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Really depends on if he wants to test the market, or if he wants to be friendly and stay with a team he meshed real well with and would have a great top six spot. I’d love to see a 3 year team friendly deal, but I’m just a fan.


I’d guess something like 4x4.5, give or take a year and give or take $0.5m AAV


I'd say 3× 4 or 4.5 is reasonable.


Depends how bad Mac wants him there. Gotta consider the interpersonal stuff not always about the money.




I would guess around Mitts 5.75m 3 years, but I always am wrong when I try to play GM for Avs


Highly doubt it'll be 5-6. Definitely will start with 4- my guess would be 4.75 x 3 yrs.


I neither hate nor love that number, so I'm guessing it will come in around there. I also thinking there is a non-zero chance we go long with Drouin, 8x$3.5M, to get his number down.


I don’t think that will be the move. First there is an expectation that salaries go up in 3 ish season. Covid meant a flat salary cap, and a loan from owners to players which had to be paid back. Now that is finished, so players hope salary cap around 100,000,000 up from 80m just 2 years ago Some players are taking 2-3 year contracts so they’re free when the cap goes up to sign larger contract Second, Drouin has been all over the place last few seasons. He had 59 points last season, and only missed 2 games Previously he had 29 points and missed 24 games, then 20 points and missed 48 games. I think it’s in everyone’s interest to keep this next contract short, so Drouin can go for max if he can put up another season like last year. I would be really nervous tying him to a long term at low or high end of pay


10.5 after signing Mittlestadt?


Cogs retiring freed up a little money.




Hey Avs fans, sorry to come into your sub, but I was listening to a podcast with Allan Walsh today (Canucks fan, Hronek was being interviewed as well so I wanted to listen to that) and Walsh said something I thought you might find interesting wrt Drouin - he doesn’t mention him but I think the comment is relevant [time stamp - 19:38](https://youtu.be/WzpkcWTXwjQ?si=jNKA_n8noSZ2Djzg) He basically says “Don’t fuck with happy” to his clients - “When you find your happy place, you do everything you can to make it work” I really would be shocked if Drouin doesn’t re-sign with you guys for a team friendly number


I'm definitely basing this off hope and not fact lol, but him being able to play with Nate and he fits really well here I think it's a very good chance he takes a discount to stay assuming nobody's throwing a huge bag at him. I'm guessing less than Mitts but I'd be surprised if it's all the way down at 4 a year. The 4x4.5 people are saying definitely sounds reasonable and possible


He's already made about $40M but his circumstances ended up being hugely impactful for his health and happiness. He's said he wants to be here and we want him back. Honestly why would you make a fuss about $12m vs $16m over however many years? You want to see how many years you can get from Ottawa or Utah instead? See if it was in fact playing here that allowed you to succeed again? The incentives seem strongly aligned to keep a good thing going for cheap.


$4.5 is fair with a team friendly discount considering his 2-3 years before last year. I’d rather move Manson over Sammy G or Colton to make room but I think drouin stays. Don’t see him taking big free agent money to be the guy somewhere else


Manson has an ntc soooo


changes to a modified no trade this summer




If they trade Colton 4m/year is reasonable. Easier to get a 3C at the deadline than a top 6 F (as long as it’s not Lars Eller)


I like this take. I wonder if we can swap a 3C like Colton and a pick for a strong depth D at half price. Fill the 3C role down the line.


I heard rumors that Colton may get moved? If so Drouin takes that salary and then some cap to Trenin maybe plus maybe a sweetheart deal for a 3c?


I’d say 3-4/ 3.75. He made 1 last year on a prove it deal and he proved he’s a great fit in our system but he’s not quite on Lehkys level at 4.5. Wouldn’t hate it at 4 but I doubt anyone else offers him much more looking at his full resume


He would really have to be ok giving up a potential shit load more money to stay here to even stay here.


3year 4mill.


He’ll get more somewhere else. He is Seattle bound IMO.


Drouin is a nice guy and wish him all the best. Having said that he is not a player I’d want in my top 6. And certainly not at more than 2M per year. He deserves to get paid more than that on the open market which prices him out of our team. I know lande and Nuke are question marks but if we need a top 6 winger I think there are other options. I would want a scoring winger who can play a heavier game that is suited for playoff style.


60 point player making 2M a year? He dramatically improved his defense last season and bought into playing on both sides. He is a top 6 player on a Cup contender, so he is certainly a top 6 player in the league.




Fair enough.


What other options do we have to sign a top 6 winger with our cap and roster spots we still have to fill? Jeff Skinner? Lol


Well if Skinner gets bought out, maybe he can take a 1mil 1 yr deal with the Avs like Drouin did


I think he wants to stay east and I’m not crazy about a winger who contributes 0% to defense


You're right about the defense part , but Drouin was the same and has improved his defensive game under Bednar. On another point, defense for the Sabres has always been questionable lol


Drouin is a couple years younger and I think he was very driven to prove his worth after his couple down years and his mental health battles. MAYBE someone can get Skinner the kick in the butt he needs, but where Skinner’s at in his career I’d bet he’s not going to be very eager to rework his game to fit a system. I would think he’d want to find a team where going in it’s understood that his role is to hit the ice and put pucks in the net haha


Name this “heavy playoff winger” the Avalanche could get instead. You’re describing a unicorn. A very hard archetype to fill. One that isn’t available at anything near the avs cap availability this summer.


Tarasenko type player