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I went to wh for the first time this summer and shyly asked the lady at the front “I’ve never been here before do I sit anywhere?” And the guy at the counter next to me yells “THIS GUY NEVER BEEN TO A WH BEFORE!” and the entire room erupted in a very loud welcoming yell. It was a nice experience.


That’s because you didn’t just go to a Waffle House, you went to a Waffle HOME.


I will never not read comments, I love these gems


I believe it's an old meme from Twitter


Watch out folks, that person said something that someone else said before!


And there's nothing stronger than Waffle FAMILY.


\*happy Toretto noises\*


Goddamn I miss me some Waffle House. Triple order of hashbrowns smothered, chunked, diced, and capped.


Go-to meal after a night of drinking in college. Triple all the way. Perfect to recharge… for another night of drinking. Hell, if I was feeling particularly hungover I’d hit Waffle Heinous and then Bojangles on the way home for that greasy ass Cajun filet with egg and cheese baby. Grease ‘er up, clean ‘er out, time for round 2! As a 35 year old man I just made a Greek salad for lunch. Honestly so much better XD


My friends never shared my enthusiasm for waffle house it's always where I wanted to end a night of drinking. Our go to was usually Cookout or Taco Bell though.


You tell them all those words? "Smothered, chunked, diced, and capped." I've never been but that sounds good.


Yes. There’s a [list of words](https://imgur.com/a/3I7r9Sv) and the all mean something. I get mine covered, peppered, and topped.


o my


Scattered, smothered, and covered are words I could still probably manage to retain after a TBI. I might not remember my spouse, but I could rattle off *my* order without a pause.


"I like them smothered, like them covered, like my Waffle House hashbrowns." Yeah there's a whole lingo.


I see you too are a man of culture.


I live in GA and had a friend come visit from CA. He had never been to WaHo before, so naturally it was our first stop in town. He is a brave soul and got his hashbrowns “all the way.” It’s a sight to behold.


What is "all the way"? Haven't been to WH in years.


“Scattered, Smothered, Covered, Chunked, Diced, Peppered, Capped, and Topped.” So scattered, onions, cheese, ham, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, and chili. He also opted to add sausage gravy on too of the whole thing. It was…intense. I’m a simple, scattered, smothered, covered kinda gal.


I'm from the UK and went to a WH on a work trip 3 years ago. I had a breakfast "all the way", iirc the breakfast came with a side of giant waffle. I was instantly in a jet lagged food coma at 9am and barely did any work that day lol


The All-Star! A full egg breakfast plus meat and a waffle!


They add so much sugar to their waffle batter you’re basically hooked just from the smell.


Yo they changed the menu, now it only has the options for covered smothered and chunked, though obviously OGs know the rest


It's shit like this that makes me wonder if WH is real. I've seen them, but never been to one. There's usually better places I want to check out.


In my opinion it was crazy good for the price. What I got for 8$ at wh would be 15$ at my local diner.


yeah the price/tasty ratio is hella good at WH. The all star breakfast is a steal


I eat Waffle House frequently. They are all over kentucky where I live. Sometimes it’s a little suspect but even in some shadey places it is still good. I had it on New Year’s Day because it was the only place open and it was cooked to perfection. They sprinkled some love on those hash browns.


Just don’t go when all the bars close. WH in the south is where all the drunkards go when it’s closing time. Shit gets wild and loud


It's one of very few options after hours.


Were you also eating beans while watching Cars 2?


Yeah. They got all over me.


As much as I jokingly shit on Waffle House, I do actually like going there. It’s kinda like mud wrestling. It can seem gross at first glance but it’s fun as hell and worth your time


The coffee made me shit my pants right before a speech when I was in college. My partner once got food poisoning there during a road trip and I had to do the rest of the drive myself. I once found a guy passed out in the restroom. Ambulance came and idk what happened to the dude. On the other hand I used to buy THE BEST edibles I have ever had for a price so low it felt like theft from a rockstar grill operator. And those little grenade looking syrups always make me feel nostalgic. After the waffle house shooting near me though I can't bring myself to go back.


