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They had to know the 1.5 charge distance was a bad idea from the start


I'm guessing they saw that evo recruits were doing OK so thought that 1.5 tile might be good. Goof balls failed to consider the fact prince does significantly more damage


Evo recruits also have a conditional to start charging so opponents can actually control the charge better. Prince just goes.


Prince on his way to the tower cuz the new Princess looks cute


**Don't call me a princess!!**


They're not dumb. They knew what they were doing


It's so bad I keep failing to kite him with a troop placed in the middle. First time it happened, it pretty much made me lose the match right there.


Classic Cash Royale 1.) introduce broken OP cards 2.) aware but don’t touch them unless game breaking 3.) bait everyone with overpriced offers 4.) nerf them to the ground 5.) repeat


They don't care about us they just want our money


They are making less money than last year. I think they just want to make the game worse.


Or their Tactics don't work anymore


Profits are down --> make game more p2w to increase profit --> more players leave --> repeat


You jest but this is basically the thought process, the ones who won't pay wouldn't have anyway but the whales will pay and that's what finances them


i don’t think these cards have been op long enough for this to apply


Yes, the cards got immediately nerfed one day after release, and also they didn't waited three months to nerf them again, just one month and they nerfed the top cards, not only the new cards


Dumb sheep people rinse and repeat same comments. The machine and the curse have been nerfed like thrice already. 


they cry when they don't nerf it, but they also cry when they DO nerf it


I'm sorry but it just isn't that hard to introduce cards that are balanced off rip. The new goblin cards have already been nerfed, and they're still ranked 1st, 3rd, and 4th in gc usage (2nd is evo zap). We regularly get overpowered cards that're released, they're meta for one season where it'd be impossible to max them/get the evo without paying, and then they're nerfed. Champions, Phoenix, and monk, lp, evos, these goblin cards. It just keeps happening. It's just a loop of unlimited greed that makes the game worse.


You can say what do you want abount the current state of the game but if someone gets baited for the "overpriced" offers it's not supercell's fault but of the one who chose to buy them


I think the overpriced offers are complaints made only by the people who bought them


Yeah they should let these cards stay broken forever so no one gets upset.


Or maybe at least make a token effort to balance new cards? Notice that EVERY SINGLE new card ends up getting heavily nerfed? They never accidentally release a card that's too weak.


Morons fall for it everytime.


I mean its better than never nerfing them but they should stop the with releasing broken cards I agree


Yea, been playing 7+ years, F2P since the lvl15 and pass price increase. May just quit now. . .


No buffs is kinda crazy.


It's kinda expected, considering the current meta


Yeah the meta is too chaotic rn. Three new cards , LP and DD nerfs , Prince and Ram buff. Plus there's new evo(s) coming in like a week. 


True, but soooo many cards need buffs


Ik, but they just forget they exist


Why would they buff cards that everyone (who’s played the game for more than a few years) has already collected? No money in that.


i’m glad they do more nerfs than buffs. totally prevents power creep


Goblin event is such a grind I haven’t even unlocked the goblin machine before it got two nerfs. Does supercell expect their players to not have jobs and just play all day??


Well now when you do get it, it will be "balanced" ;)


It is a huge grind I spent like 8 plus hours grinding


It's so annoying that the level cap keeps increasing in the gremlin mode. I cant keep up with it. Level 9 was alright, you get to have fun and try out different decks, but when you reach level 11 cap, if you haven't been playing for ages, you stand no chance since everyone is 1-2 levels above you and the demolishes at one level higher oneshots your goblins. I just came back to the game a few weeks ago after 4 years of not playing and it's so annoying how much card levels are holding me back.


I figured it would be tough for people who’s cards aren’t at a high level. I was surprised that people who at low levels wanted to push in the goblin mode given that they won’t be able to max the cards. Then next season there will be more cards to upgrade and so on


My point in grinding the mode isn't in maxing the cards, but getting the new cards to have fun trolling in friendly battles, turning skarmies into goblin armies, making a goblin machine mobile SAM platoon and such. But I am stuck at 1300 gremlin trophies until I level up my cards.


