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Hey all, we will be having an AMA with a Sydney COVID ward registered nurse tonight at 7pm AEST. Just a heads up so you can start thinking of any questions you may want to ask 🙂


https://imgur.com/uOV7Wq6.jpg I don't have a joke today but my Iris flowered today and it's a little bit of joy I thought I'd share.


I appreciate this much more than any joke could


that's beautiful


Beautiful, thank you for sharing.


Well that makes smiles dude thanks!


Nice :)


Beautiful! Wonder if they grow in my part of the world. Dry but frosty over winter...


Legend. We need more joy in this sub, thanks


Beautiful! Mine have started up too and I can see them from the desk. Makes me happy.


Don't you think it's standing a little too close to the other Iris...


I'm really not ok with this acting "as a nation" thing when Gladys clearly deviated from the national strategy on "short-sharp lockdowns", and is now acting as a pariah acting godlier than thou


\*messes up initial protocols\* \*changes narrative to make it look like it was part of the plan\*


They'll get away with it, even if some on here recognize the BS. They literally changed the definition of Emissions Trading Scheme to mean Carbon Tax to retroactively paint Gillard as a liar, once the very definition of these terms was changed on her and were at odds with how the terms were used in the past and the rest of the world. Peta Credlin even boasted about it as one of her victories. Credlin is being rewarded with no consequences, Gillard is long since chased out as a supposed massive liar. Before the year is out, they'll have convinced a bunch of people that Scott Morrison was the hero through all of this, Gladys saved Australia, and the mean Labor leaders are responsible for anything bad which came from covid. Never ever underestimate how dangerously in control the conservative media monopoly is.


People who see themselves in Gladys and Scott Morrison, the kind of people who like seeing politicians get away with shitting in our pockets but tell us it's just hailing.


Unfortunately true....i fucking hate it.


>Scott Morrison was the hero 100% Credlin even said so the same last night. Just imagine Christmas hits and we're all vaccinated so the mood will change, parliament will stop for a while. Then by the new year there'll definitely be some big announcements and plans to take our mind off it, so come the March/May election no one will care about what happened this year.


Also when she was questioned about giving vaccines to Vic early this year, she completely forgot about Vic being part of the same nation. The same was when she locked out other states when they had an outbreak.


"They're not getting any. I caaaan't, I caaaan't" \*Two Weeks Later\* nAtIoNAl EMeRGeNCY


> *Few More Weeks Later* > > nAtIoNAl EMeRGeNCY We're doing great, these are great numbers.


I love the fact she prefaces the train wreck with "as we always knew..."


It's nauseating when she dresses up her failures as her being some kind of innovator.


Yep. She's a hypocrite


Its the language. All but telling other states that if you haven't gotten vaccinated we will open up and fuck you up. Wasn't only weeks ago she was mewling for help?


Wait wtf… Gladys: all of the deaths were unvaccinated Chant: one man was double dosed but had underlying conditions


You only just catching on to the fact gladys just says whatever she wants?


I didn't hear her say that exactly was that in her first speech thing, I'm pretty sure she said some vague statement about "predominantly unvaccinated people are the ones dying" which kinda hinted that a vaccinated person died imo.


7 deaths and she sounds very joyful. What a fucking cunt


I know an insider within Glady's team. Not reporting to her specifically but a person on a team that is privy to the meetings directly with her. Rumour is that she is very happy to see Vic's cases up despite lockdown since it now gives her a way out to deflect all the mistakes they did at the start along with a media scapegoat to single out if she gets hit with hard questions about rising cases/deaths/hospitalisations in the coming weeks. Also provides some validation (in her mind) that it wasn't just her fault and no state can do anything with "Delta". They are absolutely hoping that QLD and SA will fall too so that they can push WA + NT to fall in line. She won't acknowledge it publicly but you will see it in her snide remarks in the coming weeks along with the sneers that come with it.


