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Once she knew she wasn’t going to win she made it a joke “other companies are curing cancer like we just make bronzer guys” ummm take the L and move on! Classless wench.


So does anybody know yet who won?


Not them! https://www.ey.com/en_us/entrepreneur-of-the-year-us/gulf-south/winners-finalists


Guessing not them from her latest story 


The way she laughed through ‘Companies Like, Curing Cancer’ disgusted me in a way like no other! And that’s after getting on her IG every chance she gets to get pity about her dad dying of the disease. What a F’ing LOSER.


I am honest to god shocked at how modest and appropriate her awards dress is tho….. like damn even a clock is right twice a day I guess 🤷‍♀️


Meh. It’s still loud, attention-seeking, NOT “classy” nor appealing/appropriate for this event. I’m sure her only thought was “cover the rocks”


And we are all happy the chest was covered and it didn’t have a slit up to her vagina!


The other outfits in that stage appear to have gotten a different dress code 


So dipshit wants to be “classy”? Maybe she should have more class on her TT with her language. Class all the way. Some things you just can’t fake!


From the EY website just as an FYI for how much Courtney is exaggerating the importance of this award lol: Who can submit a nomination for consideration? Anyone who is associated with a successful entrepreneur can nominate a candidate. This includes spouses, employees, bankers, attorneys, public relations managers or entrepreneurs themselves. Self-nominations are encouraged! After all, no one knows the dimensions of an entrepreneur's success better than the entrepreneur.


Her hair looks awful!! Like, all this "effort" and she couldn't even do good hair?


Silver closed toed heels?????? With a silver disco ball dress? Hideous


Wow Kelli Anne pushing dibs hard today! She’s been MIA with this crap for awhile!


Again no YouTube podcast video and it’s interesting we’ve seen Kiersten less and less lately…I wonder how long until the closet lady fully replaces her lol Adding to the Mildew Manor and EnableLiz discourse, Catherine mentioned on today’s podcast episode that Courtney has never once changed her water filter. Imagine where she would be if that financial safety net and the hand holders just melted away! Side note - has Catherine ever explained her hat line and how it’s all about being local to Austin but from what I’m gathering she isn’t even from Texas?


Mildew manor always cracks me up 🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂


Think of all of the other maintenance CourtMe has never done


Hey Court, you know you can start filming after you’ve already put on your shoes and when you are in reasonable lighting… We don’t need to see you struggle to lift your leg onto an ottoman to tie your shoe, only to display your 🐱 in the process… We don’t need to see you putting your dirty shoes on furniture, we already know you live in a filthy mess of a home… Also, stop with the narrative about how much of an honour it is just to be nominated, you’ve already crammed this narrative down our throats for months now… we’re bored, we don’t care, and we aren’t rooting for you to win. This is what you call content?? You’re bad at your job.


I love your comment!🤗 Hoping Courtme reads this one twice!


I am willing to bet Dibs had to pay for her nomination, it’s like the Emmy’s. I never realized they had to pay fees to be nominated, Michael Richards (Kramer) from Seinfeld paid $800 for the nomination fee since producers refused to and went on to win an Emmy is ‘93. He had said he really wanted an Emmy so he nominated himself. Who would even know who Courtney Shields is randomly? This is what I can’t stand about her, she always tries to act like she’s some celebrity.


Some of the dresses she tried on actually had a little class…who wants to bet she tosses those and wears the gaudy sequin dress?!


I just pulled up the EY site. Looks like the Awards isn't really all that more special than any old business accolade. There are winners in several different regions (they split the US into 17 different regions) and then theres like 40 nominees in the region she's nominated in alone.


It’s actually worse (not as prestigious) than that- 40+ FINALISTS in *each* region. Self nominations. Numbers manipulation. I mean for heavens sake their “Austin Corporate Address” is a local north Austin post office box. 🙄🙄


For all that is good and holy, please do not let her win this stupid entrepreneur of the year award! We will never hear the end of it.  Sweetie those claw nails are also not classy!


I'm guessing her newest boyfriend likes her to dress classy instead of trashy. She's gone from wearing completely see through dresses to covering up her fake boobs with a high neckline on everything she wears. This guy seems to be changing her for the better. Although it's still sad and disgusting she changes for every man at least these are changes in the positive direction 🤷


Did you miss the pic of her braless in that chain link top she posted to her LTK? It wasn’t much better when she wore it with a bra to CMA fest.


No I didn't miss that. But she has been covering her boobs up on IG more. I'm not saying she is classy. I'm not complimenting her. I actually think it's sick how she changes so much and I have actually you never said anything positive about her. But I do see her changing to try to be with this little boy wants


You are correct. She changes for whatever 🍆she is with. This is very common with narcissistic and borderline personality disorder.


It’s funny how everyone’s perspective can be so different! In my mind she has been dressing and acting trashier than ever since meeting Baby Boy and has reached peak stunted train wreck status.


Her swimwear is still wildly inappropriate.


Courtme seriously needs to StOp with ReLaTiOnShip TTs...engaging comments are far less then 20 on most ! Do Love Watching her make a fool of herself though!🤣😂 as Courtme says, Wishing you well!


I have no idea how a man could be with a woman who’s constantly bashing men daily in her tiktoks. It would be so awkward, she’s posting stuff about ex’s, I’d be pissed if my boyfriend was constantly talking about how to get a girl and his ex’s ☠️


You & your boyfriend have common sense and do not play head games with each other giving you each the stability & happiness! Courtme plays immature games and is not capable of keeping any long relationship nor any MAN...🤣