You expect to be able to come back after 4 years and be able to compete?? That's just stupid logic. Also the level cap was 13 even way back in the og days so your cards not being even lvl 11 is just you either not playing the game much at all or being bad at it.


I'm exactly experiencing this rn. I just crossed 2k in hopes of unlocking GM and I expected level cap to be 12 there, but it was level 13. For me, 1000 to 2000 was like a cake walk with some rare occasional loses. But, after 2k, I can't keep up with level 13. I've never used goblin cards in my main deck, so they're about level 10 or 11,some of which I've upgraded recently for the game mode. Now I need Goblin giant, demolisher, Dart gob, Gob cage to be 13, all of which is level 11 rn. I don't have the cards, I have like 4k gold, after upgrading the gob tower troop to level 12. This gonna take a long time and those cards are already nerfed to oblivion


Ended up using my main deck (without goblins) because of the card levels. It takes 3 losses to negate a win, so with time you'll eventually climb to 2.2k. You just need to mental stack to survive losses against Goblin Machine mirror, etc.


No, they expect players to buy their offers.


There is no goblin machine offer, at least not when the required amount of trophies to unlock is not achieved yer


It's available in tournaments, that's probably why it got nerfed




I'm so glad I did not pour resources into that goblin spell. I knew this would happen. It was too broken.


It's still an insane counter to anyone who places skarmy, especially if you use rage too. Sure noone on top ladder really uses skarmy to counter wincons, but it sure is funny when someone in events or trophy road does


It’s still gonna be good


It’s still gonna be broken


But in line with other spells like log or void most likely


It feels like it's been a few weeks since the last balance changes, hopefully we're back to monthly balance changes now?


This is just the scheduled bimonthly balance changes, they didn't change their frequency. It's more the fact that the last bimonthly balance change was deployed 1-2 weeks late + extra balance change during the update+ emergency nerf gives the impression they are doing monthly balance changes, but they never promised it.


Wasn't the scheduled balance patch the one with the double Duchess nerf a couple weeks ago ? This would just be an emergency patch


They’ve done like 3 in the last 30 days


Atleast they actually trying to balance prince and ram instead of reverting it


I'm already kinda sad because I had to say good bye to OP Prince. It was good while it lasted. Reverting it to 3 tiles will be more sad


2 tiles is still an improvement from the original 3 tiles


I think 2 tiles will still perform well. Prince just won’t charge through ewiz anymore.


Idk about everyone else, but I kinda like this. I didn’t expect a balance anytime soon


Yeah great changes, dark prince shouldve been added to the charge buffs tho hes so bad compared to other options in his role


Dark prince is weird, it's a splash card with shield and charges, one single buff can make him dominate the meta completely just like it has happened before, so I think they are afraid to touch him


Exactly. Even though Prince was fucking op for this short amount of time, he can still countered with swarms like skeletons with an insane positive elixir trade and let the tower take care of him. I use him, and he's almost always countered as his sight range is also huge, easy to distract. Dark Prince is perfectly balanced rn because of his shield and splash.


Dark Prince has a lot more utility and defensive capabilities than prince, whom is just a simple single target dps card. That's why they didn't give it the buff. It would just make do too strong of a card for 4 elixir


he has a winrate in the thirties and a 1% usage rate for a reason. Stop this


How does this disprove anything they just said? DP isn't in a great place right now, but giving it the same changes as Prince absolutely would make it overbearing. Maybe a step down from the level Prince is at, but they aren't the changes DP needs to do better. The meta isn't exactly in its favor right now either.


I might disagree, but you might be right. I don’t use him or see him enough so I can’t say too much


Goblin Machine might be dead after these balance changes


Does anyone see this as a problem?


Is technically a problem because is the "ultimate" reward of the new mode we all been grinding 750mil times, I don't want it to be op, but basically changing the value of the price mid race is kinda bad.


Since supercell knows it’s broken, then it shouldn’t be that high up in the first place. That’s kind of their fault






It will be. I'm currently using it and having good interactions with it, but reducing its health by 15% is going to break it completely given that it's already easily countered so long as you have a tank to use at bridge as soon as it crosses.




