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90% of animals aren't service animals. Go back to that or let me ride my horse in.


You’re being generous, I would say less than 5% are actually service animals.


Globally, with all the insects and wildlife, I'd go so far as to say it's less than 4%.




You found some of their owners


But you need your horsey to make you feel better, don't you? It's your horsey named Fluffy?


No. (Filly)cheesesteak!


There are miniature service ponies. Legit service animals if you're blind like seeing eye dogs. I don't know about riding them in though, maybe if you were five but the same can be said about larger dogs and children.


Ponies can be trained to be sight animals, much like dogs!


The ADA only requires businesses allow dogs. Some states require any animal, and many businesses allow ponies of their building is built to the standards required to have something that large on such small footprint.


Oh, I'm aware, ponies being able to be trained as guide animals is just a fun piece of trivia


If I were blind I’d want a pony because I also have a bad back and ankle so being able to lean in the pony would be awesome. 


There are mobility service dogs that can help support people’s weight fyi.


Knowing what I do about dog physiology (which is limited to be honest) I can’t think of a way that this can be good for the dog. The reason we don’t ride dogs is their backs aren’t able to carry our weight, even with breeding. Otherwise you’d think we’d have riding dogs instead of horses.    From a quick googling it seems brace and mobility service dogs tend to be used for balance more than as a crutch to lean on when tired (or when your joints hurt). This makes sense as often one wouldn’t need to put a lot of weight on something to help with balance. 


> 90% of animals aren't service animals. How can you quantify this?


Just from my experiences as an employee, 99% of the animals I see are yappy purse dogs sticking out of a bag and/or running around the owner uncontrolled. Clearly not a service animal.


I understand the point you’re trying to make but being a “yappy purse dog” doesn’t disqualify it from being a service animal. In fact being in a purse hanging on someone’s body would make it easier to alert for something like low blood sugar. I know a lady who specifically picked a sassy yorkie as her service animal to help monitor her breathing because she wanted it to have “personality” if it was going to be with her 24/7. The dog was poorly trained, loud, and an absolute menace but it DID do an excellent job of monitoring her breathing.


And due to the past sentence she could be removed legally from any place of business.  You can’t have an untrained dog, one that’s a significant risk to others, walking (or riding) around a store. 


As an employee, what do you think are the requirements for a service animal? Edit: based on federal law under the ADA


A service animal must provide a qualified service for a disability. They must be well behaved and must be free of obvious diseases or they can be denied entry or removed from the premises no matter what service the owner claims. 


You are close. Here is the govt definition. I am glad you are being educated by actual federal law since none of your statements prior are accurate. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/


From THE SOURCE YOU POSTED: - "The dog must be trained to take a specific action when needed to assist the person with a disability." \[aka qualified service\] -"If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited.  In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded." must be well-behaved


Thanks, some people just can’t figure out how to reword things and so unless you quote it directly they think you’re wrong. Usually that indicates they don’t actually know what they are talking about.  Thanks for quoting directly and translating my from memory definition to the guy who doesn’t understand enough to paraphrase. 


> "The dog must be trained to take a specific action when needed to assist the person with a disability." Yes, that is the guidance from the federal govt (but not law). So how can somebody falsely claim 90% of service animals claimed are not?


This is a great opportunity to learn how the US Government works. Ou system is made up of rules that come from three sources: 1) Laws. The ADA is a good example. It's 42 U.S.C. §12101. They can't possibly account for every case, so it's up for interpretation which leads us to... 2) Executive action. The office of the president interpret's laws and enacts them. In our example, it's the specific interpretation. Some other example include the IRS guidance of filing a tax return on form 1040. Form 1040 isn't in the laws, but you still have to do it. These hold the same weight as laws unless someone can prove they interpreted it wrong, which brings us to... 3) Judicial review. If the judicial system reviews the facts of the case and determines that the exeuctive action went too far or misinterpreted the law, they will issue a ruling. That ruling has equal weight of law unless congress disagrees which brings us back to #1. It's the system of checks and balances, and it's essential for US Democracy to work. Even if you don't like it, the ADA guidance has equal weight to the law unless struck down by the courts.


Again, what I quoted is **guidance** from the feds, and is not **law**. It is a metric used by the **feds** to enforce said law. Do you need further understanding of the law since you seem to not understand?


