison industrial complex, no more coercive income taxation, no more federal reserve and war machine and IC propaganda spy apparatus.


I agree with you, both sides are garbage. But this garbage democracy is better than a dictatorship. As then we will have the whims of a Hitler or a Mother Teresa in control and if I learned ANYTHING about humans that want power is that they will lean towards Hitler.




Don't spread disinformation here.