I honestly think it will still be pretty strong but lets see, 15% hp nerf does not change that many interactions. Also demolisher needs a much bigger nerf


Excellent balance changes, and the people who are complaining about over nerfing the new cards, wait for the balances in live game to see how they perform Supercell is finally not letting broken cards rule over the game for months


how big is the goblin machine nerf? i feel its a pretty big nerf but im unsure how well this does esp with the rocket still doing immense tower dmg, i wouldve liked to see a rnage nerf


It's a huge nerf. Part of the justification for using the card is because of its large health pool. It's fairly easily put out of commission by just playing something near it. Hell even the knight renders it useless. Its melee attack doesn't do much damage. The goblin spell nerf is pretty unnecessary as well. The only cards it's even useful against are skeletons and bats... And that's at full power level 15. Those two nerfs are the most pointless, if you ask me. Wizard needed the shield nerf for sure.


All nerfs are justified tbh, the combination of goblin curse times zap is very broken, it shouldn’t even have damage multiplier IMO


When all levels are equal(like near top ladder at level 15 or tournament level), curse and machine aren't really that effective. People don't tend to play swarm cards enough to get full utilization of the curse card. They'll play single doots to cycle but they tend to split. There are better cards to use there. And goblin machine being 5 elixir means it should be effective at either dealing damage or taking damage or mediocre at both. With the health nerf, it'll be mediocre at tanking and not good at dealing damage(its melee attack is really bad). Neither nerf is really necessary. At 1800+ trophies on ladder, I rarely see either of those used.


Anyway I just checked the decks in top200 and curse has 50% usage rate, ahead of evozap 43%, both are the 2 most used spell by a lot, the number 5th and 11th place players right now are playing bait with lots of swarms to curse. Gob machine has 34% usage in top 200, which I think is high for a 5 elixir card but maybe you can find an argument that it's balanced lol. Yeah these 2 cards deserves a Nerf, at 1.8k you are probably facing people who still haven't finished the goblin journey to unlock it (it's around 8 hour of grinding).


>The goblin spell nerf is pretty unnecessary as well. The only cards it's even useful against are skeletons and bats... And that's at full power level 15 It's also incredibly useful against beatdown because it turns all the supporting units into glass cannons that are more vulnerable to splash/spells. The damage amplifier is a fundamentally broken mechanic and the spell should've just turned stuff to goblins


I just upgraded Dagger Duchess to lvl15… As a f2p it’s so hard to upgrade cards, and it’s even worse when the meta always changes and the cards you maxed become bad


If you are f2p don't upgrade obviously broken cards. (At least not to 15). Choose a solid, classic archetype and upgrade that. Some version of hog 2.6, or log bait will pretty much always be somewhat viable. You can go xbow or mortar... Whatever you want, but the shinny new deck with the new broken card will always get nerfed (hopefully faster than DD).


ITT: overreactions predicting the death of cards that clearly will not be dead


Hopefully this finally kills duchess for good


Same here i hate facing against that bitch every game


dutchess isn't even that good anymore...i feel like other tower troops are viable. hog isn't dead because of dutchess because the daggers get depleted easily. Same with miner-dutchess interactions.


If you do a Quick Look on popular decks on royaleapi, every top player is still running dagger dutches and no one is running anything else in UC. Clearly it’s still better than the others


sure, but i don't think nerfing her to bits and pieces is the solution lol


I'd be happy to never see her again


I agree it isn’t the solution, but that wasn’t my point. I was just addressing your opinion of dagger Duchess “not being good anymore”. Clearly it still is good and needs to be nerfed or reworked further. How much of a nerf and what rework can be debated, but I don’t feel like starting that conversation.


while it is the most used tower I'd not say no one in UC is running anything else. 4 of the last 10 battles I played had dagger duchess, but the other 4 did have princesses.


Maybe right now. But the nerfs just came out so there needs to be some time to switch. I've been seeing a lot more cannoneer personally.