Like u/polkaguy6000 pointed out, in not wrong.  You should learn to reword things, it helps you understand the meaning of the things you cite.  > Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability.  The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. This means a qualified service. Aka a service that qualifies as assisting a disability.  > Q3. Are emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals considered service animals under the ADA? >A. No.  These terms are used to describe animals that provide comfort just by being with a person.  Because they have not been trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.  However, some State or local governments have laws that allow people to take emotional support animals into public places.  You may check with your State and local government agencies to find out about these laws. Thus, a service dog is not an emotional support animal.  > In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded. So a dog that is not under control or is behaving badly can be asked to leave   Please tell me what part of my statement you think is false  


Not sure why you are bringing up emotional support animals. Can you explain why you are bringing something irrelevant?


What service is a dog in a purse providing? Emotional support animals are not service animals. There’s a difference. Source: https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/ “Under the ADA, a service animal is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The task(s) performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability.”


There are a lot of smaller dogs that are seizure alert dogs. Size does not quantify ability.


My dog can smell my blood sugars as a diabetic. He can also fit in a bag. Would he not be a service animal?


I think the problem is people like my mom, with her tiny yorkie mix who is a freaking hot mess, yet my mom insists she’s her “service dog” and brings her everywhere. It’s embarrassing af. People see so many entitled owners like my mom, and they just assume all small dogs are fakes. It’s cool that your small dog has a big size super power :)


Not unless he is officially trained for that reason and has proper documentation to back it up. Instead, we have much better sensors that monitor that much better.


Documentation of any kind is not required by the ADA and owners are explicitly allowed for train their own dogs. “Officially trained” isn’t a thing.


He is both. I don't use him in public and now that I have a cgm his alerts are mostly just for show. However there was a point where I needed him and still refused to have him in public because of dickheads who want to "call out all non service animals". It wasnt worth the hassle. So your ideology does exactly what you want it to, but also swings to far in the other direction. Way to go.


What are you talking about? I provided no ideology? You asked a question and I gave an answer. And present alternatives to having a living creature perform a task we can do now much better without one. There was no ideology present or given. What were you thinking I was saying? Remember any tone or inflection you read from my post was put there by you, not me.


Misread your username, my bad! Also cgms are kinda prohibitively expensive without insurance and I know many diabetics(formly even myself) that can't afford one with insurance because their insurance sucks. There's a place near me that does cheap or even free training on dogs under a certain age for a variety of things for that very reason. It's not ideal but for some people that is necessary and asking for papers or the like is a deterrent to use a legitimate tool for their disability.


Your source doesn’t have a purse requirement for said service dog.




Where does federal law say a service animal cannot be in a purse?


Found the guy who brings his untrained dog in with a service vest he bought online.


*untrained ferret


Huh? Why would i bring a pet to a store?


Why are all of your “questions” posed in such a smart ass, snarky way? What does federal law say about that?


What do you mean?


As an employee, it’s not the employee’s job to define requirements. That job lies with the employer and it’s legal department.


No, the duty lies with the federal govt, as the federal govt outlines ADA policy.


What I meant is it’s the employer’s job to comply. The employee is just a cog in the wheel and has no say.


The business has no say as well. It is settled federal law.


I never said they had a say, I said it’s their job to comply. And that means yes, to federal law.


Correct. The employee, and the business, has no say on federal law.


I suspect that more than 90% of so called "service" animals are not service animals. When you see an untrained animal it's not a service animal. When the few people you know that have "service" animals are the only loser-scammer type of people you know, then the odds are that this is just another one of their scams. Seriously, who thinks that most of these pets are doing anything other than being a beloved pet?


What do you think are the ADA standards for classification of a service animal?


Well, one of them is that the animal is only guaranteed access if it behaves. So I’d imagine ones that act out in public are seldom trained.


What does “act out” mean?


Bark at random customers unprovoked, tug on/visibly resist going where their owners are trying to, go up to and harass a working service dog. I saw a lot of service dogs working retail and food service. A good 50% of them had no form of identification (required where I live) and/or behaved as above.


“Acting out” does not make a dog not a service animal. It only means the business/public place does not have to allow it. > A good 50% of them had no form of identification (required where I live) Oh, I see. You do not live in the USA. I do not know the laws for service animals in whatever country you live at. There is no requirement for any identification of a service animal in the USA per the ADA.


Because the majority of people lie. You can’t tell me a teacup Yorkie or other dog that fits in a purse is trained to be a service animal. You can also tell by how the dog behaves in public spaces. A guide dog 🦮 or other service animal is focused on the job and not anything else. As for emotional support animals, that’s the biggest scam going. What did people do before psychologists and psychiatrists enabled them?