Snide remarks and sneers are nothing new with her. That Kyle and Jackie o vaccine thing will remain etched in my memory


She's also obviously banking on infecting queensland, refusing to let us move the border checkpoints south of the border towns which makes so much sense for keeping covid out of an area without it, and has no reason to opposite it if she's at all interested in doing the right thing.


Now i know why i watched parks and recs... it highlights how shit all governments are


> They are absolutely hoping that QLD and SA will fall too so that they can push WA + NT to fall in line. We wont. Love from QLD. Edit: I am very angry at Gladys, after reading this leaked info. WHAT KIND OF A DEMENTED FUCK IS "HAPPY" TO SEE CASES ANYWHERE? What kind of sociopath HOPE other states fail so that they can blame shift about deaths in their own population. Incase you get cold feet and delete your post I am going to carbon copy it here: > I know an insider within Glady's team. Not reporting to her specifically but a person on a team that is privy to the meetings directly with her. > Rumour is that she is very happy to see Vic's cases up despite lockdown since it now gives her a way out to deflect all the mistakes they did at the start along with a media scapegoat to single out if she gets hit with hard questions about rising cases/deaths/hospitalisations in the coming weeks. Also provides some validation (in her mind) that it wasn't just her fault and no state can do anything with "Delta". They are absolutely hoping that QLD and SA will fall too so that they can push WA + NT to fall in line. > She won't acknowledge it publicly but you will see it in her snide remarks in the coming weeks along with the sneers that come with it. --- Further from OP > yea i might get cold feet but I wanted to caveat first that these points are all chinese whispers, albeit a good sourced one, so there might be some embellishing by the time it hits me. > IMHO I think "happy to see cases everywhere" and "hoping" might be a bit too literal and my understanding is that she is not so much wishing ill on those states but are more so happy she has a way out to save her arse. My guess is internal modeling is showing cases will absolutely be bubbling up everywhere due to the rising cases in NSW, no matter which state has hard borders, so it is just a matter of when it will balloon. > And when that happens, she is happy that she can continue push the narrative of "living with delta".."lockdowns are not the way to live".."look at VIC".."NSW is leading the way"... yadda yadda. To me at least, it sounds more like they are happy + confident they have a way out to deal with the media and public perception.


>WHAT KIND OF A DEMENTED FUCK IS "HAPPY" TO SEE CASES ANYWHERE? im not gonna call out user names because ive been in trouble for doing that before, but several members in here for starters, any regulars know who


Yeah thats true, many are on my blocked list.


I'm not saying I want QLD to fall, but if she lets it rip in NSW because of your close proximity it'll be really hard to stop it from coming in and I'm sure she knows this. There's just too many f**kwits and if the virus is rampant then the chance of one of them being positive goes up heaps. NSW is already screwing with Tweed, not allowing a temp shift of border. That said you're one of the only states building dedicated quarantine facilities so got a decent chance of keeping it out for longer if it gets up in time. Also will have Summer on your side and increased level of vaccination compared to NSW and Vic at the time of their outbreaks


yea i might get cold feet but I wanted to caveat first that these points are all chinese whispers, albeit a good sourced one, so there might be some embellishing by the time it hits me. IMHO I think "happy to see cases everywhere" and "hoping" might be a bit too literal and my understanding is that she is not so much wishing ill on those states but are more so happy she has a way out to save her arse. My guess is internal modeling is showing cases will absolutely be bubbling up everywhere due to the rising cases in NSW, no matter which state has hard borders, so it is just a matter of when it will balloon. And when that happens, she is happy that she can continue push the narrative of "living with delta".."lockdowns are not the way to live".."look at VIC".."NSW is leading the way"... yadda yadda. To me at least, it sounds more like they are happy + confident they have a way out to deal with the media and public perception.


A bit wary of comments like this in general but game theory suggest that's sensible in deflecting blame if others are the same and also make business open up/not lockdown (which is what one faction of the government pushed for) and accept the health impacts that come with having covid spread.


No empathy


I know an insider within Kinkora’s family. Not related to them specifically but a person in their family that is privy to relations directly with them. “Rumour” is that Kinkora is very happy to make things up to make themselves feel better about how Gladys is dealing with the situation. See how easy it is? Put up or shut up.