She’s nerfed, but still plenty affective. I’m happy with the way she is now though


She shouldn't have been that good in the first place, she was better against everything than other tower troops


U know the worst part? The rework increased her usage in GC


No it didn't it wasnt tracked before that's why. Top ladder also went from functionally 100% usage to like 85-90% now


more balance changes recently hope it continues 🙏


Some needed nerfs there but it's crazy the entire balance changes is just nerfs, shows the state the meta is in. Why can't we buff/rework some underused cards to help them see more usage in the meta, or go along with the "if everything is OP, nothing is OP"


That's it, i'm not using dagger duchess anymore, she already felt very mediocre. Now there's literally no reason to play her.


This has to be a joke right ? Very mediocre?? She's completely broken the game, there's a reason why 90% of players use her


I don't get why you have to exagerate lol, very clearly she is not broken and her presence is waaaay below 90 percent. I liked dagger duchess not because she's OP, it's because i hate goblin barrel, nothing more.


Her presence in grand challenges is around 80% and she absolutely obliterates princess tower (look at CWR on Royale API)


i suppose that is the frustrating part of this game, you have a competitive meta for a minority of players and a meta for the majority of casual/midladder players. I sit at 6500 trophies and honest to god i see dagger duchess and princess the same amount (almost never see cannoneer). I would love for the game to be balanced around midladder but then competitive play gets ruined. It's the same in league of legends, they will absolutely gut a champion if it's too strong in pro play resulting in basically no one playing that champion on a casual level.


I mean that’s just because dagger duchess is hard to unlock for a 6500 player, it’s still significantly better by every metric


I am still of the opinion that they should completely remove the damage amplification from the goblin curse and give it it's og damage back


I'm in the opposite camp, remove all damage, and just leave it at where it's currently.




Dagger duchess isn’t even that bad to go up against… maybe I don’t get it because I’m just a mid-ladder player right now, but I’ve been facing dagger duchess users for the past few arenas and it’s not really that much harder. All it stops you from doing is spamming spirits really…


There’s a good reason everyone uses dagger duchess from ultimate champ upwards. It enables you to have more freedom with your strategies and gives you more offensive opportunity. You don’t need as much of an elixir advantage to attack when u have DD. Ppl in midladder mostly use decks which don’t even allow for a good strategy so it’s hard to realise how good DD is


From my perspective she makes it so you never have to worry about defending small chip type damage. I play LH miner so I do fairly well against her on big pushes, but any time I have troops left over from defense they get basically no chip damage that they might have otherwise gotten. And when I am playing in weekly events it is *very* noticeable how much she is able to shut down when I don't have a deck that has a big tank.


Yes, you are right. The whole game is balanced around pushes, counter pushes and what you do with whatever you have left after a defense. DD just negated all of that, it is fundamentally broken. If someone doesn't see that they probably play some 6 average elixir random deck in midladder... And don't have as much trouble because they have really heavy cards. Still, current DD is at least manageable... I'd like it if she could be removed from the game, or nerfed to the point of irrelevancy... like I said it runs counter to what the game was about for most of it's life.


DD is getting nerfed AGAIN??? Oh this is bad, she was nerfed plenty already


So they accidentally release Evo Wizard with a shield that has balanced health, then realize it isnt broken enough for that sweet diamond pass money, buff it so it survives arrows, and a month later they nerf it to its original more balanced shield health. Hats off to $upercell! 😵‍💫


All nerf


I can hear Dark prince crying


Nerf firecracker please.


