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Better vac for pet hair. Some have rubber strips on the rotating brush for this.


I do just have a cheap vacuum but I can't afford a new one so I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this with what I have :(


They make a pushbroom looking thing with little rubber nubs and a rubber strip that has helped me on this matter.


Dollar tree has a version of this that works great. You buy the handle and head separately and for $2.50 it's kind of impressive.


Yes! This is good but the pole is a bit flimsy. I got a two pack (one small, one large) from Aldi for $13ish that I really like but I'm not sure what time of year they have them.


I use this!! Orrr a carpet rake is good too.


A floor squeegee. I have one, it works. It was about $30, IIRC.


This is very inexpensive and is amazing at grabbing hair and dust.  The head on mine is removable for cleaning, too.


Second this. I have three cats and it works like a charm.


there’s also ones with metal grooves instead of rubber, works even better


Sometimes Amazon Warehouse has some good vacuums for cheaper. I got the Shark pet vacuum (purple one) for under 200 on the Amazon warehouse site and it’s been wonderful. Had it for 4 years and counting. So many attachments too and made for pet hair removal. Well worth it once you can save up some money for it.


Where do I find the Amazon warehouse site deals??


I think you just have to Google “Amazon warehouse” and search through there. Warehouse is a little different than just regular Amazon because it sells banged boxes or items not in the original packaging.


Amazon is great for this on BF. Got a top of the range hoover for £200 instead of £400


Yes, I was going to say Amazon too! I got a $60 sweeper from there and it has a lot of attachments and honestly it’s better than the $300 sweeper I used to own. It’s crazy how well it works and I have 2 cats.


It took me awhile to get one as well but I highly recommend a shark. It was $130 and the best thing for the pet hair problem!!!


Yes. Once the shark eats the cat there will be no more shedding.


I've often said I'm gonna start vacuuming the cats!


This just made me bust out laughing! Thanks for the chuckle friend! 🤣


You may be able to find a shark for $130 on occasion but the tank and filters and upkeep is going to really add up… still doesn’t seem economical.


Well, you can always cook it and save the cost of dinner.




Shark worked better than my Dyson (which died after three years).


Second the Shark comment. Absolutely worth the price even if I didn't get it on sale.


If you have Craigslist in your area I would check it, people give away vacuums occasionally and will also sell used ones pretty cheap. I got a refurbished Shark vacuum for $90 from Craigslist and it works great.


Facebook marketplace too


A rubber broom is great for pet hair. We used one at the doggie daycare I worked at.


If you just clean out the filter often it will work. Not as good as something that's meant for pet hair...but it will still work.


Make sure the roller/beater bar is clean and in good shape. I replaced mine and it was like it was a new machine. Also, make sure the machine is clean/not cligged/clean filters... It is one of the few things in your house that needs to suck!


Chom chom for carpet!!!


For cheap vacs, this is the [GOAT](https://www.amazon.com/BISSELL-Cleanview-Upright-Bagless-2252/dp/B07F6N3RT6/ref=asc_df_B07F6N3RT6/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693270340212&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4680672335258412254&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1020268&hvtargid=pla-528384008158&psc=1&mcid=2d64c9669a1939228cfafc4b4e71ce84&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYXpnYTUKESVlWlgaEhlc0kK_ihvxCn_hUeYY_rL6RTbo1Hi9OmQL7kaAsWZEALw_wcB)


I’ve got the purple pet hair version of this, and it’s great! I was amazed at what it pulled out of my carpet at our last rental! Evidently the people that lived there before us had a black animal, as that vac pulled out so much!


Yessss. I didn't know I could get so much satisfaction from a vacuum. I want to show everyone... "use your vacuum... then use this one! Look at all that ick your Dyson missed!"


I found a shark on Facebook marketplace for $30!


I use my broom and brush in circular motions. Also there’s a ~$50 vacuum available at Walmart. Powerful suction, it’s basically a motor on a plastic shell that has worked wonders on in carpet pet hair. Just remember to remove your fridge photos or they’ll go flying everywhere.