What's the source for this BS, you could say the same thing that there are thousands of NSW people who want to see VIC numbers "increase" so it makes them feel better.


she is ridiculous. Dr Chant's pale face compared with Gladys is weird as fuck


Don’t think she sounds joyful


Agree. Starting to get those Cucking Funt vibes now too.


I said it last week. We need to get her a FIGJAM mask or hat to wear at these pressers. Only possible way she could come across as more of a cunt than she already does.


please excuse my ignorance, but what is FIGJAM?


Fuck I'm Good, Just Ask Me


It’s absurd how after 10 straight weeks of this, Gladys hasn’t been able to stop smugly laughing whilst giving answers to questions.




Massive Narcissistic tendencies in display


She could answer however she wants, she knows the headlines tonight will be scathing criticisms of Victoria.


She learned from the best: SmugMo.


70% first dose! How bloody good NSW Citizens 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


70% was never going to be an issue though.. its the last 20-30 thats always going to be the concern.


That's why we need to encourage our friends, family and colleagues to get vaccinated and lead by example. Also we need the Federal government to provide more Pfizer; but we can do it. 🙂


> Also we need the Federal government to provide more Pfizer What… like from Singapore? They did the job our useless prime minister couldn’t. It’s pretty embarrassing when you think about it. Our prime minister going hat in hand to countries who have a glut of vaccines pleading with them lend out their excess doses 🤦


I honestly don't think another 10% will be that hard, there's massive demand. They still haven't been around to all the rual communities (so they haven't actually had any access) - think they'll want it even more with the current situation in Western NSW. There's also the under 16s that will be added, sure it doesn't add towards that 80% target (well it shouldn't as it is 16+) it will still have a positive effect. I honestly don't know where they get these hesitancy facts from, are they only referring to the Pfizer Vax or also AZ. There's some people 60+ who are for whatever reason holding our for Pfizer, so once everyone else has had the chance they'll get Pfizer and will also be part of the vaccinated population.


And she starts with a victim blaming spiel. Nice.


So they are going to open up at 70% double dose expected to be mid-October, the same time they expect to have the most fatalities


In predominantly voluntarily unvaccinated older people eligible since March


Yeah it’s harsh but at 80% double dosed, if you’re 50+ and don’t have your second appointment already or imminently then I’m sorry but we’re moving on, with or without you.


Yep young people have paid a big price for this. If you aren't vaccinated by the time we open up too bad.


This cannot be highlighted enough. When 7 people who have had the option to be vaccinated for over 6 months die of covid, that's on them. They chose not to take the stab.


Some people can’t get the vaccine. Not saying this is the case of these deaths, neither that we shouldn’t open up because of this. But it’s worth having some compassion.


When even lockdowns don't work well enough there's no other choice.


I’m not disagreeing. I’m saying that some people that die unvaccinated never had the option to be vaccinated. Let’s show some compassion.


Agreed, I'm sorry for the immunocompromised people out there :(


Chant said one of them was fully vaccinated, contradicting Berk.


since fatalities lag infections is is entirely possible that could be a prudent course. the real question is now new hospital admissions are going. the people that die today largely had that path set 14-21 days ago. horrible calculus but here we are.


Interesting that only just recently they are stating every death had underlying health issues. Really spinning the attitude towards the deaths.


It's completely pointless too. What 70+ individual doesn't have serious underlying health conditions.


Hell, how many people over 50 don't have some 'issue' And plenty of younger people too.


Exactly. I'm 32 and in good shape, I'd be surprised if I didn't have some minor issue.


Since when was an "underlying health issue" supposed to be a death sentence? Just because these people have health issues doesn't mean it's ok if they die.


Someone highlighted that obesity counts as an underlying condition here a few days ago, although I’m not sure if that’s how NSW Health defines it. If they do, wouldn’t at least 30% of their patients have an underlying condition?


