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Not only did the media think Nathan was better, the players also said he was better.


And both thought Nate's hair was better


I don’t think he did himself any favors with his all star skills performance. Came across as a petulant child


He somehow looked more disinterested tonight than he did at the All Star Skills. I didn't think that was possible.


That interview was fucking horrendous though, I felt very uneasy that he had to sit through that


Just remind them who beat who in 2022.


lighting fans are still coping from their failed 3peat


Mackinnon was by far the better player and deserved it more


They’re saltier than they were when we beat em for the cup!


if the lighting ever run it back with us we already know the outcome


Lighting fans in darkness confirmed For real check your auto correct out of the game


There’s enough salt in those comment threads for a lifetime.


Kuch's face when Mack won the Red was priceless...


They're seething. It's hilarious!


Let them seethe


wait, i like lights 🤔 a lot, actually


They’re literally making posts in their sub with screenshots from this sub crying saying we’re obsessed with TBL. Saying we had the easiest championship in recent memory and that we also only won because they went back to back to back SC and had shortened off seasons. Plus their 1C was injured 😂😂. We were lucky as wells… The mental gymnastics trying to justify losing to us is laughable. Still super salty.


there super satly we stopped their 3peat chances lmao


I saw a news article probably from the bay area. Just saw the headline but it said "Kucherov snubbed by media and peers." It literally came out like 10 minutes after the ceremony. As soon as I saw that I thought what a bunch of whiners. Look at the votes. It was a landslide. Well over double the first place votes. Then to back it up with the Lindsey? Now if Kuch won the Lindsey and Nate won the Heart then you could have an agreement. But it wasn't close. Go pound sand lightning fans.


Kuch is the garbage time stat padding king


Who cares we’d be doing the same thing in their shoes. I know, you think “not me, not if the other guy really deserved it” and I believe you, but you know that’s what our sub would be flooded with.


oh i totally understand, and im more passive with awards in sports anyways, like obviously i want my team and players to win all the awards they can but other than a championship, im not losing sleep if they don’t get everything, like when i saw makar didnt win the norris this year u went “damn that sucks anyways” lmao


I actually figured kooch works get it, and even then, Mcdavid before Mack. Glad Mack got it, but ah well if he didn't. Definitely glad it wasn't Mcdavid. Fuck him and the rest of the oilers


This was a close enough race that I'm not sure I'd have been opposed to any of the three winning it, really.