I bought this one for our two pet home. I don’t know your budget, but it’s $235 on Amazon today and it’s the best vacuum I’ve ever owned. I can’t believe the hair and fine grit it pulls out of our carpets. https://a.co/d/1vAFWnT


Rubber window cleaning squeegee. Not expensive. Or rubber dishwashing gloves. Neither is a unitasker.


Get a carpet roller like this: https://www.bigw.com.au/product/sabco-triple-action-carpet-sweeper/p/4325727 They're cheap, easy to use and clean and do wonders for the pet hair in my house. I've got 2 cats and a dog in a relatively small townhouse and this is great to just run over every other day to pick up whatever hair is leftover


Check Facebook marketplace


Look at Goodwill or other thrift stores. You'll be surprised what you can find!


Yes 100 percent


Been in the place where I had two cats, carpet in all house and couldn’t afford a better vac. It’s going to be hard to reach it, but make it a goal to get a good vacuum cleaner, with a roller brush and attachments for pet hair. It’s going to be life changing. Avoid those with batteries though. They are more convenient and some get close to their corded counterparts in terms of performance, but they’re never the same. Until you get there, there are rakes for your carpet and manual brushes for upholstery that can do the trick. Either way, it is labour intensive, the vacuum will only make it easier and faster.


[I used this for carpets](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B091JXQ9ZS)


That's actually what I used to get all of that out of the carpet lol


This has to be the best gadget I ever bought for under £10


[And this for upholstery](https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07PP63XH8)


I have this one, and want the other one you sent. This one works very well on furniture. Do you use anything to groom them? Mine is a long hair cat, and it's so fine that it gets static sometimes. And when I groom her with a regular cat brush, the hair goes flying everywhere! It's a nightmare. In summer, I just cut her hair, but in winter, it's too cold to do such a thing. Any tips?


Shorthairs both, but we stopped grooming them as it didn’t make any significant difference. Hair was still everywhere, and the cats were not always comfortable with us forcefully combing their fur.


You're lucky, my partner's cat is short hair and is not much of a problem. My cat gets her hair matted if I don't brush her, big mats sometimes if I forget. She seems to be more comfortable in summer with her hair short, such a lady my cat 😄


If you’re on instagram, [Whitney Bullock cfmg](https://www.instagram.com/whitneybullockcfmg?igsh=d2RpeWZ4NWpxOGtm) is a great resource for cat grooming tips and guidance!


Thank you so much! Will go have a look.


I’m half asleep still and thought- just throw it away (the pile of fur)


😂😂 I mean great advice though.


Put it back on the cat!


I mean it would solve the problem too, though in a morbid way.


I thought the pile of hair was from one brushing session!


What’s your budget? They make some decent affordable vacuums these days, you don’t need a fancy dyson! Also, invest in a rubber broom. (Invest as in $12)


Dysons are pretty trash compared actually good vacuums. You can get a Miele with a power head for less than $400. It'll be HEPA equivalent (it's not actually rated as such but the three filters qualify it). Plus these vacuums use bags so they don't spill dust all over the place when you empty it. Now that said, I do also own a Dyson stick vac for in between cleaning and smaller messes


How do rubber brooms help? And what are they used on?


They collect the fur so you can bin it. I've used them on carpet, rugs & hard floor. They work slightly less well on carpet, but still do a better job than a cheap vacuum.


Look how proud it is <3


I swear by a Tangle Teezer brush on my cats. They love it and it captures so much hair. I also use a flea comb on them sometimes when it’s shedding season.


Is a tangle teaser kind of like one of those shampoo brushes? I have one of those that I use on my cats sometimes


No - it’s a detangling brush. Google for more info. Love mine for my own hair!


Me too! My dearly beloved but departed Stella had a fluffy undercoat and on a whim I tried it to keep her from matting. She loved it and the amount of hair it collected was absurd.


You can buy cheap versions. Primark does good ones in UK, but I'm sure there are cheaper versions than the proper Tangle Teaser these days everywhere else too.


I think the brand name ones here are about $15, so if I was going to purchase one specifically for kitties, I’d look for a dupe.