I took a roadtrip through the states several years ago. We come across a WH (never having heard of it), and thought it'd be a decent little mom and pop or something. Visited 18 states over the course of a month, completely lost count of how many WHs we spotted lol.


I watched this so many times, she is clearly a professional at manipulating that tooth. I barely know what she did.


Same - had to watch multiple times! What kind of cap pops in and out like that?


Some dentures fit like a retainer. My dad never took care of his teeth as a kid and had a bunch of fake teeth that were very painfully replaced by essentially screwing them on a steel rod that was screwed into his jaw. Those broke 30 years later, now he has the retainer style.


Those screw implant types are expensive


My brother had the retainer teeth as well. He was missing the one tooth on each side of his front two. He used to wiggle them absent-mindedly sometimes. It was weird because he knocked out his two front teeth in an accident [the second set], but grew a third set. I guess the body just replaced the front two with the side two. I don't really know, but I've always wondered.


lmao same, if my other front tooth wasnt cracked and could stay in id totally copy her idea and have an easy pop in pop out front tooth, but 2 of them probs wont work right


It's likely a flipper (removable retainer) with a "tooth" that slides into the gap. You can flip it on and off with your tongue if it's not too tight. https://i.imgur.com/a/zqzm28j


To clarify, that image is of a standard partial denture. What makes a flipper a flipper is that it has no clasps. https://i.imgur.com/5I845So.jpg


This image looks like a Dark Souls boss, and I mean that with all respect to people who have to wear one.


I had one of those for a while as a teenager. They're fucking awful. Apart from feeling just fucking uncomfortable having a huge chunk of plastic in the roof of your mouth, they're just fucking gross. You can't drink water without having to suck spit out from under it, you can't eat without having to either pop it out in the bathroom afterwards to clean it, or taking it out before you eat so you don't get food under it. Its a perfect fit to the roof of your mouth, but it can, and does come loose every now and again, and you can't help but fuck with it. In the end I just fucking popped it out one day, stuck it in a drawer and never touched it again. Went from 16-18 with a gap right in the front of my mouth. I fucked zero girls. I went on zero dates. But I was more or less comfortable. Got a wing bridge as soon as I fucking could, which was also shit, but for different reasons, and an implant a couple years later which is a near perfect solution. You only notice it by the LACK of sensitivity in it.


>https://i.imgur.com/a/zqzm28j Learned something new today - thanks!


And that hat flick thing what the fuck why was that so satisfying


A buddy of mine in high school had it too. Even the same place I think. He would pop it in and out constantly, almost like how other people play with their hair or draw doodles when they're passively listening to something.


I worked there 20 years ago. I have all my teeth. Most customers automatically assumed I was the Manager. I was not. Nope that was Mary Jane, a demon from hell in human form. She'd scream at you anytime she was forced to interact with you. My favorite Co-worker was a parolee named Blue. She was a 45 year old white woman with dreads and tattoos from the chin down. She weighed about 78 pounds. Everytime anything crazy happened she'd go to the soda storage area and say "I can't get mixed up in this, I'm on parole!" It was a wild time.


I feel like I can hear and see that sentence being said and I don’t know Blue.




Come live in Jersey and you'll understand why we have so many 30 year smokers, hit it right on the head tho


In a way though, we all know Blue.


I pictured a younger Kathy Bates.


I immediately thought of Patty the daytime hooker from My Name is Earl. Now I wanna show about Patty and Kathy running a Waffle House and all the shenanigans that come with it.


>My favorite Co-worker was a parolee named Blue. She was a 45 year old white woman with dreads and tattoos from the chin down. She weighed about 78 pounds. She sounds like a character from Orange Is the New Black


If one of the writers said Blue was inspiration for a character in OITNB I wouldn't be surprised at all.


I had a Green when I worked in a restaurant. He had done some time, probably done some more since then. One night he asked for a ride home but needed to make a quick stop, that quick stop turned into picking up a buddy of his from Hooters, taking them out to some house in the hood, I waited in the car while they covered all the windows with black bed sheets, then took his buddy home and had to make 1 more stop which he showed me where his buddies keep the crack pipe any time they want to use it. Green never got any more rides home from me


Every fucked up story I heard in rehab started with “I gave this guy/girl a ride home”. Don’t do it kids. It always ends in crack…always.