Try 50% - and that’s the general population. If obesity is a comorbidity, then hospitalised headcount would be higher than 50% obese. https://www.google.com/search?q=nsw+obesity+rates&rlz=1CDGOYI_enAU773AU773&oq=nsw+obesity+rates&aqs=chrome..69i57.4426j0j7&hl=en-GB&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Yeah the rates of underlying condition if you include overweight, diabetes, asthma, chrons, lupis, cancer, etc etc is going to be pretty fucking high.


Or perhaps trying to keep people calm and encourage vaccination. People are going to die, even with vaccination but hopefully the numbers are significantly less than without it.


Gladys didn't kill people. Underyling conditions kill people.


I think its really unhelpful. Feeds into the narrative that it's not that dangerous unless you're old and/or have other issues. It should be highlighted that this can affect anyone.


I'm with QLD and WA on this. The national plan was not based on letting it rip at 70/80% when hospitals are already full of Covid patients. This is not what we agreed to. You can fuck off Gladys, you are on your own. Take Scotty with you and live in your Covid paradise.


Gladys is desperate for other States to join the chaos so NSW isn't the outlier.


Thank you for this comment, no one seems to realise this. The 70/80 was based on 30 cases not 16,000+.




.. and according to the Bio Hazzard hospital system will be 'fine'.




Reminding everyone its only 66 pages! We can do this. I am looking forward to the NT/doherty investigation into what our lower average age and higher risk groups look like. This modelling is for the magority of australians and leaves many, including kids, as risks/unknowns at this point. That’s how science works, and having seen a big talk by the dude from doherty i trust they aren’t political as best i can tell. So i expect them to amend and update like adults do. Not this hazzard/gladys/chant/scomo bullshit.


When I decided not to lockdown earlier, I always knew September and October was going to be bad.


If you've got "pre-existing health conditions" and are above 50, you're gonna be fuarked.


They always make it sound like they were going to die anyway. Might as well say "Last night a man in is 50's died, but he was a fat cunt so nothing we could do."


I'd appreciate if they said that. 50 yo fat cunt died. 60 yo smoking cunt died.


Clearly his fault .. the Willy Wonka golden vaccine ticket only works if you are fit apparently.


Gladys really does believe she is the PM of Australia, and is using revisionism to paint locking down NSW for 5 months as being the plan all along. Her smug attitude is shocking, and I'm now leaning towards McGowan's line of thinking.


..."as we always knew" is her favourite phrase ATM.


Gladys the omniscient one.


9 days without doing anything


I hope this doesn't become a reality in Vic but probably will.


The more people get vaxed now, the more chance you have of flattening the curve before it gets to this stage


Vaccination is constrained by supply from Scott Morrison. So far NSW has received at least 1 in 10 of their doses as rushed extras from the federal government, which I doubt will happen for Vic due to them being a Labor state. [An extra 50k in Mid-July](https://www.sbs.com.au/news/nsw-will-receive-50-000-additional-pfizer-doses-from-national-stockpile/ad8c36e2-8701-4419-888b-40bd4e8ddfc6 ) [An extra 180k in early August](https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/coronavirus/more-than-300000-pfizer-doses-on-the-way-to-nsw-and-qld-amid-lockdowns/news-story/378b95b18808c082d0ff477f99a4bc3f) [An extra 7.2k in Mid-August](https://www.health.gov.au/ministers/the-hon-greg-hunt-mp/media/additional-vaccines-and-support-for-regional-nsw-outbreak) [An extra 530k in Mid-August](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/australia-secures-1-million-additional-pfizer-doses-from-poland-20210814-p58is4) - Over half the Polish vaccines just for Sydney, on top of the remaining 470k divided between all states by population which NSW also received.


[Daniel Andrews himself](https://twitter.com/DanielAndrewsMP/status/1432928173449043970?s=20) not even a day ago: > There are 70,000 AstraZeneca appointments available in Victoria right now. > It is a safe vaccine. > It is an effective vaccine. > It the vaccine that is available now. > And that means - for the vast majority of people - it is the best vaccine right now. Oh, if only commentators in the media and here in Reddit hadn't spent a considerable amount of time encouraging and justifying vaccine hesitancy...