You’re just plain wrong. Yorkies are regularly trained for sleep apnea and low blood sugar off the top of my head. I’m sure there are plenty of other things that just require them to smell or listen as well.


How can you prove a lie?


Pretty sure like 90% of animals have an exoskeleton so unless you have a support crab it shouldn’t be too hard.


What animals does federal law allow you to legally have a service animal?


The ADA only allows (enforces) dogs as service animals. 


> The ADA only allows (enforces) dogs as service animals. And who disputed this in this chain?


OMG you’re too much. You make vague statements, knowing how they’ll be interpreted then when called out on your BS claim that’s not what was said.  How old are you? You argue like you’re 8. 


> You make vague statements, knowing how they’ll be interpreted then when called out on your BS claim that’s not what was said What claim did I make regarding the actual ADA law, or any statement, did you falsely believe is vague?


Everything you’ve said in this entire thread has been “go do your research” when the person making the claim is correct. 


https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/aug/12/fake-emotional-support-animals-service-dogs While no governing body keeps track of the figure, a study from the University of California at Davis determined the number of ESAs registered by animal control facilities in the state increased 1,000%


Emotional support animals are not service animals and are not covered under the ADA. 


That guy just wanted more savingsssssss.


Thanksssssssssssssss amigo


Shoplifters upgrading their game. Stuffing the "support snake."


Seriously people who carry reptiles and birds everywhere are absolutely attention whores


Totes! Take your python to Venice Beach just like everyone else! People are too busy blowing their wad at Costco to care about your exotic animal


I saw a guy with a baby kangaroo in his messenger bag and he told me he had another kangaroo in his van. He offered to show me and yes I did follow him and can confirm he did have another kangaroo in his van. In other news I can be lured to a van with the promise of kangaroo


Was this at an Australian Costco?


Nope, Colorado


Giiirl, same.


I know this is stating the obvious but the service animal thing has gotten out of hand.


For a moment I thought I was in r/datascience with that title


Pandas are NOT allowed in Costco!


Imagine the pandemonium if ‘condas and polars were..


Using Rrrrrrrrrrrr


I thought I was in the data eng subreddit and was like “what’s DA? Data analyst? Another millionth engineering acronym?”


Pet snakes often carry salmonella, they don't belong in grocery stores


Groceries, often carry salmonella. No snake has ever caused a national food recall. Lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes...that shit has potential to hospitalize consumers or, worse yet, all that is still in the grocery store.


I'm pretty sure he told you it was his **emotional support animal**.. they all do..


In a way, it is. Wasn’t given enough attention as a child and this is how they cope. As a prop for their attention whoring


Where was this?




Oh! I live near New Orleans and I thought this happened in this warehouse location.




Which one?


There is more than one Minnesota?


In church a few years ago, during the “great your neighbors” portion I turned around to the person behind me and was face to face with a woman wearing a huge live snake. Barely managed to shut down the startled Oh shi… reaction, but c’mon… in a church? I took it as a sign not to sit so close to the back after that, lol


Did it have an apple in its mouth.


Was her name Eve by chance? Talk about bringing temptation into the congregation! 😆


Zero animals in public buildings!! (Seeing eye dogs of course get a pass) All this is ridiculous




My emotional support honey badger is still OK, right?


Sure, Honey Badger doesn’t give a f**k.


When will we ever require state board licensed psychiatrists to write a prescription for a support animal so that these kooks have to leave their salmonella creatures at home?


Can I bring my peacock?


People have become attention seeking a-holes with feelings so sensitive that they feel the need for constant assurance and recognition of their sensitivity. This post itself will likely offend the majority of people on Reddit and get downvoted quickly.


The whole emotional support animal bullshit needs to be curtailed somehow. People's dogs are literally shitting in shopping carts and licking food.


Well, I guess Hulk Hogan isn’t allowed in then?


So are 99% of dogs in Costco


Slippery slope from people worshipping dogs in this society


I'll take a guy with a snake but I don't like navigating around pit bulls in the store.


Why single out pits? I don't disagree about dogs in general, but the breed doesn't make a difference.


I like snakes, and I’ve owned snakes in the past. But I never casually strolled around in public with my snake wrapped around my neck, much less inside a retail store. Nobody wants to see that, dude. In fact, some will be absolutely terrified, and perhaps he thinks that’s great. Yes, these people are attention-seekers, so to speak. Guess what? Snakes don’t need to be walked. At all.


