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Research it ffs. Nemlei is a single indie game developer who creates walk n talk light puzzle visual novel rpg games with twisted genres and interesting unique plots. She/he is just a storyteller while everyone is here to listen. Will never have a social media, discord, or patreon account, so the only way to somehow contact is through steam, probably? https://nemlei.itch.io/


They do not want to be found. Leave them alone. Coffin is a very controversial game, and so as some of their previous games. They are likely to be harassed and even assaulted if they ever reveal any of their personal information. Only anonymity brings true freedom of creativity. Oh, and they're likely to be one person.


It's an unfortunate reality of, well, reality, that people like to be shitters to eachother. I would love to talk to them about the intricacies of storytelling as well as their choice of character designs at both a narrative level and physical visual design level, which is probably just the creative writing nerd in me fantasizing. I can respect the anonymity though, must be nice to be almost entirely untraceable.


People’s sense of reasoning goes out the window on the internet, you get to see bits and pieces of what they would never dare share or show face to face. It’s fascinating both the good and bad that people make just because it’s over the internet.


I just wish that they posted artwork or something




You cant be a game dev and expect people to not wanna know about you


i am actually in the process of finding this person and might kill them, not fucking around btw


That's just being a game developer. That's why gamergate was a thing. But you cant make games that you wish to attract an audience to and expect people to not be curious who you are.


I wish they would post artwork if they made any, I like their style its generic but unique at the same time.


Did they do the artwork and style themselves?? it looks amazing and is what first drew me to the game.


Yeah, she originally made TCOAAL on her own, but handed ownership to Kit9. She'll still work on the art and story though


Thank Goodness for that then, so long as the original story is finished by the original writer, that's all that matters.


I feel like they do all the art, writing, and coding, oh and probably a she too


What country are Nemlei and Kit9 Studio from?


A finish woman


Oh god, Scandinavians always drop the best stuff out of the whole world. They're like European Japan.