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Have you not seen how the fandom reacted to Ahsoka in 2008? What Ashley Eckstein went through?




Okay, but this meme is saying that Ahsoka was universally loved in her first appearance which is factually not the case.




With the use of the Palpatine line, it implies that - during Ahsoka’s first appearance - the Star Wars fandom was accepting and supportive of Ahsoka as a character, which they weren’t. That’s what I’m trying to get across.


Woah. woah. woah woah. 2008?


Ahsoka didn't kill a fan favorite character. However yeah Gabi is just brainwashed.


Considering that if you watched only starting the Marley arc, you'd think Gabi was a hero.


Eren being the Darth Vader of that viewing order: starts off as a bad guy coming in but gets prequels showing he wasn’t always a bad guy


Whole series is about how war can desensitize people.


IDK Marley was putting people in concentration camps. Which would give you reason to believe the terrorists might not be terrorists.


Well it was clear the Eldian's were being oppressed, but they were also the ones being attacked (like it was in their home camp and shit)


I’m just saying the narrative was morally grey even if you just start in the last season. It never really felt as simple as these guys are clearly justified in their actions.


they fucking hated ahsoka at first no?


Yeah, no, I remember when clone wars first came out. Ahsoka was talked about back then the way Rey is today lol.


wait im confused you agree or disagree with me? because you said no but you also said the same thing that i did edit: fuck off all of you lmao 😭😭🤣🤣


Oh no yeah, for sure, They agreed


Yeah no yeah it was obvious


no, yeah, he said yeah, no, which means no, yeah?


No, yeah, you got it


Yeah no, for sure.


I agree with you, I guess I decided today's the day for broken english.


Man, they went all in on your ass. 😂😂


Shit man, I was way late to the party, knew she was a beloved character, and hated her at the beginning. I adore Ahsoka, but if I restarted CW right now, I would still dislike her for most of the first season.


That's the point of her character arc, lol. Ur supposed to not like her at first, that's how beloved characters get ya.


Ahsoka was the reason I couldn’t get my dad into Clone Wars at first as a kid, it wasn’t until season 7 was out I convinced him to watch to give it a try again.


I fucking hated the clone wars movie when it came out. It was cool but it had to many stupid moments that took me out of the immersion. I was 9 and I already though it was too childish and stupid. There was a scene were Rex bamboozled the droids by shouting them to surrender because they were outnumbered, there were 2 clones against like 30 droids. The droid in command stopped firing, gave an order to stop firing and started to slowly count droids and clones. * Droids don't surrender. * Droids should already know the number of friendlies and allies in an area. * Droids shouldn't stop firing unless someone tries to surrender and thus can be interrogated. * That scene made it into a Star Wars Movie on cinema without nobody stopping it. Ahsoka was not at the top of my "targets for hate" list. I blame that movie for my meagre enthusiasm towards the series.


Literally everyone did. I feel like a lot of SW fans have nostalgia vision for that era of Star Wars, people haaaated Ahsoka in the first 2ish seasons of the show.


Yeah, but it wasn't nearly as much as Gabi


Lots of people still hate her, quite rapidly too.


No idea who Gabi is, but there's ways that you can make a kid annoying while also being entertaining and un to have on screen. Ahsoka was a brat during her earlier appearances. She had a massive ego and didn't follow authority, yet somehow still got her way in the end. They changed that during the Ryloth arc in season one when she was in charge of attacking the enemy blockade. She was humbled. She learned her place in the ear. She learned how to become a leader and the importance of following orders (or break them in classic Anakin fashion). She then went on to be one of the best characters in the series.


So, in Attack on Titan's 4th season, Gabi is originally introduced as an immature, pompous and cocky kid who falls for Marleyan state propaganda that Eldians are all evil monsters who should be killed. (Keep in mind, Gabi is also twelve.) She later kills Sasha, who was one of the main protagonists. However as season 4 progresses she begins to realize that Eldians are perfectly fine and she humbles herself. The problem? Most of the fans only see Gabi for killing Sasha and the events up to and little after that. They don't really comprehend that you can redeem yourself, or that you can be a victim of propaganda, or that 12 year olds can be pretty cocky, etc.


Well it's like Abbie from The Last of Us part 2. If she didn't >!kill Joel!<, then fans would have given her character a chance. Although us humans are supposed to be forgiving in this modern era, our human nature seeks Justice. As soon as a character does an irredeemable act, they become irredeemable. Especially as she was not the intended antagonist of the game - the game portrayed her as a second protagonist but we immediately saw her as an antagonist and thus people took to the internet to voice their concerns because they felt there was no 'Justice'. However, this only applies if the character was introduced as a protagonist or ally to the protagonist. 'Villains' tend to get a different reception. For e.g. Neegan's character in TWD - He is the big bad antagonist in the earlier seasons. But as the series introduces more bigger and worse antagonists, Neegan becomes an Anti-Hero. We know he's not redeemable and we won't forgive him for his past sins, but he's fighting against people we hate even more, and that makes him likeable. We expect nothing but terrible from a 'villain' which makes redeemable actions drastically improve their likeability, whereas we expect everything but terrible from a 'hero' which makes irredeemable actions ruin their likeability.