Yeah ours shed but we hoover twice a week and comb them, and it’s absolutely worth it for how much they bring to our lives


Been there 🥰


Hehehe yes they are so cute and sweet but soooo hairy 😂


Oops this was a reply post


I went the naked cat (sphinx) route. 


Can I ask if you have skin oils & saliva problems on furniture? Im a pro cleaner and few weeks ago a lady had horrible stains on her chairs & sofa and said it's from her naked cat still licking itself and it gets on everything. Big brown circles and such


Apparently they need very frequent baths and I imagine most owners don’t actually do them that often.


I’ve noticed they need baths more often when eating lower quality food.  This is not me plugging an expensive brand. It’s not something I intended to do even. Switching her diet has made crazy difference in her skin. Blows my damn mind.  I mean, I’d bathe her daily if I had to. But i won’t bathe her so often anymore that she starts feeling like a dusty elbow. 




Hypoallergenic sunscreen even, because their skin is delicate and they lick it. 


Also— those aren’t saliva stains. Sorry, it’s early. They’re oil stains. The reason changing her food helped in my case was because it helped her body regulate its skin micro biome and health when I supplied it with more appropriate and high-nutritional, quality oils.


Just what I was told by the owner. And it's not early here, I have notifications turned off im in time zone gmt-4


Those are so much more work than normal cats, but so cute


Robot vacuum, take the hassle out of it


Worked with my friends as a side gig cleaning for there small cleaning business. She’s a clean freak and we both own multiple cats. We also cleaned up a lot of houses with pet hair 1. Swiffer dusters are great for getting hair on any flat surfaces 2. Reusable Lint removers (not the sticky tape ones) are great for getting hair off of fabrics (duvets, pillows, couches) 3. I recommend a winix air purifier it catches a lot of hair that floats around in any heavy cat traffic area of your home. Once a week or so you just need to vacuum off the screen that the hair sticks too (very easy) 4. Almost any decent vacuum is great for carpet. But an edger is perfect for getting hair on any hard surfaces, vents, corners of carpet/ home & under furniture & appliances. 5. An air duct cleaning greatly improves air quality of house and keeps any trapped pet hair/ dust from coming out of vents. Also running your HVAC on fan mode every hour or all day will catch a lot of hair & dust. ( this takes time to build up before it needs another cleaning. 6. Idk what it’s called but it’s a metal small toothed comb/ hair remover. They are wonderful for getting hair off of cat trees & beds otherwise if you invest in an edger the horse hair brush head is a wonderful tool for gathering hair off of cat beds/ trees just bush it over the surface and the hair sticks to it than suck off the hair & repeat 7. Rugs,cat beds, toys, pillows, curtains,& throws.can all be placed in the dryer low heat or no heat and tumble them for 10-30 mins and will come out fluffed and clean 8. Keeping your cat brushed helps keep hair at bay 9. You don’t have to do all of this every week but just one deep clean will catch/rid mostly all hair. In which time you can monitor what parts of your house/ items/ furniture get hairy the fastest. Do basic quick cleans of the hairiest areas of your home every week and the areas that take more time to build up once a month or so. Doing these things listed above will clean up most if not all cat hair for a time but you’ll never get it all it’s part of owning a fur baby but once cleaned up it is easy to find a routine to keep up on it. I hope this helps lmk if you have any questions. Happy cleaning!🧹 Edit: just wanted to say make sure you are suctioning off your vacuums/ edger bush heads every time you use them. As hair will build up on them and won’t be as effective.


Floor squeegee once a week


Seconding the squeegee. I have a fluffy sheddy dog and this is what I do.


Roomba running daily was the key for me.


Accept the fact that you will forever have fur everywhere as a pet owner.


Brush the carpet more regularly? I enjoy it. Chuck on a podcast and brush thoroughly, then go over it with a vacuum, best chore of the week because it instantly makes the space feel properly clean. I do the lounge, bed and cat tower too, because any loose hair will end up on the floor eventually. I brush my long haired cat once a week, my extra large wire haired deerhound twice a week, and my tiny gutter-rat rescue cat pretty much daily, not because she needs it but because she adoooores it We are saving for a robot vac too


I work night shift so I sleep most of the day, and of course I get the random motivation to clean at 3am. Then I have to wait until at least 7am to do anything that's loud. Sorry downstairs neighbors.