Yep, 18/19 year old me learned a valuable lesson that day 😂


I can’t wait to use that sentence in real life.


Wanna be able to use it real quick today?


>"I can't get mixed up in this, I'm on parole!" bam. naw, I'm going to save it for the next time I'm at the bar and someone starts acting up. Love it.


I went around 9:00 one night in high school after a swim meet. We ordered our food, but I wanted a piece of pie as well. The waitress brought our checks to the table before I had a chance to order it, so I asked if I could order a piece and she could add it to my check. She looked at me and said, "Do you want me to stab you?" I laughed because I thought she was joking. She just stared at me and walked away, leaving my check on the table. I didn't get pie that night.


It is not so easy to just add something to the check after she's done. They have to go back, add the price of the pie (easy enough) and then recalculate the entire price, by hand. When I worked there, we technically weren't allowed to use calculators (we had a few hidden around but we couldn't let the customers see). Your supposed to tell them everything you want, from drink to dessert, when they take your order


Wait why were calculators banned?


Not banned, but it was WH policy. A calculator takes away from the whole vibe...according to the big wigs


My local waffle house advertised 'we way cooks higher than minimum wage' i applied, they offered $5.27, which was $0.02 cents higher than minimum. I would rather bag groceries instead of sweating over a hot grill for that pay.


Please make a post with your best stories


I'll give you one more Blue story before I throw my phone in a drawer and accomplish something.... I was new to waitressing, in general. My sister worked there in the mornings (golden hours) and made good money so I applied for part time at night because I had two toddlers at home. Huge mistake. (For those not in the know, morning shift makes bank. Night shift makes nada and it's like working in the House of A Thousand Corpses) I was on 11pm to 7am. But one morning I'm trying to clock out and Mary Jane is losing her fucking mind. She calls me and Blue to the crevice of an office and tells us she's calling the cops. The register is short $70. Curses us both up and down. Blue looks at me and Mary Jane and drops her pants and pulls her shirt up to her ears. No panties, no bra. She's like "You can check every crack I got but I ain't got your money." Then they both look at me and I'm like "Mary Jane, you can check my cracks too but we're gonna have to do it in the bathroom, sorry." So this bitch gets up and heads for the bathroom. In my mind I'm like *OMG I'm about to be prison checked by a racist, alcoholic, hillbilly demon. I can't believe this is happening.* I swear to God a light bulb came on over my head and I suddenly remembered, and shouted out like I was in church... "We paid the bread guys!" Blue damn near fainted from relief.


Oh my fucking goodness 😂🤣 got some fucking abs from this one. I am cracking up! Thank you for sharing!!!


> Blue damn near fainted from relief. Did she pull her pants back up first?


Blue is smart woman, can’t risk getting parole revoked over nonsense. No matter what the incident was or who’s fault it was, her parole is on the line if she was at all involved.


You my girl, Blue!


Tell us more stories sounds like an interesting time.




Here I’ll fix it for you. “with dreds, and tattoos from the chin down”


Good ole Oxford comma saving the day


It was a mighty impressive beard mind you, made all the more so by the fact she was a woman!


I misread and thought you said you worked there for 20 years. I had so many questions.


I like Blue already. She knows how to stay out of trouble! Good soul.


Ahhh And this is why we love Waffle House


That and their fluffy cloud like omelet’s and southern hospitality


Seriously. The food is great, it’s cheap, and the staff are always charming as hell if you come in with a good attitude.


Best place to go stoned or after a night of drankin’ ![gif](giphy|Hw6UVMpnc0oXS)


I absolutely love her fucking confidence! I wish I was more like this


Confidence is sexy


so is a waffle house uniform?


I was riding around with my mom and a friend of hers from work one Friday night and some young guys pulled up next to us reving their engine trying to get us to look at them. My mom turns to her friend, "Watch this shit!" Me: "Mom...please...dont..." (as this isnt my first time seeing her do this shit) She turns her head and grins at the guys showing off a pearly white smile. The guys: "Hey lady! What yall doing tonight?!" She popped her top dentures out and screamed, "You, if ya want!" They both screamed and the driver just screached off while the light was still red. I don't like my mom but this was definitely one of her funniest moments.


tell your mom i love her in a platonic funny way


Oh I would if I talked to her Gumby is a wild one with lots of problems


Tell your mom I love her in an explicitly sexual way


**shivers** I hate you


How DARE you talk to your mom's new bf with that tone.