I mean at this point just remove DD, there is literally no point in keeping it in the game if they have to make it unusable


Remove tower troops in general




Can't we get new buffs? the meta is just gonna shift to the annoying cycles that dominated last season


these goblin cards already got nerfed and are no longer that good lol... we still re-step back to the beginning of duchess format consisting of miner/gob drill control spam w/ modern cards, reiterated graveyard control w/ modern cards, goblin giant spam, royal recruit spam, hogs eq, lavahound w/ modern cards, and the current giant-every new card mishmash decks... goblin curse has to get value to give value and even then is poor now. hence why the 50% damage increase was key... not only is the damage effect being further reduced by a useless 15%, but its radius too BY 1 TILE... why even... gob machines rocket either doesnt proc out of range (or are right next to him so he cant shoot and takes direct damage), it doesnt hit the target whether its the expected target or not, and is slower than it was on release so it just misses even at the close range it can land... and the stats dont even compare to other cards... gob demolisher was probably the only potential case for a nerf because it has potential use, and its not even necessary because thats not even a logical reason to nerf a card! thats like nerfing base zap, 1 elixir skeles, and cannon!!! the regular gamemodes arent locked into a goblin card only focus... so he gets completely outclassed for 4 elixir... this subs existence and the community managers being twitter fangirls, ruinned this game... multi evo + regular tank, splash, swarm, building, spell spam never ever dies... its been the same garbage since post 2017-18 bridge spam introduction with every other option then being countered, over stimulated, wannabe meta copypaste (contradictively slapping new dumb options into dead cookie cutter decks as a seemingly redundant "buff"/"restore", despite then meta decks already filling the criteria (yet complaining of newer available decks to use those options)), or has to be unnecessarily overbuffed or cause overnerfs without any reasonable difference, or nichely contain these one-sided cards that also dont help them nor relieve pressure to already oppressed and overstimulated decks...


Only thing consistent is midladder hog rider, Meg knight, e barb witch decks. Kill me


Swear wizard caught a stray for no reason


This fucking sucks


Bro 2 Tiles??? dude thats nothing make it 4


was the death damage nerf on goblin demolisher necessary? man I feel like I wasted my wild rares


Isn't the DD a buff? Like, she's hitting faster. Someone please explain this to me, because I don't get it


0.8 hits per second Vs 0.69 hits per second


Oh I see, I thought it was hitspeed and not hits/sec, makes sense now. Thank you


No worries


1.25 second hitspeed to 1.45 second hitspeed if you want it translated to in game values


At what point do they give up on duchess and take it out the game? The charge mechanic is just fundamentally broken.


they cant because of the lore


Im glad that they didnt touch Pekka


Wizard??? Wizard is only used to conbat the goblin meta it’s still a bad card stupid sf


Not true. Wizard has been top 5 evo for a while now


Evo Wizard has been a top card for a while now. The base card obviously sucks but the Evo was a tad overtuned. I imagine it's hard to balance right


How does the dagger duchess one work? I thought that it had a .35 second hit speed


Demolisher will still be broken.


I've been holding off on leveling up my DD to level 14 just in case SC nerfs it to the ground. So is this nerf finally gonna make DD stop being the best tower troop or should I just go ahead and level it up ?


Only level her up if you play beatdown decks, since that's the kind of decks she's supposed to go well with assuming she's as strong as the other Tower Troops


You can finally arrow Evo Wiz shield! Just in time for the teased Evolution lol


Dagger dutchess is going dead card soon


Nerf for wizard. What meta we live in


Dutchess just can't stop gettin nerfs She can't even kill spear gobs in one hit lmao


The Goblin Demolisher genuinely needs the nerf, its a 4 elixir rare card and it's death damage did just under giant skeletons death damage, it's a strong card and I'm happy it's getting nerfed.


Still no canon cart buff 🤦‍♂️


they should buff other cards not nerf all the new ones into irrelevance


Man I don't like hoe they're just getting the goblin spell each patch, the damage multiplier is so nice... they should change something like how many troops it can transform before it changes or remove the poison ticks.


Can someone explain the DD change? I can’t tell if it makes her dagger recharge faster or slower


Is duchess still the better tower?also they gotta change the name of the real rocket and this gobber’s rocket


So is the goblin curse now way weaker? The damage Bonus was an Important Part and it will be only 50% of what its now. And how Impactfull is the goblin machine nerf?