I don’t understand what you mean. You work night shifts but you want to clean up at 3 am? Aren’t you at work? Just do it when you’re back from work or before. It’s just the vacuum in your bedroom. The rest can wait when you’re off since it doesn’t make noise. The brushing of your cats you could do it in bed.


I meant on nights when I'm off


Maybe you could do it but try to do it silently and do the vacuum the other days? I tend to clean at night or around 5 am. we just have to adjust but it’s feasible. Your cat is cute and proud in that picture.


*puts hand on shoulder* Acceptance


I would suggest to brush the cats almost daily, this will help a bit with them shedding. Cleaning weekly usually helps too. You can get a cheap roomba a which helps a lot


Rubber Squeege for windows is good for removing cat hair from carpet. Rubber bristle brooms are sold for removing cat/dog hair. Turbo spinning vacuum heads do work, but can get tangled.


Use a carding comb for your kitty! It's made of metal, has alternating long and short teeth and grabs sooooo much loose hair and undercoat. It's fantastic, even for short haired cats. Regular combing also helps prevent hairballs, since there's less hair for your cat to ingest while grooming themself. I do not recommend tools like the FURminator because it can damage the skin and break the hair, literally leaving bald spots if used incorrectly. An alternative tool would be a rubber curry brush. Unfortunately, loose fur comes with the territory of owning pets. Even low shedding ones still shed.


I'd vacuum once a week and plan on squeegeeing the carpet once a month. It's not the end of the world for things to get hairy or dusty because you're living there, as long as you have a routine to knock things back down to clean regularly.


Honestly, I shave my cats every once in a while. Is it aesthetically cute? No. Am I a professional? No but I avoid sensitive areas (armpits, belly). I have 4 cats, 3/4 have long hair. I usually do it in the spring and summer, I avoid during winter just in case they’d get a bit cold even tho I keep the house pretty toasty.


I kinda wanna see how you shave them lol I have to shave my long hair boy sometimes if he keeps getting dingleberries


I got a clipper from amazon (with a ceramic blade, it takes longer to get less sharp). I have a shower with a glass door so basically I bring the car in there with me so they can’t run away. If I didn’t, I’d lock us up in a room where they can’t run away. Step 1 is always to cut the claws, that’s very important. The first time you can bring treats but honestly I stopped using them because basically they don’t eat them because they’re stressed. Obviously it is a stressful experience but I don’t think they’re traumatized. I shave against the grain (less change of accidentally nicking their skin) and I just… shave away lol. For the butt I kind of hold their tail up. For part of it, I will kind of sit them on my lap, holding their front paws in my hands. I do get scratched and I tried wearing long sleeves and gloves but I realized it didn’t do much after I got scratched in the face. They don’t scratch me the whole time, once they scratch me I know they’re fed up and stop. One of my cats starts biting very hard as soon as I start so I got her an “astronaut helmet” (once again from amazon, just type like “helmet cat grooming” in the search bar) and I put that on her. The helmet isn’t uncomfortable and she’s not traumatized, she still loves me right after but obviously she’s learnt that if she bites me extremely hard I stop. She’s always been this way, just cutting her nails is a nightmare. The helmet also came with something to put on their paws. It keeps falling off so I don’t use it. I give them lil breaks (without letting them escape). Sometimes I’ll shave half of each cat in one day, the other half on the next day. Keep in mind, it never looks really good, especially my cat that bites: I just try to do it as quickly as possible, so yeah basically, they look a bit diseased for a week or so after, then it grows back and it look kind if normal. Don’t hesitate if you have any other questions. I’ve been doing that for years and nothing bad came out of it.


Wow, you are really brave! Cat scratches or bites me, im seriously going to want to give up! But I know it's best for the cat to be more comfortable.


