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For oil, I just put dish soap on it and walk away. It’ll seep into the stain and when it rains, the soap will help coax the oil out. Never actually done any scrubbing to oil stains and this method has been successful for oil and oil/gas mix substances.


In the immediate term I would apply some dish soap to the oil spots and scrub it a little with a brush and spray it clean. (Literally) Lather, rinse, repeat. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove. Concrete is porous, and that oil is currently soaking into the "sponge" of your driveway. Maybe someone with more experience in this arena can chime in. Sadly, I've never had much success completely removing oil stains, but maybe there's some magic juice out there that I don't know about.


Take a bottle of White Spirit and a piece of cloth and apply some to one of the smaller spots and see if it helps. Worked for me before


I’m not a concrete pro, just a sloppy motor DIY / hobbyist. Get cheap clay litter - it must be natural clay and NOT those processed cat litters. ( I use the red bag stuff from Walmart - which I keep a 5gal bucket in the garage for emergency spills during oil changes ) toss down a 1/2 inch thick layer on the spots on the dry driveway, on a dry day. Kinda rub it in a little, move it around. Leave it for a few hours. Sweep up the bulk and re-apply. Then get some old shoes or on your knees with gloves and grind the cat litter into the concrete making a powder - it will literally crush to a dust. Leave it for an hour or so and sweep up. Repeat. Sweep up, blow off the dust with a leaf blower and rinse down to see how it’s done the job. Note. Do not just wash away the litter or let it get rained on as it will dissolve and release the oils back out. I find this works 100 times better than liquid grease removers, but if there are any tar like spots left or in deep surface imperfections put a thick coating of dawn dish soap ( not cheap generic - Dawn ) on the spot and cover it with a little litter for a few hours then sweep up and do the grind in process again.


Thank you, I will give this a try🙏


Concrete pro here. I’d start with simple green and a soft brush. If that doesn’t work, a poultice like Prosoco oil stain remover is very effective and won’t discolor the adjacent concrete too much.