Ashoka was an annoying kid. Gabi killed Sasha,one of the few characters that wasn't either depressed, depressing, mentally ill or Eren,Wich was all of the above


So Armin can bomb the hell out of possibly hundreds of civilians including children and Floch can execute POW’s, who weren’t hostile to begin with, simply because they didn’t like the idea of fucking omnicide, but when a literal child, under the influence of propaganda, fires a bolt action rifle point blank into a crowd of **Soldiers with full knowledge of the possibility of their death on the mission,** who also literally had just finished bombing thousands, she’s the most hated character?


Isn't the power of storytelling interesting?


Yes, because for the longest time we’ve seen the whole story unfold from the Scout’s (and specifically, Armin’s) perspective.


Well you see, we dont have a emotional attachment those POWs or civilians lol


The people you know, mean more to you than the people you don’t.


I honestly had to stop watching after the star of whatever that season was. I hated the main guy way too much, and watching the show would kinda miss me off too much


Yo gabi sucks ass, she killed Sasha for no reason and does nothing useful until the plot absolutely demands it. It pissed me off how hard they had to shoehorn her into the story, I never enjoyed seeing her on screen.


> Killed Sasha for no reason. So just… continue to completely ignore everything I say instead of trying to hold an actual conversation. Its not like Gabi is literally meant to be a direct comparison to Eren or anything.


You’re trying to logically explain why we feel the way we feel about anime characters. The thing we know, as the audience, is that gabi is a naive child that killed one of the main protagonists in the story. She then went on to do very little for said story, and achieved even less as a comparison to eren. Take her out of the story and not much after Sasha’s death would change 🤷‍♂️ Defend her for some reason if you’d like, but it’s no mystery why no one likes her.


Sascha was one of the few redeemable characters, she didnt deserve that.


Nobody in Attack on Titan deserved any of what happened to them. That's the point. I loved Sasha more than the next guy, but the story is much larger than just her.


It was a mistake. And she made up for it. That's the point of her.


She literally goes down the dark side to redemption path. Taking a character that starts off annoying and evil and making them sympathetic as they redeem themselves is awesome. I won't ever say I love Gabi, but I really enjoyed her story arc.


Gabby is a combination of annoying, too good of a soldier for her age, killed a beloved character, and comes in late and has a huge role at the end of a beloved series. Imagine building up this badass villain for 4 seasons, then having their head blown off by an annoying little kid that you just recently introduced. I don’t like the decision at all.


Gabi was brainwashed as a child and still was very much a child when she killed Gabi. She didn't know Gabi was afan favorite character, she saw the person attacking her home and let her anger kick in. Girl skipped fear and allowed her anger and hate to cause suffering. AOT is Star Wars, but instead of the force it's giant zombies.


Nah fam. The fandom *HATED* Ahsoka at first.


People fucking hated ahsoka. What are you talking about?


I mean Ahsoka didn’t show up in her first episode and kill Obi Wan so I don’t really see a parallel


Ahsoka didn’t kill any beloved character.


Ahsoka Tano did not kill the show’s best girl within less than 4 hours of her first appearance


Tbf… a lot of Attack on Titan fans obsessively love Floch Forster. We aren’t the smartest fanbase.


Bruh, really?




Was Ahsoka not viewed as super annoying and out of place at first?


Oh yes, she was.


I never stopped seeing her that way.


I remember when the clone wars began on the television. Ahsoka was reviled. It took literal seasons for her to become a fan favorite.


This happens a lot in Star Wars, the child protagonist is annoying in their first appearances and slowly gets better as they become more mature. The fans never seem to figure that out and whine about how awful they are. Omega comes to mind as well


Fans hated Ahsoka at first. We didn't because we were kids


prolly helps that ahsoka had like 2 seasons to grow out of her flaws and several more to see the person she grew into


You do know that people hated the shit out of Ahsoka in the beginning right?


Hard to believe, ain't it?


One of them didn’t kill a fan favorite character


Gabi is supposed to be a mirror of Eren


No? Fans hated Ashoka when she was first introduced


Gabi killed best girl


Annoying =/= shitty


Idc she killed Sasha, sorry spoilers


I see you’re a newer fan. Ahsoka was considered the absolute worst part of the show by some people. Opinions on her ranged from a general dislike of her, to absolutely hating her, and one of the main reason people didn’t like the show when it first came out, and as a result completely dismissed it as a whole. Using that quote would imply people wanted to see more of her, when that was quite literally the exact opposite. People wanted her killed off.