I guess I am a bit fearless. I’ll be 100% honest tho: I do it more for myself than for them, but I’m pretty sure it has no negative effect for them. Long-haired cats also tend to get hairballs a lot, despite an appropriate diet and regular brushing so I guess it must be good for them. They definitely regurgitate less when recently shaved.


I saw another comment saying you couldnt get a better vaccum right now, but my mom found a rubber broom & that has helped a lot with the extra dog hair on the floor!


They make inexpensive rakes for running over furniture or the rug to collect pet hair. You can also use squeegee or rubber / nitrile gloves to collect all the hair you can before you vacuum. I do this once a week. Be sure to dust as well. All that hair and dander will float up in the air and settle onto other surfaces. I cover our furniture with protective cloth covers to keep hair off surfaces as much as possible, and then we just throw those in the washer and dryer with pet hair collectors. If your pet is shedding this much, they are also consuming a lot of hair, so be sure to provide cat grass.


I bought a robot vacuum and use it for daily maintenance. Then use my big vacuum once a week. It definitely helps minimize the amount of fur.


The furminator brush


Vacuum your cat lmao!! I have 5 cats and 2 dogs, all you can do is vacuum all the time


I wish he would let me vacuum him! He's so scared of the vacuum cleaner


Garfield himself gave the best advice on [December 16,1978](https://garfield-comic-strips.fandom.com/wiki/December_16): A good coat of varnish.


I have two long hair cats and was ready to give them up because of all the hair. I found a pet grooming kit/vacuum on Amazon and it's been a game changer. It comes with all the attachments to brush and trim their hair. I keep my cats hair short now and it's been great. I believe I paid $80 plus tax


Could you possibly link the one you got? $80 sounds great for that




I hope I did that right. That's the exact one I've got and I have no complaints.


Squeegee on the carpet is also pretty useful for picking up animal hair.


I know this is about cleaning but I will say there are other ways to reduce shedding like making sure your cats are well hydrated and that they get enough fat and nutrients through treats, food and supplements. I highly recommend getting them a water fountain to drink from bc as cats get older, they have issues with dehydration and that can make them shed more and have other issues. I don't have cats anymore but if I got another one, I would find a cat tree or bed with bristles on it so they could kind of groom themselves too. You could also get an air purifier, which collects some air borne hair as well as all the dust and allergens they carry around.


I add water to their food and make sure they always have water available in multiple places. I have thought about getting them fish oil supplements or something like that to see if it helps with the shedding. I've tried the brushes for them to groom themselves and they aren't into it :(


Wash bedding regularly, dust up high (fans, blinds, fixtures) an air purifier and carpet extracting once in a while, makes a giant difference


Get an air purifier. We have a smart one by Levoit. I schedule it to run on low during the day and medium at night while we’re asleep. It does a really good job of cleaning the air, I’ve noticed less pet hair on things since using it. We have 3 cats and a dog, btw.


I have a cheap one that I keep by the door, I might try moving it to the bedroom and see if that helps any.


Rubber brooms are a tenner. They help.


Would make a great toupee


i run roomba every day. she keeps it under control


Not cheap but I saved up for a while for a shark robot vacuum (about 350$). It is the best thing ever for my house and kitty! I run it in every other day and it keeps my space very clean! Still run a regular vacuum weekly or every other week. Your kitty is so cute! 🥰


Make sweaters out of it! Learn to card, spin and knit.


My mom has the libman nitty gritty roller mop and she takes out the sponge half of it and uses the part with the bristles on the carpet to pull up hair. I've used this method while cleaning her place and it's pretty quick. Though I am now curious about these rubber brooms! ETA: I then vaccuum the floor after most of the hair is up!


I have 2 large area rugs that I spray with Static Guard, let it sit for a few minutes then vacuum with my regular old vac. This seems to release the cat hair better than just plain vacuuming. The chemical smell of the Static Guard can be a little strong so I would also open a window for some fresh air. Also this stuff works good when wearing pantyhose and a dress in the winter. Static Guard Fabric Spray, Fresh Linen Scent, 5.5 Ounce Can https://a.co/d/3tVRgxg


We have 3 cats (1 long haired) and we started getting them used to brushing for the start. We also got a cheap ($60) robot vac that runs every morning. That keeps the loose hair to a manageable level between regular weekly cleanings. The robot also motivates everyone in the house to keep things picked up.


