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I've seen clips where you body pull the mobs but don't get hit by them to make them snap


This is the answer, your tank needs to aggro all 3 packs and make it to the jump jet without getting hit and they'll be able to take it without issues. If you have an spriest you can make this easier by having them wait just in front of the jet and lifegrip the tank at max range.


Legit question: won't grip put the priest in combat? Our tank has a 50-50 success ratio on the snap pull, and gripping would make it much more consistent. If it doesn't, then big thanks for the heads up!


He should go into the heroic mode and practice. It's infinitely solo repeatable


>He should go into the heroic mode and practice. It's infinitely solo repeatable Funny, the first time I saw this Snap on IIRC Dorki's Stream, someone in the Group said: "I need to go into M0 later and practice that Snap." So even the bleeding-edge tip-top Key-Pushers echo your statement.


nothing surprising about it. this is how it's always been done


The rules would apply the same to the priest as the tank, as long as they don't get melee'd they can take the jet, being in combat doesn't prevent them from using it.


Brilliant, we got this. Thanks a lot, mate. And kudos for all your great guides <3


No problem, glad you find them useful!


You need meld. Almost impossible without. Tank grabs aggro on lashers. Waits for a good path from the skitters. Tank jumps to someone at the launcher. Someone at the launcher has to use a helpful spell on the Tank. The tank shadow melds. Both use the launcher. Adds will snap. Big defensives for whoever used the helpful spell.


Same as S1, bodypull but don't be hit.


Alternative to everything else that's been said but, the dh can pull everything jump jump to the wind, either spriest or healer heals the tank and jumps Vdh melds and jumps as well, when the mobs snap they will evade for a bit and it hasn't really every causes any agro issues.