Yes and they're being taken up. Vic has used nearly all of its AZ doses. 70k outstanding when more is always being manufactured and transported is nothing.


Appointments. ie it takes time to roll out regardless of the vaccine. The official advice was to limit AZ to over sixties. The risk profile changes when the virus is circulating, which is why they changed their advice to speak to your doctor about your personal circumstances.


Vic received some additional doses when it had its cluster earlier in the year. Not as many as NSW has received, but NSW’s wave is a lot bigger.


Victoria got an extra 100,000 vaccines[Source](https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/jun/06/albanese-says-australia-cant-afford-more-lockdowns-and-new-covid-quarantine-facilities-needed-now) Also the extra 530k in August is only actually an extra 200k as it was distributed on a per capita basis between states


The 530k was being directed just to Sydney's 12 hotspots. Afaik that was on top of the split per population between states.


The 530k was the only vaccines NSW received from the polish batch. 320k approx represents the per capita, then 200k additional.


yeah people in vic should really be quite pleased they held off as long as they did.


Vic has used up nearly all of its limited vaccinations been given to them by the federal government. You have been told this multiple times but keep pushing this fantasy of vaccine hesitancy being a noteworthy factor. Nowhere in the world has been hitting vaccine hesitancy until 50-80%, and Australia has a higher acceptance of vaccines than most places.


I can't watch the pressers anymore. I used to have a template where I would update NSW cases and deaths, and specifics for the Central Coast and Hunter, and post it in my TAFE and family group chats. But watching Gladys smirk as she announces 1000+ cases just makes my blood boil. I'm in the Hunter, so my lockdown has been comparatively short. But the mixed messaging about the vaccine made me and many others I know hold out, because the vaccine recommended to me was not available yet. Then regional vaccines were stripped, and then we started getting cases. Myself and many of the young people up here won't be fully vaccinated until October, and if we wait the proper gap between doses and a few weeks for efficacy, not until the end of the year. Gladys will open up, Sydney tourists will come here, and those of us who have not yet been fully vaccinated will get fucked by COVID. The NSW government should be absolutely ashamed, but when Gladys 'beats delta', I'm sure all of this bullshit will be forgotten by the time the election happens.


Same. Today was my first day in recovery. I feel like I have escaped an abusive relationship.


So Gladys said none of the deaths had any vaccinations which was a lie?


Pet peeve of mine, people who say vunerable. Theres an L in there, use it.


Same people say ekcetra instead of et cetra. Pisses me right off


Can I aks you a question?


Is it something pacific?


"We need to show compassion" next sentence "We're in a pandemic. People will die, so be it"


".. but we can all look forward international travel."


Can someone explain why she’s saying October will be the worst month? I thought the whole point of vaccine was to prevent this?


Vaccines reduce spread/hospitalisations/death, but don’t eliminate it. This is a health crisis not a get vaccinated and we’re free type situation unfortunately. 20% of ICU beds in NSW are now Covid patients, and NSW is for the most part locked up. What do you think will happen once restrictions ease?




There’s plenty of beds and ventilators for a surge. It’s the lack of trained ICU doctors and nurses who have years of specialist training. Putting a nurse from an orthopaedic ward to ICU won’t help too much.


>Putting a nurse from an orthopaedic ward to ICU won’t help too much. The can still check if the patient is finally dead and call the morgue or if alive, set a time to come back later.


There are probably 300 non-covid patients in ICU. So 300 + 160 . They have 'surge' capacity but it's about staff not beds.


Without the vaccine it would be a far worse worst month


The death toll takes a while to catch up to the case numbers.


The vaccine rollout won' have caught up to cases to settle things until October is what they are saying.


Omg. Did Hazzard just come from a Hawaiian beach? Why the fuck is he so red. You hot like sunrise Hazzard 🌺


He went looking for Wilcania and got lost.


