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Does everyone have bad tap water or something?


We use Brita water pitchers and Hydroflask insulated bottles. Tastes great, stays cold, and we don’t have to deal with all that plastic waste. Edit: of course, you have to start with water that is safe to drink. A Brita filter won’t make unsafe water safe to drink, but it should significantly improve the taste of safe water. It makes our tap water taste better, and so we don’t have to buy bottled water.


I got a brita too for at home  but for job sites outside water bottles are just better to give out to the guys. Couldn’t care one bit about the waste. 


A lot of people have hard water that isn't pleasant to drink depending on the minerals. Most municipal water is usually just treated for bacteria, not hardness. Finally, there is still a shit-ton of lead pipes out there. I personally have a filtered water pitcher for home, but when I am out doing errands, I need to drink about a bottle of water per hour that I'm out of the house (I have a health condition). I keep a case of Costco water in my car so that I don't have to stop at every other convenience store. Additionally, I find that my girlfriend and I drink a lot more water when it is hot out (probably related to sweating).


Still tastes like plastic to me.


Filter your bottle water. Remember: soylent green is people.


I'm writing a musical sequel to Soylent Green; set in Brooklyn in the early 80s, it's focused on a fast-growing pizzeria chain. The working title is "PEOPLERONI!"


Lead contamination tastes sweet, not bitter.


If it's this one, no, it tastes the same here (Cincinnati). https://preview.redd.it/cvq25j838t9d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2595905c5a5622cd3499a148193731a08005a11e


Yes it is that one. Glad to know it’s not an issue in other regions. I wonder if it has to do with a change to the water coming here or if all the water is bottled at the same area.


I find that if the bottle is in the sun too long, the taste changes. Straight heat can do that too. I usually buy a case in the middle to bottom of the pallet and away from the ends since it does taste different to me. For me, if the bottle feels especially pliable, that is the 'tell' that it is going to have an 'off' taste.


All bottled water needs time to sit. The water you got was straight from the bottling. I don’t have the right terms for it, but this was explained to me by one of the Costco regional managers. Something about giving the minerals time to settle. I’m sure a google search would answer more of your concern.


People still buy bottled water?


A slow store can go through 15-20 pallets easily in a day.


I buy a few cases to store for emergencies so I cycle through them every 6 months or so and drink them to replace with new. Like many people I just drink tap water usually and that’s fine to me. But yeah shitloads of people only drink bottled water. I see tons of people loading up several cases every time i go to Costco. And I have a few friends who always drink bottles.


Yes?  What kind of question is this? You think Costco sells crap that doesn’t sell? Last I checked the pallets of water bottles are cycled various times throughout the day. What a silly thing to say haha.  At our job sites outside I buy the workers waters, so I buy like 3-4 of these cases per week.


That’s what you call.a rhetorical question.


If anything, I've noticed over the past couple months that the caps are different and seem like they are already opened (they aren't...I checked like 7-8 when I saw the change) and the labels keep falling off. Water seems same though. Chicago area.




I never cared for the taste of Costco’s bottled water. Something off about it. 




That’s what you get for STILL drinking bottled water in 2024. I have no problems with my hydro flask and numerous areas to refill it through society


Some municipalities have awful water. Las Vegas for example the water from the tap tastes like a mixture of swimming pool and toilet. Whenever I visit there I pretty much stick to bottled water. If I lived there I would probably drink bottles too or see if an expensive filter system would make it drinkable.


Las Vegas will eventually just recycle piss. Or maybe they are already. Place is a desert. 


They, like many cities in the southwest use gray water for landscape watering. But lake mead and the Colorado river will likely remain the primary water source for human consumption. I imagine in time recycling water and atmospheric capture will become more widely used in places like Las Vegas.


Water will be recaptured during Soylent production. Like on Arakis. 


Lol is this some sort of humble brag? Newsflash people can do both use metal jugs AND buy bottled water. I go through 3-4 cases per week. I’ve seen my warehouse go through various pallets throughout the day when I’ve gone twice in one day.


Tastes fine to me in the southeast


I've never liked the taste of Costco bottled water. Just tastes strange to me so I get another brand at the store.


Taste is off and the bottles aren't sealed.


Yeah I’ve seen that too. Some bottles seem soft so I give em a squeeze and air or water comes out. Kirkland water is pretty bad at my warehouse.


Yes! The Montebello location in California, it taste very minerally. The Alhambra location, it taste fine