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I’m just glad we got him in 2022


I wore my 2022 SCC shirt for good luck tonight because of it


the better curse is the Patrick Roy curse on all Canadian teams. 31 years I believe since they have won a cup all because they pissed him off in Montreal.


I went to high school with this douche; watched dodge ball with him at my house the week before he went to the nhl. I still hate him. Total prick. Sad oilers lost. Glad he lost.


So your spite is the reason he’s lost all these finals. Thank you for your service o7


It’s also not spite. It’s legit knowing him and he’s an asshole.


I always hate it when assholes go pro


Rick Nash went to school with us. So did Bo Horvat. Great guys. So by comparison, I know a few of these guys and he’s the lowest of them.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7045391 That’s been him since I met him 20 years ago. And he hasn’t changed. A drunk asshole.


You can find a lot of them on adult websites


Did he bang your mom too?


And here’s the Perry dickrider ^


Oh man the mushrooms won’t clutch down yet so I’m just gonna share while I’m too happy go lucky to stop myself - he showed up at my house drunk and wouldn’t stop harassing my sister trying to hook up with her. So she asked me for help. I decided to throw a cock block with the movie dodgeball, asked her if she could go get “us” food (had already told her to just go to our moms house to get away from him). He sat and complained the whole time to me how long she was taking and he had to get to his next date by 7. Apparently forgetting I was her brother. Like cool homie. I go to school with you and know your rep. lol. By the time the movie was over, he finally realized he wasn’t getting any and she wasn’t coming back home. I offered for him to play nhl 03 on PlayStation. Just a little rub in. He obviously said no. And left mad as hell. Hope you liked the movie bud. Free on me. Your OHL days were literally better than your Olympic days. Guys an asshat. I shouldn’t do shrooms and Reddit. But this is probably my only time to ever say this story to anybody and laugh about him for who he really is.


God I hope this is real lmao


Yes. I would t have brought it up except for I was on mushrooms lol. 💯 real. Sadly. I wish he was better than what I encountered.


And you didn’t throw hands? I mean I would have kicked him out of my house instantly with that attitude and probably knocked a few teeth to talking about my sister like that. Jesus man.


Not everyone just wants to fight everyone who is a douche. Violence should typically only be used to combat violence. He wasn’t be violent. Just an ass.


Ya it wasn’t a situation where me being 1-1 in a private room would end well. lol I played my game against him, helped my sister: no need to fire shots


I'm sure starting a fight with a world class athlete would end well


Exactly lmao. The guy is a tank and an asshole. I’m a small dude with no mean bone in me. He would manhandle me. I outsmarted him. Best I can do


Man I’m 145lbs and 5’9” I ain’t throwing hands with a pro nhl athlete who weight 1/3 more than me and is like 6’2”. I cock blocked him, that had the desired effect. No need to throw hands and make the rest of the knights hate me.


I’m still laughing at this comment 🙏😂😋


I just finished watching the game on 3 caps of zooms so I should probably stop the ol Reddit before I get myself into trouble. Been fun friends ♥️ catch y’all in the next season. Avs for life y’all 👉🏴‍☠️🌊


If I had my way, I’d have thrown a few more wrenches he couldn’t dodge and kept him outta the NHL


I have "known" a few past NHLers and I haven't found one that doesn't hate the guy.


All the guys who went to school and played with him hated him. And they were his teammates. Edit:typo


If you hate him, why did you let him in your house?


My sister let him in and then realized he was in creep mode


The 2024 one looks kinda like a cartoon troll


This is my favorite thing about this years playoffs


ATTN: McFarland & Sakic....do not sign Perry.


Pretty sure no one will touch him w a 50' pole, remember he was a Blackhawk before... Something happened. The oilers were dumb enough to think they needed an extra curse on top of their team curse and country curse.


Does anyone actually know what he did to get booted out of Chicago??


No but it's much more fun to stoke the rumor Mill




If the Buffalo Bills was a hockey player




The Four Falls of Perry


He really is an ugly mfer


I think he would look great in a Dead Wings sweater… 😁


So you have to get Perry if you want reach the Stanley Cup but then ditch him right before the final series to have a chance at winning;) Got it… lol


Who is this man and why should I care?


https://preview.redd.it/2m8ccrlg8r8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c271674494eb37fea3367fcf08c7544387991afc Just the guy that lost 4/5 of the last Stanley cup finals.


Glancing at that list, four of those teams haven’t made it to even the Final without him, at least not in a looong time. I’d imagine a lot of teams wouldn’t mind a guaranteed trip to the final. Not the worst curse…


This is definitely an interesting “streak”, but he won a cup so I never really understand it.


He deserves after he kneed Tavares in the head. He tried to play it off like an accident too. The guy is a total POS


OK, we all dislike Corey Perry here but that was 100% unintentional, and I respect the dude for dropping the gloves and taking it without throwing a punch back right after.


We can Agree to disagree. He’s done that stuff his whole career. They’re NHL skaters. Watch it again. If he didn’t see it coming he wouldn’t have jumped, but he did see it coming so that’s why he did jump. I’m not saying he knew exactly what was going to happen, but he did recklessly skate it and jumped into him knowing there was going to be some contact.


That's exactly how I remember it. Nothing he could do. Not trying to stick up for the guy... just facts.


“Boat Anchor”


He needs to go to the East...and then we need to play them in the finals next year.


Just think about how different his legacy would be if he won half of these. He’d be a three time cup champ instead of a laughing stock.