So Gladys basically just said that vaccine passports are coming, right?


They always were


Vaccine passports are part of Doherty and part of policy she has already implemented on LGAs, there is no doubt they are coming. For which I am glad.


I’ve already got it in my Apple wallet. Don’t see what the big deal against them is 🤷‍♂️ Happy for someone to eli5


How about starting daylight savings 2 weeks early this year? It would cost nothing and raise people’s morale to have an extra hour of daylight to spend outdoors


And fade my curtains? No thanks.




Or an extra hour in their parents basement


Seven deaths, 1,288 Covid cases and it’s boring. How shit and desensitising has 2021 been.


I reckon Gladys has a massive Messiah Complex. Has forced delta strain in Australia and now has these pressers where she positions herself as the savior of the masses she deliberately exposed.


Working on some rough models for ICU and deaths. They're based on the a 7 day average of Total Cases from ~12 days ago for ICU and 19 days ago for Deaths. I get no fun out of doing these at all. I hope everyday they are wrong and wish they were all zero. The forecasts will change daily, as it includes the current day's results to forecast. The dates are the figures reported to 8pm on that day. So the first line is for the figures from the daily press conference tomorrow. Date| ICU| Daily Deaths :-- | --:| --: 02/09/21 | 170| 4 09/09/21| 234| 7 15/09/21| ?| 9 Previous predictions Date| ICU Predicted| ICU Actual| Deaths Predicted| Deaths Actual :-- | --:| --:| --:| --: 01/09/21 | 158| 160| 4| 7 Key ICU levels (see below) ICU| Daily Cases| Daily Deaths --:| --:| --: 500| 2,441 | 19 622| 3,037| 24 859| 4,194| 33 *** #**ABOUT ICU** A critical aspect of managing coronavirus is the potential stress on Intensive Care Units (ICU). Points to remember: * ICUs were typically fairly full. Potentially each covid case in ICU is preventing someone with another serious and/or life threatening illness being treated. * Normally, patients are in ICU for three to four days. Covid patients are often in ICU for double that, and can be up to two to three weeks. * NSW ICU capacity per this [SMH article](https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/private-surgeries-in-nsw-suspended-to-free-up-staff-and-resources-202108 18-p58jw4.html) is currently estimated as aproximately 859; 622 public and 237 private beds. * ICU Capacity can be increased to 2000 beds, but there are about 500 currently being managed at 26/8/21 ([Source:The West Australian]( https://thewest.com.au/news/coronavirus/nurses-warning-on-nsw-hospital-icu-surge-c-3788301)) * There are about 2000 ventilators available, (Source: West Australian above), so potentially one per ICU bed. * There does not seem to be the same numbers of specialists, nurses, doctors, orderlies and other health workers to scale to the 2000 ICU beds as are the normal pre-covid levels. Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid said: "At the end of the day, you're going to reach a point where your already-trained staff are no longer available, and you have to go then to the next level. People who don't normally do those sorts of jobs, (you) have to retrain them." * So, let’s use 500 ICU as a warning level.


The cunt is fucked


And that concludes today's spin class.


‘Lotta people gonna die but hey you can go to the pub at the end of October!’ What a triumph.


"I don't want to acknowledge that reality so I'm not going to discuss those figures"


Im curious as to why that particular reporter keeps asking about Burwood LGA.....


Same with the pretty blonde who keeps harping on about hairdressers.


Cos there are less cases in burwood lga than other areas not in lockdown. The mayor has been asking what gives and is ignored


Woman who saved the country /s


I was one of the vaccinations! "Hi mum!!!"


Question asked should be "When will healthcare workers get their booster doses?"


Yay, we get free exercise!


~~due to NSW government botching the lockdown when we had the index case~~, Australia will have to learn to live with COVID. ~~Or else.~~


7 deaths. Such a complete and utter clusterfuck.