Cracked prince was fun while it lasted


I don’t think the goblin spell would be worth it for the damage buff anymore after this change. It would still counter skeletons completely I guess and maybe if a big push is coming then it might provide value by increased damage and changing troops to goblins. It’s just so funny that it’s getting a second nerf before I even unlock it 😂. The goblin machine is probably getting a deserved nerf as from what I heard goblin machine was insanely broken and I would probably prefer not to face off against him but I thought 35% damage buff for the spell seemed fair(when compared to the initial 50% buff anyways). Guess we’ll see it’s usage and what not whenever the changes are implemented.


It's starting to feel like they don't know what they want from the Goblin Curse. Is it supposed to be a weaker Rage that can turn defending troops into Goblins or is the Goblin Spawning supposed to be the main appeal? Idek anymore. Still a great concept for a spell and I'm glad it's in the game.


Am I wrong to think the Dagger Duchess is pretty much useless now? I don't see a point to use her anymore.


Why is wizard getting nerfed though? I don't feel like he is that strong whenever I fight him


Like wtf, I’m actually kinda done the cr


Everyone says it's clash doing this, HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE YOU SEEN COMPLAIN ABOUT GOBLIN MECH AND PRINCE SPAM? We asked for almost ALL of these changes and then get pissed when we see them. guys, we are killing the game and making it suck for people to get into. Instead of being excited about a new game, newcomers have a ton of drama and grief to catch up on.


At this point, just delete the tower troops and evolutions from the game. Or create a new separate game mode for tower troops and evolutions.


At this point, just delete the tower troops and evolutions from the game. Or create a new separate game mode for tower troops and evolutions.


All champions (except LP) need a buff, they suck ass rn


All good news! Was DD still top tower without contest?


Are the goblin cards that op?


Bruh i barely got to try goblin machine or curse 💀


No champion buffs? (except for the little sh*t)


They’re gonna completely change the meta bro


Nerf everything.


I have 6/6 shards available to use, if I purchase 1 shard from the shop, will it go to 7/6 like wild cards do or will it convert to coins? I was debating on using the 6 shards on Valkyrie or Wiz but now not so sure with possible Nerfs.


Nice! Let’s give credit where credit is due… some of these were only broke in June. Trying to fix it within a month is a big improvement. I hope they’re all closer to balanced!


I would still use Goblin spell even if it didn’t do damage. I just like using it in 2v2 and seeing a bunch of skeletons then toss out arrows with goblin spell. BEHOLD! MY CONVERTING ARROWS!


The goblin grenadier doesn’t need to be nerfed nor does the wizard


they forgot to nerf miner


Wtf are these


Evolved Wizard's shield was specifically fixed to protect him against medium spells, but now was needed so harshly? Why? What's the point of buffing/fixing it anyway then?


Nerfing prince is the wrong move😑


Seems like a good balance change, although Prince will still be too good. And honestly will be very happy if dagger duchess becomes borderline unplayable, even as a f2p who used every legendary resource to get her


Even more duchess nerfs? Glad I have a leveled cannoneer


Never thought I’d live to see the day where wizard gets a nerf


Most missing is the pekka nerf - it has same winrate as prince but an even higher userates.


okay i think dagger duchess had enough nerfs bro


Some of this is just so unnecessary


We need a small buff for cannoneer.






Please $upercell give cannoneer its 5% damage back it’s so bad rn 🙏🙏🙏


Man I wished I would have paid to get a max level goblin machine before the emergency nerf, and grinded to the top. Would have been well worth the $40


Welp no point using DD anymore


Everyone who writes that it is goood that some cards will be unusable is stupid. Cards should be balanced and not nerfed to the ground. What is the point of adding new cards if they are unsusable?


Please buff battle ram and dark Prince to also get 2 tile charge.


Putting in my feedback on the Gob Machine's incoming possible nerfs. Supercell should NOT decrease its health. That would make the Machine completely irrelevant and useless, especially as it's a legendary card costing 5 elixir. INSTEAD, they should tweak, change, and nerf its rocket damage and/or melee damage. That way, it no longer is a win condition on its own.


Ewo wizard should lose his shield when logged


Can we get an arrows nerf. It's too forgiving. 3 waves and large radius. Add more skill


Dutchess getting nerfed again is hilarious