Hi! It’s me , I am absolutely terrified of snakes. You do you, but I really don’t want to encounter that in a public place 🙂


Exactly. That’s why I would never. And I wouldn’t own another one to be honest, it’s just too much maintenance. They really aren’t meant to be caged, either. And by the way, it’s perfectly normal to have a fear of snakes. It’s the snake people that are different, and they can be different privately, not in the aisles of Costco.


We definitely saw someone with a bearded dragon on their chest a month or so ago, not sure how they got through the entrance with that one.


But snakey wants a glizzy


Was this in Philly? I was downtown Philly last year & some guy walked into one of the train stations with his "pet" wrapped around his neck. I thought I was going to die. After I recovered from the shock of seeing this, I told one of the security staff. How is this allowed in public places?


It sounds like you encountered a situation where someone brought a python into a public place, perhaps trying to garner attention or passing it off as a service animal, which isn't appropriate or safe. Here are a few thoughts on what might be going on and how to approach such situations: 1. \*\*Misuse of Service Animal Status\*\*: Firstly, bringing an animal into public spaces under the guise of it being a service animal when it's not is not only misleading but also illegal in many places. Service animals are specially trained to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities, and there are strict guidelines about where they can accompany their owners. 2. \*\*Seeking Attention\*\*: Some people may bring unusual pets like pythons in public to draw attention to themselves or for shock value. This behavior can be disruptive and make others uncomfortable. 3. \*\*Lack of Awareness\*\*: It's possible that the person with the python may not realize the impact of their actions or the regulations surrounding animals in public places. Education about appropriate behavior and animal regulations may be needed. 4. \*\*Safety Concerns\*\*: Depending on the environment and the behavior of the animal, there could be safety concerns for both the animal and others around it. Pythons are powerful animals and can pose risks if not handled properly. In such situations, it's important for those managing the establishment (or concerned individuals like your associate) to calmly and respectfully address the issue. They can remind the person of the rules regarding animals in that particular space and explain why their behavior is inappropriate or potentially harmful. If you encounter similar situations in the future, staying calm and focusing on the safety and comfort of everyone involved is key. It's understandable to be frustrated or bewildered by such behavior, but addressing it in a respectful and factual manner is usually the most effective approach.


This is such a thoughtful and well organized reply. Especially since so many would just lazily copy & paste an answer from ChatGpt.




Did you run this through ChatGPT


Well yeah


Realistically, someone who's rocking a python emotionally bonded with their pet.


Snakes are cleaner than kids. I said it.


Meh, decades ago when I worked in mainstream retail briefly people came in with slow snakes like that. Literally nobody cared. Maybe it was for attention; if so just ignore them. If it really was a service animal, just ignore them. A snake on someone's neck literally does not physically affect anyone else in the slightest.


That is why Sam’s is a better experience. You do not get the entitled costco member types. Everybody is civil.


I am not a member of Sam's club, but I do go there every once in a while with my daughter. It feels like Costco of the Star Trek Mirror Universe.


Right. Instead you get the Walmart overflow, worse products and an overall lower quality experience. Imagine being a cheerleader for the Walton family 🤣😂.


My experience is the opposite. Sam's has grocery pickup and the quality is the same or better.


+1 on the pick up options. And delivery and shipping too, without having to use a third party like Instacart. Curbside is the next thing Costco should work on introducing.


Curbside... So I can go on the app and see if they have what I'm looking for without even going to the store. Sometimes I'll put stuff in my online cart (for Walmart or Sam's) and then go inside and shop for it myself because I know there's a 90% chance it's on the shelf.


They also have a functional website and Scan and Go.


And they have scan n go, so you spend zero time at checkout.


Oh Yes, us Costco types are simply better than the rest. Nothing but the best for us and by god I will bring in my serpent.


> Oh Yes, us Costco types are simply better than the rest Thanks for proving my point


But don't you get People of Walmart member types?


Yeah I think I'll take the occasional Python Man over the common Walmart Man




Right…. https://preview.redd.it/2u66rxh26e8d1.jpeg?width=1850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5896a9a3ac199b3d531af328374106a73791713


No different than a dog and probably a better animal to have in the store, unless it had real service dog training which does not exist in America. I recently saw the receipt checker offer love to a puppy that spent the entire shopping trip in the top of the shopping cart. I didn’t have time to explain the laws that don’t matter to her.


Says the attention whore... nobody needed to read this on reddit.. Shame your karma farming didn't work out