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Post the same about Biden and watch how fast it’s removed and your account nuked.


The comment section is disturbing, really shows who we're fighting against.


They really didn't see anything wrong with arguing for their political rival's death.


Yeah, and that’s the thing. I feel like most people here don’t actively wish and anticipate the death of Joe Biden despite him being a shit president. The other side, especially in echo chambers on here, has lost all humanity though. They call themselves liberals but are some of the most intolerant, ignorant, and hateful People I’ve ever seen.


These are the same mentally disturbed individuals who have zero problem with one of their "recognition days" being on the same day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ.... They are that disturbed and broken


Oh look. A collective wokegasm...


TDS, find a cure.


Can’t whole place is pretty much infected


Exactly why I like Trump as a president. He must be so good at curing evil that for the past 4 years, they cant stop thinking about him and finding ways to stop him. I absolutely despise Biden and Pelosi. They are as crooked as they come. But, I dont wish for their deaths, I dont talk about them 24/7, I just hope people will vote them out when elections come around again.


It boggles my mind that the same people who think Trump is the devil still worship Obama


Sanest liberals


They're such fanatics too. I think if you asked this sub "what would you do if Biden died tonight" Responses would be 1. "Oh God now we have kamala" 2. "I feel sorry for the old man being puppeted up until death" 3. "This is what you get when you put an 80 something in office" None of which are particularly polite, he's a senile criminal but afiak he was never responsible for acts of violence against others so he doesn't deserve to die or anything. Dude belongs in a fucking retirement home eating jello not 6 feet under.