Nono, i mean star wars fans also hated Asoka (as was written) so she could have character growth until she had that growth


Gabbi was an annoying kid who despite there being much more interesting stuff going on, took up atleast half an entire season's worth of screen time AFTER killing AOT's most meme worthy character. Ahsoka was a main character who made a bad call as a military commander once and got some nameless clones killed. And eventually maturing into a fan favorite character My biggest issue with Gabbi was that she wasn't necessary yet took up so much screentime. There was so much more interesting shit going on, and I remember the disappointment after waiting a week just to be faced with *another* Gabbi episode


I disagree, Gabi was entirely necessary to show the effects of propaganda on children in an anti war anime like AoT. Some AoT fans would absolutely be just like Gabi if they were raised in a nation that demonized a particular group and would do the same thing she did and kill Sasha, but that is lost on them because they're watching AoT for battles or whatever.


Gabi is just female Eren spawned on the other team. I was more angry than most when she killed Gabi (happened three years ago, catch up) but she redeemed herself in my eyes when she saw just how brainwashed she had become.


There were plenty of peope who hated Ahsoka and wanted to see her killed off sooner rather than late. Might be hard to believe now, but the hate was real.


Hot take: Tano was never really that interesting or cool. She was ironically only cool in Rebels (at least, in the clips I’ve watched)


Ok but like back in the early days people did not like Ashoka


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ThatOneWood: *Ok but like back* *In the early days people* *Did not like Ashoka* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not even close haiku bot


Gabi was not written to only be annoying at her first appearance


English VA for Gabi just SCREECHES every time she spoke. I couldn't stand it. And no, before anyone says it, I won't watch with subs, so I can't speak for the Japanese version


Am I the only one who remembers how people used to hate Ahsoka?


Ahsoka was hated when she first appeared.


what are you talking about people hated ahsoka when she came out


I could be misremembering, but didn't a lot of people HATE Ahsoka at first?


wasnt ahsoka hated at first until they changed her personality a bit?


IDC Gabi deserves the worst of anything.


Didn't people fucking hate ahsoka at first and it wasn't until she started to actually develop as a character she became a fan favourite?


Brother is straight rewriting history. Nah boss, everyone hated Ahsoka at the beginning. She only started having any semblance of a positive response *multiple* seasons into the TV show.


We hated Ashoka when she first came out too, but then her character developed, she was shown the consequences of her naïveté and grew into her role as a Jedi and commander. Now she’s pretty fuckin rad


No? Do y'all not remember the greater fan reaction to Ahsoka when she first was introduce? It most DEFINITELY was NOT that. Yeah, she won fans over time, but the initial reaction was the same as the bottom picture.


To me gabi started annoying and then stayed the most insufferable character who refused to see them as anyone other than the enemy and I was cheering when she was about to be bonked by the wine bottle🤣


I hated the 08 clone wars movie and Ashoka so much when it first came out. I was either 12 or 13 and the 08 movie along with Ashoka felt as though it was made for kids younger than me. I think it definitely spoiled my interest in anything new for Star Wars till I was 18-19. Early clone wars cartoon looked like garbage (poor CGI) and well, rebels was painful too. It took me a long while to give those shows a chance. YouTube compilations helped with that a lot too.


I never finished Fascist Ultraman, but Ahsoka was hated plenty when she debuted. She only has the love she does now because of 15 years of character growth.


That was NAWT the fandoms first reaction to Ahsoka


People are just misremembering things. Ashoka was hated for a while, but improved as she had meaningful character arcs. If you were there for her introduction, she had few fans. In gabi’s case, it’s just stupidity from the attack on titan fans. It’s fine to not like gabi, but the people with a lot of hatred for her really showed their ass. They showed that they’re no better than any of the parties continuing the cycle of violence in the show and in real life conflicts, that they are too driven by their emotions or just too stupid to think about it for a moment.


At least Ashoka wasn’t racist also hated her for a long time too the difference was that Ashoka had a redemption over time and gabi got forgiven over time these are very different story devices


Gabi more like Goatbi


We're gonna act like 45 year old men didn't shit their entire immune systems into their pants when a mere mention of a teen girl lead was barely an idea?


Also, I hated asohka when she first came out


Im pretty sure a lot of people hated Ahsoka in the first few seasons. I remember seeing all kinds of posts hating on her just like 5 years ago


Bro people HATED Ahsoka on release whut?


Ahsoka was initially disliked before getting development, don’t pretend otherwise. If what I’ve heard about Gabi’s deeds is true, warming up to her is going to take awhile, but if a TLOU2 situation.


Oh Snips...we sharply despised you in the Clone Wars movie and season 1, but how you got excellent character development and more likeable really has made you the GOAT.


I don't get it.


Ahsoka didn't kill a fan favorite. Gabi has no redeeming qualities