Since the start of this outbreak I've always said that it wouldn't be possible for NSW to reach the same number of deaths Vic did last year because older people have been vaccinated and aged care is more secure. But Gladys has exceeded my expectations and we're almost into daily double digit deaths, she's really trying hard to beat that high score.


Stop with the condescending attitude Gladys.


can’t stop, won’t stop.




This user has deleted everything in protest of u/spez fucking over third party clients


That ICU number is terrifying.


How many is it? I can't watch that psychotic bitch today. I'm having a mental health break


178 in ICU


.. and no-one will confirm when the beds run out.


The only numbers that the Delta Queen will discuss are they ones that make her look good.


Hazzard: ‘The hospital system is world class’ Looks flustered as fuck as he utters those words.


Hazzard looks flustered as fuck


Probably because now the AMA has written to the prime minister, that this madness can't continue. He blamed the nurses union for being negative, let's see what he's got to say about the doctors.


Do not like those deaths


These reporters have no idea and keep asking the same questions over and over. Gladys is trying to feign expertise and has stuck to a narrative while data is changing globally.


It’s a very bold strategy to be very ‘clear’ on what the Doherty modelling says and telling us all to look at it but at the same time deliberately not be clear (or transparent) on what the NSW modelling really says about October (and probably beyond)


So what lag do we think deaths are on from case numbers? Used to be about three weeks but could it be longer now given the different profile of the infected cohort and the impact of vaccines? Three weeks ago was mid-300s in NSW.


3-5 weeks now in icu means that we could see icu numbers continue to rise for awhile even as cases level off as vaccination rates make an increasing dent


Really is a desperate scramble now to minimise deaths. It sucks so much. In a best case scenario we should already be at vaccination targets, and even given the vaccine rollout delays, we only had to hold on for a couple more months and we would have had good vaccine coverage before things kicked off. I feel like the people dying now are a bit like those people you hear stories of who died in fighting during the first world war after the armistice had been signed but before the troops were told about it. We were so close, just had to hold on a couple more months. All the states have really been let down by the feds on this one.


This government ‘looks at’ a lot of things….


.. including the next election.


Chant’s back!


Blink rate/min?


Natural immunity is less effective than vaccine immunity? That's news to me.


It seems that it can depend on the vaccine and the disease itself. Some are more effective as vaccines. What is certain though is that vaccines are less risky. Chickenpox being the classic example would mean that you would not likely get the shingles as you get older if you got immunity through the vaccine..


Has the Gladyslighter moved on from “we could have thousands of cases a day” yet?


"There is no reason for anyone to accept either vaccine" - ok Dr Gladdy free GP advice today. Plenty of immunocompromised have advice not to.


This one of my biggest pet peeves (especially on this sub). There's actually quite a few reasons why a GP wou!d advise against AZ. I'm a reasonably healthy male in their twenties and I've had an entire side of my family advised to not get AZ due to a potential genetic condition. There is a not insignificant portion of people who straight up shouldn't be getting AZ. Anyone advocating for it without first advocating for seeking advice from a medical professional can quite frankly go get fucked.


If it was so obvious, we wouldn’t be asking you


Have a drink for everytime she says "obviously".


At least her messaging is finally honest.


As much as she has fucked this royally Gladys makes a good point about moving on and treating Covid as endemic


It’s her only option - there’s is literally no alternative now for NSW.


>It was always going to be treated as such even with 0 cases. Otherwise, we could never open the international borders.


Why do I feel worse seeing the VIC numbers :(


Why do they have to announce the vaccination status after each death announcement ? That’s confidential information ! Why not just say of the 30 people that died in the past week, 80 percent weren’t vaccinated ?


They actually break it down in the epi report, it’s at the bottom of page 14


No hospital numbers today?


957 (+40)


Another day of covid detected in sewage. This time for Bega and Cooma plus the Illawarra Shoalhaven. That is not good at all.


she doesn't say stay at home anymore


Not needed when you can 'exercise' all day outside.


Usain Bolt would have been have been proud of that microphone drop.


Another day where shits fucked


Are they going to give us the breakdown on the deaths or na ?