Idk but I hope you’re taking allergy pills everyday!!


I need to, idk if I'm just now getting over a cold or bad allergies.


A rubber glove is magic for getting cat hair off of furniture.


By embracing the floof?


Make some fine yarn!


Never had any clue how to clean carpet, but for upholstery like car seats and cat trees I just use a normal rubber glove for cleaning. It works wonder and is easy to clean and shelf.


Put in on tree limbs so birds can use it to build their lil nest 🪺


Air purifier maybe?


Construct a new cat with the leftover fur.


[FURemover Original Indoor Pet Hair Rubber Broom with Carpet Rake and Squeegee, Black and Yellow](https://a.co/d/fg0EEDV)


You don’t 🤣 I spend so much of my life vacuuming. I also have this rubber comb thing that works great, but it’s only small and it’s hard work. I come out sweating


Spendy, but would cut down on the excess fur in your home... You could have your cat professionally groomed every 4 - 6 weeks. Bath, blow dry, nails, de-shed. It won't stop all the excess fur, but it will cut down the volume tremendously. A guard comb or Lion trim would also accomplish the same.


I've looked for a pet groomer that does cats where I live and haven't been able to find any.


My wife and I have 5 pets and we got a small squeegee to help pull fur up off furniture


Collect the fur, make another cat. 🥳 On serious note, Shark Pet vacuum is pretty good. I recommend.


Get wooden floors


Feed kitty better food if you’re not already using a high quality product. Reconsider the food you feed if kitty sheds a lot. Bathe kitty occasionally, brush with slicker brush gently when dry. Roomba a few days a week, and remove carpets if possible. Accept some amount of hair in exchange for having kitty


Look for a fur rake. They’re usually pretty cheap and are manual but you can use them once a month (or week depending on how bad the fur problem is) but you should notice that even with just a once a month use you’re getting less up from vacuuming because the vacuum can get the deep down fur but won’t get all of it. Fur rakes are amazing if you’re able bodied enough to use them (definitely do not recommend if you have trouble getting up/down or a bad back)


No vacuum is a match for the floor squeegee


Other? you could always shave your cat with clippers.


Get rid of your cats. Also I’m totally kidding. What I’ve found most useful for our cat is yes, brushing and vacuuming but also getting them groomed by a professional and a small trimming never hurts


You can try a no rinse shampoo. Use a little at a time to get your cat used to it and maybe start with putting it in the brush. It helped my cat's shedding and excessive grooming a lot


If you can get your cat acclimated to some heavy brushing with a hairbrush, after a month or two of brushing, that will remove a lot of that fur from cat baby, and put it on the brush instead of on your floor. You’ll still have to vacuum a lot but much of the fur and dander will go onto the hair brush instead of flying all around


Certain air purifiers are actually made for pet fur.


My allergies flared up just looking at this


My rug squeegee is awesome, I think I ordered it from Chewy, but I've seen them in stores as well for under $15. Cat fur is a nevwr ending battle that most of the time, I don't even try to fight. One cat lets me skip the middleman, and I just use the lint roller on her. She loves it so much that I have to hide it from her. I brush them regularly but there is still fur everywhere.


Keep doing this and use it as pillow filling?


Start Felting. You have an unlimited supply of material.


Get rid of the cat? Problem solved


Accept your fate and get a good vacuum lol.


Check thrift stores. They usually have old high-powered vacuum cleaners. If you have a swiffer or other flat-headed floor cleaning tool, wrap it with a damp microfiber cloth and "mop" the carpeted area. Remove the hairs Or borrow a vacuum from a friend once a month or so.