Challenge accepted "daddy" cause she raised a beast


Tell your mom that I dont like her because you dont like her. Edit: words


Oh, I like you!




I’m a stripper, lots of times when a guy asks something inappropriate you have to just laugh it off or you risk offending him. I was laughing and joking around with this guy and he straight up asked if he could eat my pussy. I told him I was afraid he’d bite me and I’d have to hit him. Well, he spit his upper teeth out into his own drink and waggled his tongue at me. It was one of the very few times I’ve ever done a spit take. He wasn’t serious, of course, but he said the comedic timing was too good to pass up.


I have a question, what's the most *outrageous* offer you've ever received to have sex? I'm guessing it's an amount of money, and if so, how much we talking? But I'm more curious about the other offers - in kind, favors, or objects. I figure men hopped on on alcohol and testosterone have offered you the moon and back lol...


Been offered 5K for sex as far as money but the most worthwhile that was hard to turn down was free cars and houses. Dudes want to give you cars and housing for sex. Lots of drugs, any drugs I wanted over many many moons. I had guys almost throwing bottles of pills and baggies of coke at me not knowing that I prefer a large doobie and some lsd. I have gotten plenty of free drugs without sex involved, sometimes guys don’t wanna be high alone. Mostly coke, addies and percs but I have been offered rarely the odd Valium or bag of mushrooms and twice I’ve caught guys trying to slip molly in my drink. Gotta say though, prefer getting spiked with molly over any of the other date drugs, at least that’s euphoria and wanting to be around others.


Don't tell your mom anything because you don't talk to her, wanna talk about it tho? What happen?


I have, a lot. It's all here. Kind of you to ask. Thanks


ah you're welcome man, I hope you pull through.


Everyday is just a challenge but not a struggle I'm no longer hers and life's pretty good


I'm really glad to hear that :D tbh as someone raised by my grandma and no parents, I can assure you you don't need them, but having their support and affection takes a big role in your life, I do not care about my real parents anymore, my grandmother is both and I love her to death.


You are not wrong; I needed both parents like a hole in the head. It just took 30 years to see the light. I'm ok, promise.


I kinda love her


Same. She seems cool as hell.


The hat flick was a cool touch...


Cute. Funny. Confident. This is the way.


Same. I need friends like her.


She seems fun.


yeah i wanna hang out with both of them


Bet they make a shift fun as hell.


*when the tooth drops*


Well damn, I thought it was notorious for being fucking delicious.


I don't think delicious is the word. Familiar is more apt. I've never been to a WH and thought "Goddamn this is good!", but I've also never been disappointed as I'm leaving.


You don’t go for the food. You don’t go for the atmosphere. Honestly I’m not sure what there is. But goddamn do you go.


It's like Denny's or Ihop. You don't go to Waffle House, you just end up there.


At least IHOP and WH leave me feeling like I just had something resembling food put into my stomach. Denny's consistently does me dirty; one time my SO and I went in for unlimited pancakes, and those things were half-raw. 🤢 We pushed through the first batch of barely-held-together pancake batter, hoping the next ones would be okay... Nope! We left with our stomachs heavy and our farts smelling exactly like pancake batter. Not a great experience. The fact some dude got murdered outside that same Denny's just really serves to complete the ambiance.


Honestly, I go for both. My local WH is the best one I’ve ever been to and the staff is super friendly and welcoming.


I never leave without thinking, "Goddamn that was disgustingly good and I ate way too much"


You can't actually die in Georgia, you just respawn at your last waffle house.


I got mad respect for wh workers. I always tip super good. They are hard working people and the food is always super good


Agreed. Ive definitely seen some shit go down in Waffle Houses throughout the years but I absolutely love the food, not that many of us were picky at 3am while being lit, but still. The staff is usually cool and the food is well priced and on point. I got nothing but love for the Waffle


I had that same tooth taken out by an elbow in high school. I immediately ran to the water fountain and cleaned it off (after picking it up off the gym floor) and shoved it back in my gums. They were able to do a root canal and attach it to my jaw. Had I not put it immediately back in, I would probably have the same "setup" as her.


[you remembered](https://youtu.be/uYfxls9V2UM)


I quit WH last November after 6 years working there on and off. I do have all my teeth. I know quite a few people that have all their teeth. I know even more than don’t. Lol


> I quit WH last November after 6 years working there on and off > I do have all my teeth I'd quit as well if I suffered from workplace harassment due to my physical appearance /s


She's cute as hell.


Legend has it that the tooth is still at Waffle House cooking up some scattered, smothered, covered, chucked, diced, peppered, capped and topped hash browns right now




For real though she has a great smile.


My friend and I were tripping on LSD several years ago and we walked to the nearest Waffle House at 2am. Managed to meet this nice homeless man, got a booth with him, bought him a big meal, and talked to this guy for hours. Tripping absolute ball sack. At the end of our hours long existential conversations, he paused, looked at us kinda funny, and says “wait… are y’all trippin on acid?” We lost it 😂


Damn. I like her energy.


Shes strangely adorable


Nothing strange about a cute and funny southern girl being adorable.


This is true. Im a southern girl lol. I just meant even with her tooth out shes precious.


My desktop was almost smothered, covered, and chunked after watching that.


The diners up in PA only serve plain home fries. Like how am I supposed to eat my breakfast potatoes without the inch of cheese, onions, and grease


Ironic. That’s how I like my Waffle House hash browns.


Comin quicker than FedEx?


Never reachin' apex.


She's sexy as hell.


Yea she kinda cute


I'm with you here


Gotta love redneck girls.


Bruh that’s Logic.




Glad to see someone else got that vibe lol


For sure especially her accent


ya,ll come back now hear?


Fights are not why you expect workers not to have teeth, lmao. You expect them not to have all their teeth bc that’s just the kind of people that tend to work there.


I visited friends in Atlanta awhile ago and they kept pointing out waffle houses and I was like "why do they all look the same? with that weird black letters on a yellow square sign?" I didn't realize Waffle House is a brand like McDonalds. I thought waffle houses were just a type of restaurant like a steak house. Add that to my list of confusing southern things.


Not only do they all look the same, if one is always busy instead of expanding it they just open another a few hundred yards away.


Confusing southern things... is there even one other person that was confused by this? Particularly in Atlanta where there's well over a hundred of them.


Oh you sweet Summer child…


If it pops out that easy do you have to remove it to eat?


It fits like a retainer


Correct, it's called a flipper! Some people remove them (food gets underneath) and some leave them in while they eat. I had one as a teen for my 2 front teeth. Never did I have that kind of confidence! She's so cute!


I’m in love.


Had to carry my passed out girlfriend into my car after a party at like 3am, so I’m driving and I’m like ‘you don’t mind if I stop at awful waffle do you?’ (Lol) So I stop at the waffle and crack a window for her and proceed to eat the gnarliest smothered and covered vile monstrosity and right as I’m about finished one of the workers baby daddy comes in on some wild shit and the whole staff flies from behind the counter and beat his ass out the door I’m so fucking shit faced I thought they were coming after me for a second so I go ‘hey hey I don’t have any kids’ Lol, they didn’t even make me pay, so I just dropped a $20 for them and left I love Waffle House, I stole one of their coffee mugs and it’s my favorite one by far


She’s like Darlene in Ozark!


Funny is Sexy.


Ah yes, waffle house. Home of the bizarre nick names. Here are a few I worked with in my 12 year stint... Sunshine, pudd'n, goop, p'nut, sneak sneak, red, tink tink, and my personal favorite... "Shitt'n". No I'm not making this up. You can't make it up. I can't forget about a cook named Jimmy falling into the ice bin because he was drunk off his ass.


This chick is cool lol


I have this too! Lol it’s hilarious to talk to new people for a while with the tooth in then take it out and talk to them again. They never want to say anything but their eyes always scream “what the fuck???”