100$ robot vacuum


Internet friend, if you find a solution please let me know 😂 I have 4 cats, I use a silicone carpet brush, I have shark vacuum I use every other day and a Kirby vacuum (very heavy duty, great suction) i use 2x a month and I'm drowning in cat hair. I could def brush the cats more but they hate sitting still. I feel like hair is woven into clothing, blankets, carpet... It's just every where. We use pet hair remover rollers on clothes constantly. When I crochet I have to use a roller on it to remove hair as I go as the cats think my crochet project is theirs to cuddle on. I keep my closet door and laundry room door closed all the time to keep them from getting hair on clean clothing but it feels like a never ending battle. Would I get rid of my babies over the issue.... Never. I love them to bits and if i have to spend my life's savings on hair remover rollers and carpet rakes then that's what I'll do. But seriously, any suggestions??? 😂


We got a carpet rake for our bedrooms (only place with it) and it's helped so much. It gets down in there and removes an astonishingly disgusting amount of hair 😅 It's good in place of a vacuum or before, if you have a lower end vac that doesn't quite get the job done.


Your cat could have fur balls. I had 6cats and never saw anything like this in m houses.... Cats have an undercoat and need brushing. You may need Petromalt on hand because fur balls build up and make cats extremely sick. Veterinarians all to often have no idea what the problem is. My Tortie got insanely sick and no vet could figure out what was wrong with her. I figured it out and lots of Petromalt she coughed up maybe 6 huge fur balls. All better, problem solved.


One of mine will cough up a furball every month or so, but the majority of their shed fur ends up in the carpet or just as little tumbleweeds that I pick up as I see them.


Yes. This can be a life threatening issue. Please brush kitties thoroughly although when they groom themselves their system can get clogged up with fur balls.


You can double up.


Use a furminator type comb-brush thing, it will help get more of the loose fur out in a shorter amount of time.


Just knit a sweater once a year!


Throw the cat away


I have an uproot tool. I do it before vacuuming and then vacuum. It’s amazing how my carpet comes back to life and you can use it on most surfaces (cat tree, bedding, etc). For reference, I have 2 cats (one is a long hair) and a husky. Vacuuming is not enough.


high quality vacuum. optional: rubber brush-head attachment for a broomstick and brush carpet prior to vacuuming (also there are hand-held rubber things to get fur out of chairs/nooks and crannies. I have tons of severly cat-allergic friends and family over (like truly severe allergies) and they are totally fine if I dust & vacuum with my new sebo 1-3 days before they come over and stay the weekend for a visit. Truly. A good vacuum works wonders.


Half asleep here and thought the cat hair came from one brushing!


Have you tried supplements like [this](https://www.chewy.com/shed-x-dermaplex-shed-control/dp/43602?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Shed-X&utm_campaign=20642288853&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V0Y4J02wRcDGl3ED0KB430gZ)? Or a [de-shedding shampoo](https://www.amazon.com/Shed-X-Shed-Control-Shampoo-8-Ounce/dp/B005DL7C1Q/ref=asc_df_B005DL7C1Q/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693346406800&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13193829477322544555&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011687&hvtargid=pla-800772088742&psc=1&mcid=5504eabb33f239ee9c65dc3346a35ac3&gad_source=1)?


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'SynergyLabs Shed X Shed Control Shampoo'", 'SynergyLabs')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Reduces shedding and makes fur soft (backed by 5 comments) * Effective on various cat hair lengths (backed by 2 comments) * Pleasant scent and easy to rinse (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Does not effectively reduce shedding (backed by 4 comments) * May cause increased shedding (backed by 2 comments) * Difficult to lather (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Give cat a bath in deshedding shampoo and blow dry the loose fur out ...or take it to the groomer


Freezing them worked for me


I use Flonase. And my vacuum is great. Miele, as mostly have tile and carpet.


Maybe takw her to the vet. They might have a solution if she sheds hair more than normal.


What else is there 😆


Changing their diet, even a 10% change by adding bone broth or fresh fish or fish oil that will help them shed less


We have ours shaved at the vet. Problem solved.


I’d suggest putting it outside for birds but they may not want a nest that smells like cat


Not have cats? You have cats, they have hair. I’m Not sure you can change much about that.


Get rid of the cat


No, they are both my babies.


We've got very close to getting a cat. But the flat we were going for got issues and the one we got last minute is not pet friendly. When I see these videos or pics, it seriously makes me reconsider getting a cat, despite loving them so much