A few years ago I bought some thermal moldable plastic (cool stuff) for a project & I was amazed 90% of the reviews were from people making false teeth. Pretty cool, but also pretty sad that dental care is unaffordable to so many people! People are not judged lightly for missing teeth in America & I bet it makes a huge difference to people’s social & financial outcomes. https://www.amazon.com/InstaMorph-Moldable-Plastic-6-oz/


I think I love her.


There is so much I enjoy about this video. I have watched it loop over and over and over… The popping in and out of the tooth, the friend going crazy in the background, the tug and thump of the cap at the end. Masterfully done! Bravo! 👏


If this was 2 years ago I'd assume it meant White House and they were in the cabinet.


Real life Tiny Tina?


Holy shit! That tooth went back in place as smooth as butter


Ngl, still hot, and funny. She’s got my vote


She reminds me a lot of the character Fairuza Balk plays in The Waterboy. Ah, Vicky Vallencourt!


Please describe the hierarchy of American breakfast restaurants for a Canadian. Am I just as likely to lose a tooth at an IHOP or a Denny's?


Waffle House is in a league of its own. IHOP and Denny’s ain’t got shit on it. Being from the west coast I was horrified the first time I ate there, got an omelette like a damn amateur. Then I had their hash browns and the heavens opened up and angels sang. Once I moved back to California it was the only thing I really missed.


I remember one time I went to a WH in south Carolina. It was after a horrie day of delayed flights, long hours, and just a miserable experience. I was at the counter waiting for my food and had my head buried in my arms as I was dead tired. Three older black gentlemen came in and sat on either side of me. Without missing a beat, one wrapped his arm around my shoulders and said "Man the night has just started and you tired already! Come on man wake up! Time to party!" They were the funniest and sweetest guys I had ever met . Kept me company until my food arrived and were easily the highlight of my day. 17 years later and I still remember them. Good people at WH


Dude, judging from this one video, she’s got such a sick personality.


Her toothless ass is kinda cute


Wafflle house is the most consistent restaurant I've ever been to across multiple states. Right down to the decor.


Damn she look like Bobby Tarantino.


that little “iDont” was lowkey cute ngl


She's kinda cute


Man, in a really dark time in my life, WH was a shining beacon of relief. I worked in a slum industrial part of Houston at a job I had no business working for raising a child I only believed was my own with a wife who hated herself almost as much as she hated me at the time. I got dropped off at Waffle House every morning by whoever was gracious enough to afford me a ride, and I'd spend a precious $8 to just sit and eat a patty melt and chat with the employees for a half hour before going back to real life every day. Thank you WH.


My phone battery died while saying this


How the hell did it go back in ?!


I bet they call her bougie when she wears the implant in to work


No shirt, no shoes, no knuckleheads.


Mmmm I like that accent.


I rode a greyhound bus to Rome Georgia from Ontario Canada to see the singer of a punk band play a small acoustic set, he took us to Waffle House after. It was so delicious but had intense poop cramps for a few hours after.


Every time I visit my grandmother in Tennessee, one of the first things I do is go to Waffle House, usually at like 1-3 am after a very long flight. It’s always a pretty interesting and homely experience.


That flick of the hat at the end just made me fall in luv with her.


No shit. That confidence with a pepper of attitude. That's a ride or die person if I ever seen one before. My people.....!


She reminds me of a female version of logic


I took a bumble date to WH for our first "dinner date". She'd never been. We sat front row and center at the counter - bare in mind I grew up on WH so I'm very comfy. The look of pure horror mixed with absolute joy as she witnessed nonstop shouting, waffle batter being slung about, a toothless manager cooking and cleaning and serving at the same damn time - culminating with a perfectly cooked meal...I tell you what, ole-girl will never forget that rollercoaster of an experience. I knew she was "Immersed" when her indoor voice slowly became her outdoor concert voice without her realizing it - hollering at the top of her lungs about her favorite places to eat. I'm pretty sure she added waffle house to that list.


Idk why the way she says I fit right, in *flicks hat* is so hot lol


She’s a keeper


she’s so cute. and her friends laugh is adorable.